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My Battle Against Hell And Satan's Demons


Whether or not you believe in Demonic Possession or Demonic Influence is your own opinion, the question of it's reality and existence isn't just a matter of "opinion" for me, but the down right truth. If you want to here a real life story that will surely get you thinking about the reality of the battle between "Good and Evil" "Demons and Angels" & "God vs Satan", then feel free to read on... Everyone's soul is at stake.

I have a deep, heavy, and long real life personal story and experience that I would like to share with all of you.

October 12th 2008, my brother died (we were extremely close, he was 24 and I was 23 at the time, I am 26 now) Just to add to this disaster, my best friend died 6 months later, both in freak accidents, my brother killed on his motorcycle, this is what happens when another biker makes an illegal U-turn right in front of your path while driving on a highway with no were to go, both dead) and my best friend on a boat that crashed into another boat on memorial day weekend, dead. To say the least, my entire world and reality was ripped apart and everything I thought I knew and wanted in life was completely shattered and changed forever. This is when everything changed.

I was put to the test, my mind, my body, my spirit, and soul. If I was too get through this It was going to take everything in me, every bit of strength that I could obtain, it was my only chance if I wanted to continue with life. I was put on a path, a path that would require me to understand Death and the afterlife as much as possible, the real hard stuff in life (stuff that we really won't ever fully understand until we get to that point ourselves)

I began what felt like a never ending quest of seeking the truth to what's beyond this world and looking for answers from God until I got what I was looking for, it really wasn't a choice at this point, it was the direction my mind was going and I was going along with it for the ride one way or the other, it's not like I could just "let it go and move on". I was a wreckless alcoholic at that point, I could probably down half a handle of vodka if not more in a day no problem just to wash away some of the pain to avoid the reality of my life. I was spiritual progressing every single day and it began opening up a lot of new gateways and answers, both good and bad realities. I knew for certain of God's existence through personal experiences, as well the Devil's existence And the struggle between Good and Evil and seriousness of it all, which ultimately boils down to the fight over each and everyone of our souls for eternity.

Shortly after these disasters I was fortunate enough to get very close with a previous friend of mine, Kelly, I knew her since we were kids and we use to go to church together. We both started to really hangout a little while after all this went down, she became my Girlfriend and she was there for me while I really didn't have anyone else that could hold my heart through this, not the way I needed at least. It was like we were both magnetically drawn to each other the first time I saw her at my friends funeral, almost as if God was pushing us towards each other Everything was just amazing in the beginning Though she had many of her own issues going on as well It didn't seem to matter to me, we were each others rock, nothing could get between us and I loved her so much, my heart felt something again and it was warm when I was with her and I felt like I could maybe survive this and have a chance at a happy life again. I helped her, she helped me. Well after about 5-6 months of being together, she started really worrying me at this point in our relationship, the last 2 years of her life were pretty hellish as well, she would cut herself and attempted suicide a few times and went into hospital treatments several times those years before I was with her, she started bringing up these things with me how she was starting to get extremely depressed again (feeling suicidal) and was really wanting to cut herself, etc... I was very emotionally and physically connected to her, I wanted to help her more than anything in the world, the love I felt for her I knew I needed her to be ok and happy, even if it would be difficult, the word difficult doesn't even come close to describing how hard it really became. I asked God for answers and told him I would do anything to help this girl I love. Talking with her and telling her I knew she could get through this and these suicidal feelings would pass and trying to lift her spirits through words just didn't seem to work... I took another approach.

Well, basically it turned out that the Devil and his horde of demons was on this girl hardcore (that might sound a little crazy, but just read on)... I knew this because, well, quite frankly she played around with tarot cards before and did other things with that kind of black magic that in my opinion you just shouldn't mess with. At one point when we were away on vacation together down the shore she took out some tarot cards and played around with them with me. I didn't really think much of it... Until late that night when she was fast as leep. Watching TV because I wasn't tired yet, in just an instance I felt the room close in tight, like I was caged in with something I knew I didn't want to be there with. It was an intensely scary demonic energy and presence, as if the Devil himself was in the room with me digging into my soul, I was never so scared or freaked out in my life, I couldn't move but be still and pray, opened my bible and read until it went away. I kind of freaked the next morning and told her what happened and how I wanted to totally change my life style and become clean (no more smoking, of any kind, pills, drugs, alcohol, etc...) and no more sex until we got married, etc... Etc... It was pretty intense for the both of us. I was noticing a lot of strong energies even before she pulled out those tarot cards... So you can see how this would just open up the spiritual gateways even more so and not in a good way at this point either... It was clear I had a lot more to deal with ahead.

