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Real Ghost Stories

Praying Nun


Three years ago when I went to Mexico to visit my grand parents, I went to the plaza to hang out with my cousins. We were just chilling throwing fire crackers at the stray dogs that passed. It was getting late so I started heading of home to my grandparent's house. It was 2a. M and I was walking on my own. As I was about to get onto the main road, I saw a lady that looked like a nun. As I got closer I saw that her hands were together as if she was praying so I said, "hola". She didn't respond. I couldn't see her face either. As I walked past her I looked at her face. It was all bone and teeth so I ran the rest of the way home.

I was shaking when I got home and my parent's asked what the matter was with me. I told them what I had seen. My grandparent's then told us that there was a war in the pueblo "atenguillo". The town's church was fighting for its religion. There was nun who went to a house nearby to hide gold as well as hide from the people were attacking them.

A few days later we went to the old house and saw that there was a hole that was being dug so we went to the house to get shovels and started to dig. About two hours later we hit a circle rock and it was heavy so we asked one of my grandfather's friends to help us. He said he would help us. The next day we went to go pick him up he told us that he was not going there again. When we asked why and he said he went the day before to get the gold but when he got the rock out it was a well and had an awful smell. There was gold in the bottom of the well. A few weeks later my grandfather's friend got really sick.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, diaz94, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ghostyanu (1 stories) (5 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-05)
I don't want to sound aggressive or offensive but just to tell you that the throwing of firecrackers at dogs is really very bad & cruel and you say you chilling by doing cruelty? The karma has returned to you because it will take revenge of what you have done to innocent. I may praise the devil here.

This part done
Next part,
The nun's praying, yeah I agree to Mexico's sad history. Maybe it was right that you saw nun praying because to save gold & people. But I think that it was nun's spirit still there and praying. Your digging may have made it go cruel or evil because of your statement that there was a foul smell there. Your grandfather's friend may had fell sick because of helping you and digging in the well that the nun didn't wanted and so to save it, she has (not sure) done something to your grandfather's friend. By something, I mean that either haunting him because a nun's spirit has power.
By the way, I recommend to stop the digging there & there only for the good of you and your family.

SuperPugLady (1 stories) (10 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-30)
I,ve just read your story, diaz94. HOW ANYONE CAN FIND FUN IN THROWING FIRE CRACKERS AT DOGS IS DISGUSTING! Shame on you. 😠
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-01-13)
Excuse me please, diaz.

Oh, I know, Hobby. In THIS instance, however, I feel this is warranted. Only in that this tale is a LEGEND. In that it is a legend that the author WITNESSED...
Well, that is Perty Derned rare.
There ARE those that HAVE witnessed parts of legends. That is how most legends are cemented.
I really am having difficulties putting this one into words, but There just FEELS like there is something missing. An emotion, or a reason, or the story behind the story, I do not know.

THIS is a site for true ghost stories and the sharing of the combined experiences to enlighten, and to assist in the dealing with personal experiences.
Had I been the sole witness to THIS phenomenon, I would be EAGER to let the entire story out. This would be PROOF that the legend WAS based in fact, and not just another fictitious story made possible by the vivid minds of treasure hunters.
Prove me wrong, diaz. <Shrug> All you have to do is to come back and fill in the spaces. There is just something missing, and that MAY only be in that I PERSONALLY did not experience this. It is YOUR experience. HELP us understand it.
Thank you.
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-12)
You are welcome for my thoughts on the actual experience.
I was trying to be honest without being hurtful. I am a FIRM believer in trusting your gut. (sorry everyone to get off topic)
gruntman (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-12)
There has to be very interseting history behind this story. A nun with a bone face id a first in my book but the chill that must of run down your back must of been undescrible. I hope your hapy with the gold you found and as an offer for finding the gold I would go to the grave site of the nun and plant flowers and tell her thanks.

whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-01-12)
Thank you, Hobbyholly.
While I am almost under the impression that your comment was written tongue-in-cheek, your candidness was exactly what I was looking for. I appreciate a person who is not afraid to swim up river. At times it is a lonely swim, but, honesty never killed anyone outright.
No need to explain why you do not believe it. Sometimes our "gut" is all that is needed to prove to us that something is amiss.

Going back to my initial comment. Any chance of you coming back and answering a few questions, diaz94? The legend is extraordinary. I am only asking for an ordinary explanation of what YOU saw.
Thank you.
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-12)
The "experience": I don't know. I can't explain it, but I don't believe it. The story just feels too thrown together.

