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Haunted Flat 2


Right if you read the first story you will know what I am talking about. After that night that the person stood at the foot end of my bed everything got worse. Cupboards would open violently; cups would fall on their own. It was as if that person did not want us there... (Sorry to say this but I am not going anywhere because I signed a six month contract and if I move out, I will be in court for breach of contract). After that night my baby daughter would wake up and cry hysterically as if someone was hitting her.

It was on a Tuesday night (I can remember it very good cause my TV show was on) when my fiancé said that she is going to take a bath. She kissed me and went upstairs to the bath room. After a while I heard her calling me and I went up. When arriving in the bathroom I asked her what she wanted and she said that she did not call me. As I was turning to go downstairs again I heard a bang in the kitchen and thought that my daughter injured herself. So I hastened myself downstairs only to find my daughter playing quietly in her camping cot. At the same time my fiancé yelled so I ran upstairs to check what happened. When I got to the bathroom my fiancé was sitting on the edge of the bath busy scraping herself with her razor blade. I took the blade from her and asked her what happened she just looked at me as if I wasn't there. I helped her out of the bath and cleaned up all the blood and dried her. After a while she asked me why she was not bathing at which point I told her what happened. To this day she has no memory of what happened in the bathroom. She can't remember that she scraped herself; she can't remember looking at me. The only thing she says she could remember is getting in the bath.

This past weekend I had my priest at my apartment to help me with the problem and he said that we are dealing with an ancient demon that terrorizes people. He did the whole ritual thing, and he told us that the person (now known as a demon) is out...

Well let me tell you this... If he is out then I am the son of Saint Peter. And I am not. I spoke today to the real estate agent and he said that he will look for us a new place... But until then we have to deal with whatever happens.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SuperHBK, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
I've said it before and I'll say it again- never underestimate the ability of Cold Iron in it's ability to ward off Evil Spirits:

princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Uh I got blessed with the gift of tongues when I was five the language is not Hebrew. I pray in tongues. Daily. It's not Hebrew. Sheesh that's all I wanted to say with no offense & all that but they make you type.Blah!

Rev. Lotus S. Dust
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Hi SuperHBK, You know that Hebrew is also known as the language of the angels, and to speak in tongues is a gift from God. But we must be aware of the practice of speaking in tongues. We must never allow any outside force to take control of our minds, not even for a minute. Demons can take over the persons vocal chords and demons are familiar with all human languages. The demon could have possessed you while doing this ritual. It is sooo dangerous... But seems that your faith in God is so strong it saved you. Good I'm glad.

But for the prayer it's a pleasure, and if you've read it without feeling uneasy your fine, then I believe God had send the Holy Ghost to take control in your mission to get rid of this demon.
Take care and I must say I think you've got guts. Trix
SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
trix... Thank you very mush for that prayer and yes its powerfull. Just to add something I can speak one or 2 word in hebrews e.g Raba el shaindo... Which means Father in Heaven but to speak it during the ritual that is what's puzzling me
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Hi SuperHBK, yes it is imposable to speak in Hebrew. Don't you think you must consult your stepmother about all of this? You said that she has the knowledge of this ritual. It would be interesting to get feedback from her about the Hebrew. I hope you and your family is ok. I know how it is dealing with things like this, it's very dangerous and sometimes not worth it to keep on living in a place that a demon manifest itself in. They tend to come back in time and then it is the whole story over again. Maybe you should try and talk to the caretaker. I bet, you will not be the only one left that flat with this reason. If that demon comes back it will do the same harm to any other people moving in there because that is what it is supposed to do unless you were able to bind it and then it's hard work to keep it away each day of your life while living there. Good luck we pray for you and your family. Have faith be strong, you will know what to do. ❤
SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Dan... To be honest with you, I do not know where the cut came from I didn't had it before the ritual but after the ritual is was there.

Trix... Yes I am glad that it is over, during the ritual I had very bad experiences its unexplainable what I felt, the thing that puzzled me is why did I speak Hebrew? That is impossible when one is under the eye of the devil... Isn't it?
robertar (223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Lease doesn't cover unlivable circumstances. I doubt landlord would want to go to court but it's your family you are risking.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Hi SuperHBK, I'm so glad for you and your fianc
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
SuperHBK: Thanks for explaining that, so after the ritual, you mentioned there was a cut on your arm do you believe this was from the demon itself? Sorry for all the questions I have just never heard of a ritual like this before, basically everyone I have heard and read of, all deal with positivity and purification in regards to banishing these entities. Very interesting.

