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The Ghost Of My Infant School


When I first decided there was ghost in my Infant school I was about eight years old so quite awhile ago, It was the middle of winter when it gets dark real quick and there were rumours in my club that just across our school in the house was a murderer.

That's all anyone would talk about the man in black that wasn't human...

I was eight and I believed every word the year fives would tell me I loved it!

One day when we were all looking out the window the sensor light turned on over by the house which we believed was haunted.

No one was there, we were kind of freaked out about it so everyone went to look at the camera which we call the video phone.

I continued to stare into the night then I heard this sound...

It was a kind of tapping sound on the window but no one was there I saw someone run pass me so quick, freaked out I went to tell

This person who was my year who knew about this sort of stuff he believed me...

A year later, I was in my math class talking to one of my friends, we thought the school was haunted of course no one had believed us.

So we set up a test we did everything to prove there was a ghost but nothing happened we were frustrated!

Then one day I was in my school library, and I saw that same dark figure run past me I was scared since I was alone I called out hello...

Nothing but silence then I heard a child laughing a young girl probably the age of six, scared I ran out I didn't tell ANYONE!

The last story was on my last year of school it was coming up to my very LAST DAY and once again I saw the shadow and I looked up terrified had it come back to haunt me?

No, It was just my boyfriend then I heard it the singing and I asked do you hear that? He said NO that really freaked me out.

From this day on I sometimes hear and see the shadow or ghost...

Sometimes I think I'M INSANE...

But when I always sit down to my homeroom in my high school I hear the breathing of a man or a boy which is weird I'm in a ALL GIRL SCHOOL...

I have had many ghost and spirit encounters but this one scares me the most...


I need some help on getting rid of this ghost will you help me?

Thank you for listening,


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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, itz_Karma, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

DarkDaisy_13 (4 stories) (27 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-15)
Back when I was 8 I went to a haunted school. Most of the time something odd would happen in the girls bathroom and my gym. By the time I was in 6th grade I noticed a lot of odd things in are science class. I think are teacher noticed it too but rather not interrupt the lesson.

I know how if feels hope you have a good day
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-14)
Hi Karma,

I enjoyed reading your story, but what caught my attention the most was something you wrote toward the end, "I have had many ghost and spirit encounters but this one scares me the most..."

Have you done any type of research into the subject of paranormal sensitivity? If not, it's really something you should consider reading about because it might give you a different perspective on what is happening around you.

Also, I really like what the previous poster suggested, try to speak with an adult and ask for help - someone that you can trust and feel comfortable with.
Take Care 😉
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-14)
Welcome to YGS.

Itz Karma.

In my opinion, your narrative is lacking information as to sustain the theory of the school being haunted.

To begin with, what do you exactly mean by "in the house was a murderer".

Learn to pronounce
A person who commits murder; a killer."

Do you mean a criminal had lived in the house and died at some point? Or do you mean one of the inhabitants at the time was convicted for murder and was living there after ending his sentence?
Have you researched if these rumors are true? Nowadays it would be easy to find some information in the internet by only typing the house address.

"One day when we were all looking out the window the sensor light turned on over by the house which we believed was haunted."

I assume that if the sensor light was functioning, that means that someone was living in the house. Are you sure they didn't have pets? Perhaps a small animal activated the sensor but it wasn't visible from the school?

"So we set up a test we did everything to prove there was a ghost but nothing happened we were frustrated!"

What kind of test/s did you do? Was the school empty when you performed the test?

Are you sure the shadow wasn't a reflection or something else that, given your age and your conviction about the rumors being true, you assumed to be a paranormal entity without first considering/looking for any logical explanation?

"But when I always sit down to my homeroom in my high school I hear the breathing of a man or a boy which is weird I'm in a ALL GIRL SCHOOL..."

Are you always seated at the same spot? Would it be possible that what you heard is the sound of an electric device or something else? Have you asked if any of your classmates has heard the breathing?
Personally, I don't believe that the sound of a person's breathing is an accurate way to tell their gender, specially the ones from people with respiratory and wight problems.

I don't get if the shadow from your infant school and the one from high school are the same.

Do you see the shadow only at school? Is it bothering you in any way?

If the school is haunted, it might not be up to you to solve the problem, but if the ghost is following you and trying to get your attention, then it would be a good idea to talk to an adult or a religious leader of your faith and ask for help.

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