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Real Ghost Stories

Cemetery Night To Remember


A couple of years ago, on a cool autumn night, I had an unforgettable experience that will stay with me forever. It all started when a group of friends and I decided to visit the local cemetery after hours. Rumors had been circulating that the cemetery was haunted, and we were curious to see for ourselves if there was any truth to the stories.

I was with a couple of friends in one car, while another friend drove a separate vehicle. As we made our way through the dark and winding roads leading to the cemetery, we could feel a sense of unease creep over us. The night was still and eerily quiet, the only sound being the rustling of leaves in the wind.

As we pulled up to the gates of the cemetery, I could feel my heart racing in anticipation. The gates were locked, but that didn't stop us. We parked our cars outside and decided to explore on foot. The moon cast an eerie glow over the gravestones, creating long shadows that seemed to dance in the darkness.

We walked amongst the headstones, reading the names and dates etched into the cold stone. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, as if we were not alone in the cemetery. Suddenly, my friend who was driving the other car let out a gasp and pointed ahead. We all turned to look, and that's when we saw it - a small figure darting across the road in front of the truck.

We were all frozen in place, trying to make sense of what we had just witnessed. I felt a chill run down my spine, my arms covered in goosebumps. We quickly got back into our cars as we followed the others out of the cemetery.

As we drove down the dark road, my friend in the other car suddenly slammed on the brakes. We pulled up beside them and rolled down the window, asking what had happened. They explained that they had heard a loud bang on the back of their car, as if something had hit it.

We all got out of our cars to inspect the damage. To our horror, we found small handprints smeared across the back of the car, as if a child had touched it. The realization hit us like a ton of bricks - the figure we had seen running across the road was not a figment of our imagination. It was real.

Fear gripped us as we stood in the darkness, unsure of what to do next. We could feel a presence watching us, a sense of malevolence that sent shivers down our spines. Without a word, we all got back into our cars and drove away from the cemetery as quickly as we could.

To this day, I still cannot explain what we saw that night. Was it the spirit of a restless soul haunting the cemetery, or something more sinister? Whatever it was, it left an indelible mark on me and my friends. We never spoke of that night again, too afraid to relive the terror that had gripped us in the darkness of the cemetery. But the memory of that unforgettable night will always stay with me, a chilling reminder of the thin veil that separates the living from the dead.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dev19, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

PlayForCreeps (2 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-30)
Creepy kid ghosts are the worst! Did you take a picture of the marks?

Also, I was wondering, would it be alright if I shared this story on my new podcast? I'm currently compiling some stories for my first season!:)
rynne (70 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-23)
Clarification question. You write "Suddenly, my friend who was driving the other car let out a gasp and pointed ahead. We all turned to look, and that's when we saw it - a small figure darting across the road in front of the truck."

You said you all were walking. Was there another truck, or was it one of your groups'?

He pointed ahead, but you all turned around?

Was the figure running in the parking lot, or the cemetery?

Thanks for sharing.
Dev19 (4 stories) (3 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-21)
Spookygirl yes you can use the story if you like to have a good rest of your day
SpookyGrrl (8 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-20)
I love your story, Dev19. It's really well written too. I came across it because I'm gathering cemetery ghost stories for a podcast episode. May I share yours? Thank you for considering.:)
Neandarthunder (3 stories) (14 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-16)
I've heard of something like this before. Maybe children require and demand affection even beyond the grave, however terrifying that may be for us.
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-16)
I must say, it's a very well written incident, cemeteries naturally will have paranormal activity, seems like you and your friends were tempting fate and fate delivered...
Linjahaha (24 stories) (161 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-15)
Allow me to welcome you to YGS, also. This was an interesting account. However, I have always been of the opinion to show the utmost respect when entering a cemetery. I've never accepted any dares to enter one [at] night-time. If I do go to one, I offer my respects aloud, & just inform them that I am there to visit with a loved one, & not to disturb anyone else. Seriously, I do.
If you get the chance, please read 'my' account of what happened to my dear late husband back when he was young-Larry looking for trouble, & finding it. Click on my name, & it'll bring up all the posts I've submitted. It 'may' help you to understand what happened to you, & your friends that night.
I'm not finding fault with you. Please don't misunderstand me. We 'all' have made mistakes. I have made my fair share, I assure you. However, that account may give you a better understanding of how to behave in a cemetery. The spirits are aware of our presence, & they 'know' the reason we come into them. If it's for the wrong reason, they will let you know about it, & it may not be in a way that you'll like.
I'm just giving you some friendly advice gleaned from my many years of experience with paranormal events. I surely hope this helps you in some small way. It was a very good read!

Take Care! ❤ ❤
Dev19 (4 stories) (3 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-13)
it looked like a little kid running in front of us the cemetery is in a small town it was I'm the middle of nowhere you could see miles around you there was no place for a big animal to hid thanks for asking
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-12)
Welcome to YGS.

It seems like you guys were a little worked up with anticipation even before reaching the cemetery.

Years ago I went to a nature park in a city in southern Mexico, there were some local animals roaming freely in the forest and some others in enclosures.
At some point I felt watched and in danger, I turned around and saw no one but the feeling of uneasiness only grew more intense.
I turned around scanning slowly my surroundings and sure enough, there was a full grown jaguar few meters behind me crouched as if ready to pounce on my back!
Fortunately, at least for me, the jaguar was in an enclosure.

My point is, are you sure there was no living being watching you? Perhaps a nocturnal animal?

Can you elaborate more on the "small figure darting across the road in front of the truck."? Was it a human shape?
Did this happen within the cemetery's area or outside it?

I'm sure most graveyards have one, or more, resident ghosts. In the case of children ghosts, perhaps they remain earthbound because they were too young at the moment of their passing as to realize that they should move on, and stay in the cemetery because that's the last place where they saw their loved ones.

Was your experience consistent with the rumours about the hauntings taking place in this cemetery or different people have reported different events?

I hope you don't mind all my questions. Thanks for sharing.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (90 posts)
5 months ago (2024-08-12)
I would rather eat a truck load of Kryptonite than walk through a cemetery in the dark. Are you a Ghost Writer, Ha Ha see what I did there. Sorry, anyway seems like you are reading it to me. You are a good writer, storyteller for a young adult. Your wording makes you wise beyond your young adult years. For the hundreds of cemetery visit in the dark gone wrong TV shows 4 basics to follow. Do not stand on top of a grave. No laughing out loud. Touch nothing and Do Not urinate in the cemetery. Walk through a cemetery with your stomach and your heart. Spirits can read your mind. Thanks for sharing.

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