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Real Ghost Stories

Hospital Fears


I apologize already for my english: since it is not my language, I'll try to do my best to be understandable. My name is Barbara and I am a medical technician in the south of Chile, work that has different meaning in some countries. Let's say my work is having the lab testing done, running the place, and informing the results. I apologize for the large introduction, but it's necessary for you to understand my story - and my predicament.

It is a very isolated job. I work usually with one technician and one auxiliary, and that's it. We lock ourselves in the lab at eight AM and emerged at five PM, and sometimes very very later. In larger hospitals we work by so many as ten to eleven med tech's by lab, but in the little rural hospital I am now, it's just me at charge of everything.

My career began working in large hospitals, but I took some replacements in tiny hospitals (in my country called type 4) and I fell in love with the idea of living in the country, doing that work. So I moved with my cats in a very tiny town in the Lakes area of Chile, and I left the big hospital of Concepcion for the tiny Hospital of Fresia. All went okay for a while: but I have been here 7 months, and I am in deep worry, and maybe desperation.

The place is ideal in many ways: it's quiet, green and low budget-living. I live happily with my pets, made new friends, and enjoyed my work: but there is something that I hadn't been able to shrug off, and it's poisoning my work and general life.

When I was in Conception Hospital, I made night shifts since 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM: alone with a technician, in the Urgency Section of the lab, a great room with all the equipment and lab tables. The room faced a hallway that was parallel to us, going from the main hallway of the floor to the end of the lab, Hematology Section, dark and desert at night. Just across the hallway and facing my Urgency Section, it was the med tech lounge.

It's funny how we grow to know the sounds our equipments made: I was there for almost a year and I could recognize just by the sounds if the equipment was wrong or right. Usually, the Architect(tm) equipment (a biochemical testing automatized machine) made a Prt-prt-prt sound. I was almost lolled by it, my back to it, my left to the door as I was seated in the tall lab stool, checking the results in the computer when my technician made a sound: a half choked sound, like she's swallowed something. I started (she was seating across me) and something moved by my left.

I saw the back of a man, a man purposely strinding the hallway. It was medium height, half bald, and wore a long coat. He was looking front, and vanished in the dark of the hallway. I looked back to my technician, ready to ask who was that guy, and knew something was very bad. She was crying.

I jumped from my chair when I realized nobody has nothing to do in the deserted parts of the lab at 4:00 AM! I don't know if I was going to go chasing or what, I just felt a rush of adrenalin with a strange dizziness, and then the Architect(tm) made a loud, startling PRRIP! My blood coagulator in front went BEEP to, and the room became a pandemonium: I have never seen all equipment went crazy like that. I set off the alarms, and checked them trembling: it was like a low voltage failure, making all the darn things to reinitiate, but they're were wired to different lines! I was yelling "What was that" "Who was that" "what is happening" and my technician stood there simply, not saying a word. I finally realized I've seen a ghost and I felt like fainting, everything was gray and my heart pumped hard.

My technician, and older lady with 40 years in the same hospital sat me, gave me sugared water and told me when I was clearer that was a Doctor who used to be the old manager of the lab, who had died not twenty years ago. And that I was the ONLY ONE of the staff whom never had seen him: other colleagues had seen him regularly, passing to his office, which used to be the Hormones room, next to Hematology

I was scared as hell. I didn't want to cross the hall to GO to the lounge, so I stayed there all night working, even when there was a slow night. At morning I ran home, and waited anxiously for my next night shift. I only commented this with a colleague, who said he had seen the doctor and too a patient in the stair at night shifts, and generally patted me in the head. I was so shaken, that I barely could work at night, and clutched my poor technicians for dear life. I spied the hallway, and finally I managed to forego the issue and got back to more or less my usual self.

Almost three months later, I was working with a different technician when suddenly the Architect(tm) went prt-prt-prt- PRRIP-BAM BAM BAM PRT PRRIP! I almost fell of my chair, panicked: I hade never heard those sounds before, and assumed I've done something terrible wrong. I stopped all functions, and checked the historical for errors: it said temperature error. It was silly, since the temperature was very mild, not over 22 Celsius, and the equipment worked well to 29 grades. I reinitiated the whole thing, and the I heard a crash. I went to the hallway and checked the Hematology room, Hormones Room and Urines room, and there was nothing: when I was coming back, the light went out.

