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A Collection Of Experiences From My School


So basically back when I was around 8 I had lots of paranormal experiences at my Elementary school, which started my fascination with the paranormal activity. I forgot the name of the school because that was back when I was living in Ohio and I have moved to Virginia about 3 weeks ago. So technically these are things I've noticed at my school that I kept a notebook of so I hope you enjoy. (Back then I named this experiences so yeah).

Footsteps in the bathroom

On October 5, 2017 I was going to the restroom. There was multiple girls bathrooms in the school but I went to the one I found the creepiest. It was the creepiest because that's were most of the experiences happened. So I went into the stall and after a minute or two I heard footsteps. I thought that it was just someone else. Till I realized if it was someone else, you I would have heard the door swing open and noise from the halls and classrooms. Although I never did. When I got out of the stall I turned to the door and realized it was open. When I mean open, it was just standing open not moving anywhere. The door I'm talking about are the ones that don't stay open they'll just close and you'd have to hold it for it to stay open. But no one was there, although yet again I thought someone was holding it from the outside of the bathroom and I just can't see them behind the door. For this very reason I said hello but no one answered and the door closed, I ran over to the door as quick as I could and pushed it open. No one was there, there's no possible way to hide in a second. I don't know what I experienced but I know it wasn't normal.

Laughing in the gym

On December 13, 2017 it was after school. I was doing a play tryout for my school, it was around 5pm so things got dark real quickly. Me and my friend were talking and practicing lines when we both noticed a child's laughter, possibly belonged to a little girl around 5 years maybe. We looked over at everyone else who looked confused. We heard the child laugh again, now we knew it wasn't anyone here. I heard a few 6 graders talking quietly to one another and pointing to the stage, I noticed the curtains on the stage oddly moving. Some 6 graders went over to the stage, I followed because I wanted in on the action. Someone moved the curtain a little to see if it was someone playing a trick on us. The child's laughter started again and I could almost see an outline of the little girl. We walked away from the stage quite confused on what we saw.

A lady's scream

On March 3 2017 I was alone walking to the office with a note from my teacher that she had asked me to give to the office. This will be short and weird but for reasons I'll explain that in this school we have a basement that is right across from the office. Now basically as I was walking to the office, I noticed the scream of a woman coming from the basement. The scream was dreadful and when I went to sleep that night I heard a woman scream from outside my window.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DarkDaisy_13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

tigerfeet (5 stories) (18 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-07)
I'm not sure why, but I think this young lady is actually someone a lot older pretending to be 20. It reads like a person trying to get into the mind of a 20 year old. In some places the spelling and grammar are pretty good, but then it changes back to the 'young person' spelling and grammar.

I'm not debunking any of your experiences, they could well be true. I have to admit that I've had paranormal experiences that no one would believe 😳

I just find it very hard to believe what you are saying because of the inconsistencies in your stories - dates wrong, can't remember the name of your first school, things happening when you were a child, presumably living in Ohio, but you then tell us it happened three weeks before you left for Virginia!
This is just my opinion, there is a chance that my opinions are wrong, in which case I will happily apologise to you, but I strongly suspect that I'm right.
Be lucky
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-06)
Dark Daisy13
You are not dumb and asking us to forgive your stupidity is sad because you are not stupid. We all make mistakes and think one thing and type another. There's nothing wrong with innocent typos.
I used to rush through my typing when I was younger and made plenty of mistakes. YGS isn't about correcting your typing, but having said that, Lady Glow found a few things that needed clarification, that's fair. CantunSEEit74 suggest that practicing before printing helps. I totally agree, weather that be in a word document that you can go back and forth to or a note book.
All in all, you have nothing to be worried about. You explained what happened, and I was spooked by your experiences.
Thank you for sharing and chin up.
DarkDaisy_13 (4 stories) (27 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-27)
I don't care if you think I'm 12 and this is fiction. Believe what you want to believe😐.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-22)
People are funny creatures. You can send them an email with a list of questions to answer, and get the answer to only 1 question because they don't pay attention.

