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Something Demonic


As I've said before, I have always dealt with unusual & paranormal things. I've become use to all of it. However in the current house I'm living in that we are buying, there have been some things that I feel are out of the usual hauntings I have dealt with.

They say that demons and such are known to work with the number 3, in order to mock the trinity. This is why I believe that perhaps this time around I may be dealing with something of that nature & to be honest it worries me!

In the 2 years that we have lived here, I have heard a number of disturbances, my dogs have started growling and barking at nothing. They also refuse to go in the back yard at night. I have felt the blanket on my bed move, and on a few occasions my kids and I have heard someone knock on the door 3 times, only to find no one there.

Normally when there are spirits or energy in a place, I can usually pick up on it and I felt a bit of relief when we bought this house because I didn't feel anything attached to it.

So I am a bit confused as to why there is something here, but I didn't feel it when we moved in.

The first thing that happened, was this: My son and I were in the kitchen cooking some sort of snack and he had gone into the pantry towards the back of the house. I was standing at the stove tending to our snack and thought that he had returned from the pantry, because I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye walk up near me. When I turned to him, the shadow quickly moved away and vanished.

On several occasions I will be sitting with my dogs late at night and will hear a bump or something of that nature in the kitchen area and the dogs will be looking over in the direction the sound came from. At other times randomly my dogs will start growling and barking at nothing. At night they act frightened to go to the back yard to potty.

My husband works nights and so I sleep alone, and there have been times I felt the blankets move slightly or as if something caressed my side. My bed frame is iron and a few times it sounded like something banged on it.

On a few different occasions, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and heard 3 knocks upon the door. We found it odd because of what time of night it was, when we would check to see who it was there was no one there. Furthermore the door that had been knocked on was not the front door, but the door that led to the living room that was attached to the mudroom.

When we first moved in and hadn't put up the fence yet and my husband had some of his tools laying outside; just outside the mudroom, I was sitting in the mudroom late one evening next to the window; which I had open because I was smoking. I was caught off guard by the sounds of someone or something just outside the window going through my husbands tools. I was amazed that someone would have the nerve to do that when clearly people were home, so I gave a cough as to let them know I was there and aware that they were on my property. They immediately stopped rummaging through our things, but after a few moments began again. Then I heard them leaving and saying something. Not sure what that was or if it was even anything paranormal, but pretty unsettling nonetheless. The following day I decided to go and see what the thief had taken, but to my surprise nothing was gone.

Several months ago, I decided to invest into a spirit box in hopes of communicating with my deceased father. Although I was getting a pretty decent amount of input, I never did hear from my Dad. I became convinced that what I am dealing with here is not a spirit and may wish me harm. I was sitting in the mudroom, late at night and with only a candle for my light. It seemed to draw them closer to me and I would hear lots of chatter through the box. The voices were warning me of danger and then they went silent. A little while later I started hearing low growls emanating from the box. It freaked me out so I turned it off. I turned the lights back on and was just sitting there sort of alarmed at what I had heard, when I hear 3 scratches on the wall just outside my window. I felt it would be in my better interest if I quit messing with the spirit box for a little while and put it away.

Several months went by and I had a craving to pull out the box once again. So that's what I did. The box was pretty silent, but then I heard a voice tell me 'yours' and that the door was locked.

I found it creepy because I was sitting by the back door, which I had open and had the screen door shut and locked. The voice said harm you and then let out a growl. Needless to say I shut the box off. Since that night I have gotten rid of the box. But every night while I'm sitting out in the mudroom, with the door open and screen door shut; I always hear the stairs shift and something hook it's claws into the lip on the metal of the screen door.

I am not about to move out, this is our home. But I am afraid of having something evil here! Any suggestions as to what I could do to rid our home of this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dar77, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-07)
Rookdygin- hello and thank you for your enormous help! So far it still seems to be very effective, but if it does return I will definitely do it again. I also think I will do like you do and do the cleansing a couple times a year for good measure. Once again thank you so much!
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-07)
Goggzy- well hopefully they can have it down asap! I will keep you in my thoughts
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-06)

I have been following this experience sense it posted and I am happy that the cleansing has worked. I am also glad you are 'keeping a weather eye out' to see if the activity starts to pick up again.

The cleansing is not a one (1) and done 'ritual'. I myself perform it within my home at least twice (2) a year with 're-applications' as necessary. I also 'shield' my property, out to the property lines.

Shields/Protective's come in various forms... I can provide you with how I do mine or you can ask around or perform a wee bit of internet research a find something you are comfortable with.

Thank you for sharing your experience and I am glad you found some help. Please ask any questions you may have. I will do my best to answer them.


Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-05)

Thank you. Sadly they need my signature at certain points making just leaving the place impossible. Once the house is completely demolished it will be getting fenced off and left unused.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-05)
Goggzy, my heart goes out to you 😕 that had to be extremely difficult! Glad to hear you are no longer suffering. If I were you I would stay far away from that site. I will keep you I'm my thoughts and wish you the best of luck
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-05)
I tried getting psychiatric and had to see neurologists as I was so sure something was wrong with my brain wether it be mental illness or a brain disease.

