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Don't Taunt Satan


When I was in my 20's I was getting a divorce from my husband, so my kids and I moved back home with my mom. Since she only had a 2 bedroom house, I moved into the basement which was semi finished, and the kids took her other bedroom.

A short time later, she had a little bedroom made down in the basement for me.

I have always been interested in ghost and stuff but the occult and demons scared me. I didn't even like to watch movies or shows about them. I also noticed that most horror movies had something bad happen in the basement so I avoided those too. One night I was reading one of the books in the Omen series and threw it across the room because it creeped me out. And vowed never to read a book like that again, especially in my basement!

I don't remember how soon after that occasion this happened but I am sure it was a few weeks or more.

I woke up with a start and felt like the devil himself had entered my room. The pure evil I felt was hard to explain. I couldn't see him but in my mind I could visualize him.

Once I felt him leave, I ran up stairs woke my mother up and told her I had a bad dream because I didn't think she would believe me that I saw the devil, I was shaking so hard it was impossible to calm me down. I would not go back down stairs so I decided to sleep on the couch in the living room. I found my old bible, opened it up to the 23rd psalm and read it out loud and then placed it over my heart and eventually fell asleep.

After reading some of the stories on this site, I wondered if I had the sleep paralysis you talk about but I could move ok and I know I was awake because I did not feel any time missing from the bad feeling to the time I could run out of the room. But who knows.

Years later: Now being a born again Christian, I know that there is good and evil in the world as I have had experiences with both. I remember one time talking to my pastor about my fear of Satan and he told me that he is not like the way he is shown on tv and in the movies. All scary and bigger than life and that he was the great deceiver and to be more careful of his trickery.

Well on my way home that night, I taunted the devil basically saying that I knew his tricks and I was wise to him. (not a good idea)

That night an old boyfriend called me up begging to talk to me because his wife left him and he needed a friend to talk to, so like a fool I met him to talk. By the end of the night, I was raped and then told that the wife hadn't left him, she was away and would be back in a week.

The jokes on me! The great deceiver struck again! I was crushed and then I realized that my taunting satan brought this on me and what a fool I was thinking I could outsmart him. My warning to you is to watch what you say and NEVER taunt satan.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MOTHERPANN, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-16)
Thank You!



rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-16)
TWEET! Flag on the Play!

Could a MOD please 'REMOVE' ganzhou as it's obvious they are a TROLL!



rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-17)

So, based on your 8 posts you seem... Hell Bent... On posting comments on every experience that has certain names or references in it... Names like Lucifer, Satan or the Devil?

You seem to want to Preach... This is not a site for that... While an individuals Religion may temper the advice they give, something we understand, we do not need a Preacher... Find a Religious Site.