I'm guilty of this myself. I received a 99% score on this statewide very comprehensive mathematics exam because this 1 question required writing down 2 things, and I forgot to write the second thing on the answer sheet. I noted it on my scrap worksheet provided so the grader knew I had the answer; I just didn't put it where it counted.

For all I know, my high school math teacher is still using me as a bad example. 😁

Lately, we've had many alleged experiences posted to this site. I say alleged because many of them come from misunderstandings of how the human eye actually works; it's like a camera, we're told, but it isn't. Or a misunderstanding how human memory works.

This is why having a journal, and not just for ghostly experiences, is so important. "I wrote it down so I don't have to remember." Sean Connery in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

So, what should happen here? Someone submits an experience, the mods do whatever they do and then approve it for publication. We read it, notice odd or interesting things, ask for clarification. Or for the OP to write down the second part of the answer so we can get a better understanding.

And we do.

But after a certain number of 'pointing things out' or 'asking for clarification', it ceases to be about gathering information. For example, look at the comments from How we're trying to comprehend how a well decayed skeleton could still be 'articulated'. Apparently, we ended up 'attacking' the OP even though this was not our intention.

For me, there are enough discrepancies with this posting for me to have serious doubts about its truth value. Personally, I have no doubt that DarkDaisy experienced *something*, but I disagree with the interpretation of it as being ghostly. Further, I think it will be hard to attain any deeper understanding of this experience by further questions.

I do have further questions about this, and other stories, but they are more questions for the mods than the posters.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-21)

Hi, nice to see you around.

Although I could understand, to some degree, forgetting the name of a school, the part that is beyond my comprehension, is that the OP would write down their experiences in a journal and date them in a day in the future.

Isn't the point of a journal/diary to register events when they took place? A "what" and a "when"?

I have been keeping a journal of dreams for several years, any entry is registered under the date from the previous night to the following day, then I write down whatever I remember to have dreamt.

To say something:

"November 20 to 21, 2021

I went on a date with Pierce Brosnan. We had lobster for supper. I was wearing a strapless, flowing blue dress..."

Would it make sense to date this entry "November 20 to 21, 2035"?
Should I expect from everyone not to question the accuracy of my memoirs if they're to be dated years after they were supposed to have happened?

In DarkDaisy's own words: "It was meant to say 2009... In the notebook The date said 2017... (The days are probably wrong as well)."

Are we, as readers, not supposed to point out neither question such discrepancies?
Should a person ignore these dubious facts and assume that the paranormal events within the story really did happen?

My apologies to the OP and to the rest of the community if my words have been harsh but, in my opinion, in order to give any advice or further discuss this story, the OP must first explain the disparity of the dates in her journal, in a satisfactory way.

Thanks to all.

P.S.: I wish I had dreamt with Pierce Brosnan!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
3 years ago (2021-11-21)
Hi all! I think we should probably cut the author a little slack. In their bio they mention that they moved around a lot throughout Ohio and Kentucky during their school years. Having cousins whose father was in the military (5 kids, all born in different states lol) I can understand how one could forget the name of a school.

Interesting experiences, DarkDaisy
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (90 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-17)
Hi Dark I would suggest you write your stories on paper first. Then I hope you can find someone to proof read it for you. I have had a pile of eraser dust after every story. I never typed until finding YGS, and my wife pointed out I type stupid? I check this site every day and I don't have to ridicule I just go to the next story... Why haven't they offered to help your story telling, instead of HIGH FIVING EACH OTHER over your YOUNG writing skills. Your next one will be easy reading. Good Luck Out There.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-17)
Lady-Glow, while I do agree that parts of this story are problematic, I also think we've reached the point of picking nits rather than reasonably discussing the narrative for being a credible experience.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-16)

Knowing that I'm not alone when questioning a story has the same value of one positive point, knowing that you agreed with one of my comments, has the wort of 3 little green arrows.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-16)
If the date is fictitious, how could one be sure that the narrated events are solid facts and not fabrications?

