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Hospital Weird Experiences


As you all know from my previous stories that I work as a Nurse on a night shift schedule. This story is not really particularly scary but definitely of the weirdest I've experienced.

I work on this unit where it is just one hallway of rooms with a 20 bed capacity. Room 20th is at the very end of the hallway where the stairway to exit is located, other than that it is a dead end. At night that side is particularly more spooky than the rest of the unit. I've heard from my colleagues about some scary stuff they experienced at that side of the hallway especially in room 20. The stories ranged from patients saying they hear voices of children playing to people talking in the middle of the night where almost all are quiet and the staff are on the nurses station charting or doing something else. The unit does not have children at all, most our patients are adults and never children because we have a pediatric unit for that. So when patients say they hear children playing in the room, that kind of raises a red flag for us. These patients are alert and oriented and not confused just to clarify that. In regards to people talking, we dismissed that as probably just us staff talking.

This particular experience by an aide of ours is somewhat a little bit terrifying as this aide relay what happened to me when we were talking about paranormal stuff in the hospital.

Apparently one night he went to help out the patient in room 20. I believe it was something about toileting or something else, anyway after finishing helping the patient and making her settled in the bed, the patient thanked the aide and asked him "have you seen that lady by the door? She's been standing there behind you for a while now. She might need your help".

There was no lady by the door and she was the only patient at that side of the hallway. If we do have some patients they are in their room and not ambulating since most can't ambulate on their own and definitely one of the staff will be heading directly to that patient if they were ambulating for risks of fall. Our patients are mostly old so with that being said, our aide quickly did what needed to be done and helped the patient settle in the bed so he can leave the room as fast as possible. He was terrified as he recalls it to me.

One time we had a low census in the unit. That means most of the rooms are vacant since we only have so few patients. Now here's the thing, I do have my own assignment of patients but I never particularly mind where other patients are situated that time. I usually go to the restroom by the end of the hallway passing by room 20. All night, every time I pass that room towards the restroom I always feel like there was something off in the room. The room was particularly dark and I was thinking maybe the patient wants it that way so he can sleep. The room's door is slightly open halfway but I can still inside the room. Though it is dark, I can still see silhouettes or outlines like the bed inside the room. All night long when I pass that hallway I really thought there was a patient in there and to my surprise an aide of ours went in the room to set it up for an admitting patient, I was shocked and baffled that it was empty all along.

Why was I confused to know it was empty? Because all night long I felt a presence in that room which made me think that there was indeed a patient in there. That definitely creeped me out.

Patients also reported of sounds like walking on the wall or ceiling. I would understand and shrug it off if they described it as walking outside their doors since we always walk on the hallway, that's not something paranormal. However the patient described the sound like it was inside the room and on the walls which is very weird.

Thanks for reading and God Bless.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DarriuxDarkk, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-12-03)
Silverthane, your comment is going to be one of those that stay with me. Sort of...beautiful.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-02)
Doctors and many caregivers are witness to paranormal events where they work. Some have told me that at the end of a very busy night in the emergency trauma room where many people have died over the course of a few hours, that there would be a strange wispy cloud over the workers. The cloud would be gone by the next day. The trauma nurse told me that none of the doctors knew what caused that faint cloud, but it would always form on busy nights where multiple people died. Caregivers for the Elderly carry a special place in heaven for what they do. God Bless you!
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-01)
Thanks for the extra information. The soothing music you describe sounds like the "on hold" music that you get when you call the pharmacy at CVS.

I worked in the pharmacy at CVS for eight years and almost every day customers would tell me about how much they loved the song.

That idea was astounding to me. Our "on hold" song was two minutes of eerily soothing piano music on an endless loop. I used to have to hear it when I called to get my schedule.

I considered it to be "music to die to". If I had money to waste on betting, I would bet that CVS still uses that song for their "on hold" music.

One final thing about the music as my comment here has gotten WAY off of the point: One time while I was working at CVS, a nice elderly lady called and asked me to keep her on hold so she could listen to the music. I complied and, about five or ten minutes later, the Pharmacist asked me who was on hold. I told him. It was funny.

As I said, thank you for the extra information. I get a clearer picture. I have lately started working in the pharmacy at the hospital and I have a great amount of respect for those who are nurses.

- Maria ❤
DarriuxDarkk (6 stories) (80 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-01)
Hello Lealeigh,

I was wondering, since you are usually working there during the middle of the night, have you heard anything strange? Have you heard the sounds of children playing?

A: No, I didn't hear any children playing.

Do the patients have televisions in their rooms? Do the nurses have any kind of television or radio to help them pass the long hours of the night?

A: Patient's room have televisions and most of the time they are on but on a channel that displays nothing but plays serene music. Occasionally there are the ones that always turns on their TV as they're used to sleeping with them on. Others just turns them off when they sleep.

I realize that if there is paranormal activity anywhere it is likely to be more concentrated in a place like a hospital or a nursing home where people die. Have there been many more incidents in room 20 as opposed to the other rooms?

A: There have been numerous deaths in the unit but it's not always on Room 20. But yet definitely there are deaths and sometimes they are sudden. I remember I had one patient who was talking and smiling and in the middle of her sentence, her eyes just rolled back and died. Creepy I know, the patient had ruptured triple A. It was sudden but not unexpected.

P.S. This happened to me just few weeks ago. I was giving medicine to adjacent room which is room 21. I believe it was near midnight. As I was stepping out of the room, I heard a lady called out from inside saying " Anybody out there?" For me I thought I disturbed her in the middle of the night since most patients are sleeping already, I let her go back to sleep. I should've went inside room 20 to check but I thought one of my conurses are going in since she was walking towards my direction so I went ahead to the nurses station, thinking her patient called her to go inside.

Here comes the weird part, later on that night I checked on the Telemetry monitoring on our Nurses station and it didn't display anything on room 20. It was completely blank, so I asked the Charge Nurse, "don't we have a patient in room 20? Her tele's are off someone should check on the leads."

The Charge Nurse said "No there are no patient there, never had one since the beginning of the shift." I was shocked so I asked the Co Nurse if she went inside room 20 when I saw her in the hallway. Apparently she was heading to my direction but not going to room 20 but instead to Room 19.

Still shocked I checked the patients this time on who is who and where they are admitted to every room. Sure enough room 20 was vacant and all neighboring rooms are male patients no female patients on that side of the hallway.

That give me the creeps, I just didn't say anything to the charge Nurse.

Thanks for reading and God Bless.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-01)

I was wondering, since you are usually working there during the middle of the night, have you heard anything strange? Have you heard the sounds of children playing?

Do the patients have televisions in their rooms? Do the nurses have any kind of television or radio to help them pass the long hours of the night?

I realize that if there is paranormal activity anywhere it is likely to be more concentrated in a place like a hospital or a nursing home where people die. Have there been many more incidents in room 20 as opposed to the other rooms?

If there is something special about room 20, it may be because it is out of the way. Energy may become trapped in a place like that which sees no regular traffic from the living. Maybe the woman standing at the door of room 20 was residual from a patient in the past.

I am just speculating.

Thank you for sharing your story and best wishes.

- Maria ❤

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