Luke786 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-13)
I don't think you did anything wrong. I think I wouldve done the same thing. If anything it was your ex boyfriends fault. Dont worry he'll get what's comin to him.
AkuRoku (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-27)
Wow, that's some story, you said that stuff and you suddenly get a call? I kind of do believe you, it isn't a good idea to that. It could have been a challenge since you said you knew all the tricks and stuff and wanted to prove you wrong then laugh at you. Anyways, or it was bad luck or the choice you made. I dunno, take care though:)
MOTHERPANN (10 stories) (77 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-20)
for the final time, the purpose of the story was to tell people not to be so SMUG when it comes to spirits. I challenged the deceiver and he took that challenge and I fell hook line and sinker. I have been so over this happening for years that I am sorry I posted it because of all the backlash. I was just trying to make a point not ask anyone for forgiveness, and especially not to be bashed by so many satan lovers. I take blame for what happened because I made a stupid choice because a minister made me think I was invincable because I was a born again christian and Jesus/God would protect me from such things.
OK? Enough people, don't tell me it was my fault, I don't need your negative comments. If one person comes away from this story knowing that they shouldn't challenge satan and not tred where they they think they are safe then I am happy.
morambo85 (2 stories) (11 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-27)
satan shouldnt be blamed for other peoples mistakes. People may be pursuaded in one direction or the other to do good or to do bad but in the end its YOU who truley makes the decision. I'm sorry but I too don't like the way you portray this spirit. Hes just doing what hes supposed to do. We make our final choices. But either way I'm sorry for the attack by that dooche. You had a bad feeling though about it and you didn't follow your instincts hun. Life will go on take care. Learn from your own mistakes though. Sorry for the mini attack at the begining of this note.
MOTHERPANN (10 stories) (77 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-25)
Ok one more time regarding my story, this story took place in the 80's a long time ago when I was young and foolish! I recently had become a Born Again Christian and I was speaking to a preacher about my fear of satan and he told me that tv and movies glorify satan and make him powerful and able to do many frightening things BUT he felt that what a person show be more careful of is that satan also is called the "great deceiver" and to be careful of his tricks. He went on to explain how so many people think they are doing the right thing when in fact they are tricked into something that can lead to pain or misery. He also stated that if satan only offered pain and misery persons of free will would ignore him but because so many things are sugar coated it is easier for humans to fall for his trap. Such as drugs/drinking making you feel good but making you ill and subject to poor judgement, sex without marriage causing unwanted pregnancies or VD, money causing greed and so on. SO back to the preacher, he told me not to worry so much about how satan is perceived in the media and to be more careful of things offered that seem too good to be true or things that could take a person off the track of following God. OK?
Now what happened is all the way home from the preachers house I was being smug and telling satan I had his "number" and I was wise to his tricks. DUH the next thing you know I thought I was doing good by consoling an ex but instead I was being set up for heartache and totally fooled. I fell for his first deception. So much for me being smug and all knowing. If you read the bible it tells you not to challenge God and I bet that it is also wise not to taunt satan. I have read the bible several times, I am an ordained minister, I know the story.

You sound young and in awe of satan by your statements, that is your choice, free will and all but just remember satan is like a field of beautiful flowers, they appear lovely, fragrant and a place you want to be, but underneath there are thorns, snakes, stinging bees, and rabid rodents, be careful where you step, don't let the beauty trick you into walking blindly into a trap.
girl25 (5 stories) (28 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-19)
motherpann I have to tell the truth... I didn't like your story... The way you present satan... You don't know HIM or HER.

He is a fallen angel as I know, punished from god for his jealousness etc... Read the bible...

And now he is here on earth... Thats his punishment... If I'm wrong... Correct me...
Cause I have seen him too... And I m so happy for this... His better than humans...
I have seen him in all his forms... Maybe I ll write a story about satan... How I managed to see him and other things.

This is your story... My story is very different... Somebody elses maybe different as well.

Do you agree? Does anyone agree?
MOTHERPANN (10 stories) (77 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-18)
I know I made bad choices regarding the above story, the point I was trying to make is when I challanged Satan and told him I was "wise" to his ways, that very night, I had an experience where I was tricked into a situation that went from bad to worse. My minister told me that satan has been called the great deceiver and what happened I fell for a deception duh!
SnailBug (61 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-01)
The devil didn't make you talk to an ex-boyfriend, dear. Don't blame bad, sad or unfortunate choices that you made on dreams you have. Sorry you were assaulted, and I hope you're getting treatment for it - but honestly, you can't blame this stuff on "satan"!
COBzeppelin99 (2 stories) (32 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
now that's a story that might be the work of satan. Unlike others on this site (cough). But the presence in your room simply could have been a demon he sent, or your house could have been haunted by a demon. My friend's old house had an imp in it. Pray and they leave immediately.
kimberly (2 stories) (23 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-09)
Bless your heart. What a difficult story to tell. How horrible for you to endure such an awful crime.
JrGhostHunter (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-20)
Just a little help for you:
Any other time you Feel a Demon or Satan's Presence, just repeat "God Protect Me" over and over again, even if it takes ALL of your energy.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-11)
Im very sorry what happened to you motherpann. I to am a chriostian and there is for sure a devil but remember that the Lord has way more strengh then him. We will always have tricks played on us by the devil and he will tend to anythging that will make us less of a christian. But Faith is strong. Thank you for sharring this story with us. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
mizzcrowley (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-31)
Greetings to MPann,
No I am not an ordained minister, but neither are some noted theologians, nor even church pastors who teach every day in churches.
To answer your question, I am not a Christian, but I was one for 11 years, taught and studied in a Baptist church. I also continue to study the bible (and other religious books), since I feel that comparative relgion is important to a well-rounded education and, after all, it is the most dominant religion in the USA.

