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What Is 10:36 And Angel Numbers


Today I am back, and I have more of a question for you all, as I feel there are many of you on this platform who may be able to provide me and answer or even clarity.

So as many of you may have read from my previous posts that I have lost both my parents. I was close to my dad as I am an only girl. Now that I look at it from afar, I see that I was more of his rock than the other way around, as despite having sons, he always looked to me for answers. There was a time where he was led astray by my elder sibling and made some sad decisions.

We shared a very deep bond and that is one of the reasons that I had to seek closure after he passed away. As per Hindu custom our period of mourning is 1 year, but if you have ever experienced a loss then you would know that there is never a time frame for mourning.

It has been 6 years now and I always ask my dad for answers. I do give him grief. I have so many unanswered questions, so yes when I have something to ask or just anything off my chest, I speak to him. So here goes my experiences:

When my dad passed, I was rather guilt ridden, as I always felt that there was something I could have done to save him. It took a lot of time for me to come to terms with that, and in the interim, I needed closure. I needed answers.

Approximately 6 months after my dad passed, I was listening to a local radio station and a psychic medium was on air. I called in and he gave me a 2-minute live reading. I did not mention who had passed. He just said that the person that passed was an elderly gentleman, and it was about 6 months. He was correct. He then proceeded to tell me that there was nothing more I could have done as it was his time. He went further to say that my dad thanks me for the beautiful rose which I had given to him. There were many flowers and as per tradition, I was the only person that tucked a red rose on his chest before the coffin was closed up for cremation. The other flowers were marigolds and pink and yellow roses.

After this incident I was still not satisfied with what I was told so I decide to wait until after a year to contact a psychic medium as I still felt I needed closure about the way he passed. Time went by and after almost 2 years I contacted a person whom I saw on Facebook. I had watched one of the live sessions and was really intrigued with the way she had been interacting with some of the followers.

During our session she described to me the clothing my dad wore and also a few other things that only I could have known. Here as well I was assured that it was my dad's time and that there was nothing else I or anybody else could have done. I was relatively satisfied. She also asked me if I see numbers to which I replied yes. She did say to me that my dad used numbers to communicate with, So, every day since 2018 I see numbers. 11:11 09:09 08:08 and so forth. I never looked much into it. There is however a specific number my dad uses to communicate with me, and it is 10:36. It was his bank pin code, and he used it for all banks.

Whenever I ask for guidance or need a question answered, I see this number. The lady advised that it is his way of communicating with me. So I did a little reading up and this Is what I managed to gather of the meaning:

Angel Number 1036: Determination Gives Success

Angel number 1036 is a reminder from the divine forces that you should not be scared to take life the way it is because you have the courage. Besides, let your determination take control of your life. More so, let your potential communicate the power that you have. Basically, every day you have the power to start something new. Basically, the expectation you have can become your reality. Equally, step into your success with determination.

If there are any psychic mediums on this platform or anyone else here that can assist me then please do advise. It is every day that I see this number among other random numbers. I would love to know more.

I have since been advised by a family member that I should not consult a psychic medium as this disturbs the soul of the loved one. Please do advise. Thank you, guys, for always reading and responding. I really love interacting with you all.

Love & Light

Sash B

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SashB, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

SashB (10 stories) (15 posts)
1 day ago (2025-01-20)
Muma 123

Thank you for your reply.
I am not sure who you are, but you have accurately described my dad's room. Also, a medium asked me once, how do I resonate with Sunshine and I was stumped. She then went on to say that the people around my dad describe him as sunshine. Apparently, that is his energy he lights up a room wherever he is, even on the other side. It did not make much sense until recently, because whenever I think of my dad I get this warm feeling. He was always smiling. He just had such a pure aura. Thank you for making my day. I would love to learn more, and if he passes you any more messages please feel free to let me know.

Love& Light
Muma123 (1 posts)
1 day ago (2025-01-20)
Sasha thank you for sharing your story. I have helped random people I don't know contect with people I had no idea about. I have only come to know my own ability through knowing what I got was right. Now days I get messages but rarely act upon them as most of the time I don't know if they are messages or just me lol so please let me know if its nonsense or makes sense. I see a cobblestone path, a blue room and a white curtain to a window overlooking a tree. It shines bright the most when the sun is just behind it. That brightness is your Dad, soak in that light and know his warmth is in your heart ❤
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
1 month ago (2024-12-15)
Hi SashB

After reading your story I wouldn't say that those set of numbers have any meaning in a broad sense, but rather just between you and your dad, I think it's his way of showing you that he's around watching over you.

And you are right no matter how much time passes, when you lose someone close to you, you never get over it, unfortunately time cannot heal all wounds, and like you, I and perhaps many other people think that if only there was something I could have done to save the person we lost, but what I've realized or had to come to terms with, is that no one really knows when our time is up. But we can make the best of the time we do have and spend it with people we care about and doing stuff that makes us happy.
SashB (10 stories) (15 posts)
1 month ago (2024-12-09)
[at] The_Lost_Voyage_11

Thank you for reading and responding to my experience. I have been to a few mediums and they have all advised the same thing, so I know they are not lying. Apparently my dad uses numbers to communicate with me. 1036 was special to him as it was his first employee number at the first comany he worked and it had stuck ever since. It resonates as we often made fun of him and joked that he could not remember any other number. Funny enough I saw it yesterday as well.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (257 posts)
1 month ago (2024-12-07)
Hello SashB, thanks for sharing your story!

Using mediums does not disturb the soul of a passed love one. They are always eager to communicate and sometimes using a medium is the easiest way they can connect with us, especially if we are quite attached. You need to be selective about whom you use, do they resonate and do the messages you receive resonate?

From what you've shared with us, your parents are very much sending you signs and staying in touch with you. If you trust yourself to listen with an open heart, you can pick up that communication more and more without needing to consult with mediums as much.

It sounds like you know what the 1036 is about, by what your dad uses it for and what you've researched. Do you know why your dad used that number in life as a password, what significance does it have for him that might relate to you? I have a feeling as you continue to open up more, you will learn more about that this number means. It will be revealed in time and you could always ask your dad outright to provide more signs and communication regarding this.

Good luck and hope this helps!

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