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Real Ghost Stories

The Ghost In My Parents Bedroom


OOne night I was getting ready for bed, getting dressed and running back and forth to the bathroom. I finally got everything together for the next morning and made my way to the living room, picking on my brothers, Devin and Cameron, on the way. We had recently gotten a toy poodle, Precious about five months back and she was asleep with my mom in my parents' bedroom, on the foot of the bed as usual. My dad was away on a business trip and so it was my brothers and I were in the living room, watching TV. My mom had gone to bed about thirty minutes before and I started to hear Precious barking, furiously. I heard my mother yell, fear in her voice "Meagan! Get this dog out of here!" I rushed to my parent's bedroom, the lights were off so with the dim light from the hall shining into the room I couldn't see much, but Precious continued to bark as if she was about to attack someone. I was so confused and I could feel my mother's fear. I quickly turned on the master baths light and looked to see what was going on.

Precious's fur sticking straight up, was barking, and leaping towards the corner of the room, closest to my mom's bed. She would dodge and act as if something was coming for her but continued to bark at the corner of the room. I scooped her up and she abruptly stopped barking. I was consoling her and I looked at my mother finally. Her eyes were big and she was pressed up against the headboard of the bed, looking terrified and confused. I have never seen my mother scared except for the time my youngest brother almost choked to death on an Everlasting Gobstopper. But the expression on her face washed away all my doubt that this could be explained, that this was something natural. Precious never slept with in my parent's room again.

I was wondering if this certain event could possibly coincide with one time my mom went to bed early. I don't think anyone else was home. She said she fell asleep and she was on her back. She had a dream of a blue outline of a man came up to the side of her bed and reached down to her waist and started squeezing the breath out of her. My mum was trying to wiggle free, she woke herself up, thinking the dream was over the breath was still being squeezed out of her she looked up and there was the blue outline of the man. He let go of her and slowly disappeared. She told me about how it scared her so.

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mari168 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-19)
I was in the kitchen of my gramma's house and my poodle Truffle started barking at the oven so I turned of my flash and took a picture and there was a pink globe floating there! After Truffle stopped barking I took another picture and there was nothing there. That really scared me so I don't go to my grandparents hose that often anymore.:)) Dogs can really protect you from ghosts
Hipboy125 (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-06)
Wow. I know how you feel. When my little boston bull terrier, Minnie, first came to our house, I loved her. I also had a sense she could detect spirits as well as me. One night when she slept in my bedroom, I also have a fear of these ghostly things, she starts growling at this purple shadow. I thought it was a ghost of my uncle, Who we'll call Jon. He gave us a keychain the day he died unexpectadly. He was just having a beer, and dropped dead. Now, every night at 9:03, it starts to swing. But, back to the story. I used to think the ghost possessing me was him, until I started urinating blood. (EWW!) But anywys, she barked at it and growled and I said two things. I told Minnie to be quiet, and I told the U.J to please go away.
bluegirl0506 (3 stories) (43 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-12)
I haven't been living in my parents house for over 4 years. I'm 23.
My mom liked when my dad was away on business trips, which he doesn't travelnymore by the way, she's pro-woman, independent, level headed woman.
Since me, my brothers, mom and ex dog have all had paranormal experiences in there I'm ruling out sleep paralysis. Thanks for the comments guys!
ParanormalReality (35 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-10)
I think the outline of the man might have been the ghost. Animals can sense the paranormal, so maybe that's why your dog was scared and barking. This is something normal that happens with animals, but the way that your mother had dreamedof it too, makes it more interesting and hard to explain. Does your mother still dream of that man though? Maybe your dad can scare him away, lol. But anyways, good luck.
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-09)
I know people have had dogs barking at certain spots or staring at certain spots and growling so who is to say what they are seeing or sensing? However what happened to your mother does sound like sleep paralysis to me. Does she tend to be nervous when your father is on business trips? Does this only happen when he is gone or she is alone in the house? If so, it may be underlying stress of being alone or without the man of the house there for protection. Not saying this is the case but it could be a reason. Maybe the dog did sense something. I'm a little confused about whether the dog is being banned from your parents room or that the dog doesn't want to go in there anymore?
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
lol first I don't need money, have enough 2nd is that the government takes more tax out of you if they give money, so you would lose on the deal after a while.
bluegirl0506 (3 stories) (43 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
SHHooooot. I wouldn't turn down money that the GOVERNMENT offered to pay me. I'd be all over that like some white on rice!
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
No web page cause its kind of a privit busness that if any one hears about a story we look into it. Its kind of cool too. The government even offer to pay us to look into but truned down the offer. I don't need the money, I just like having fun with looking into things. Its all thanks to himiko too.
bluegirl0506 (3 stories) (43 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
Really? That is so cool. What is your business? Do you have a webpage or something?
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
own expariance plus I have my own small company that research these things. I don't only research spirits or animals. Myths also.
bluegirl0506 (3 stories) (43 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
Wow, that's pretty cool! How did you learn about these things, zoajet?
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
well most of the time its tend to become somthing bad but can also see what we can't. But unlike other animals, if the cat say a bug on the wall before then cats usally look in that same spot.
bluegirl0506 (3 stories) (43 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
If Davey (My cat) can sense when something bad is about to happen then why does she seem to be looking at something that I cannot see, a lot of times?
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
well it helps if you could see spirits and stuff. Dogs can sense spirits or any type. Cats can sense (not have to be dealing with spirits) something bad is going to happen. Now chickens are weird. A show that anwser things for people said if a guy wants to hook up with a best girl in a place, a chicken would pick the best one out. They have almost like human brains. I could keep going but not here. Send me an e-mail if you want to know more.
bluegirl0506 (3 stories) (43 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
You can actaully tell what animal is sensitive to what? How does one tell, zoajet?
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
i can tell what so specil about some animals. Each one have a uniqe thing they are good at. I find it wearid but in a way, not really.
bluegirl0506 (3 stories) (43 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
Yes, animals are wonderful. I would be very afraid though if I could sense all that they do. My cat, Davey, she looks at things dancing on the walls. I check to see if it's like a gnat or bug but nothing is usually there. I hope nothing has come with my from my parent's house to my new apartment.
t3h_h0bbitz (4 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
Perhaps the dog sensed that the entity was back to hurt your mom. Animals can sense things.
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
i would have to say the man was back to choke your mother again. The dog saves your mom from more pain. Dogs and other animals have uniqe abilities. They can sense somthing that we as humans can't (some people through can)
bluegirl0506 (3 stories) (43 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
It's just so weird to think that something was in that house, while we lived there too. Something not human, something Precious could actaully sense better than us. And sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Precious hadn't been there that night. Would something bad have happened to my mom?
IrisWall (1 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-07)
My dog would do the same, and there is indeed, an angry spirit in my house. So I assume it would relate to the same phenomena.

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