I was facing the far end of the hallway, my back to the Hormones section. The buzz of refrigerators stopped: I waited for the hospital generators to start. But I felt cold anyway, and the doctor came to my mind, and all I could do not to freak out was to stay there, eyes open, waiting for the light to came back. I didn't even found my voice to call to my technician: seemed like an eternity, then lights came back and I went to the Urgency room not looking back.

My technician was white as a sheet and panting. She told me it was nothing, and I went to restart my equipments. I was proud of myself having been calm, and calming my technician: but several weeks after, I heard she had panicked because she saw the doctor just before the lights went out. Walking down the hall. To the labs I was in!

I was so badly shaken hearing that that I changed my shift that night and it became one, if not the main, reasons I went searching for a new job. I thought later it was stress and enclosement taking its toll in me: locked in the same place for 8 hour shifts, sometimes as many as eight or nine by week, it was only natural I wasn't my usual self. So, I was happy coming to this place, running this little laboratory.

That was until two months ago. I run a tiny Microbiological section, which is no bigger than a closet, really, and sometimes I prefer (preferred) to come back Saturdays or Sundays (my new work is Monday to Friday, 8-5 hours) to transfer a bacteria to accelerate the exam. It is no bother, and it takes only 15 minutes, and can save a day of pain for a patient!

I came back five Saturdays ago to do the transfer. I had just given Internet in my lab, so I was searching the web for some lyrics and pages and I lost track of the hour: when I came out, it was beginning to get dark. The lab has beautiful deep windows that got all the sun all day, but the big Hospital hall, just beyond my door, is very dark and large and tall, each extreme lighted for big stained glass windows converted in offices with more sets of glass windows. There is wooden seating places against some walls, and in the middle the main entrance, closed since 5, and the up-lifted walk to the wards where the patients sleep. Usually is a little red light there from X-ray section, which is left on at night.

I opened the door, turned to close and to let some bags I was carrying at the floor, and I noticed someone in the hall. My first thought was it was somebody cleaning, and after I put on the lock, I turned to say Hi.

There wasn't nobody. I walked there, thinking it may have opened any office and was cleaning into, but there was nobody. I turned round, and peek into some offices, but there was nobody. Then I looked into the Files office room, a room that like Lab, got all the light, and heard a distant pounding. It was the same sound I listen everyday when patients come to my attention window, that character pounding with the nails in glass, but was very faint and I took me a moment to identify it. But I knew I was alone in the Poli Hall.

I sprinted to the wards and spoke to the paramedics there: they confirmed there was nobody down there in the hall. I said nothing more, but boy was I shaked, and went home. I just told to the dentist and the kinesiologist, whom I am friends with, and they laughed at me.

I don't know what to do. Surely can't be EVERY hospital haunted? How can my coworkers joke about it? I feel like I'm going to have a breakdown next thing it happens, and I can't let my fear show in front of patients and coworkers, some of them should come to ME for help.

I wrote to you because not only you seem comfortable with the subject and will not call me crazy, I hope, but could maybe, gave me some advice, just letting this all out it has been a great relief for me. Thank you.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, foxlady, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Luca (1 stories) (83 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-20)
Que historia tan increible, Barbara! No puedo imaginar lo que sentiste al ver al doctor, seguramente fue una experiencia escalofriante. Es curioso que los hospitales siempre tengan historias de fantasmas, pero creo que es mas que logico, considerando la enorme cantidad de gente que ha pasado por ahi.
De hecho, aqui en Mexico tambien tenemos una leyenda de hospital muy famosa. Una enfermera que visita a los enfermos terminales por la noches, le llaman "La Planchada" por su uniforme blanco bien planchado. Si, es algo chistoso el nombre!

