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Real Ghost Stories

A Caretakers Anger


This happened on the Island of Kauai. I don't know why I went to investigate, but I kept feeling drawn to the location.

The old Caretaker (? Not sure what the building is) Cottage is a dilapidated building, sitting in the middle of nowhere. There use to be electrical wires connected to a wood pole, but there is no power to the building any longer.

The first time I drove by, I wasn't aware it was there. In fact, I had driven past it for years. It was isolated off a small turn about, and there was never a reason to drive up that way.

I feel silly admitting I never knew it was there, but I wasn't called. When I use the word, "called"...I mean I was summoned. By who or why?, I don't know. This is not something I go out of my way to do. If I had a choice, I would NEVER check out an empty building.

This was different. It had a lonely quality connected to it. I stared at it for a while, before I wandered over to get a closer look. I made sure I looked it over in the daylight. It looked like it was about to collapse in on itself.

It was a pathetic little house. It had one living area, no bedroom, and a tiny outhouse on one side. There appeared to be a small kitchen or laundry area on the other side of the building. A wood pole jutted straight up into the air. It looked oddly out of place. The area was a junkyard of old cars, thrown out rubbish, and abandoned furniture.

I felt so sad just looking around. How could anybody have lived here? I am certain it must have been a lonely existence. There aren't any homes around, and the nearest property? A cemetery across the road on the other side of the street.

I think I understand now. Maybe this little house was a Caretakers home overseeing the cemetery. I wondered what his story was. Somehow, I knew it was a male entity pulling me here. I don't know how, I just "knew".

I carry my camera, wherever I go, and I decided to take a photo. It is posted on my Photos page of my Website. It is a unique building, and I wanted to look at it later. You know, study it, try to figure it out. It would take me a couple more weeks before I returned. The final visit (and I say "final" for good reason) came on a evening around nine p.m.

This is what I saw that night. Driving around, the air felt charged with energy. It was a beautiful evening, and the air was still. The trade winds had stalled, and I could hear every bug, every toad, every cricket. It was magical. To my left the ocean pounded against rocks and cliffs. I could smell the salty seawater, and it invigorated my senses.

My skin was tingling with anticipation, and I didn't know where I was headed. I just drove along, waiting for a signal to stop. I found myself near the cemetery, and then I turned onto the dirt road leading to the place I call "The Caretakers Cottage".

It was disorienting. There are no lights along the street. It is completely black in there, and you feel like you are driving through a cave. My headlights penetrated the darkness to a degree, but I couldn't see beyond the light. It felt as though the light was being gobbled up by the hungry blackness. It was unnerving, to say the least.

It was so quiet, I could hear the gravel and dirt beneath my tires. I felt like I was making so much noise. Pulling to a stop along the Caretakers Cottage, I didn't dare step out of the truck. Instead, I grabbed my camera, and started snapping away. My heart was beating rapidly, but I was not scared. There was this feeling, I would finally get some answers in that oily darkness.

I was right. By picture number four, I started to hear footsteps coming from the inside of the building, only I didn't see anything. I could feel him there, and I took another picture. A kind of hostile yell (I can't describe it) came from the right of the building. It was a mans voice, but I couldn't tell what he was saying. One thing I couldn't miss, that was the anger emanating from the voice. He was beyond angry. It was then I heard him step outside and start to walk toward my truck. I backed away as quickly as I could. Driving away in my truck all I could think about was the photos. Would I get to see him in any of the pictures?

I drove straight home, and pulled the disc from my camera. Plugging it into my computer, I waited to see what images popped up on the screen. To my surprise, I found myself looking into the face of a very angry man. It was the last photo taken. This photo is posted at the bottom of my photo page on my Website-if you are interested.

The Ghostly Caretaker has his mouth open as if he was saying something (which he was). One hand is balled into a fist, and you can clearly see his fingers. The other hand is being held up to his upper chest area. The rest of his body didn't manifest. His face and hands are sickly white.

I remember trying to take a last photo, but the batteries were already drained. Ghosts will do that to electrical items. They drain us, our equipment, to pull and use the energy to appear, etc.

The next day, I asked the local police about the caretaker cottage, and they didn't know who had lived there, or why the building was there. Many of the local people, who had grown up in the area, always remembered it as being there. In that same, horrible, sad condition.