My purpose was not to "spout" bible quotes, but to support my argument through citing the #1 authority in the Christian religion, the Bible. Almost all Christians and mainstream Christian sects accept the bible as the highest authority and some as it being the only authority.

The topic introduced by you is holding a supernatural deity responsible for your misfortune and, at least at that time, from a Christian perspective. I feel that any subjective arguments on my part would not be accepted by Christians and therefore, I stuck with what I know from the bible, Christianity's primary source.

Since you adhere to the Christian belief regarding Satan (in your story), in blaming him for your attack, my only logical position through which to comment is from a Christian and thus, biblical position. I have supported my view from Christianity's authority of the bible. If your view is not from a Christian perspective of Satan, that can be discussed only through the records from other religions or from a purely subjective position. I am not interested in argument through subjectivity.

To return to your story. In it and another post of yours here, you state that this married man "pestered" you "for years" to be his mistress. To "hang out" with a man who has designs on you as his mistress (unless you had some personal interest in this) is not what a wise Christian or non-Christian woman would do in any event. (What comes to mind is the biblical warning to shun even the appearance of evil.) Just think how inappropriate such a meeting/friendship would be if a pastor or a church member continued to meet alone with a married woman who let it be known constantly that she wanted to be his mistress. If you can't see the inadvisability of that, I do not understand your reasoning. I don't see why you would even continue such a "friendship..." To do so is to court disaster, which finally culminated IN disaster. I'm not even moralizing here, but speaking from practical thinking. You may have gone there, as you said, just, "as a friend". However for years, as you stated and knew consistently, he had other designs on you apart from friendship.
This is not advice for you, since it is in the past and you apparently have grown more cautious, but for the purpose of pointing out to other women the importance of protecting themselves from risk when there are advance clues to possible future trouble. Naivete and denial of existing facts puts a woman in a vulnerable position.
MOTHERPANN (10 stories) (77 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-31)
disclaimer: being a BA Christian for a long long time I am not putting down Christianity or being BA. It is just a known fact that some came be very pushy to to point of alienating others and actually turning people away from accepting Jesus.

Final comments to Mizz...

MIZZ so what is your background in religion are you an ordained minister, a zelious Christian, one of the really pushy obnoxious BA Christian that when is seen people run away from, or what? Remember it has never been proven that any one religion is the truth and not all of your bible teachings are taken to heart by everyone.

Do not spout bible quotes and use them as the ONLY righteous way to be or how to live, judge not least you be judge and let he who have not committed sin throw the first stone. Remember those quotes?

I don't believe that for one minute that you have never used poor judgement, did something that the bible was against or sinned in the eyes of God. SO please leave your long bible stories and quotes out of my story and see what the story was written for and not asking for advice, forgiveness or any other reason to purge me of what had happened.

I again state I do not need a stranger to point out what I did wrong 25 years ago, the ONLY message I wanted to get across was that IF you believe in God and IF you believe in Satan, BE careful in being smug, self righteous and look out for trickery more so then out and out evil actions. Especially if you think quoting the bible is your only protection.

And if I ever get the impression that someone is saying that I was asking for it because of a kind deed or any other narrow minded comment inferring that it's the woman's fault she got asualted, I can assure you that I will cloud up and rain on that person's parade!

you said:
(I must point out here that you already had several years of clues that he was not an honest person and definitely not to be trusted. Certainly not on a "counseling mission", a woman alone in his van on a dark night. You did have some advance warning here. Not necessarily about his violence, but that you should not trust him.)