Yo considero que debes tomarlo con calma, tal vez como estabas asustada con el otro hospital, transmitiste esos sentimientos a tu nuevo trabajo.
Cuidate mucho, y suerte! ❤
foxlady (1 stories) (3 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-19)
Thank you again for all your comments and advice. I feel like I have to answer you with the same depth an interest, so here I go.
I agree with Whitebuffalo about the fact laughing at little things help us to face the serius stuff. My hospital is not, currently, a very happy place: difficult decisions about the running place, very angry and non-empathic bosses, and certain shortcomings has turned the place in a somber one. Besides, we had a strike of deaths and illness very uncommon for the summer, and we had to work nonstop.
I think the reason behind the "reeks" can be more explainable in my hospital than in Concepcion or bigger ones. We are a tiny rural hospital: even being old, it's not more than a Policlinic, 30 beds and a urgency room. And there's the fact we are very aloof and alone in the country: several of the deaths we had this summer would have been even easily avoidable in bigger hospitals. The paramedic and auxiliar personal are old people, natural to the region, but the professionals are very young and inexperienced, and our clinical support es poor. So, I have cried in fury when a 46-year old lady died one moth ago from a cardiac arrest mistakenly treated as gastroenteritis for a colleague, sickness I could have easily made differential diagnosis in Conception, but I don't have the luxury of a CK-MB here. So, I can't imagine the fury and anger the people feel seeing those unnecesary deaths and our failures, and the desperation they can suffer. I heard recently from a paramedic the story of her son, scolded gravely and left to die here from a long gone, irresponsible doctor, whom didn't answer the urgency call: the story of a unescrupulous doctor who performed, and almost killed, abortion in her paramedic lover. The people here is mostly good, and simple people with great respect for the damn lab coat, and the responsability that befalls us is great. So, I'm not in wonder here we could have more angry spirits than the most hospitals have.
I asked the cook, whom also works as the local sewer, about the " rapping" noises, since it remembered me of what I've experienced. She told me some outragueus tales about very simple patients rapping every door in a rainstorm to get admited and dying in the rain, but what it surprised me it was the fact doctors, in their shifst, preferred to buy a little kitchenette for their loungue than going into kitchen at night, cause they say they hear it too and gives them the creeps. Five accounts for the phenomenon at once!
They say its mostly in the kitchen windows,doors, paramedic loungue and Personal office. Which ones are directly across where I've heard it.
I heard too the personnel of Sedile, a milk delivery service for pregnant women and babies, requested for a big lamp, even if they only works from 8:00 to 16:00. The reason was it was a little dark, and that hallway was lonely in the end of Hospitalization. Off the record, they say Bernardita, the paramedic there, had seen something. I has to recognize I was spooked: I have reunions there each Wednesday (I've just came back from one) and I agree that hallway is a little creepy, being the old Private Hospitalization (Pensionado)and originaly with big, lonely rooms very apart from one another.
I am alone now in the lab and getting ready to go. I thank you so much for the support and encouragement. Anything new, I'll let you to know.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-19)
I tell you what, foxlady.
Where I work we have the standing "joke" about the ghosts that show up. Security laughs about it, the department heads laugh (that is, if they are willing to bring the subject up) all the way down the chain of employment to the volunteers of the place.
Let me tell you why, as it seems that is a question on many of your readers minds.
According to the longest surviving employee in the Center, the ghosts have been around for quite a while. It used to scare them all breathless. I work in a faith based community, so prayer, God and angels are talked about often.
So many of the things happen on a regular basis, that when the SAME OCCURRANCE scares us for the tenth time in the month, we laugh AT OURSELVES for still being scared. Especially if we had JUST gone through the experience recently.
One of the personnel women likes to make sure that when she gets ready to hire someone, they are not a person who will take off yelling and screaming down the hallway and disturbing the residence. So as part of the pre-employment screening, she has a questionnaire about the after life and whether it is possible or not. No right or wrong answers, just an opinion type quiz.
Just this past week (I kid you not) we have lost two new hires as they could not handle some of the craziness. One of them just flat out lied and said that she was going to be a babysitter and the other one freaked out so badly, that she needed a nurse. Not good.
If we continue to laugh at the little things, it makes the big ones easier to handle. Like the time that security cameras picked up a woman wandering around outside in the snow when it was ten below. We locked down the whole place and did a thorough search, no one was unaccounted for. The alarms were going off, we had a visual, and yet no one was there.
We make light of the little things so that the big ones are easier to face.
Thanks again.
Lalat (2 stories) (38 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-18)
hi foxylady,
the reason I think why some of your coworkers never experience or can joke around about ghost is that they simply are very logical and refuse to believe that there are ghost roaming our world. And you do work in a hospital so people there are very scientific.
BCEagles25 (38 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-18)
Oh, and on a side note JPing, it's not the unfinished business, but more like not wanting to die from the dying patients that leaves imprints on the area or possibly the sorrow from family members watching a loved one die on their death bed will also leave an imprinted emotion on the area, which would easily explain a haunt.

