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Big Fright In Several Places


I, my twin brothers and a brother younger than I, and his friend were at the church tombola event at Sea View's Dutch Reformed Church in the 1970s.

My mother sent us to our house, which was just across the street!

When we walked to the back door, the curtains were see-through, we saw my grandmother ironing her apron. She never lived in that house. We were so afraid and ran back to the church.

Other strange occurrences happened in that house.

My youngest twin brother always fell in the hallway at the same place.

My mother's friend felt someone touch her shoulder.

That was the only time we all saw my grandmother.

This specific house is now a creche.

I lived in a wooden house in Herolds Bay Heights, near George, Western Cape, with a friend.

She was preparing food when we both heard something that jumped to the floor from the kitchen sink. When I stood up, I saw a Persian Cat, when I started walking towards it, it disappeared.

One evening I was thirsty and walked towards the kitchen when I saw an old man sitting in one of the lounge chairs and one afternoon I was lying on my bed when I saw a young woman in a cobalt blue dress walk past my door. She had straight black hair that was hanging on the floor. She walked passed me and then disappeared.

I do not know why I see these apparitions, it is quite scary. I did not ask for it. I also can feel presences in certain homes or buildings but do not necessarily see anything.

Can someone please tell me why I see them and why?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Firegirl14, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
3 years ago (2022-04-22)
Hi FireGirl14

I think that you may have the gift of foresight, to see and experience supernatural beings.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (90 posts)
3 years ago (2022-04-21)
Let me be clear I can find something positive from almost every one of my encounters and I don't take them personal now. Firegirl14 you are a sensitive like so many others on this site. Hearing it land and then seeing that Persian Cat. 😲
Rachel9997 (4 stories) (27 posts)
3 years ago (2022-04-20)
Well said CantunSEEit74

In situations like these it likely has nothing to do with the person seeing the phenomena at all. You just are able to see them.

That's not to say that no instances of this have personal value, some do. But in this case it just seems like an echo from the past that you were able to pick up on.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (90 posts)
3 years ago (2022-04-20)
Firegirl14 I just paid for a reading to ask the same thing Why me. I thought every one of them had some kind of meaning and was told that I just see certain energy's. I have seen extreme clothing colors like your cobalt blue dress. I have watched a dead mouse run and disappear
At my feet and was worried for a couple of weeks that my days were numbered. We just see energy's and I learned Don't Blink or turn away and I really study them with an open calming mind. This is trapped energy from the past and has nothing to do with my future, so I look forward to my next encounter as energy's moving in time and lucky enough to experience them. Hope this helps.

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