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Comments for The Victorian Doll: Page 1

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Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Zzsgranny,it was all telepathically yes I've only heard a spirit verbally speak once and it was a very weak No.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
lady-glow: Georgia is one of our States. 😊

Silentwings: I'm really rather perplexed about the conversation you had with the spirit. Was this like a conversation one would hold with a living being, or did it take place telepathically? The reason I ask is because I've never known a ghost/spirit to be so vocal. It's hard enough to get a "Hi!" on a recording, I just can't fathom one speaking so much.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Lady_Glow, I live in the USA when it said Georgia in the listing I thought it meant like the state of Georgia, I'm sorry for the confusion. She was still in her box yes when I had the tea parties with her, as much as I handled and maintained the box I still don't know how I didn't see it and even what it meant or why it was there or even Who Alyssa is I just thought it was odd because I always pay attention to detail. There were a few happings at my mom's that I failed to mention the main ones being that the doll would often be found in different places than my shelf without my mom or I moving her. For instance I always kept her on my catty corner shelf in my room so when I walked in or opened my door I could see her. Well there were a handful of times that she would be found on my dresser top, once on my bed and one other time in the floor underneath the shelf but I never heard the whispers. As to why, honestly I don't know. Why it started up more at my dad's house there was a lot more activity and other spirits in his house, Even though he was highly religous most of his spiritual techniques which were mainly praying over the rooms in the home and anointing crosses on the door frames which had little to no effect because there was so much attached to the land and house, or maybe because I took her out of the box at dad's. It's still a mystery to me even on what the spirit was or how it got attached to my doll, nor am I even sure if it completely left considering I gave my dolls to a shop the next day but I do know its nothing I want to run across again.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Silentwings: nice story.
I'm confused about the country you are from, in your profile it says you live in Georgia, but some parts of your story make me think that you live in the USA. 😕

Another thing I have to ask is about the tea parties you used to have with the doll, do you mean she was still in the box? -otherwise it would be difficult to understand that you hadn't seen the word "Alissa" before.

It is puzzling that nothing happened to the doll during the years you lived at your mom's place.

Thanks for sharing.

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