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My Grandpa, My Best Friend


I was close to my grandpa, every where he went, I went. The one person he could never stand was my dad. My grandpa got Malaryia from being over seas in the war, and also lung cancer from working in the mine. Over the years, it finally progressed where he had to be put into the hospital.

The last day my mom and dad were there at the hospital, my grandpa told my mom that he knew his time was close, and asked my mom to read him his favorite verse out of the Bible. After my mom read it to him, she laid the Bible on the night stand, and was fixing to walk out the door.

My Grandpa, My Best Friend

As she was walking out the door, my grandpa asked them if they would bring me up there to see him. My mom said my dad had told him no. When they picked me up from my aunt and uncle's, we went home. Five minutes after we got home, we got the call that my grandpa had passed.

As the years went by, my mom told me about my dad telling him no, that he wasn't going to bring me up there. So, as time went on, I was always mad at my dad for not letting me tell my grandpa bye and I that loved him, until one night.

My dad came home from the bar drunk, and started yelling at me and my mom, and woke us up. I had asked my mom to lay down with me. While I was laying there talking to her, I happened to look at the end of my bed and there I saw my grandpa. He had a beautiful golden yellow light around him, and I heard his voice tell me not to worry, everything was going to be fine, and that nothing was going to happen me and my mom. I told him okay grandpa, bye and I love you. It was like he slowly evaporated into thin air.

Ever since, I have finally felt like I got my chance to say goodbye and let him know I loved him. Well, to make a long story short, a few weeks later, my mom and dad filed for a divorce.

To this day, I feel like my grandpa was watching over me and my mom.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Brownie09, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Brownie09 (6 stories) (293 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-27)
Thank you rhodes, yeah my grandpa was a sweet guy. He would help anyone any way he can. He was the one who was always there for me and my mom, and understood what we had to go through with my dad.

Thanks for your comment. 😊
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
Thank you for sharing a sad and yet such a beautiful story, Brownie. Your grandfather must have been a wonderful man!
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
Oh, Thank you, Brownie09.
Psalm 23 IS the passage that came to mind.
"Surely goodness and LOVE will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
How very fitting.
Thank you.
Brownie09 (6 stories) (293 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
Hi WB, my grandpa's favorite verse was the Lord is my shepherd. He knew everything my dad done to me and my mom, up until the day he passed. My cousin was always mad, because she was never as close as me and my grandpa.
I am sorry if there are any mispelled words, but I always get tears in my eyes when I think about him.
Thanks for the comment.

Oh, I also posted a comment to my other story to answer your question also, it was sort of hard to explain, but the fan was pointing toward the air, to what would be my left, and the woman taking the pictures right. Hope that helps you out.
Sorry for such a long comment. 😊
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
How beautiful, Brownie09.
I am wondering, what is his favorite verse? One popped into my mind as I read it and I am curious. No other reason😊.
I have a pretty good idea that your Father did not like your Grandfather as he KNEW that your Grandfather knew how his daughter and Granddaughter were treated when he drank. It is kind of hard to hide that from some people. Especially those who love the ones being effected by the alleged abuse. And it is very hard for those who love to WATCH that kind of thing.
That is speaking from experience, Hun. Your Grandfather was a good man, and expected no less for his daughter.
How wonderful that he was able to tell you that soon everything would be fine. Just to hang on, and all would work out.
Thank you.
Brownie09 (6 stories) (293 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
Thanks Chris, Frawin, and Luca, yeah me and my grandpa were really close. I guess you can say I was a grandpa's girl. I do still believe that he does come just to like check in and see how we are doing. Thanks for your comments. 😊 ❀
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-17)
Im very sorry that you had to loose a very close friend. A grandparent allways love there grandchildren. But I bet you knew that. Your Granpa loves you and your mom that is why he was protecting you two. It is nice to know that Granpa is in abetter place and is always watching. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-09-16)
Hello Brownie. I am happy everything has worked out for you and you finally got to say goodbye to your grandpa. It would be safe to say that he still looks in on you from time to time.
Thank you for sharing your story with us, I truly enjoyed it. Take care and God Bless you.

Luca (1 stories) (83 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-16)
Very sweet story, Brownie. Glad you had a chance to say good-bye to your granddad.
Brownie09 (6 stories) (293 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-16)
Hi Tonith, thanks for the comment, but my dad was my grandpa's son-in-law, he was my mom's dad. My dad hated my grandpa, my dad was selfish, he hated my grandpa, and none of us knew why. He didn't start all of that toward my grandpa until him and my mom got married. My dad was a jerk he would throw things when he was drunk, and he would be so hateful toward me and and my mom too. Thanks for your comment. 😊

Thanks Rhodes, thanks for the comment. I know he is still around because I can't see him, but I can feel that he is. My cousin thinks I'm lying because she doesn't feel anything like that, but she was never as close to him like I was. He will be gone 18 years the 18th of this month. 😊
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-16)
You definitely got to tell your grandpa goodbye although I trully believe he's been around as your guardian angel! What a lovely and yet sad story Brownie09! I can connect to the bond you two were sharing. My grandpa was the love of my life too!
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-16)
Sounds like your grandfather knew his son. Wonder what went wrong between them? Probably a sense of decency and loyalty. No matter how we are raised we end up being selfish or unselfish. Sounds like your dad had issues.Don't hate him he just wasn't enlightened. Narcissism will do that. The all about me syndrome. Pray that he will see the Light.
Brownie09 (6 stories) (293 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-15)
Thank you ladyannne, I know he was the one who knew what me and my mom went through with my dad, and he was always the one that me and my mom could talk to when we felt like we couldn't talk to any one else in the family. Thank you all for your comments. 😊 ❀
ladyannne (11 stories) (91 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-15)
Brownie, what a lovely, warm story, and a wonderful memory for you. Not enough of us are lucky to have that kind of love in a lifetime, let alone, in the after life. Thank you for sharing!
Brownie09 (6 stories) (293 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-15)
Thanks gigglingmuse, I still feel like he is still around watching me and my family. He was my best friend, I know probably sounds weird, but he was. He was always there for me to talk to. 😊
gigglingmuse (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-15)
It is so good to hear that you feel better about saying goodbye. It can be so hard on someone not to say goodbye, and I am very happy that your grandpa was there to protect you!

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