I met this this man many times over the years, in friendship, late at night, (we worked nights) daytime, at my home, in a car, in a diner, and such and never did he ever give the impression that he was capable of forcing himself on me, and being a cheater does not make a man evil, just
stupid. It wasn't a "counseling mission"
I wasn't going there to be a marriage counselor or as his religious counsel, I was merely going as a friend who he turned to many times in the past.

mizzcrowley (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-30)
Mikhale - Now, I must disagree with Mizzcrowley's comments about falling under the "biblical god" and not being punished by another "diety" - I am a very devout Christian and via our faith and teachings, there is only one God - Satan is not and never will be His equal and should not even be placed in the same category - remember, he was cast down here and this is his world - he can do what he likes - only faith in God will protect you - and the closer you get to Him, the harder Satan and his fallen will try to break you down, to make you fall as well - why attack those he already has?

Mizz- This is not a bible-discussion group, so I'll try to be brief, but I still take issue with your position. The bible titles Satan as the "God of this World". It does not imply he is equal to god, but still a god and with power.

Also, it is a widely taught view that Bible God chastises his own and may use tragedy and death to do so. One example is his killing of King David's infant due to David's sexual sin, the attack of poisonous serpents upon the Israelites, the several captivities of Israel by pagan nations due to their sins, bible god sent Paul a "messenger of Satan" to buffet him to keep him humble, the Smyrna church was warned that Satan would be casting some of them into prison so bible god could try their faith and reward them.
I also remind you of Job, whom Satan was not permitted to touch except by permission.
However, I cannot find any bible verses where Satan harmed anyone on his own.
It seems by these examples that one of Bible god's people cannot be touched unless they sin or to test and reward for faith, only falling under Satan's jurisdiction when they sin. I believe that MPann may have made some unwise choices, but she did not sin. So how could she have been under Satan's jurisdiction?
mizzcrowley (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-30)
Mizz - Sorry to hear about your illness. I'm glad you are better.

MPann - No I didn't report it because the guy is a COP!

Mizz - Oh my. Here is a lesson for ALL women here. Just because a man is in a position of authority does not mean you place yourself in danger. It happen frequently that even church pastors or Catholic priests abuse their office to hide their activies and real desires.
Policemen (esp. Off duty and desperate,) meeting them (OR ANY MAN) alone at night in their van is not using wisdom to minimize risks and protect yourself. Just because there is a badge, ministerial garb or business suit, does not mean a man is safe to be alone with and in a situation where you could be taken advantage of.
We should not suspect every man, but then again, always protect yourself in dangerous situations where you are alone with them.

Carrying pepper spray may work as a last resort, but keeping oneself in safe, pulic situations is better.

MPann - This guy called me constantly while he was married, begging me to see him, his dad was a cheater and he didn't see what was wrong with having someone on the side. I was so glad that I didn't marry him when he asked me years before. He had given up, I thought, because I hadn't heard from him in a long time, after I told him that I didn't date married men and to call me when his life changed! So when he called me with his excuse was that his marriage was over, I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Mizz - I must point out here that you already had several years of clues that he was not an honest person and definitely not to be trusted. Certainly not on a "counseling mission", a woman alone in his van on a dark night. You did have some advance warning here. Not necessarily about his violence, but that you should not trust him.

MPann - I don't blame myself for what happened, I feel sorry for him and the reason I blamed Satan is was so soon after laughing at him and feeling confident that I new that he was the "Great Deciever" and that I got duped so easily.

Mizz - It is much easier to blame evil spirits, a deity or other people for our mistakes. You must admit that trusting a known untrustworthy man on a dark night alone in his van is not good judgement. The idea is not to blame yourself, but recognize where you could have used some caution to prevent it from occuring. You could have met in a public place for drinks or a late-open restaurant. If he refused, that would be another warning signal. But to fail to consider the clues next time may put yourself at risk again.

Many church pastors teach that it is inappropriate for him (or a woman) to counsel with the opposite sex alone. It does not only invite sin, but danger, and perhaps even a loss of reputation if someone saw you.

