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The Singing Entity


I have had many experiences in my life... Many to which I could not talk about with anyone or share because of the lack of understanding... Until now.

My home was an older one that was built sometime between 1900's and 1940's; I had so many feelings in this house... So much dread at times and mostly a feeling of being watched all the time. I lived there for 13 years and all the while felt this way.

I was a young teenager when this happened, probably in the early nineties.

On this particular morning I was getting ready for school, walking about the house, catching some bits and pieces of the news in the family room, grabbing a bite to eat in the kitchen and putting my homework in my book bag in the parlor, this was a path that I was walking... Back and forth... When I was stopped in my tracks by some singing... I listened with intensity... It was coming from outside. I looked out the front door window, only to see a portion of something in the road; my vision was blocked by the pillar that was on the front porch. I could barely make out that this looked like a person. I went to the next room of the house (the kitchen) hoping to get a better look. It was gone.

I then continued to get ready thinking it was someone who had been walking down the street until I heard the singing again. I looked out the front door window again... To see the same image as before. Still unable to see from that viewpoint but I wanted to know what or who this was. Instead of going to the kitchen and taking a chance of it being gone, I opened the front door and stepped out onto my porch. I could clearly see this now... A dark entity surrounded by blue light as blue as the sky, the entity was accompanied by a dog, large and black it too was surrounded by the light... I could no longer hear the singing but a muttering of words that the entity was speaking to the dog.

My subconscious wanted to believe that this was a neighbor Niki taking her dog out (she had a small white dog) so instead of just standing there I forced words from my mouth. I said "Niki," only to be ignored. Thinking she had not heard me over her own muttering I then yelled. "Niki!"

To my surprise this entity turned and looked at me... Emptiness... I saw total emptiness in the eyes, they shown so clearly even in the darkness and then it was gone. I never saw this again but experienced other things.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Scotch, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-03)
WOW these encounteres sure do sound interesting! I hope you shgare more with us. Thanks for sharring. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Jasmin314 (13 stories) (210 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-02)
thats really creepy! Will you write about your other experiences?
❤ Jasmin
Cholulteca (148 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-02)
Hmm, Interesting story, thanks for sharing it and look forward to read about your other experiences,😊
Scotch (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-02)
whitebuffalo- I did not step off the porch. I didn't see it singing, only heard it. I suppose that it did just give off the feel that, that was where the song was coming from? The song was never louder... It was loud enough that I could hear singing but not loud enough to determine what the song was... Once I stepped outside She/He was speaking to the dog but again I couldn't make out what was being said only that the entity was kind of bending over (as if to give instructions) to the dog.
Personally I believe this has stuck with me over the years because of the look... It is something that I can't erase from my mind... I will post a few other stories that could possibly be related to the same entity... I just don't know.
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
I would have to agree with EVPR. Most likely it was residual. I don't know if it heard you yell or even saw you as you did it. The timing between your yell (which you had to do twice) and the recording you were no doubt seeing may have been a coincidence. Let's say for the sake of argument it actually did hear you the second time you yelled, this may have happened many times to this walking the dog spirit, and it learned not to pay any attention to what can't harm it. I would hate to think it is indifferent but unless it's residual you may have encountered a spirit who just doesn't care what the living sees or hears. People, while alive, can be very self absorbed so I guess it's possible that the dead can be the same. I have gotten enough blank stares in my lifetime from people to know this could be very true lol.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
Oh THANK YOU Scotch for coming back to answer. It is like pulling teeth at times to get a straight answer out of an author. Thank you, you have helped to restore my faith in newbies.
So, you DID NOT step OFF the porch, correct? Did you ever SEE it singing, or did it just give off the feel that this was where the song was coming from? Was the song LOUDER once you stepped outside (I have an idea, but with out the answers, it is still nothing but a theory)?
She/He spoke to the dog. You may not remember the song itself, but do you recall the spoken word?
I know, a lot more questions, but you have stoked the fire of curiosity within me. AND you came back!
Thank you.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
I see what you mean, Scotch: in lines 7&8 of paragraph 5 of your story you speak of the figure you saw as a "dark entity", without gender distinction.
It appears that Surya got the impression in her mind that you were referring to a male-looking figure.
Scotch (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
Surya, did I indicate that I thought it was a man? I believed this was a woman... The voice, the way it looked...etc. That is why I called "Niki," I wouldn't have said that if I had thought it was a male.