Nonetheless, time moved on and I didn't have another encounter like this for a few weeks, things seemed to be ok, I actually felt at peace as if God was protecting me and I ended up cheating and having sex with her again and dam did it feel good and right... Things actually looked like they could be ok.

Either way I knew she was still struggling and given the opportunity to help her in anyway I would have hands down, and the opportunity did come...

It was one night she stayed over at my place, during this time I was becoming more of an insomniac everyday, the days and nights just blended at this point, I was barely getting any sleep because of the intense energies that I was feeling that just kept getting stronger. Like I was being led to some sort of climax. This night I was up particularly late, later than normal (6 a.m or so at this point) reading my bible next to her while she slept tight. After reading for a short while, the words literally starting popping out of the book and jumping around the pages, the energies were so strong that began expanding around me and I felt the pressure of the energy around me so incredibly strong that It was a feeling so powerful as if the presence of God himself was in the room, If I can explain part of what it was like, it would be like your brain being on fire (buzzing strong with energy blasting inward and outward) it also flat out was pointing out that the bible was straight up the truth and for real and it is and was the blood and flesh of God's law and word, written by people inspired by GOD... I mean it was such an overwhelming amazing feeling of power and peace and confidence in my soul and spirit that I felt, it was like everything just connected, made sense... Words cannot even describe the feelings that were going on inside me. Well... It wasn't too long after that I also felt an extremely strong and powerful negative force of energy coming from around my GirlFriend while she slept (she actually made some groans and demonic like noises when this was happening)... I knew for certain at this point that it was the Devil or an extremely strong demon that was there, hurting her so badly and I knew at this point with 100% certainty that this was the reason for her pain and constant battle with suicidal thoughts and feelings. This straight up evil presence knew I felt it's presence and knew that the power of Christ was with me, I felt much stronger and more confident then that last time I felt this horrible presence and was too scared to even move. This time I was prepped up, not only did I have Gods armor on, but he was with me, I wasn't afraid of anything... Not even the Devil. What felt like only moments, almost in a orchestrated and trance like state I was in, kind of like I was watching myself from a third person prospective, I basically put my hand on my Girlfriend's shoulder as this was happening and demanded this demon leave her alone... Basically an exorcism on her in the fullest way possible.

What happened after this point is the scariest stuff that I have ever experienced in my entire life... At the very instance I touched her there was a surge of pissed off, extremely angry and strong force of negative energy that straight up attacked me. Ripping right ito my soul and spirit, tearing it right out of my body and taking it on a "joy" ride to hell (or so it felt). I was dead inside... I never felt so empty and horrible, not even the worst depression or worst anxiety I ever felt could compare with what I was feeling... All I could say is... If I was given a taste of what hell would be like, this was probably the Devil's platinum tour package first class. I was scared out of my mind and thought I was completely screwed and that I really messed up here. I was pacing around the room for 10-15 minutes before leaving my apartment unexplained to my girl while she just still slept, to go home and address some of this stuff with my family. I was completely out of the world, physically I was there, but my mind going a million miles a second and I was shaken to my core and God only knows were my soul and spirit went, my family was freaked out obviously. That night I thought I was going to die for sure... I layed in bed and just waited to die and prayed to GOD to rid me of this horribleness and forgive me and save me if it was my time to go. Well, I didn't die... I just became a complete insomniac that didn't sleep, eat, (all bad habits including drinking/smoking, taking my K-pans for anxiety I stopped using) for over a week the most intensive part of this journey was happening... Yea I was attacked by every possible imaginable demon on the planet along with the devil and was freaked out more than words or anything I can describe here. It took its toll on me... I was never so scared in my life... The following weeks/months were brutal, after beginning to slowly get out of the spiritual realm I was in, the attacks started to cool down a lot of praying and fights with these demons I guess It was like a truce period, or so I thought (mind you I went in and out of the hospital 2 times because my parents were freaked out by my actions and called the police on me... Because I said things like I was going to Kill the Devil and God was coming back, etc... Etc...