Maybe that is harsh. And YES, I'm aware I have no explanation as to why I don't buy it... I just don't.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-01-11)
Alright, People.
We have established that it was not good journalism to add the part of the story about the cruelty the author bestowed upon the stray dogs (not very moral either), my further thoughts on the matter are that there IS a possibility that this is the reason for the frightening look OF the Nun.
But what about the EXPERIENCE, guys. What are all of your thoughts on THAT?
I actually came back here hoping that the author had answered a few of the other questions and see that they have not, but I caught princess123 comment. I SEE the "lol" there, but I still am VERY sorry to hear that, princess. 😊 Nuns CAN be very gentle people with much information on a variety of subjects.
The funniest thing about making a public comment on a public site like that is, Who knows? The person just a few comments away just MIGHT be, or might HAVE been that one person that "you" (speaking in general now, and not pointing this at princess) admit to "hating". *shrug* Ah well. I will end this lecture with a "fomclmhowpfya".
Thank you.
katie100 (1 stories) (26 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-11)
Throwing Firecrackers at animals is Cruel! But on the other hand great story! I really enjoyed reading 😊
princess123 (7 stories) (186 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-10)
I like this story, and I hate nuns lol, is your grandfathers friend ok?

Princess123 x ❤
bevega1984 (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-10)
Don't ever throw fire crackers at animals of any sort. You should respect all living creatures. Animals have a spirit the same as you do. I am not a person to judge, but in time a Higher Power will. As for the story, if it's true, you brought it upon yourself. Respect all
againsarahan (34 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
Was anything about this story genuine besides the casual recounting of animal cruelty? Sounds like a B movie version of the La Llarona tradition.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
Some "people" make me wonder sometimes! Hasn't it ever occurred to you that torturing innocent animals is not a thing to take pride in let alone share as part of your plot?
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
"chilling and throwing fire crackers at stray dogs"
Wow...that is a STELLAR way to pass the time.

This story sounds thrown together. But that's just my opinion.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
You got exactly what you deserved. I don't think this was a ghost at all, but perhaps a spirit getting back at you for hurting those dogs. You and your friends should be ashamed of yourselves.

Canyouseeme (1 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
To be honest I don't believe you, treasurer and anun that had bones were her face was sounds really basic, the smell was probabaly sewage or mayb even a dead body, I like the way the hole has miracously appeard the next time you went back.

Yuor uncles friend getting a sick...conincidence, people get sick everyday.

But besides that stop throwing fire crackers at dogs dude, how would you feel if I threw it at you?
Canyouseeme (1 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
Ive just read the first 3/4 lines and you threw firecrackers at stray dogs and think its ok?!?

How cruel is tht?
People like you make me sick... I haven't read your post yet but for what its worth I hope the ghost brings misery on you and your family and friends.

Shiva (2 stories) (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)

Your experience is somewhat similar to a story my mother used to tell me often.

So...are you planning t go back there and get to the bottom of it... I mean the mystery, not the well...?

Godspeed S.
diaz94 (1 stories) (2 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
i don't know were you can read it from, I heard it from my grandfather.
I don't know who got the gold or if its still there.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
I gotta wonder...
WHY was a Nun hiding gold? Gold is of the world, and the main reason for LEAVING the ways of humanity is to humble yourself before the Maker and to make one's self wholly (and Holy) accountable to said Higher Power.
Another question HIT me. When passing a LIVING Nun, MOST people of the faith, tend to state "Hola, Sister" out of respect for her station in life. I am wondering if she presented her physical being to you as she DID as for the "lack of respect" FOR her station. I have KNOWN Nuns to "ignore" the greeting of a passer by, just because they did not add the "sister".

I can find no written record of this legend, but that means naught. There have been OODLES of legends that have not been recorded, merely passed on by word of mouth from generation to generation. Would you happen to know where we could read about this? Just to get a clearer picture?

So, WHO got the gold?
Your grandfather's friend stated that the gold was at the bottom of that well. If he KNEW that, and if people had begun to DIG to retrieve it...
WHO got the gold?
Thank you.
ZUKISMOM (5 stories) (58 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
DO NOT THROW FIRECRACKERS AT STRAY DOGS. IT IS JUST PLAIN MEAN. Karma will return the favor to you one day I am positive. Anyway the smell from the well was probably pure evil or there may be bodies down there from others who were willing to risk their greedy lives for some gold pieces. Smart thing to do is stay away from the well and the house
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
What are you doing throwing fire crackers at stray dogs? Geez! Sounds like what you saw was a residual haunting and after what you did to those animals you had it coming. If the adults knew the legend I'm sure they were not the only ones to check out the place where the gold was said to be. I bet no gold was ever found either. It's no doubt long gone.
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
Mexico Yeah I hear thing like Mexico believe in day of the dead every years. Yeah that can be like curse if touch someone's stuff.
diaz94 (1 stories) (2 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
i went to the house with my dad but he didn't want to enter because it was filled with tall grass and I only enterd in the fron room where I could see my dad from.
I don't know how he is I didn't talk to him last time I went to mexico.
Cholulteca (148 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
Mmm...yeah, in Mexico there's this believe that if the person that wants to take the gold is not the one designated by the "ghost", then the gold would dissapear and/or the person will get sick... Good lesson for that supposed to be "friend"... 🤔
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
Interesting story. I have a question. Did you go back to the house? How is your grandfather's friend?

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