No one remembered a Caretaker living there. Growing even more frustrated, I wondered why I was lead there. It was obvious. This Ghost man didn't want any help from anybody. I think he just wanted to remind someone, anyone, He did exist.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ghostseer, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

xxxtatgurlxxx (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-27)
ok so I went to the movies a couple of weeks ago with some friends and after the movie I went to the bathroom which is big. I was the only one in there, I felt kind of creeped out and that I needed to hurry so after that we got into our car and that's when it started I had terrible feeling of fear come over me it got hard to breath and I started panicking and crying. Now I am not car sick. I have always listened to my gut but this was all new very intense. Could it have a spirit?
jmetcalfe16 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Does anyone know the website of this person?
This story is very interesting
ItsMeKrissi (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-24)
Hey ghostseer,
Great storie!
I'd love to see the picture of the angry man, but somehow all of your websites are disable, I tried all three of them...
YureiYuki (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-12)
Spirits are, at one point or another, a lingering piece of a person, so the spirit of the so called Caretaker might just be doing his job even throught the after life, not because he can't but because he feels the need to stay. I'm very new to this kind of thing I have only recently gave in to my 'talent' to see and talk to spirits so this is all I can say, hope it helped
VoxMortuus (1 stories) (93 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-05)
Aloha. You know, I looked at your photo of the "angry man" and analyzed it from every direction and have to tell you, I don't see a thing there. I realize that we can be amped when experiencing something truly extraordinary, but sometimes that can dictate what our other senses perceive. I'm not saying you are being dishonest, only that I cannot for the life of me distinguish an angry male figure in that photo.
ToraOkami303 (1 stories) (75 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-21)
he must have lived a long long time ago...maybe...or people are lieing to you:)
Oh and I agree I think he wanted somone to know he was still there...

Till next time,
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-19)
Could very well be... I don't intend to go back there, as I don't think he wants anyones help. He wants to be left alone, I believe. Blessings, Ghostseer
Trizi_808 (2 stories) (4 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-19)
Thanks for that intersting story ghoststeer. I'll check out the pictures on your website. I also agree with white buffalos' comment. He probably thought you were a vandal or something, and since it was probably a long time ago that he lived there. He was probably surprised or shocked at you taking pictures and the flashes of light.
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-18)
frypan100: Go to my profile page by clicking on "Ghostseer" at top of page, then click on the website
frypan100 (11 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-18)
Where is this website address? Thanks I would love to see those pics. I have to fill some space. Lol
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-17)
You welcome ghostseer Surely animals like dogs and cats are cuties things. Yes I will make sure to check more when it comes.
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-17)
Thanks for going to my website and viewing the picture. And yes, My doggie is a cutie!...I try to update the website on a bi-tri weekly basis. My blog as well. Blessings, Ghostseer
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-17)
He sure is mad I see your Ghost E-com and Your dog So cutie I always Look up your page to see anything new coming up and let me know what's coming up and I'll look and others it is sad I also have empathy myself.
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-17)
Point taken!, I woould have never gone in that direction, but it makes sense to me, Thankyou!, Blessings, Ghostseer.
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2008-11-17)
I have a different thought on why it is that I would think this man to be overly angry. I may be off, but I have LIVED in the same sort of dwelling that this man seems to have come from, and your description gets me thinking.
As the locals seem to have the lasting memory of that place always being in the same state of decomposition, I would think that the "caretaker" has been gone for quite some time. As the police have no recollection of anyone having lived there, I should think that to support that theory.
MANY persons who life forces to live in such conditions are NOT destitute. MANY of them actually hike up their pants and dig into the situation. They may not have the necessary funds to fix the roof, so they use pans to catch the rain. They then boil the rain for practical uses.
Automobiles are difficult to get rid of if they have stopped running, and you are not a mechanic. OR you have no trailer to haul them away. Often times, when there is a lot of land, they just get pushed to the back. Who knows? Maybe the parts could be used off of them to fix a different vehicle.
In our neck of the woods, if a house seems to be in this level of disarray, MANY people assume it to be deserted. Whether it is or not. These types of dwellings seem to be vandalized often. People drop off their trash on the land, leave other vehicles there so they will not have to deal with them, they wander through the buildings and take what they can.
People are rude.
I feel that this man was trying to protect his home. It seems to have been vandalized in the past, and I FEEL that perhaps he thought you just another one of his villains. That would make me stomp out of my home yelling in a rage and shaking my fist at society in general.
My things may not look like they were straight out of the Ritz, but they ARE my things. I would defend my right to them.
Thank you.

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