MPann - Well anyway, it happened along time ago, I still help old friends, I am not so cocky in attitude regarding my beliefs and If I do run into another situation, I will be watchful in my actions and what the end effect will or could be.

Mizz - That is great to hear. I am so happy to see that you grew wiser from such a bad experience.

The above is advice I would give to any woman to protect herself in advance.
supernaturalguy3710 (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-28)
what was the history on the man you divorsed? If he was bad, or seemed to be hiding something deep, then, one to a thousand, the devil was probably him.

good advice: don't taunt satan.
Mikhal (1 stories) (4 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-27)
Makes me proud to hear you speak from your heart like that - outstanding job - and yes, judging by your more descriptive extension to the tale, you were merely doing what any Christian should - you gave him the benefit of the doubt, you put your anger and mistrust to the side, and you were there for him in his time of need - simply put, he did what most people normally do - they take advantage of a kind heart, and use it the way they see fit - but that is to be expected in this world... Anyways, you sound strong in your beliefs and your heart sounds as if it has not strayed from the straight and narrow - take care...
MOTHERPANN (10 stories) (77 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-27)
disclaimer: I am not using my comments below to start a fight, put down Christianity or to cause trouble, I just want to set some facts straight. MOTHERPANN

responding to mizzcrowley, I just want to make some issues clear, no blame, but you have your wires crossed, As a fellow Christian, I know where you are coming from but as a much wiser person I must disagree with your analysis of the events and your beliefs.

thank you for the time you took to add your advice, just a few things: this happened when I was in my 40's and not as a young inexperienced teen or person in her 20's.

My history with the man who called me was a long one, it started out as a friendship, to dating to be asked to marry, (I turned down, I didn't want to marry a cop) to him pestering me years after he married another.
My recent post explained some of this.

I did not sneak off to go make out with him, Just to use my friendship for counsel, but I did meet him at his van in the middle of the night when he got off his shift, We rode around, I tried to get him to "talk" about what happened, he was evasive, he returned to where I was parked and when he forced himself on me it was hard to push him off or flee. When he realize his behaivor not gaining any points with me and I still didn't want him in that way, instead of apoligizing he laughed and admitted is cruel trick. He wasn't shattered he was angry because I had turned him down umpteen times to become his mistress because his wife wasn't as good as me. (his words). (is that detailed enough?)

Before being a BA Christian my behaivor was one of a person who worked in a cocktail lounge and enjoyed "fun" so as a BA Christian my whole being changed and his ego just couldn't accept that I didn't want him even tho there was no other man in my life at that time.

Blaming Satan: one night while having dinner with my pastor and his wife, I was telling him my fear of Satan and he went into detail about TV and movies would almost glamourize him as being most powerful and flashy. But he said that mostly he is known as the great deceiver because of all the tricks he uses to bring a person down, get them to use drugs, drink or other things that can lead to a life of pain or desperation. So after that wonderful discussion, I felt strong and that having the Lord on my side, that Satan wasn't so scary. SO the reason I felt he had a hand in the above event is because I fell for the first lie I heard. I DID NOT tempt God, I was just being self rightous as new BA Christains can be, feeling superior to non-believers who don't have God or Jesus to protect them.

So don't be disturbed that I blame the deity for my rape or foolishness in believing in an old flame. Be disturbed that others are being tricked everyday by persons who are not as they seem. Blame Satan, society, greed or just the bad side of human nature. Blame a person who misguides others with bible quotes, blame non believers and their advice, blame yourself and your misguided advice. Or be disturbed its your choice

As a woman of 56, I am beyond being told how my actions are not becoming of a Christian or my actions are unhealthy or any other dig using the Christian belief as the basis of all that is acceptable.

My story was to bring a point about Satan and that it's not a game and especially to the kids who read this site, don't play with fire is really good advice to anyone who thinks the supernatural realm is something fun to play with when bored.

peace to all, believe in what you believe and don't let anyone make you feel unworthy, or unhealthy because of making a totally human mistake!