After many months, 3-4 months after this happened the depression kicked in hard, I felt so warn out, my body and mind was so weak and beat up. I couldn't live like this anymore, the anti-depressants and other anti psychotic drugs the so called "docs" tried to give me did absolutely nothing to help me, made it worse if anything, so obviously I stopped taking those... This was a different situation that neither the hospital nor the doctors had any clue what to do about. I had many experiences with demons after that point, I had a dream right after the main exorcism happened were Jesus Christ himself came to me in a dream, I remember it so vividly... It was intense to say the least... He wasn't skinny or weak like he may have been when he was on the cross after being there for so long getting torn apart or what so many pictures of him show these days (to show people just how much he suffered). Well get a big smile here, because Jesus, in his spirit form (which was just like we humans look) looked and felt incredibly strong, he was ripped... Not like a steroid popping fiend, but just such an incredibly strong and powerful presence to him, both looks and feeling wise. I knew he came to help me, but it was a dream I still don't understand exactly. Even with the help from God and Jesus Christ everything was still beyond hard.

Nonetheless with my life being like this (mind you my girl stuck with me through this) now we are no longer together, our love and relationship was eventually torn apart because she is now afraid of me and well that's bout it, it breaks my heart everyday having lost her I miss her to death... I sacrificed what I had with her to help her... Just so you guys know she was on some serious anti depressant and other meds, Lexapro, Lithium, Buspar, Seraquil (sorry for spelling) 100-300 MG a day for most of them... I always told her she would eventually be able to get off this stuff, which she didn't think would be so (which she was on for 2 years) After a few months from when I did what I did with her, she was off ALL of her meds... She kind of became a bit of a different person... I was happy for her, she was doing better in all areas of her life, but hell was I struggling.

Anyways, to make an even longer story a bit shorter after 4-5 months after all this happened I was so down and depressed and feeling like hell and hurting I turned to Oxy and pain pills to numb the pain, it helped for a while... Then eventually did more harm then good... Those suicidal feelings she had, well guess what now they are on me, and I have had many encounters of serious suicidal feelings like the Devil was trying to get me to off myself... But screw him he can fight me all he wants Christ is stronger, this is what I knew in my head and fought it hard, I'm on the right side and I'm sure that just pissed Satan off to the core, its a tuff thing and like a tug of war battle a lot of time. The pills did get me to stop drinking, but I blew through tons of cash and lost sense of myself (drugs are another bad gateway to bad energies if you abuse them like I did.) Well, after a year of that I finally quit after many failed attempts and am now clean (not even a month) but going stronger than usual. Last encounter I had with a demon was this past week. I was asleep, had a pretty interesting dream that actually had me smiling and feeling good in it, but once I woke up I didn't really realize were I was... Then I realized it was back to reality and the dread of another day hit... But at that moment I fought that feeling hard, like I wasn't going to just give in to this crap

Again... And as I did I felt an incredibly strong angry presense arise, like I finally found that particular bastard demon that was messing with me and it fled because damn these things don't like it when I get a hold of them like that. I had a great day after that and still am doing well almost a week later... Just been trying to stay in my Bible and stay in God's spirit and keep this away for good, it's hard I must say... Just waiting until another Demon is sent on me and I have another fight on my hands... Thanks for reading

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, HellRaiser, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-03)
I suspect your ex was dabling in other dark practices that you were perhaps not aware about. Tarot cards don't cause havoc like this.

