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An Unusual Ghost Sighting!


My name is Shourrya and this happened to me when I was 11-12 years old.

I went to my native village during the Diwali festival which was in the month of November then. Just to give a brief description of my house in the village it is a two-storeyed house not much big. We had to climb the stairs to get into my house then there is a chowk type (a platform like thing made of concrete) and then there is a small door and then a big main door. Besides the chowk there is a wall which has designs on it through which you can look at what is the other side.

Although,we live in city we frequently keep visiting our village.

So,for the festival of Diwali all my cousins and elders had gathered there. The day we reached there we decided to play hide & seek and it was around 9PM in the night. I was the denner. I was searching for my brothers when I saw something through the wall that was beside the chowk (the chowk was well lit). I thought it must be one of my brothers and I went there to find no one. I thought it must be my mistake. As I was a child I forgot about it and started playing again.

Next day went somehow but was little unusual the cat started giving weird sounds all the day as we were playing cricket. Towards the evening time about 6PM we went to have a walk around the village. When I checked the time it was 7:45,so we decided to return home as it was already dark. The streets of the village where dimly lit. Barely 1 out of 5 houses used to hang a single bulb outside their home that too would be the shop of the village. Just when we took a turn to the road to our house I clashed with somebody I said sorry and just turned. I again turned back to see because the dogs were barking like anything. I just went to see what happened followed by my two brothers. This gave me my scariest moment of my life. The man with which I collided was walking and a car was approaching him, he just walked through the car. I got a chill down my spine and started to run. When we reached the door of our house my brothers asked me why I ran? I just said wild dogs were approaching us.

Sorry,for my bad english and grammatical errors.

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shourrya_cool (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-22)
Amor I hit his arm. He was wearing a black jacket. Ghost stories did'nt prevailed in our village as it is a happy place and god is worshipped every day. Every year in the month of April there is a main Puja organised in which people from nearby villages also come. I think it was just a passing spirit who tried to attack me but because of the strong customs it could'nt. ❤ ❤ ❤
Amor (5 stories) (64 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-21)
Hi Shourrya,

Such an interesting and creepy experience. I have to ask, though, if you ran into him head on, or just hit his arm or anything. If only you could remember. Did you notice what he was wearing? You could be very sensitive that you saw him and even felt him, while the car driver didn't. Either he's a ghost or something else. 😨

I'm glad you are okay. I'm sure he also noticed you could actually see him.

There are stories here in one of the provinces I've visited, where a ghostly village appears with people in old-fashioned clothes living in it, like us. Many reported getting there at twilight, even visitors! But not all could see it. I'm sharing this because one kid plays with the kids from there like they are real ones. Some people are sensitive enough to sense phantom things as if they are of this world.

Take care,

shourrya_cool (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-21)
Cuddlebear Diwali is a festival of lights which is celebrated every year in India in October-November (the date varies). The car was very much real as I knew about the car because I had seen it many a times before because not everyone has his own car in the village.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-19)
Shourrya Cool ~ Great name (Sure Your'e Cool)

I am curious about your thoughts on the man you bumped into. As the figure was solid enough for you to bump into, it seems more plausible to me that the car he walked through was a phantasm - a thing of the non-physical realm.

Also, as I'm woefully ignorant of the customs of your land could you tell us what the Diwali Festival is about?

As to your command of a foreign language, you wrote far better than I could in any non-native tongue. Well done.
shourrya_cool (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-19)
Melda I think my grandmother did'nt want me to get scared. About the ghost I think it intentionally got bumped into me and I think dogs were barking at ghost as they can see them and as I like seeing dog fights I turned around but did'nt get a thought of the person.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-19)
Shourrya - I think that there could be some logical explanation for what you saw hiding behind the screen. Perhaps it was some sort of ghost, perhaps not.

I was wondering whether the man who bumped into you was the same man who walked through the car. I tend to get irritated with people who bump into me and then don't apologise, so I would also have turned round to see where he went and you know what you felt and saw.

I know that you can be physically touched by spirits and I also know that spirits walk through solid objects, so you experienced both phenomena in one event! I think that's a pretty exciting encounter.

In all probability there are a few ghosts wandering around the village that your grandmother doesn't know about. Being a grandmother of six myself, I can promise you that grandmothers don't know everything 😆

Regards, Melda
shourrya_cool (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-18)
Temilicious A few years later when my grandmother came to vist our home, my parents were out for the whole day I asked that is there any sprit in our village, she denied. I asked her a many times but everytime her answer used to bo the same.
shourrya_cool (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-18)
RCRuskin It was a white thing which I thought was my brother. But when I went to check there was nothing I ignored it as I thought it would be my illusion.
shourrya_cool (1 stories) (8 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-18)
Haven It just went past the car towards the isolated area. The driver did'nt honk.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
Hi Shourrya -

That was must have been a very scary thing to see. Do you recall if the man disappeared or just kept walking? Do you know if the driver of the car saw him? Maybe he honked?

By the way, I was able to easily understand and follow your story, your English is good. 😊
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
And there's nothing wrong with your English (considering it is not your mother tongue) - your narrative was easy to follow and understand. Many first language English speakers speak Minglish anyway LOL
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
Greetings, shourrya_cool

Oh my, I would have bolted too, thinking how the man made contact with me, yet walked through a car.

Did you feel anything odd when you bumped into him? Like a cold chill for example.

It is strange that he knocked into you, so perhaps he didn't see you in time.

Thanks for sharing.

Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-16)
Hi Shourrya,

Odd how, he collided into you, yet the car went right through him. Wonder if he did that on purpose, and if so, why?

Know this happened a while back, but is there any way of finding out who he is, and what happened to him.

The first experience's question I had has already been asked,

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-16)
I am with Ruskin here, Shourrya you did good in telling your experience in a foreign language.

It would be helpful to us if you could give us brief description of what you saw while your hide&sike game.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-16)
Hi, Shourrya. Your English is a bit choppy in spots, but I think you wrote better than some native English speakers I know.

First experience you wrote involved something hiding behind a wall/screen sort of thing. Do you recall anything about it?

As for your second experience, I'd be freaking out as well if I saw someone walk through a car like that.

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