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Real Ghost Stories

Waikumete Cemetery


I wanted to start a ghost channel on you tube with a friend, so we spent 3 consecutive nights/ mornings walking around the cemetery recording and taking pictures. What we captured was truly terrifying, but that was just the beginning, as I was about to realize is that these demons/ entities can move through your phone's storage and if you have a ghost box like I did, they take real pleasure in threatening you with knowing you and the people you hold dearest.

My 2am until 530am investigations lead me to capture these evil residents. I have photos and videos since deleted due to possession, voices, unexpected dogs turning up to my property, crucifixion crosses being thrown across the house, 2 x electrocution of my kids in bath tub (separate incidents). I have seen the goat like creature, red orbs, green orbs, rabbit, a mimic which has imitation of my children voices, and the witch.

I have been actively getting deliverance for these ghost hunting activities for a little over a year and to date, from 2 different churches have had countless demons removed, but they are still trying to rid me of this witch.

I'm writing this alone because of my need to protect my family. I have moved out of family home, and live at a boarding house due to paranormal activities, I encourage anyone looking at capturing ghost etc to beware! These bastards are hard to rid yourself of, but if still need to see, go to Waikumete Cemetery, Arcadimia way, and Emily way, just past crematorium, around 3am. And your life will be as f!#?ed up as mine. I still hear voices, and that stupid bird, and dogs barking around 3am every morning.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Joelstrong, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Renaaaahhh (1 posts)
3 weeks ago (2024-12-29)
I'm going to assume you're not māori because you wouldn't have done something silly like that. If you are māori then what were you thinking? Go and get help from your marāe. Best of luck and kia kaha!
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
2 months ago (2024-12-04)
You make a lot of references throughout your story about "ghosts" but personally I don't think "ghosts" are as malevolent as you have described, disturbing cemeteries and other types of burial places may earn you an upset or angry ghost, but nothing quite as malevolent.

I have to agree with [at] cantunSEEit74, your curiosity yielded more than just a earth bound spirit.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 months ago (2024-12-04)
"A devil with merely local powers, like a parish vestry, would be too inconceivable a thing." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles.

If, as you say, this demonic, unfriendly, entity got into your phone and messed with your files, it already knows your contacts, family and friends. So writing this post alone, apart from your house to "protect your family" is really laughable.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (91 posts)
2 months ago (2024-12-02)
That's some crazy shiet right there. Look for a medium to find the right person for your ailments. The church is the last place I would look for help. Did you feel the church people really I mean really knew what they were doing BOTH churches. Throwing holy water and body sageing sometimes is not enough. New Zealand of all place's spirits stuck on an island. Warriors in their own rights the last place I would do stupid shiet. I have seen their chants and dances on TV a proud people. Please don't tell me you're a stupid American playing with fire. Did you notice native names or dates on the markers while you were trespassing. YES it's on you.

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