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Real Ghost Stories

Hospital Overnight


I have thought about this story a lot lately. It might explain something. I decided I needed to do this one first instead of going back to my haunted Louisiana home. It goes back to my youngest daughter who I refer to as Jacey in my stories. Jacey is now 17 and she and I have talked recently about what she saw when she was younger and how she still sees things. She told me she has just gotten really good at ignoring them mostly, but I know the ones she saw in her elementary days at school still bother her as she talks about them the most. I don't normally see things, but I think of myself as much more auditory because I hear talking a lot and can often carry on a conversation with some, and if possible able to feel a presence so to speak. To keep this from happening, I almost always have noise on if I am alone. I will have a radio going or I will sing loudly myself or talk out loud to myself.

Here's the story: When I delivered Jacey, she was the second baby. My husband couldn't stay with me in the hospital as we had another child at home. It was the second night in the hospital. I had to stay because Jacey had some problems at birth and she was a cesarean delivery. I remember hearing voices down the hall and I was ticked. I was exhausted. My door to the hallway was open. I wanted the door closed and I just wanted to sleep. Jacey was also in the NICU so I wasn't going to see her all night. When she was born, she wasn't breathing. The doctors don't know why. One doctor argued she was premature even though she was 41 weeks. Another one said collapsed lung and another said it was pneumonia. However, as soon as they'd rub her back or feet she responded and was breathing. They stuck her in NICU to treat for collapsed lung and pneumonia since they couldn't agree why she wasn't breathing.

Getting out of bed was painful, but I got out of bed and hobbled to my door. I planned to give a "stink eye" to the people talking loudly down the hallway. I knew another woman had delivered and her room was just one down from mine. She had the noisy family who had been in and out all day long and it was coming from her side. Part of cesarean recovery is walking and I had made a few good rounds that day, had seen her baby in her room, and had even hobbled by her family on one round. I made it to the door, looked down the hall, and it was empty. As soon as I had stuck my head out the noise abruptly stopped like a radio being turned off. I had heard voices and laughing all the way to that door. I checked the other way. Nothing. It was eerily silent, no noise from the nurses station either. It was like the place was deserted. The noise had stopped as soon as I looked in that hallway.

I closed my door except for a small crack and got back in the bed and started to close my eyes, when a nurse came rushing in the room and went right in the bathroom. She didn't say anything to me. She didn't even look at me, she just went into bathroom. She didn't even turn the light on. I sat there for a moment, then looked at my door. My door hadn't moved. It was still only open a crack. There was no noise coming from the bathroom. I stared at the open bathroom door. That's when I realized I suddenly had 2 new visitors. There was a nurse and a clergy man of some kind and they were whispering at the end of my bed but I couldn't hear them. At this point I realized their clothes were not right. The nurse outfit looked very old. It was a very starched looking nurses suit and she even had the little hat on. I sat in my bed and watched them. I wasn't scared, I was more irritated with them because they kept looking at me and then would whisper to each other. Finally, I spoke to them and said, "What are you talking about? Are you talking about me? What?" That's when I finally did get a scare. They had stopped talking to seem to listen to what I said, and from behind me something shouted a word. I am still not sure what the word was, but it sounded like drugs. It was a very odd voice, it was pretty loud, and it startled me as it came from behind me. I fully expected someone in my room. I twisted so fast and sharply, and that was not good because I hurt myself and felt a pulling sensation on my stitches. Nothing was there because obviously the bed is against the wall. I considered ringing the nurses, but what was I going to say? "Hi there's 4 ghosts in here, can you get them out so I can sleep?" At that point, I was more worried I had ripped my stitches open because I hurt really badly. Nothing was behind me, my 2 visitors had left, and as far as I knew the nurse was still in the bathroom. I checked my stitches and they were fine, and feeling that my room was empty I finally got to sleep for a while.