Seroquel is used for the treatment of Bipolar. Severe Bipolar can have symptoms that are in line with psychosis and schizophrenia.

kyro_kenny23 (10 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-03)
oh my jesus I now know that the devil himslef can do all the sick and dirty things people tell me I will never in my life fladdoddle around with black magic and all that stuff and I now know I need a stronger relationship with god and my girlfriend 😨
abanob (1 stories) (31 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-01)
Hell raiser I want to tell you about somthing maybe you don't know about jesus/god/holy spirit when you are under the demonic attack somtimes you will feel that jesus left you in the middle of the battle field and you will feel lonley but that not true jesus allways near you but he want us to learn and we are allways under the test the whole life is a test believe me and keep in your mind I will give you example let's say you have a little babe and he still don't know how to walk and you need to teach him first time he walk one step then he will fall on his face and next time he will walk two steps and fall on his face and you will come and catch your son and clean him and you will teach him how to walk and keep trying until he learn how to walk but you won't leave him in this time you will be with your son but from distance becuase he need to learn and you need to teach him this is the reson why you feel lonley and it very very hard you know that is for your own good but keep praying not just in the bad time in the happy times too and I wish you that get stronger then what you are becuase the true fight is not standing against demons that is not way they fight they attack your weakness like sex/drug/ swearing to god and a lot more they will do anything to keep a distance beetwin you and jesus and that is the true power of them so keep things in your mind I wish that you get married with that girl and have a nice life you and here WHITOUT DEMONS take care and sorry for my english am low on english:)
Aviman (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-17)
Good story I wonder if you are doing better. What demons do you think are bothering you?
Kentana (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
This is obviously an old post, but I just want to say to you Hellraiser, don't listen to these nitwits. Is it possible that you were sleep deprived, intoxicated, and as a result suffering from hallucinations? Yes, it is absolutely possible. BUT, what if you weren't hallucinating?

In my experience and beliefs, the Devil works in MANY ways. Isn't it strange that people of faith tend to have more "paranormal activities" as opposed to people without faith? Ever asked a skeptic if they've encountered a ghost, or ever hear an Atheist say, "well until I experience something like that, I'll stick by not believing in anything."

The devil only "reveals" himself if it's going to benefit him. So, if someone is an Atheist or simply doesn't believe in the supernatural, then most likely they will not experience any paranormal activity. It's not because those of faith "open doors" but rather the devil will only use the door if absolutely necessary. Think about it, what would be the point of revealing himself to someone of faith? Because what difference would it make. They're obviously aware of the battle between heaven and hell, so might as well drag em down and demoralize them.

Now, my point in relation to all this is the fact that the Devil also uses alcohol and medication as an "excuse" to hide him from the rest of the world. Why do you suppose millions of people claim to have seen a ghost, demon, devil or jesus yet there is not enough supporting evidence. Yet, millions of people have claimed to see this. Does that mean they're ALL crazy? Should we single a group out because they were under the influence or sleep deprived? How would we be able to tell the difference.

I mean Hellraiser could of easily lied and stated that he was in no way under the influence or sleep deprived, and what would we say then? Would we call him crazy if he had a history of mental illness? Would we rationalize to every point possible to rule out his testimony. That's just plain crap.

I know how the Devil works, Hellraiser. And, yeah I believe in Astrology, at least to a certain extent, but I'm also a big believer in faith and christianity. Is it conflicting? Yes and no. Can tarot cards be used negatively? Absolutely. Can it open doors? Absolutely. Could it have been the main cause of these "disturbances" for Mr. Hellraiser? Possibly, but probably unlikely. But the fact remains that his ex-girlfriend was into astrology and tarot card reading.

So, my question is, what else was she into that could of caused all these disturbances? Just because Tarot Card Reading isn't known to cause disturbances, doesn't mean it's not a gateway to do so. Is the Ouija Board a harmless device that will hurt nobody? I can't say, cause I don't mess with it, but I'm willing to bet that it can and will hurt somebody due to all the different people saying the same things about it. People who have no connection or relationship to one another in any way. Yet, we have a major company selling the d*mn thing in retail stores.

Botanica shops, voodoo, santeria (all rumored to do weird stuff that can help and/or hurt people) use Tarot Cards and Astrology. So is it possible that her reading tarot cards could of been the cause to all this, like Mr. Hellraiser said? Absolutely. Don't just ignore his proposed possibilities simply because he was on meds or intoxicated. It's just not right.