But you problably know this.
BCEagles25 (38 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-18)
Your english is nearly spotless and you're descriptions are fantastic.

Ghost are common in hospitals... I guaruntee every hospital at least has one. So, I'm not 100% sure why they are laughing. I would tell my stories to the technicians, they seem to relate to your stories.
Karyn (1 stories) (63 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-18)
Well I do not see why any hospital would not have a ghost or two. I respect anyone who works in a hospital because frankly, they give me the heebie-jeevies! I really enjoyed reading your experiences. Your were descriptive to the extreme. Maybe after your first experience, which was an apparation seen by many, you opened up that key psychological/and physical part of your mind to let you be more open to the supernatural aspects of our world. 😊
JPing (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-18)
I've never really thought of hospitals as being commonly haunted places. While I suppose it makes sense when considering how much death must occur in hospitals, I think it's a different type of death than that which would more frequently result in a haunting.

In a hospital, the recently departed may have been on their death bed and so there is less motive for that person to return for 'unfinished business'. On the other hand, if a person dies suddenly and unaturally, it could be a completely different story.

I'm not quite sure why people feel they have to complement you on your English, foxlady. To me it reaks of sympathy. But then that's just the cynic in me talking.

Don't get me wrong. Your English isn't bad, but then it's not great. Clearly everyone here understood you so it's easily passable.

I have mountains of respect for anyone who is fluent in more than one language (something I have tried and failed at). So I accept your apology at the start of your story (not that it was necessary) but I wouldn't apologise if I decided to write the rest my post in bad Japanese. I'll spare you however, because I don't speak it.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-18)
Hi FoxLady. Your english is great. I had to use the dictionary somtimes because some of the words I didn't even know what they ment 😁.My vocabulary is weak. I loved your story. I could imagine everything what was going on as if I were in that story. There are a lot of scary things in your story. The lights going out and the machines going crazy. I think that would be too much for me. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
foxlady (1 stories) (3 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-17)
I had just come from a little party tea in the honour of a fellow coworker which is leaving. She's is going back to the capital to work, and in the general conversation one of the hospital cooks mentioned she had hear several times rapping in the kitchen's door. As you may imagine, I perked my ears, but I didn't had the guts to tell my story there.
I am intrigued, and a little worried too. I'll try to pry around a bit to see if I get any more information. In special about what I saw in the Policlinic.

I thank you deeply for your support, and I'll share anything I come across by.

I thank you too for your kind words about my English and descriptions. I am usually a fanfic writer, and I use to read anything I come across in the Web: this is the very first time, however, this skills are so directly useful to me! Is the first time I speak about something so intimate, and I am very warmed for your response.

I am going now, I must confess I am still doing my job at full-speed cause I don't want to stay late hours here. But I hope I will get braver day by day... Seeing the old coworkers, in special paramedics whom had worked here all their lives and know every nook and cranny of this place by heart joking and laughing at the cook's story in the tea made me feel more relaxed. Maybe is their way to "shield" themselves from it, but I am happy they're with me.
At least, they wouldn't think I am crazy if something happen.

I just got nominated for a sumario job, which will take me around the hospital interviewing everybody about the loss of an Urgency equipment, so I'll take a look around.

