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This happened in 2014. I had finally decided to try out a DVR, since it was included with the satellite dish package I purchased.

Mind you I never really learned how the thing worked, so I never got much use out of it. However one day, I noticed that it had recorded something on it's own. I found it strange because I had never really sat down and figured out how to operate it.

Naturally I was curious as to WHAT it had recorded, so I pushed play and to my surprise it was a recording of an old show called ' Bonanza '. The only time I had ever heard of this show was from my Dad when I was a kid. But here it was. Even more peculiar was that it only recorded part of an episode. I was taken a back by the whole thing and decided to just leave it for a few days.

During those few days I kept thinking about it and wondering HOW this could even be, WHAT it was all about.

My Dad had passed away about a year prior to this and I began thinking that maybe he was trying to tell me something. So I finally sat down to watch the recording. In this partial episode it involved a Dad and his sick daughter. She was bed ridden and the father was grieving at her bed side.

The father seemed so concerned for his daughter, and wanted to help her but could not. He sat there and tried comforting her with his words, as she lay dying. Then the recording ended.

I knew that up until this point I had already dealt with several health issues and surgeries, while he was alive and he had been there for me. So I couldn't help but wonder if my Dad could now forsee some new health concerns, since he was no longer living. Was he trying to warn me?

Not too long after this I began having new health problems and am still having issues that I am currently seeking help for. And I've had to have more surgeries too.

I honestly feel like my Dad was trying to tell me of these health issues and that perhaps he wanted to be here for me, but could not.

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Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-07)
Berggraf38- hi and thank you for reading and for sharing your own experience. It didn't sound silly to me, magoo was obviously a connection you two had when he was alive and it was his way of reaching out to you in the after life. I think it's very cool 😁 knowing that our house oved ones are still watching over us is comforting.
Berggraf38 (3 stories) (26 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-06)
And I didn't write "I believe this was your dad" as validation I know you don't need that, I was just impressed by how he contacted you.
Berggraf38 (3 stories) (26 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-06)
I believe that this was your dad. My dad also seemed to contact me in several ways after he passed. The first one sounds silly, but it was a cartoon on Youtube. My daughter and I were looking for cartoons to watch 6 days after he passed and immediately Mr. Magoo popped into my mind. It seemed odd to me because we had seen a bunch on youtube about a year and a half previously and I hadn't thought of Magoo at all since then (even though we watch a lot of cartoons). When I searched, one I had never seen in the results was the first up. It starts by showing Magoo go into an Army base called "Wide Sands Missile Base" and getting saluted by a military policeman while driving in.
Here is what makes this too uncanny to be coincidence- I moved back from Washington State to New Mexico and took a job at White Sands Missile Range to be closer to my dad, but he passed 6 days before I started the job (As I wrote above, this happened 6 days AFTER he passed.) Also, my dad had been a sergeant in the military police at White Sands for 3 years when I was a kid! I printed out a screen shot of the saluting MP and have it hung up in my room.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Cuddlebear- hello and thank you for reading and for your input as well. Like I said in my story I never did figure out how to operate the DVR, nor did I have the desire to do so. The device just sat there unused and the ONLY person to ever touch it was the satellite installer when he hooked it up. One day I noticed a red light on it and eventually pushed play. I full heartily feel it was my Father trying to warn me of my current health conditions.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Sleeping with steve- hi and thank you for reading and for your input, it means a lot to me πŸ€— I strongly feel it was my Dad trying to warn me of my current health conditions and I have to admit it was sort of comforting to know he is still watching over me. Thanks for the heartfelt wishes
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-01)
Dar77 ~

This is an intriguing story and very sweet. I am very Sorry to read about your health issues, I wish you well.

While it is possible that just by "playing around" with a DVR you could "accidentally" record something it is stretching credulity to suppose you could accidentally record something pertinent to your condition, especially for a show you are unfamiliar with. If you could come up with the name of either the actor who played the father of the daughter you could likely find the episode in question.

As a child I remember Bonanza, it was cancelled when I was 13 (I just did the research). Back then TV was a lot more limited than it is now.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-09-30)
Hello Dar77,

What a coincidence. I just finished watching ' First born', an episode of Bonanza and by chance came across your post.

I have every episode of Bonanza recorded. It brings back fond memories of my father who always watched the series. I remember sitting in the lounge room trying to figure out what the program was about. Now as an adult I completely understand each episode has family values or life lessons and wholesome viewing.

I often read posts here, I up vote the member and move on to the next post. After reading your post I felt like you father is obviously around trying to communicate with you.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Best wishes,
😘 ❀ 😘
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-30)
Luciajacinta- I am aware that bonanza is available for viewing on certain channels, but like I had stated I never figured out how to use the device and we had satellite dish. Unless the DVR could somehow set itself up and record a partial episode that had some relation to myself than I honestly feel my Father was trying to communicate with me. I didn't share my story in order to ask whether or not someone believed me, I don't need validation. I merely wanted to share what happened 😁
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-30)
Lunahenry- thank you for explaining that to me, makes perfect sense πŸ€—
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-30)
MrsRamsay- hi and thank you for taking the time to read and share your input 😁 I highly believe it was my Dad trying to communicate and thank you for the get well wishes tooπŸ€—
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-30)
Mrs Ramsey, one of the local cable channels has Bonanza on regularly, MeTV, I think the Inspire channel has it on too... I watch episodes all the time with my elderly clients in my home health job. They are quite good shows actually. I think it could randomly record an episode if you accidentally set it for a channel and a time period, but I agree, it has eerie coincidence with the sick daughter. If it brings you comfort, no harm in thinking it could be from your dad:)
Lunahenry (2 stories) (50 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-29)
bittersweet because:
Bitter: you are sick again.
Sweet: that your father is still with you to comfort you.
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-09-29)
Me too, healing prayers!
I absolutely believe this was paranormal/supernatural/your dad! When was the last time any of us saw ANY kind of re-run of Bonanza? I find this absolutely believable and wonderful and hope you're feeling better soon.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-28)
Hi Cherubim πŸ€— thanks once again for reading and for your thoughful input 😌 I really do believe it was him and it is comforting in knowing that he is still here. Can I ask why my story is bittersweet for you? Thank you for your kind words and prayers ❀
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-27)
Oh how bittersweet this was for me to read. I believe he was there with you through the DVR and recorded Bonanza for you. 😊 He's still looking out for you. I'm also sending healing prayers your way. ❀ God bless you.

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