EVPResearcher - I live in SW OH, about 40 minute NE of Cincy. I have heard of this before... Like a record skipping at times. These things can play back over and over.
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
Scotch - I live in NW ohio. Where (generally) are you located? Without further investigation, it almost sounds residual. I know when you called out it turned. You said it had an empty look. Maybe it wasn't looking at you. A theory out there is certain kinds of Rocks (Ohio is good for this), kind of record peoples energy and when conditions are right they are played back. Like a DVD. That person is not really there, just a recording from the past. Quartz, Granite and (Limestone?) I think are the big ones. Just a thought.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
I know your neighbour is female but what I cannot understand is why if there was a man standing in front of you you still called your neighbours name.
Scotch (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
Surya - no, I thought it sounded female and my neighbor Niki... Is a girl.

Thank you again for the comments.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
So although it was a female voice you heard you still thought it was ok to let yourself believe the man in front of you with a black dog was your neighbour. 😕

Thank for answering the question.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
Thanks for coming back and replying.
Some whose stories are published don't bother to do so, even when they say they need help or will participate in the discussion.

Curious how an isolated event like this suddenly pokes itself into this realm then exits altogether just as suddenly.
Thanks for sharing.
Scotch (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
Thank you all for commenting... After reading what I had shared I can see how some of this could be a bit unclear.
Rhodes68- I could not have put it better than rook... I had some experiences before this but this was my very first of this degree... I wanted to believe that it was Niki... Although logically I knew that she didn't have a large black dog. I was just trying to make sense of it all and being as young as I was... This was a little hard for me to admitt to myself.
Rook- I am not sure if I knew the song, I could not make out words specifically but only sound with a melody.
Succubiluv- it was predawn
Surya- female voice, that's why I wanted to believe that it could be Niki
Whitebuffalo - the distance was probably between 70-80 feet from the front porch to the place in the street... But I felt as though I was so much closer when it looked at me.

Thanks for all the questions... Hope this answers them.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
What is the distance between your front porch and this being with the ethereal canine? I am struggling with the picture of straining to see what or who it was, then the seemingly up close and personal look it shared with you.
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
I have to ask the same question as succubiluv as it is something I found a bit odd as well "Emptiness... I saw total emptiness in the eyes, they shown so clearly even in the darkness". Why did you think this entity was your neighbour when you neighbour has a white small dog? As for the singing you have not said whether it was female or male voice/s.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-01)
I appreciate rhodes68's questions.

I have one of my own for Scotch.
In paragraph 4 you identify the timeframe of this event as occurring in the morning, but in the final paragraph you say that the entity's eyes "shown so clearly even in the darkness".

So was this a predawn event that took place while it was still dark out?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-30)

The rational mind will do many things to convince itself that what it is seeing is something explainable, in Scotch's case it was 'hopeing' that the figure was the next door neighbor when it seems obvious it was not her or her dog.


While odd, and disconcerting I do not get the impression that this figure was menecing or 'evil' feeling so I have to ask just what were you feeling as you looked at this dark figure?

Another question is this, Did you know the song that was being sung, or was the tune familure?

Thank you for shareing this experience with us.


rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-30)
I'm a little bit confused, why would you call out "Niki" when it was obviously clear that this dark shadow surrounded by a blue light and holding a large black dog was obvioulsy not your friend?

You say these words were "forced" out of your mouth as your subconscious wanted to believe that this spectre was your neighbor instead of what it clearly was. Why did you feel you had to ask a question when you already knew the answer?

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