There's another possibility taking form in my mind. The dates are right, you were around 8 years old BUT realized that one of the submission Guidelines is:

"You must be 13 years or older to publish a story."

Hence you decided to change your date of birth, and your real age is around 12 yo. This theory gets reinforced by the "Something probably is wrong with my brain" "I'm too dumb... My dumb self... My stupidity" tirade trying to justify your mistake.

Furthermore, the way you use "are" instead of "our", suggests some one still working into improveing their grammar... Some one very young:

"I do have a Girlfriend... Haven't gotten are own place"

"noticed a lot of odd things in are science class. I think are teacher noticed it too"

I'm not playing grammar police here, let me make it clear that English is not my first language, and expressing my ideas is not always easy. But when I see mistakes like these done by a native English speaker, well, I cannot help but wonder if they are even aware of them.

Anyway, IF my theory is right, I don't expect you will admit it, If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance. But keep in mind that this confusion is the result of your sloppiness and lack of attention while writing this story.
DarkDaisy_13 (4 stories) (27 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-15)
I don't know why either, it never bothers me to explain mistakes or anything.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-15)
bi skeptical? BiT skeptical is what I meant to type.

Also, good for admitting imperfections. I don't know why some people think it is a weakness to admit to being imperfect or making mistakes, but that is their mistake, innit?
DarkDaisy_13 (4 stories) (27 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-15)
I know for a fact that a sprit had nothing to do with this. The house we were living in at the time was fairly new, about 10-20 years old. It's probably around 30 now.
Im pretty sure I was the reason. In the notebook most of the pages were ripped out and the letters were fading away that I could barely see what it said, It did say 2017 and a bunch of random so I just went for it.
TravisCannabis (74 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-14)
Idk bro, maybe a spirit changed the dates on your notebook or maybe you smoked too many doobies, I know what that's like.πŸ€”

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RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-14)
P.S.: Lady Glow, the site still won't let me upvote you. So please consider your upvotes to be 2 higher than they are. Also stop being sensible so I don't have to upvote you. 😁
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-14)
DarkDaisy, hope you get a reasonably comprehensive medical exam. I should do the same since there are genetic diseases prevalent in my family tree. Just to make sure.

2009 as a year is more consistent with the chronology you established, but I am still a bi skeptical. Either way, thank you for sharing.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-13)
I'm not nitpicking your story and comments but...

"these are things I've noticed at my school that I kept a notebook"

"I just realized I got the year wrong, I think this happened in 2009? I'm not sure"

Didn't you write down the date when recording these...experiences?

I like your writing style, but inconsistencies like these make the reader wonder if this is a piece of fiction that doesn't belong into this forum which is meant for REAL ghost stories.
DarkDaisy_13 (4 stories) (27 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-13)
Something probably is wrong with my brain, I kind of have short-term memory loss but I can remember almost all the details of a week.

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Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-13)
Hi DarkDaisy_13

For some reason schools tend to have a creepy aura, I have also related a few school experiences I've had on this site, and I've come across many here too and heard about experiences from family and friends.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-13)
I have to agree with RCRuskin... Not a good idea to forget the name of ones elementary, or any other, school one has attended.
You will always need to include it in your resume!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-13)
I'm confused about your age and the time frame for these experiences.

"basically back when I was around 8 I had lots of paranormal experiences at my Elementary school"

According to your profile, you were born on "February 13, 2001", yet all the events that you have narrated in this story happened during the year 2017, meaning that your age was 16, - were you attending elementary school at age 16?
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
3 years ago (2021-11-13)
Fort Stanwix. Francis Bellamy. These are two of the elementary schools I attended 50 years ago. I'm not saying your experiences are falsehoods, but that you can't remember something from 4 years ago gives indications other parts of your memory may not be so good.

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