You had turned this scared lab rat into a journalist! (laughs) since all my family is journalist, reporters and writers, is the family blood coming out in me, it seems!

Thank you everyone! But, Ohiwatha, I really doubt I would ever *enjoy* it. Even if this happenings had come to put in me in contact with wonderful people like you all.
And, KimSouthO, I really really hope there is no " sensitivity " in me! I had two experiences before, each one easily explainable and normal, but I really wish there is no more movements here! I love my work, and is hard to look in the microscope when your nape hair is standing in end!
Love, Babs.
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-17)
Foxy, your command of the English language shames most Americans' ability to speak anything but English--and a lot of us don't even speak THAT as well as you do.

I will not even try to help you because you will receive all the help you need from posters like White Buffalo and KimSouthO. However, know this: I know that everything you experienced is true. Do not worry that some people won't believe you--they can't unless they experience these things for themselves. But you are not crazy, in fact, consider yourself lucky that you have seen a side of the world that most people never will. I know it's scary, but it's actually a blessing. Try to enjoy it! 😁
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-17)
I have chosen not to read the other comments before making my own as I am a bit delayed in reading your story. Sorry abiut that, life caught up with me!
First, your story was very well written! I loved the detail, I felt as if I could picture the exact places you are talking about! Great job in conveying your message!

I do not know about all hospitals being 'haunted' per say, but at hospitals a lot of energy is spent and taken with the patients and the various layers (for lack of a better word) that is there to help the patients. This energy can certainly leave an impression in time. This may be what you are experincing. The first occurance you had at your old job may have opened up a sensitivity in you that makes you more receptive to this type of phenomenon. Believe me, I am not trying to make light of your situation, I am terrified when ever this occurs!

As far as why your co-workers joke about the occurances... Maybe this is their best way to deal with them: In the first hospital you spoke of, although your technician acted nonchalant about the sightings, when actually confronted with them she was also very frightened. It may simply be a defense mechanisim.

Please take comfort in knowing that you are there to help the wounded, sick and dying. You are there when new life is brought forth. You make a differance by being there it what you do for your patients and the care and concern you give your position.