At one point I was 100% sure I was starting to have a schizophrenic break.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-05)

I tried everything up to and including exorcisms luckily the house that caused the issue is in process of being destroyed.

All I ever deal with now is things I either bring home with me from other cases or from that site. Even now if I go back to that house (Site) I still don't feel like me.

I don't really suffer anything now and I'm way more careful now than I ever was.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-05)
Gogzzy- I am sorry to hear of what you are dealing with right now. You say you got some help on this site, did you try the cleansing ritual disclosed in the comments? It really seemed to work for me, perhaps it could also work for you. Apparently several others also had similar problems and used the same cleansing and they too had success with it. I highly suggest you give it a try! As for the oppression you mentioned I believe I was afflicted with a such thing myself, I thought I was losing my mind! I even sought out mental help and medication for it. The medication bit was short lived as they had me taking some strong pills and I was passing out at all hours of the day and pretty much in a vegetable state. I took myself off of the pills and then reached out to this group and like I said did the cleansing and so far so good (knock on wood)
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-05)

Yeah I had a lot of emotional issues while dealing with my attachment. This is usually classes as oppression, you could read my story but I'd rather you don't, this is due to you being smart enough to ask for help and the people here giving it. I was offered lots of help on this site but I wanted to prove 100% what I was dealing with as demonic and I admit I screwed up I should have took others advice maybe would be different.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-05)
Goggzy - hello again and thanks for reading and for your input. After performing a cleansing ritual given to me on here, I have not had any more problems. So far it seems to have done the trick! It did seem too easy and so I keep watching and waiting for some signs that it has returned, but so far so good. You asked if it affected others in the home and I would have to say yes, I myself had been struggling emotionally a lot and there had seemed to be an abnormal amount of illogical tension going on. However since the cleansing, that seemed to dissipate.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-04)

I hope this is over for you. I have had my own dealings with something demonic unlike you I wasn't smart enough to deal with it before it got abusive (which will end up happening with demonic hauntings). I don't say this too scare you as it sounds like it's over. Obviously there's still a chance the spirit that was there was demonic. Can I ask if anyone's attitude or personality changed in the house during the events and if so if they are adults.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-04)
Twilight1011- I am happy to report that I followed the cleansing to a T and since then I've noticed that there have been no more disturbances. So for now it seems that it worked and I cannot thank you enough, you are a life saver. I also wanted to add that for good measure I have even smudged my home as well. It has been so nice not hearing or feeling those things anymore. Hopefully it is a permanent riddance! Thank you, thank you, thank you 🤗
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-27)
RCRuskin - hello and thank you for your concern, I appreciate it. I am currently working on a cleansing ritual I was kindly bestowed on this site. You are absolutely correct in that we shouldn't toy with communicating with spirits, but I wanted to contact my father. Believe me I have learned my lesson.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-27)
Hi RCRuskin,
I submitted a story called "Walking in the Dark". It is the beginning of the activity I mentioned.


Since I submitted that story, things have escalated. My mother will no longer go outside after dark without a chaperone.

I added some more information in the comments of that story.
I now think that it is the ghost of a child.

I would appreciate any input - Maria ❤
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-27)
Hi, again. I've been rereading this event for a few days now, and looking at the comments. While I too am curious to communicate with those on 'the other side', I am too nervous that I might get something I don't want to talk with. Your experiences, both DAR and LeaLeigh, have me concerned. If possible, Lea, could you submit your experience as an actual story for this site?

I pray for the safety of both of you, and myself.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
Lealeigh- spirits seem harmless enough, but when we use things like spirit boxes or ouija boards we are allowing more to come through. I wish I hadn't messed with the box myself, but I was hoping to talk with my Dad. I suppose I just need to give up on that idea and try to fix the mess I've made here.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
Cheribum- thanks for reading and for your input. Spirit boxes are not a good idea, and I now regret having used one here. I fully intend on trying the cleansing ritual I was given on here and hope like hell it does the trick! I will let everyone know how it turns out. And thank you for your concern🤗
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
Aussiedaz- hello and thank you for reading and sharing your input. I would find some comfort in thinking that these patterns of 3 could be just my Dad or someone I knew that passed, but for now I am. Going to treat it as something negative and give the cleansing ritual a go. When the caressing happened I was fully awake. Again thank you for your suggestions.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
Twilight1011- thank you so very much for the cleansing ritual, I will give it a go immediately! I will let you know how it turns out.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
Hi Dar77

There would be 100's of accounts on this website where authors have reported accounts involving three knocks.

I have had personal positive experiences with 3 knocks when communicating with loved ones who have gone home or crossed over back to the land of love.

There seems to be a blanket systematic rule of three knocks from those on the other side when trying to reach out and let who ever know they are there.