Thank you.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)

WOW your little rant really set people off... Please follow the link Javelina provided and I'll be more than happy to hash this one out over there (This invite is open to anyone who cares to 'HARP' on the Religious / Non-Religious issues that seem to come up). I try very very hard to keep Religion 'out' of the equation' when it comes to offering my advice or point of view on this site but after reading all of your comments... And yes I visited your profile and did so. All I can say is this, The mentality you have is what gives Fanatic's a bad name, be they Religious or not.

Go Manchester United!


Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
[at] dustyisdead,

You want to get tough with me? GET IN LINE!

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
Yeah, Rook wants it there, he prefers it. And I say that's just fine by me. Sorry if I woke anyone from their slumber, I am pretty loud sometimes. 😆 😆 😆

dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] javelina, you don't get to tell me what to do. When someone insinuates that people with no religion have no moral code to go by and without religion there would be no order, it's disrespectful to me as an agnostic. And I will say what I think its disrespectful, whether of not it affects my "karma" not. If someone said something negative about your morality based on your beliefs, you would take offense and say something too.

And you're not going to tell me where and when I say it either. Quit trying to nanny everyone.

I've been watching this site for a long time now, and have seen you say disrespectful things left and right. You called a 14 year old a scab, so excuse me if I'm not pining for your approval.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] Javelina: I've already stopped... And I'm afraid that I've spent all my steam climbing one mountain. I'm too tired to climb another one. Silly little engine, I should learn to use my energy more efficiently! Well g'night everybody, I'm going to go burn some coal.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
Hahaha nice work Jav you have a great memory I forgot about Rooks invitation lol 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)

You want to debate this subject? Take it over here...


Rook has asked repeatedly for this subject to be hashed out on this experience. Keeps the others free for what they were intended.

Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] dustyisdead: sigh, well, think what you will. I am not going to pursue making my point any further. Let's just agree to disagree and go our separate ways.
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] mountaineer, religion period doesn't lay down the moral code or law. Societies base it what is more productive for them. It has NOTHING to do with the threat of burning in a lake of fire. History has shown that religion bases their morals on society's at the time. Not the other way around.

Why are you getting so pissed off, when I'm just trying to tell you about something you said being kind of offensive? Jeez, relax
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] dustyisdead: didn't say christianity laid out the moral codes, once again you should read my comment before you butt heads with it. I said that RELIGIONS, the earliest ones that came long before the organized ones we know today, set up the moral codes. But I probably should have just let you have your way with my comment and kept my mouth shut because you'll be nitpicking something from this one too.
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
well, actually we DO know that christianity didn't lay the foundation for moral law. So your opinion isn't exactly accurate. Take a look at what nysa said about it.
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] nysa
Thank you! Moral law has nothing to do with religion. That's just another thing some people say to establish some sort of moral superiority.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] dustyisdead: I am not saying that atheists have no morals. I was just saying that morals were, at least in my opinion, created by religions, and without them, perhaps moral codes would never have been set. Hey I could be wrong, but there isn't really any way to know is there? Just one of those "if"s that we have to ponder about. Don't get me wrong, I have atheist friends. I also have Urdu, Muslim, Hindu, and Jewish friends. I respect their beliefs, and they respect mine. I just get a little prickly whenever someone tries to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong. I agree with you, we should leave this debate behind us. Let cooler heads prevail.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
It's not just presumptuous, it is historically inaccurate. Religious moral laws reflect the mores of society & attempt to enforce them, they do not create those values. Our laws, religious & legal are formed based on what a society believes is best for the society as a whole. For example, if a society is badly in need of protection from those outside the society religious morals will encourage savagery, under specific conditions. It hardly makes that savagery moral or acceptable to those outside the religion.
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] mountaineer

Woah now, to claim that religion provides the "moral code" laid for us to go by and we need it so they won't be random murders and rapes going on is just ridiculous. I consider myself an atheist with agnostic leanings and I get incredibly offended when people assume that we must not have any "morals" and therefore are untrustworthy people. Please, don't go there, because that's really presumptuous and ignorant. It's best not to discuss religion at all I think.

