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It was a day like normal. I was heading down to the basement to do some laundry and cleaning next thing I know my cats started to freak out. I didn't know what was going on I have gone in the basement hundreds of times but nothing like this. The next thing I remember is I was at the bottom of the stairs and when I tried to push myself up off the floor I couldn't move my left arm. My friend called 911 and I went to the hospital and found out that I had shattered my elbow in 5 places. That night my boyfriend came over to help me get ready for bed and noticed that I had 5 perfectly noticeable finger prints on my back. We both had no idea where they came from.

I also remember that when I first moved into the house outside I had seen what looked like a 10 foot tall something in a black cape with a tophat and bright red eyes. I have seen it one time after the incident and it was smiling with a grin that I will never forget.

As of this time I hate going to the basement to do anything. I'm afraid that whatever is outside is now in my house. Everyday I start to notice that my cats will sit in front of the basement and hiss and growl. It's rather scary, since I live alone.

I wish I knew what or who this thing was. If it had been alive or if someone is doing this to me. I have absolutely no idea. And recently I have been hearing sounds and voices down there. I have actually thought about putting a tape recorder down there to see if maybe I might be able to figure out what it wants or who brought it in my home.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Angeleyez78, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-18)
The "Hatman" seems t be 1 entity that has minor changes in appearance. It is also seen in company with other shadow creatures who give it obeisance. It seems to be some type of "Shadow person supervisor". I hope you are able to rid yourself from him.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-16)

My first question will seem 'cold/callous' and I do not mean it that way. You stated that... Well let me quote your experience...

"I was heading down to the basement to do some laundry and cleaning the next thing I know my cats started to freak out. I didn't know what was going on I have gone in the basement hundreds of times but nothing like this. The next thing I remember is I was at the bottom of the stairs and when I tried to push myself up off the floor I couldn't move my left arm."

Is it possible that your cats (how many) may have caused you to trip because they were 'freaking out'? (Sorry the mundane must be considered).

The next question is...

What did the fingerprints look like? Were they fresh impressions...i.e. Red 'dots'? Or were they 'older-looking' i.e. Darker in color/fading or perhaps greenish/black bruises?

My second question is trying to establish the timing in which the finger 'prints' may have happened... And if it is possible they may have occurred during your treatment for your elbow.

You mention a 10' tall entity that you have seen 'twice'? Were these sightings both on your property/in your house or outside your home in your yard/just off your property?

Do you know any of your home's history?

As far as the cat's actions... Please check for possible 'critter encroachment' because our pets will react to animals in the walls well before we may notice evidence of them being around. Cleansing has been suggested, please feel free to use the one posted on my profile or research your own... Either way an exchange of 'energy' never hurts.

Oh, worry not about recording those possible voices... If all you do is set up and turn on the device without asking any questions/inviting anything to speak then no 'invitation' has been given to the spirits but you may just capture evidence that there is 'something' happening in your basement.

Please keep us posted and ask any questions you may have.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-16)
There are experiences with the hat man where the only truly identifiable characteristic is the fact the 'entity' is wearing some sort of hat. Each instance is unique and it is not always the same 'style/ of the hat either. While top hats or fedoras seem to be the most mentioned I have heard/read about 'entities/spirits' in all manner of hats from Cowboy to Greek Fisherman. The 'why' of it is... Well it could be that is what the spirit wore when alive, or perhaps, for whatever reason, the 'style' of hat causes fear/anxiety in the individual having the experience... No definite answers for that one.


Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-16)
Thank you, LuciaJacinta. Since I posted my question about Hatman, I did a little bit of browsing on the internet but I feel better about asking you (or anyone else here) another question.

Does the Hatman always have to have facial features that you know of?

I wasn't clear at all when I posted the first comment in this thread. I apologize.

About twenty years ago, I saw a shape in the home of my mother's third husband. It was like a shape cut out of matter. It was solid black and to my mind then, it seemed to be the shape of an old man in a bathrobe. The shape could have been interpreted otherwise as a man in a long coat.

There were no discernible features anywhere in it's entire being. The only reason I thought it was a "man" was because it was much taller than me. I made a description of this experience on a comment on another story but I can't remember which.

There was much turmoil in the house during those years but I don't attribute it to this entity. I believe it has more to do with my mother. She has been struggling with substance abuse for all of her adult life. I live with her again now and I can see that my presence has been helpful to her.

Thank you for answering my other question.
- Maria ❤
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-16)
There are many stories on here and also all over the internet of the hatman. It's a quite common apparition. It might be the same guy that really gets around or it might a whole pack of similar entities. I've seen him as well. It really is a mystery of how so many people have seen the same person.
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-15)
Oh no! 😢 I'm so sorry that happened to you. Know that you're not alone because I've been attacked/injured by something recently in my home as well. Many here recommend rookdygin's cleansing method. I need to go to his profile and check it out too. Also, if you go to the top of the page and click on "Directories" you'll find paranormal investigators with phone numbers in your area for help. I just found a number and called it leaving a message about what's happening with me. All I know to do at this point is pray, sending healing prayers your way Angeleyez78. Thank you for sharing your story. Keep us posted!

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-15)

I think that I remember once hearing the name "Hatman". I'm not a great watcher of YouTube videos so I don't remember where I heard the name. The name rings a very indistinct bell in my mind.

Do the people who speak of him consider him to be one entity or many entities that fit his description?
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-15)
YouTube is replete with stories involving this specific and peculiar shadow being. Popular literature describing and researching shadow people also mention this particular presence. Known as the "Hatman", he is described as tall, sometimes wearing a trench coat, sometimes wearing a cape, sometimes sporting an evil smile. Always giving off a menacing aura. I personally think this creature is malevolent and if you agree, then you need to have your house cleansed by a holy person. I really do hope I am wrong.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-14)
Yikes! I have shattered my elbow before and know well just how incredibly painful that is! I don't know if this event was recent but -word to the wise- if the injury requires surgery, talk to your doctor about precisely how long you should wear your sling afterwards - if its worn too long, you won't be able to straighten your arm again... I was horrified that no one told me that!

As for that basement - sounds like you have acquired a resident nasty and your cats know it. The tape recorder is a legitimate idea but only until you can get around to a good thorough cleansing according to your own beliefs. I think I would want that thing gone, personally. If it can get into the basement from outside, who is to say its next step might not be further into your home? A line of salt across the top of the stairs (I would say in front of the door but I wouldn't want your cats getting into it) could help things from spreading in the short term. Here is a link to a page that covers various household items that can be used for protection ( - definitely cross-check any item you place within reach of your kitties for safety's sake. Those are all short term options until you have time for something more comprehensive like a cleansing - there is a contributor to this site by the name of rookdygin who has a tried and true cleansing method on his profile - I recommend checking it out. Also, do what research you can on your property - perhaps you can get a lead on just what you are dealing with - libraries and neighbors are great resources and knowledge is power. Go show that thing who is boss ❤
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-14)
Hi Angeleyez78,

The figure that you saw outside... Other than having eyes and a smile, did it have any other humanoid features?

I am wondering also if the second time that you saw the figure, was it outside your house at that time?

I am very sorry that you were injured. I have, in the past, taken notice of the behavior of my pets, when their behavior has suddenly changed. If you do decide to make a recording of the sounds in your basement, I would be very interested to learn if you find anything unusual.

Thank you for sharing your experience, Maria ❤

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