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A Very Eventful Walk Home


Today as I was walking home something very strange happened. I walk home on a path next to a main road. The road was empty which was strange as the road is always busy with cars and lorries. I told myself it was nothing and walked quicker because I was scared and cold. I got lost in my thoughts and started to look at the ground whilst walking.

A few minutes later, I bumped into someone and when I looked up there was nobody there. I assumed it was just one of those strange things and really hurried up to get to the main town. To my right there is a home that is halfway through being demolished. Today that was fully standing as is nothing had happened to it. That also scared me a bit but I thought maybe it had been rebuilt over the holidays. As I approached the end of the road a man in a top hat came up to me and started to chat to me. I had never seen this man before and he spoke very strangely, like he had been living in the past for ages. Just as quickly as he came, he vanished right on front of me. I though maybe I had just had a chat with a figment of my imagination.

I eventually got home and researched the road. Nothing came up as it being haunted so was it a ghost? Did I go back in time? Or was it a figment of my imagination?

I did go back down that road again later and it was chock a block again like it normally is. I am so confused by this. Also the house was back to halfway demolished like it used to be and the diggers and safety equipment was around it again like usual. What do you think about it?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Oceana, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Well,guys, let's all take a little lesson from this, shall we?
When you go to post, you hit 'PREVIEW', this brings up your comment with 3 buttons: cancel,edit, and publish, I believe is the 3rd option. On both the original comment and the PREVIEW box you should see YOUR User Name, right above the comment box on the left corner. If you are on a shared computer, it's always a good idea to check you're under your own account and to sign out when finished with the site, so things like this don't happen to YOU.
It is NOT up for debate on whether the cousin's account is really a cousin's OR a poser account. At this stage it doesn't matter.
I seriously want everyone to take this away from here - poop happens when you have a shared computer, or have to use a public one and stay logged in. Surely, anyone who has used social media of any kind (Facebook,Snapchat, Twitter, forums, et al) has seen at least one post that started with"OMG - sorry guys my kid got into my account" or some other person. It does happen.
Oceana is also correct in assuming that posts made by herself and her 'cousin' will always be a bit suspect as to if they are who they say they are. Because of this silly mistake that COULD happen to many of us. However its timing couldn't have been worse. Now, that should make everyone feel just a tad bit sad. If you don't understand why, then turn the telescope around and see it as if it happened to you. Get my drift?
For the record, Oceana, absolutely no one, but yourself has used the term crazy, and surely by the time stamps, you can see why some would think you created a 2nd account. I am NOT saying you did, but only how it could look that way. If you reread those comments you left under both names, as if they were from someone else, let's say myself, then surely from a logical view point you would reach the same conclusion - one of doubt.
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
It was my cousins account. It was. I know you don't believe me but my cousins account is not me okay, it's just not. Believe me or not, I don't really mind or care. I'm sad because no one will believe me and keeps calling me a liar. I messed up by going on my cousins account by accident and now there is no way anyone will believe me ever again. If I have any more experiences I will post them here but I don't care who helps me with them because I'll probably be branded a liar again and be called crazy. My cousin will still be posting her experiences on here, and I hope she has more help than me. Until next time guys.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Oceana - I wasn't going to join this conversation but I offer a word of advice. Don't say another word, you can't win this one. The deeper you go the sooner you'll be treading water (which you are probably already doing). Turn around, swim for the shore and go home.

Regards, Melda
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
It was my cousin. I swear. I went on hers instead of mine. How am supporting myself anyways?
My cousin uses the same computer and left hers open without me knowing so I replied on hers okay. It's not that hard to understand.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
For Pete's sake!
Oceana, drop it! This is not a circus!
Autocorrect?... Ha, your 'autocorrect' just gave you away! Do you think you are the first 'smart' person who opens a new account to support their selves?

Please Take a boat to a faraway land and stop trolling this site!👿
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Sorry my cousin decided to mess about on her account. Dopey. I am telling the truth. I wanted some answers the other night when all I was getting was question how I got there.
sophiethunder (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
She probably meant to say that. Sorry was auto correct. I meant this not i
sophiethunder (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
I meant to say its keeping me awake at night for more hours that id like because I keep thinking about it
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Oceana - I have a question about your following statements:

Oceana -320 hours ago
"I took these tablets and the whole trip was a blur...

Please believe me. I need someone to help me with this. I'm so scared I can't sleep at night."


Oceana +113 hours ago
"My pills for travel are those which I only take for travel such as holidays and boats. Not just walking down the road. I haven't taken them since I went on holiday. I am on herbal meds for sleep which are okay in doing their job. Doctors are free in UK"

Within a span of 7 hours, you went from "can't sleep at night" to "on herbal meds which are okay in doing their job"...😕

I know some people will take this observation like me being a nitpicky, disgusting bully but, - is it too difficult to understand if inconsistencies like these make some others wonder if you are being honest?
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
I threw the package away as it was empty. I did read the side effect though and there was nothing about hallucinations or anything like that
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
Oceana - I'm sure those pills have a name, and, if you cannot read the, usually unreadable, doctor's writing on the prescription, you'd certainly be able to read the name in the bottle or package containing the pills.
Would you mind to tell me the name of the medication?

Keep present that you took those pills for as many days as your transatlantic trip lasted and, some medicines and drugs can stay in a person's system up to several weeks.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
Sound more like motion sickness pills, Oceana. Those make me very drowsy, so I'm with you: no taking them when I have to be in control of myself.

Going back in time is the only other explanation that comes to my mind. Have you checked archives for photographs of the houses and people who used to live on the street? It would be interesting if you could pick the man in the top hat out from a photo.
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
My pills for travel are those which I only take for travel such as holidays and boats. Not just walking down the road. I haven't taken them since I went on holiday. I am on herbal meds for sleep which are okay in doing their job. Doctors are free in UK
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
As Professor Diggory Kirk noted in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe:

There are three possibilities. Either she is lying. Or she is mad. Or she is telling the truth. One need only look at her to see she is not mad, so unless some further evidence comes to light, we must assume she is telling the truth.

So, Oceana, I want you to know that I do take you seriously. I believe you saw and experienced something out of the ordinary, and you are not lying in reporting your experience.

Only two possibilities come to my mind, however.

First, it could be a time slip, being able to peek into the past.

Second, it might be a hallucination. I'd want to know more about the side effects of the medication, and also be certain you're getting enough sleep. A trip to the doctor couldn't hurt much. Except maybe your wallet.:P
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
One more question.
What's the name of those pills? 🤔

Pills pills
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
Oceana, other than you, no one has mentioned the word 'crazy'.

In my opinion, there's not enough information in this narrative as to say what you saw, besides, it's difficult to ignore the fact that you had to take some prescription drugs to be able to travel.

How long did you have to take them? Do you know all the side effects of those drugs? Could they cause hallucinations? Are you sure your system has cleared them off?

Like I said, a medical check up wouldn't hurt you. 😉
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
I'm not crazy, you know. Can you treat me like any other person please and take me seriously
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
Well, considering that you have not been able to sleep at night after your trip to Colorado...

You should go to the doctor, sleep deprivation can affect a person's mind and health.

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