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Real Ghost Stories

The Farm House


I guess I'll tell you about the farm house. First I'll tell you a little bit of history about it.

It was built in 1839. It is at the highest point in Butler Co. It is built over an Indian burial mound. It was leveled down and the house built on top. There is still a signal mound just about 1500 feet from the house. There were a few small mounds around on the land when we lived on it. We lived there for 8yrs and 6 months. We loved raising our children there.

I have a lot of stories in this house because it was definitely haunted. I have always seen, felt, or knew things? I don't know why I was given this special gift, go to my profile and I can let you read about me and you tell me what I am.

We moved to the farm in 1991 and so many things happened! Kitchen cabinets would be open all the time! Pillows thrown off couches and sometimes our beds, etc.

When we first moved there my husband wasn't getting any sleep because I heard someone always walking or talking in the house. I would feel that something was there. All but 2 rooms had 2 doors our son's room and the chapel room. He would tell me he couldn't find them; He would go running through the house and said I'll never be able to catch them. I knew that something was there. I didn't know about the history of the house until after we lived there for at least 1yr.

We rented it from a man who lived in Indiana it had 380acres on the side where the house was and 460acres across the road which we also helped take care of the barns where there. Also there were two spring feed ponds on each side.

How I found out about the history was from a gentleman that had put in the furnace a few years before we moved in. He could tell that we appreciated the house by the way we had it looking. He had asked me if he could tour the rest of the house considering he had seen the utility room, kitchen, and dining room to get to the basement. I said sure and while I was walking him through he was giving me information on the house. The last room we went in was what every one called the Indian room (our living room). I had it really nicely decorated in Native American artifacts and etc. I have a lot of Indian blood in me so I liked all the Indian stuff only Native American though.

We said good bye and I couldn't wait to tell my husband about everything this man had told me. You see we lived there just a few months and I would hear Indians fighting and I just thought I was going crazy I kept it to myself. Until one afternoon when my oldest son who was 5 years old was standing by the window in the family room facing down the hill (not the Indian room) He said mommy do you hear that, I went straight to him and said what do you hear. I was never so happy over his response, I hear Indian's fighting. Yesssss I wasn't crazzzy.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rd2246hmm, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-08)
Interest story by the way I have little indian blood too As call apachee Sorry for that spell, I love indian too. Love the story.
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-07)
Just to make sure I didn't jump to conclusions, I have family in Butler Co. Ohio. (I don't know if there is any others). My grandmother lives in Hamilton. My Aunt lives in Trenton. I have another aunt in Trenton/New Miami? And an aunt in the town close to Miami University.

I find Trenton and Hamilton terrifying (and not due to any ghosts that may be around). My aunt that lives close to Miami University lives basically in the middle of no where. Two lane road. Very Very creepy at night.

I also find the town of Salem (maybe its Boston) outside of the ohio border creepy.
rd2246hmm (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-07)
hobbyholly, Thank you for reading my story. Yes we did move even though the person we rented from said that we could buy if he ever went to sell it, but he didn't keep his promise. Yes the place is still there and we have talked to the new owners, which has been interesting. The place is in West Middletown, (Madison Twp.) What part of Butler Co. Are you visiting? I'am getting ready to read one of your stories now. Any more Questions? I don't know everything but what I do know I'll share.
rd2246hmm (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-07)
Choluteca, over the white witch thing. From what I've been told since writeing my profile was that its something you are born into its not bad and I can, t help why I know things. White witchs don't harm others and its a gift. Considering it's never harmed anyone I Do consider it a gift from God. There is a big difference between a white witch and black magic (someone that practices, someone that seeks out to become a witch) with that being said, I know that they can do things by what they have gotten into. I am not part of that. I have nothing against others who do what they do. And I'am not at all afraid of being a white witch anylonger. I have learned to just embrace and to try and help where I can. Nothing more and nothing less. Thank you for reading my story and I do have a lot more to write about from living there and other places.
Cholulteca (148 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-07)
Read your profile, very interesting, guess its not bad to be a white witch but at the same time, think you did the right thing at not getting involved in developing it, there's things you have to be sure before commiting to them and witchcraft is one of those things that once you are in it, it marks your whole life, and no, I don't think you are crazy or anything like that... 😳
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-07)
Interesting. I have family that live in Butler County (immediate family so I'm there a few times a year). I'm assuming you moved out? Do you know what happened to the place? And if you don't mind me asking, what town was this in?

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