Thank you for sharing your story!
God Bless!
foxlady (1 stories) (3 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-17)
I'm touched, and almost speechless for all your answers and counselling. Thank you, thank you! I really appreciatte all your comments and advice, and I only can thank you deeply for the empathy you are showing me. I read very carefully each comment. I'll try to be more level headed in the future, but your words and support will help me greatly, too. I'll keep you posted of anything else, but I was sick and in home rest the past thrusday, friday and weekend, so I haven't checked your answers, and finding them today has been a great joy for me. Since I'll be doing late work today, alone, I am happy to have them. ;)
Only new thing, is I got to know a piece of news I didn't know before. The nurse's auxiliar, an 60 years old lady who has practically lived here, told me the funerals of the staff has been traditionally done in the hospital, in the main hall, just OUTSIDE my lab door. They "watched?" don't know the words... The dead person in his/her casket, for a while, in the hall, and then walk to the cementery and bury them. You can imagine my face.
I'm going to start wearing a rosary, I think. I'll let you know any other thing that happens. Thank you to everybody!
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-17)
For English not being your language, I would say that you did a remarkable job of it, Barbara.
When people spend a tremendous amount of time doing something that they feel is worthwhile, they leave an impression.
Not only do they leave that impression on the minds and in the lives of people they have encountered, but they MAY also leave that impression upon the very atmosphere of the place that they spent so much of their time. When that happens, it is called a residual haunting.
When that same person has a strong emotional departure, or even strong emotions associated with a place, their occupation, the people in their lives, they may return to ensure all is at rights. When that happens, it is called an intelligent haunting.
Ghosts need energy to show themselves. They seem to use electrical equipment, batteries, even some things that are plugged in, or not, to get the energy needed to manifest. I would say that is what happened within the Conception Hospital.
I am a firm believer that any place that holds a vast amount of people at any given time (schools, retirement homes, hospitals, community centers) are highly likely to be haunted. All of those emotions all at one time would have any sensor going crazy.
While it is difficult to distance yourself from the situation (You are there five or more days a week) I would have to suggest that you try, not saying that you should transfer, just distance yourself.
Try taking in a portable music player (and plenty of batteries) and allow in the extra noise. Try taking a deep breath and clearing your mind of the possibilities before entering the hospital. Bring along slight distractions (you do not need a big distraction, just something to flip to when you start to get uneasy). If you have a strong religious affiliation, bring along small tokens of that religious preference (such as religious medals or signs) and pray or chant often, even if it is just in your mind.
I work in a retirement community and when I first started there I had to do all of these things plus some to get to the comfortable space that I now gingerly walk in. I am still not totally at ease there, but these things do help while I am TRYING to be.
Thank you and Good luck.
AllieRN (1 stories) (26 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-16)
Foxlady, I am an RN in a small rural hospital as well. I work night shift. Alot of times I work in an enclosed area totally by myself. At night we often turn many of the lights down as to not disturb patients. I have done this for several years. I can only say that I have had one experience that frightened me. I had an electronic bed that controls the TV etc. In the room turn the TV on and change channels with no patient in the room and the bed was unplugged from the wall. I was alone restocking the room and I was nowhere near the bed. I had other staff members experience the same thing earlier in the evening. I didn't really think much of it until I experienced it myself. It scared me but I got over it! I just didn't dwell on it. I guess if you think about it we are probably surrounded by spirits all of the time and are just not aware of it. Hang in there! I wish you lots of luck! Just remember there are more living people you should be scared of than those of which have passed on. AllieRN
mrsfrawin (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-16)
hello foxylady,
your english is very good. I don't think you have anything to be nervous about but working in a hospital you will have to get used to having other worldly visitors.
Ambi (5 stories) (30 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-16)
Hi foxylady
First of all Id like to tell you your english is not bad, its pretty good acctually.
Well I have to tell you that I too work in a hospital, I am a unit secretary, and monitor tech for the main hospital in my area of OHIO in the US.
In June I will have been there 1 year. I work 2nd shift (3pm to 11pm). I have expiereanced many frighting things in my short time there. I have also heard many different horror stories from the other staff.
I believe that what you are seeing is almost to be expected. Alot of people die in hospitals. Some souls are left there to dwell. Its kind of a mind over matter situation. If you choose to let them frighten you to the point that you can not do your work, you may want to consider working at a physians office instead of any hospital.(If that's fesable to you). There should be a lot less activity in that enviorment. But if you choose to stay where you are the only advise I can give you is to keep reminding your self that as long as none of the spirits are personally attaching them selves to you and they are not causing you any sort of harm or injury then you are safe. When I find my self in any scarey situation I pray. This helps me to over come the bad feelings.
❤ Ambi ❤
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-15)
Like ElectricTNT said, ghost like to feed off your fear. They can actually drain you of your energy, if you let them by being frighten.
Hospitals or any place that helps people, who are sick, can and often are haunted. It probably wouldn't matter what hospital you went to, you may encounter this happening.
When you feel your not alone, you could tell them "PLEASE LEAVE IN THE NAME OF THE LORD" or of what ever religion you may be. This many times helps them to cross over.
Many ghost, in hospitals may have died so quicky, they don't know they are dead. So they remain there, kind of confused.
Keep us posted on how things go, in your part of the world.
Thanks for sharing this story with us.
ElectricTNT (1 stories) (45 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-15)
Hi foxlady

You are working in a place where people come to get well. Sometimes they don't, and they die. I believe that is possibly why hospitals are haunted. Some people who love their jobs and where they work may also remain "doing their job" after they die.

The important thing to know is that you have not told of anyone being harmed by the ghosts. Once you realize that no harm is going to come to you, you have to makeup your mind that you are not going to allow these ghosts to scare you. When a ghost incident begins to occur, take control and tell the ghost is a very stern voice to knock it off and leave so that you can do your job. Some ghosts feed off of fear. If your not afraid, they will leave you alone. Let us know how things go.

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