Not to say a mischievous lost soul may be annoying you for other reasons by doing the same thing.

Often they don't know how much it frightens the living or sometimes they do? However they can usually read your thoughts if the intent is a good one.

Next time when you hear it, you can try communicating with it as I have on occasions to a point of even working out what they were trying to tell me.

The other account of feeling something caress you may be something else, it's not necessarily related to the three knocks if your senses have been heightened with an ounce of fearful expectation and you're on the borderland of falling or waking up out of sleep.

Regards Daz!
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
I'd be concerned as well, especially when the dogs are afraid. I'd take the advice given here for the cleansing ritual, I'd like to know about it too. My friend had a spirit box and used it at my house. When she asked who was here "something" started cussing her out?! 😨 We were shocked. Now after reading your story too I'm convinced I don't want one. Thank you for sharing your story, please keep us updated and stay safe. ❤
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
There's no way I'm going to try to speak to whatever is outside.

Yesterday, something threw a rock at me. I was walking through a big field behind my house.

It was 11:30 am. I didn't see anyone and it's a really big area.

It could have been a little kid playing "guerrilla warfare" laying down in the grass but I stayed for a while and no one appeared.

I have to think that if it was a child, they would have reacted in some way because they actually struck me with the rock.

I'll take your advice on not messing around with a Spirit Box. I wouldn't want anything to feel welcome enough to continue playing games with me. - Maria ❤
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
Rook's Cleansing and Shielding Method (as used by myself and many other members of this site)...

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)
☆ Here's the cleansing ritual from Rookdygins profile on here, if you would like to try it. I hope this will help you, and I look forward to hearing any updates. Good luck!
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
Silverthane61- hi again and thanks for reading and giving your input, it is appreciated. I believe what you say to be true about the 3 attacks and I think it would be at the infestation & oppression part now. I am at a loss as to what to do because I have no religion. I have been researching on the different ways of ridding/cleansing a house or person of such things, and yes it seems religion is the most effective way. Seems I have my work and research cut out for me. Thanks again
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
Lealeigh- thanks again for reading another one of my stories and I don't think your question is dumb, not everyone knows of spirit boxes. It is a device that sort resembles an older radio with the dials and stations on, I personally would connect pieces of crystals and copper wire to it to draw a stronger connection (I learned this from a guy that makes his own spirit boxes) and you just talk to them and find the setting using the dials to communicate with them. Takes a lot of time and patience. Also they're not cheap, but if you're intrested in communicating with spirits it is one way of doing so. But I don't suggest it.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
Hi Dar77!
This might be seen as a dumb or naive question:
What is a Spirit Box? I looked it up on Google but the results were vague. I was wondering how you were using it to receive words.
I'm only curious. I surely do not want to talk to whatever is wandering around outside of my house.

Best Wishes, Maria ❤
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-26)
Infestation, Oppression, then Possession are the three stages of demonic attack against individuals. If this is what is happening to you, then you have to act quick. The best way that I have read to dispel evil spirits is through a battery of prayer, cleansings, and blessings by an individual strong in faith. I hesitate to use the "e" word (exorcisms), because no one has been possessed. There may be other methods of addressing the alleged haunts, but I do not know enough about them to talk about them here. Please, keep us updated.
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-25)
Wisconsinlady- hello and thank you for reading and for the input. I love your outlook and optimism on this matter and would love it to be the case, but unfortunately I don't think that it is. I really appreciate you and your positivity though and your kind thoughts 🤗
Dar77 (10 stories) (64 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-25)
Twilight1011- hi and thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and sharing your input. It is greatly appreciated. This being something I have never dealt with nor do I have ANY knowledge about, it is a bit discerning. I feel almost helpless as I am not religious. I am willing to try anything that may help at this point. I know I need to do something and soon, as it knocked on my bedroom door three times the other night. I'm still not sure if it came from the outside of the door or from inside my room. That same night my room felt icy cold, more so then normal and even with it being so cold I still turned on the ceiling fan above my bed (to help with my hot flashes) I had my back towards the bedroom door and could feel the cold wind from the fan against my neck, but right around the time I heard the 3 knocks I felt hot air on my neck suddenly. Please, please, PLEASE... If you can point me in the right direction for that cleansing you mentioned, I would be so very grateful!
WisconsinLady (1 stories) (52 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-25)
I like Twilight1011's reply. The cleansing mentioned is in rookdygin's profile.

As for the number 3, I completely believe and respect you and your situation. But I thought this info might be helpful to keep you from being too frightened... One of my major BAD numbers with my diagnosed OCD is 3. Over my 30 years of OCD, I've discovered that A LOT of things happen in 3's. Which is exhausting. So, if you notice something happening in 3, it might very well be a negative entity, but it could just be a natural occurrence that happens in 3... Because, like I said, lots and lots of things happen in 3's. ❤

Stay safe and keep us updated! Thanks for sharing another story!

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