I think we can all agree that hardcoregeneral is a complete moron. But pleaes don't generalize other people that happen to share certain qualities of his. It makes you come off a like self-righteous like he is, and I don't think that's something you were aiming for.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] hardcoregeneral: Well that was rather impassioned. You thrash religion almost...religiously. You also seem to be a hard core pessimist, as well as a preachy atheist. Preachy atheist, you ask? How is such a thing possible? You are yelling at us that our religious beliefs are wrong, and that we need to snap out of it and join your way of religious thinking. That is pretty much the definition of preaching. Even if your way of religious thinking is that all religion is stupidity. It is quite disrespectful, and will get people to tear you apart. I suppose that you wouldn't understand though, that religion is a core part of life for religious people, one that is part of their heritage and their personal identity. You have no respect for such things apparently, and prefer to pick out all the negative effects of religion, blinding yourself to the positive. I agree, completely, that many horrible things have been done in the name of religion. I argue though, that many wonderful things have also been done in the name of religion, it doesn't matter which one. If the moral codes laid out by most religions had never been devised, and a scary punishment for breaking those moral codes described (you will burn forever in a big lake of fire), then how would people act? If you liked a man's wife, you could just walk up to him, beat him to death, rape his wife, and go home with all his money in your pockets, and no one would think you had done anything wrong. Someone else would just come eventually and do the same to you. And how many charities in the world are sponsored by religion? Indeed, religion is truly a terrible thing when it makes you donate money, food, clothing, etc. To people who need it. I have gotten impassioned myself in the course of this comment, because you struck me at my core with your desrespectful comment. I'll say one last thing, and stop myself. You are welcome to your own beleifs. Go and believe whatever you want, or believe nothing. Do whatever pleases you. Just don't try and push your beleifs (or lack thereof) on others.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] hardcoregeneral,
Well, well, well. You are a special one, aren't you?
I noticed from your profile page that you are a footballer. At least you profess to be. So what I'm thinking is you must be a backbencher, a practice dummy so to speak. Because no professional player would be caught dead putting their real name and profession up on a web site dedicated to the paranormal. Then again, you guys do play without head protection, so who knows?
I will say this son, you certainly couldn't wait to jump in and search for anything related to religion or demons and stomp your tiny feet all over it, could you?
What's the matter boy? Vicar doesn't fancy you since you've gotten past puberty? Don't you fret baby, I'm sure there's a leather bar somewhere in your area that would be willing to service your particular proclivities. You just need to have faith. Ooops! Sorry, didn't mean to rub salt in that wound.
Get along now son, your mama's calling. 😆 😆 😆
bluefoxx01 (81 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-11)
so what other black magic was your girlfriend doing other than the tarot cards, which is pretty insignificant in itself. To bring the hordes of demons in and the devil himself, it would have to be something pretty bad to warrant this type of attack. Did you ever talk to a priest through any of this or seek guidance? The whole story starts out very unclear as to what your girlfriend initiated to get into this possession (state).
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-24)
You know, you can always write up another story. Instead of this going back and forth with everyone, just put it into words and submit it. Start anew. I think it sounds like a damn good idea myself. Go with a clean slate, get it the way you want it. Couldn't hurt.

HellRaiser (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-24)
I appreciate the nice responses despite my upset tone at times, I do feel attacked with certain posts and there is a range of reasons why, partically having to do with some of the reacurring questions and trying to pawn this off as a "drug or alcohol" related inner demon situation. Don't get me wrong we all have our own inner demons to deal with, but along with that this was something completely different that only if you felt and saw and went through would you understand what I mean and were I am coming from. I tried to explain it with words, but that only goes so far. I appreciate any prayers because I am far from getting through this unfortunately, although I have made progress. I have a very open mind, although on certain things, yes, my mind is closed shut and tight and that is because of my confidence in them. I wish you all the best as well. At this time I am going to give this a break and will take care of certain things I need too and I will come back with less friction hopefully. Thanks again
AnimalAngels (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-24)
I'm sorry, I don't see anything demonic about this. I have to agree with DA... Stuff happens, for a reason to. You were put threw a test and you became a better person from it! Thats my take on it.


MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-24)
"I hope to God you are never in a position were you loose loved ones so early in life when you think it shouldn't be there time. Good luck if you ever have to face what I have, really."

You can't honestly think that no one here has never felt the loss of a loved one and felt the stab of grief and pain that follows. It's the moving forward of said grief that makes you stronger. It happened, it sucks, but you're alive and you should live your life as such. ALIVE and with the memory of your loved ones close to your heart.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-24)
HR, I will leave you alone and bow out of this conversation with one last statement. I do not deny that the things you went through were very taxing emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. I believe that it was an enormously difficult thing to get through and the fact that you DID get through it really something. Do I think anything paranormal was involved here? No, and I do not think you have presented any reason for me to believe otherwise, so all in all I do not think this story belongs here, but as long as it is here, hopefully people will be able to take something away from it.

Crap happens. Sometimes life gets just about as bad as you think it could possibly get, and then it gets even worse. When that happens, find something to hold onto. Even if you feel like you only have the tatters of a thread of hope left, just hang in there, do not lose yourself to the tide, and be the best person that you can be. You will overcome it through your own strength, and if you believe in something, you will draw strength from that too. It doesn't matter if what you believe in is God, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, any other deity or just yourself.

HR, you still have some personal issues to work through and I truly wish you the best of luck, light and love in getting through it. My advice/opinion is that the first step is to learn to love yourself, truly and without arrogance, and then learn to love others. You do not need to make people agree with you for them to qualify as deserving of your respect and love. Bacchaegirl said it best, I believe. We all will be praying/hoping/wishing the best for you and yours.

Until then, this little community will be here helping each other and others out with very real but unexplainable, illogical and just plain fantastical paranormal shennanigans. That is what we all are here for, after all.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-24)
[at] bacchaegrl
This guy is not in anyway making others think all christians are like him. I can safely say that the users on this site know that people with religious beliefs come here, comment like us all but don't ram there beliefs on to others.

Even rook said in one of his latest stories he has added bible refs but did not want to come across as preaching.
If and when preaching does happen its the other christians that defend the site/story/poster won't mention names but I think you might recall the last one who was on here.

Anyway what I wanted to say was don't think your all going to be tared with the same brush.

Hellraiser you carry on looking after your self.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-24)
OOH! Yeah! I guess you could call me a christian, that's the best term to describe my beliefs, but I'm not very religious, because religion can become so convoluted. But I agree with the other posters on here. What happened to the loving and accepting side of Christianity, hellraiser? Sure, it's good to present your beliefs to the world, but I think you are going about it the wrong way. Damkning people is no way to approach evangilism. It may have worked in the past, but it doesn't now. I've read this whole comment string and you come across as angry, stubborn, and ill-informed. I'm an insane person, meaning that personal demons have plagued me all my life. It's good that you overcame them; it's a great testimony of faith. The main argument here is that nothing paranormal happened to you. And that very well may be the case. Inner struggles are equeally as hard to deal with. DeviousAgel and I may not have the same belief system, but we agree on a lot of things. You may need to cool off there, and take a lesson in humility. You're giving all christians a bad name. Some of us aren't hard headed, closed-minded, bitter individuals. Some of us are very open minded and accepting. Have you ever heard the phrase "love the sinner, hate the sin"? While I think it's rather a cliche, it might apply to you. Why are you so upset? Why are you so defensive? You feel personally attacked, and I can understand that, to some extent. But if you were truly a follower of God and Jesus, wouldn't you have at least an inkling of love for your fellow man. I know for a fact that you are going to get defensive with me too. There is no way anyone can change your mind about anything. So what I am going to do is pray for you. I think you are the one who really needs it. I'm going to pray for you to find inner peace. I'm going to pray that your inner demons stay away. I'm even going to pray that Satan's demons stay away from you. Mostly I'm going to pray that you can reconcile with yourself; you are still tormented by something, and I think it's your own making. No one here will ever be able to get through to you. To make you understand, accept, or even consider anything new. But if you believe in God, you believe in a changed heart. A heart filled with joy and kindness. So I'm going to pray for you.

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