PS: his true story, his wife and child went out of town for the weekend to her parents for the child's birthday and were coming back that week. No fight, no breakup just a simple family vacation.
MOTHERPANN (10 stories) (77 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-27)
Sorry I haven't written back eariler but I was sick for a few days, boy do e-mails add up when you don't log-on daily lol.
Well back to my story.

No I didn't report it because the guy is a COP!

This guy called me constantly while he was married, begging me to see him, his dad was a cheater and he didn't see what was wrong with having someone on the side. I was so glad that I didn't marry him when he asked me years before. He had given up, I thought, because I hadn't heard from him in a long time, after I told him that I didn't date married men and to call me when his life changed! So when he called me with his excuse was that his marriage was over, I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

I don't blame myself for what happened, I feel sorry for him and the reason I blamed Satan is was so soon after laughing at him and feeling confident that I new that he was the "Great Deciever" and that I got duped so easily.

Being Born Again, I did that in 1980, and did may years of study in that field, I am a minister BUT my beliefs have changed in some ways. There is much more to our beginnings and what is going on in our daily lives. UFO's, ghosts/spirits and the whole telepathic realm is all connected in some way.

It is easy for someone to blame evil/Satan for doing something that isn't right, but sometimes humans have to just admit that even tho they know right from wrong they, themselves chose to do the WRONG thing. It's human nature, how many times have people blamed being drunk for their actions?
I've been drunk and knew full well what I was doing, I just didn't care but it's nice to blame the drink and not the drunk!

Well anyway, it happened along time ago, I still help old friends, I am not so cocky in attitude regarding my beliefs and If I do run into another situation, I will be watchful in my actions and what the end effect will or could be.
Mikhal (1 stories) (4 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-27)
I am truly sorry to hear about your ordeal Motherpann - I hope that you do not take any kind of anger or resentment away from it either - no need to let that blacken your otherwise kind heart

Now, I must disagree with Mizzcrowley's comments about falling under the "biblical god" and not being punished by another "diety" - I am a very devout Christian and via our faith and teachings, there is only one God - Satan is not and never will be His equal and should not even be placed in the same category - remember, he was cast down here and this is his world - he can do what he likes - only faith in God will protect you - and the closer you get to Him, the harder Satan and his fallen will try to break you down, to make you fall as well - why attack those he already has?

But now, that is not to say that Mizzcrowley is not entitled to her opinion - I just did not want you to take away the wrong sense of the situation Motherpann - I also don't want to start a relegious discussion - that's for another time and place;)
Sorcha (59 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-26)
What happened to you was not your fault Motherpann. *Hugs*

I sincerely hope that you reported him, it sounds like he would try that again on someone else.

Take care ❤

Nightgoddess (14 stories) (54 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-25)
I know what it's like to mess with that kind of stuff. My parents told me not too long ago that I used to scream bloody murder because I saw the devil, well that's what I was screaming. I learned that satan likes to feed off your fear so if he knows he or his demons scare you then he will use it. I don't ever remember screaming I saw the devil but that's the way it goes. If you have any questions let me know 😁
wanderer (6 stories) (71 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-25)
What happened to you had nothing to do with what you said or thought. It was entirely the fault of your ex. If you didn't report this crime, you should now. It takes courage to talk or write about assaults, so good for you😊 God bless you
poltergeistfan (3 stories) (26 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-24)
😭 OMG... I am truly sorry for what happened to you that night. I can't even fathom what it must've been like. This story was probably a good release of your inner feelings because like you said, your mom wouldn't of had believed you. But best of luck and love to you ❤
Astral184 (1 stories) (53 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-24)
Very sorryt to hear of this experience, and thansk for the warning, it holds true, some people might say it was just a 'coincidence'but I don't think so. Regards.
Twilightkiss (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-24)
I am deeply sorry that happened to you, and your right, "Don't taunt Satan".
I hope nothing else bad happens. 😁

With deepest sincerity,
Twighlightkiss ❤

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