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Ghost In A Hotel


This is my second story on this website. This happened when me and my family went to tour a to Sikkim.Usually, every year my family decides to organize a trip with my relatives. We all were around 20 members.

So we decided to go on a trip to Sikkim on 22nd April,2019.In this story there are two experiences which I faced during our trip.


We reached Gangtok on 22nd April as we reached at evening time we all decided to do some shopping and later go on with our dinner. After our dinner children were given three rooms and the elders were given 4 rooms. In our room me, my elder sister and one of my cousin were there. Everything was ok when we slept. At around 2am, it started raining heavily and there was a power cut. Everything was pitch dark, so I got up hearing the sounds of thunder. I forgot to mention there was big glass door on our left side at the time of lightning I saw a girl shadow on our glass window it appeared two to three times. I got really freaked out but I didn't wake anybody. I thought it was my imagination.


After that incident I didn't experience anything until two days later. We had decided to wake up at 4am to go. The 4 rooms of parents are in 3rd floor and our 3 rooms are in 2nd floor. And mine and my sister suitcases were in my parents room. So I got up at 4am and went to the third floor. My parents were in room no. 305 so I went knocked on the door.Suddenly,I started hearing whispers near my ear. And they started increasing and I freaked out and started banging the door and there was no response I started shouting but there was no response but the whispers were growing by each passing second so I ran to our room and I called my parents. They told me that they were already awake and waiting for me. I told them that I knocked there door and I even banged it. They told me that they didn't hear any knock on the door.

Till today I don't understand what it was.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sravya, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-28)
The best way to treat people who spew their gastric contents is not to feed them.
TravisCannabis (70 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-28)
[at] bodi-gun. W.T.F? Bro my eyes hurt trying to read those symbols 😳 can you say it in english? 😆 😆
Srinivas108 (3 stories) (23 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-17)
First experience wasn't that scary but the second one was... Would love to hear more from you! You are lucky to witness other worldly beings which I couldn't even after trying for more then a decade... You can read my experiences too... I'm a Hyderabadi too...
Shitra (1 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-26)
May I know the name of the Hotel you were staying at? It's fine if you don't want to reveal it for privacy purposes. Thank you.
boo_boo_whoo (15 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-29)
That was scary! Why didn't you keep your suitcase in your room? That seems inconvenient. 😊 ❤ ❤
sravya (2 stories) (1 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-27)
I told that I won't participate in the discussion but I would like to answer your quesions
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-27)
I have some questions about your experiences, but I guess there's no point to ask after knowing that you won't participate on the discussion.

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