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The Haunted Holy Book


So my first two stories have been as a kid, this one has and is still happening. Before I want to let you know that I am not that religious just because of the things I have seen in my life (my opinion please respect it thank you).

This one started about two months ago when my 79 year old grandmother found a bible from 1853 that had been given to her in the late 60's by one of my uncle's friends.

Well she asked me to look up the family we found inside of the bible as they had filled out the births and deaths, as I started looking their names up strange things began to happen (well stranger than the normal weirdness) .

At first we chalked it up to the other ghosts in the house (no not Fred), but we soon started to smell pipe smoke and burning wood and it was always in a place around where the bible was. We also started seeing a shadow person with what looked to be a pipe in one hand and book in the other.

This afternoon (July 30th) as I was giving a number to my uncle (the one whose friend gave my grandmother the bible all those years ago) my cell phone was knocked out of my hand and flew across the kitchen and bounced off the dinner table.

Update: August 4th, so we have been without power for over 24hours now. Last night we had oil lamps lit and our battery powered radio going when we got a lot of static and suddenly a voice came across in the static that sounded as if it was asking were its bible was. I am not too sure exactly what was said due to the static and my granny not being quite trying to ask it questions.

As more things happen I will post as this will be an ongoing event it will be posted as it unfolds and I will still post my other happenings also.

Ok folks on this one I will be taking any and all advice I can get.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, youngdz79, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-28)
Sorry it has taken me so long to say this, but you are welcome Dizzy. Just here to lend a helping hand if I can, and point out some alternative suggestions if I have them.
Keep up the good work. Research is imperative in ANY form of the Unknown.
Thank you.
youngdz79 (6 stories) (58 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-08)
I have really turned over the family research to my uncle as he has retired as he is a retired Air Force Tech Sargent he has more time to look it up than I do he has not come up on anything so far but the name change sounds like a good ave. To go down I wll let him know that.

whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-08)
Uh huh.
Here is a thought. Why do you not google (or whatever search engine you use) the free "friend finders" and see what you can come up with there? There are a few that will hook you in and then ask for a credit card, so do be careful.
The probability of finding no leads with ancestry.com is almost unheard of. Interesting that this was the case with you. It could also indicate a name change that slipped through the filters.
How much time did you put into searching FOR the family?
Thank you.
youngdz79 (6 stories) (58 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-07)
well I did not have any leads that did pop up we got the death records of one family member in the bible and my uncle has e-mailed a friend of his in the gov. To see if he can help
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-06)
Nice, good form, Dizzy.
What did you do for cross referencing any leads that popped up?
youngdz79 (6 stories) (58 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-06)
my uncle has a account on Ancestry.com and he allowed me to access his account to look at all materials and I used the last recorded name in the bible to search as it is a very uncommon name
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-06)
Oh, ok. Thank you Dizzy.
I thought it was so, but ended up confusing myself as I was trying to think through the possibilities.
It is possible that the family "recorder" just stopped recording names, dates, marriages, births and deaths. We actually own SOMEONE's Bible (that also has no connection with our family) who the recorder passed away and no one else took it to task to keep up the register.
What kind of research did you preform in order to find this family?
Thank you.
youngdz79 (6 stories) (58 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-05)
Hi Whitebuffalo, I hope this clears it up for
Yes the family is in no way related to me my grandmother was giving the bible buy a friend of one of my uncles back when they were kids in the late 60's and been and old "hills women" she put it up and forgot about it until we found it cleaning about January of this year
kariu (1 stories) (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-05)
strangest thing is... When I wrote a story about something in my room (no any pipes or anything at all) because its always smells like sewer. And in a particular area in my room its smells sometimes like sewer, and getting an strange feeling. That I'm not alone (also not that afraid,I'm just too). Everytime when I clean my room I scrub the floor in that area the scent keeps coming back. And also I couldn't detect any pipes or anything (metal detector) and when I began fallin into sleep, I feel a rush. If someone ran into me. I got that feeling like if you sit in a roller-coaster very strange... But one of the person of this site, told me that my story had nothing to do with ghost or whaeva? So hey what do you think folks
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-04)
Uh, sorry Dizzy, I just have a question.
You said in the story that you were asked to "look up the family" in the Bible. Do you mean to say that this was NOT any part of your family's group at any point, no matter HOW far down the line the connection may go?
I am sorry. I am just trying to understand that comment in connection with the comment you gave to libertybelle. I think I just confused myself.
Thank you.
youngdz79 (6 stories) (58 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-04)
What I have been able to figure out is that after the 1930's the family either lost everything or just died out
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-04)
My gut reaction is that someone is upset because the Bible went out of the family. I think I can understand why, too--such things are considered precious heirlooms in many families, and I don't think I'd care to have the family Bible my mom bought before I was born to go to anyone but my sons, and the same with the family Bible I've had since my first marriage (that sounds as if I've been committing serial monogamy, I know, but I've only got one ex in my checkered past 😆!)

I'll await further devleopments with great interest.

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