I really can't explain what happened that night. I didn't really process it until the next day and I hesitantly told my husband about it. He knows I have dealt with this type of stuff in the past. He told me he wishes he was there because he likes to think he keeps things away. Sometimes I think he might too. I was glad to get out of the hospital and go home. Again, it wasn't really a scary situation except for the one who spoke behind me. However, I don't want to have to stay overnight in a hospital again. I had to stay over with my oldest child once, but it was a different hospital and other than a few vanishing not fully formed figures that hospital was pretty quiet. I am a little worried because I have a procedure coming up that I am supposed to stay overnight for. I have convinced the doctor to let me go home the same day and I am hoping it stays that way because I don't want to deal with whatever might be in that hospital.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kest, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Kest (12 stories) (55 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-30)
Sorry, just getting back to my comments after insane busyness. I have tried to research the hospital to find out more history on it, but was never able to really find anything. I do know it was not the oldest hospital in town. There were 2 other hospitals (one that is used for offices and businesses and insanely fascinating) and one that was in operation (Catholic owned) but has since moved to more of a day type facility. I talked to my cousin about the hospital because she works there, but she doesn't know much about it. She told me the morgue is just the creepiest place in her opinion. What I do know is the maternity floor was not always the maternity floor. I tried to find out if it was ever used for psychiatric care or anything like that, but I couldn't find out. The problem is that that particular hospital is always being added on to. It seems that all information just wants to talk about the "new" and not talk about the old. I'd probably have to take my daughter "Jacey" back in there and I have a feeling if she and I were left alone we'd pick up some pretty good stuff. I thought she had lost her "sights" in 2nd grade but she didn't. What she did is she learned what was being seen by others and what was not. Honestly I don't know if I would want to be in a hospital with her because I'd also be a little afraid of what we might pick up. She's been a difficult teen, but I have noticed that when combined she and I have some encounters. She sees more, I hear more. We have encountered a few things in our new house. I thought our new house had no activity. However, it has activity that is just "passing through" and then leaves. Thanks for all the well wishes and I am pretty much completely recovered. ❤
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-14)
I'm only now getting back to re-reading comments, been busy at work. I was wondering if this hospital is well known for being a hot bed if activity? There was one hospital in our town that had a reputation for scary creepy stuff, the rest were just hospitals. But, this one particular hospital was the one where you didn't want to go to!
Kest (12 stories) (55 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-01)
Augusta - if something comes to mind, you let me know. It's not the first time I have had something speak. I have been woken up before to someone saying "mom" and it's not my children. The house I live in now doesn't seem to be "inhabited" by anything, but I think I have things that frequently "pass through." I have had interactions with a few things and so has my youngest daughter. She tells me she ignores them mostly.
Kest (12 stories) (55 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-01)
VeroniaMarie I was given pain meds after the c-section, but none of the side effects were hallucinatory. That was my thought too. In the hospital I asked the nurse the side effects and have researched since. Hallucinations were not listed. Then I think of the other time I have been in the hospital like with my daughter, non medicated, and saw the guy in the hall. I have a cousin that works at that hospital and she says things can get creepy. That might be the case with any hospital though.
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-20)
Kest, were you given pain meds after the C-section? Because my first thought about the 'drugs' part was wondering if you were being warned that you were having a bad reaction to the meds. Because to have that many unexplained people show up all at once makes me wonder if the meds were causing some sort of hallucinatory effect.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-20)
Ok I am sitting here trying to think up every word that rhymes with drugs: thugs, mugs, rugs, dugs,...gods help us if the voice was speaking in a heavy accent of some kind, then we could be way off. Wards in hospitals can be rearranged - could be that the ward you were staying in hadn't always been maternity. Maybe the entity doing the yelling had been someone on a psychiatric hold who saw the nurse and clergyman in a negative light and yelled "thugs" (or if they were a particularly colorful 1920s gangster type spirit "mugs"). Or maybe they were someone in withdrawal wanting their drugs. This one is going to keep me guessing!
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-19)
That's wonderful! I'm glad that you didn't have to stay. I cannot relax in a hospital; it does not matter what I'm there for. In fact, I'm more on edge when I am visiting someone. It's worse than being in an airplane (for me anyway).

I am glad that you get to rest at home and wish for your swift recovery.
Kest (12 stories) (55 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-19)
Lealeigh, also I got really lucky, I had pretty major surgery, but got to escape the hospital. They tried to keep me but I told them all day I wanted to go home. I almost had to stay due to nausea. I left around 10 pm that night. I got to sleep in my own bed and am still recovering.
Kest (12 stories) (55 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-19)
Melda and LuciaJacinta, I had never given much thought why whatever was behind me saying, "drugs" had said the word. It would be interesting to know if it was a former patient possibly or if it was another doctor saying how I was able to be alive.
Kest (12 stories) (55 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-19)
Yes those would have been my ghosts. The first nurse was not the same one as the one who was talking to the clergyman. At least to my knowledge. In fact, the first one I saw I thought she was a "normal" nurse. The problem I find with hospital ghosts (I have seen others like when I stayed with my oldest during a procedure) is that they look like you and me. They are doing normal things until suddenly they do something that isn't right. Like the ghost that I encountered when my oldest was in the hospital. He was just walking down the hall, until I realized his legs weren't all there and he disappeared at the corner. So really, I think they are people until something happens that tells me otherwise.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-19)
Kest - What a very interesting, otherworldly experience.

To my mind, both you and your newborn child were the focal point of this haunting. Perhaps the spectral team had been involved in similar cases many years ago where the baby could not be saved due to the lack of medical expertise at the time. Caesarian sections were also usually considered to be dangerous to the mother and child.

The voice behind you saying "drugs" was possibly letting them all know that it's okay, medical science has moved on from there and mother and child will be fine!

Regards, Melda
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-18)
Hello Kest,

Hospitals are scary even if they are inhabited by ghosts or not. Only for the sake of my age I'm an adult, But I've grown up to be afraid of a lot of hospital equipments, needles being a general one. I am the kind of person to faint at the sight of blood loss. Yeah, I'm fine being called a coward cause I really am.

At your description, it seems like the entities do have a regular visit to the room which was allotted to you but we're never interrupted by anyone during their conversation. However, thanks to your abilities you were able to here and interfere between them which was probably new to them having an interaction with a human. However, it's creepy nonetheless the sight of their empty stares directing towards you.

This event well points out the fact that the hospital is rich in its history not only on the grounds of human health but also on the paranormal as well.

It will be interesting if anybody conducts a research and investigation regarding this unless they plan to visit the psychiatry ward. A normal Spirit encounter is enough to scare a person let alone the mentally ill ones.

LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-18)
Oh I forgot, saying "drugs" seems plausible but maybe it was something that the one behind you said to scare the others away. Something protective? Like "shrug off"?
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-18)
Very interesting account. Thank you for sharing. I'm always reading and researching this stuff. I've talked to a few paranormal groups who told me that hospitals are a location that spirits can be picked up on. It's just the type of spirit to be wary of. Those ones just seemed residual. But there are tricksters out there that try to attach themselves to you. A common one is a weepy woman who needs help or a poor crying child etc... They pretend to be something that plays on your interests and you feel sorry for them, bringing them home you giving them permission to attach themselves to you. So, if you go in again for surgery just make sure you don't give any nasties permission to hitch a ride out if the hospital...lol. But wow! You must be super sensitive to the spirit world and just pick up on these things.

I remember your stories about your daughter. My daughter has had similar things happen to her since early childhood. I hope things are going well for her and glad they don't seem as intrusive or bothersome as they had been towards her.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-18)
Hello Kest,

That's scary. These are your ghosts, as I understand them:

- a nurse who ran into the bathroom

- an old fashioned nurse

- a clergyman

- a patient calling for drugs

Was the first nurse different than the one who was talking to the clergyman? Were her clothes different?

It's scary that it seems like you were lying in the bed with the fourth spirit - the one who wanted more pain medication. It's also very sad to think he may have died there in great pain. I think they are probably residual haunts - and there are surely a fair few residual haunts in hospitals, where emotions can run very high.

I hope you don't have to stay overnight for your procedure. Maybe you can have your husband with you, if you have to stay.

- Maria

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