Thank you

SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Dan... To cast one self with bad energy is by doing the opposite what God tells us to do. For example. I swore at my parents, I "worshiped" the devil, by doing that you allow your self to fill up with hate, anger and all those nasty things. Its an old Greek way, and what makes it interesting is that you are not sure if its safe to practice. Well at the end I only came out with a nasty cut on my arm, hope this answers your question
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
I too am curious about an ancient Greek negative cast on your self to speak Hebrew (are you sure it was Hebrew?) & get rid of this demon. I was down with Baddjuju had to say. Can you tell us more about this casting? Bless you & yours, much love.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Hi SuperHBK: I am glad you managed to cleanse your home this must be a great weight off your shoulders. I am curious you mention that you had to cast yourself with bad energy, had you go about doing this? How did you know that this would be safe practice to do?😕

Thanks for sharing

SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
What a Night... I would like to say than you for all your comments, the ritual that my stepmother gave me worked. I was preforming this ritual for over 4hours and whilst doing this I experienced a lot of noises, screaming, and pain, the ritual I preformed is an old Greek way of getting rid of bad energy. I had to cast myself with bad energy, buy doing that you can approach the demon directly, my fianc
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
Haven't read the other comments yet, just wanted to say don't give up. Sometimes if something has a particulary powerful hold over a place, it can take several tries to get rid of it. It may even take a different priest to deal with it. Not all priests are adept at dealing with such things. Some just have a talent for it that others don't. Contact your priest again. Explain that it's still going on. It may take him a few more tries, or he may know someone who is more adept at cleansings.
In my opinion, fighting a demon is ultimately a matter of willpower. Nothing can strengthen a person's willpower like faith. Keep your faith strong, and your faith will keep your will strong. Keep fighting, and keep believing. Until the day you move out, keep fighting this thing. Get back in touch with your priest. He will be able to help, or know someone who can.
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
Some times there are just places that demons go. I gather you are a man of faith as you had your priest call to your home (go there) & cleanse your house. So on that note I want to remind you that God Cast the enemy & ALL his homies down to earth to wait to be thrown into the lake of fire. So if you think about it they're here on earth with us still. From the dawn of time. So if this demon has settled there, than that may be its place. My father moved us girls & my mom out of an infested house but it took him a little while, no more than a year. Also it sounds like the nasty thing was trying to distract you from what your Lady was doing up in the bath by banging down stairs. I am so sorry. I rebuke that demon in Jesus' name! & God bless you & your family. The family He has given you to protect. Much love.

lauren318 (1 stories) (23 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
have you tried cleansing with white sage? Burning white sage in and around your home with a protection and cleansing prayer... This has helped my mother many times and couldn't hurt to try...
ParaTam (3 stories) (80 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
SuperHBK -
Thank you for sharing your experiences. Do you feel you had success with your stepmother's method that you used last night?

Sometimes you have to be firm - let them know in no uncertain terms that you won't allow negative energies in your flat. Smudge your flat in every little nook and cranny. As you so that, state that any negative energies or negative entities have to leave. That you will allow only perfect love and perfect trust to be in your flat. Smudge yourself and your girlfriend as well. Remember during this process that your intention plays a very vital role. If you want it to be, so it will be. Prayers to you!
Kalli_psy90 (1 stories) (55 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
Excuse my language but that sucks really bad. I'm so sorry that the cleansing didn't work maybe a psycic would be able to better detect and cleans the house, it's just a thought no offence intended. I feel for you and your fiance especially the baby I hope that you find a solution to this dire issue.
I will be praying for your family, don't loose faith I know it will work out. Hope this helps ❤Kalli
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
Super HBK, I'm going to send you that prayer also. I'm going to type it out for you and send it. Be careful. Demons can attack you they can harm you and they can posses and kill you if you're not strong enough. Trix ❤
SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
Trix... I haven't contacted the priest again. There is one last thing that I want to try tonight something my stepmother taught me. It might work. She is a Greek and they know hoe to deal with these kinds of things, I'm going to try it and if it doesn't not work I'm going to consult with the high priest of my church (old Apostolic). This is the First time that a "Force" is this strong towards me I had experiences before but never this strong. Please communicate with me via email if possible.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
Hi SuperHBK, I believe your priest. Sorry the cleansing was not successful it was too weak for this demon. I know how you feel after I got divorced a stayed in my father's flat in the backyard. That house I will never ever return to that house. You're going to think I'm crazy now but it's true what I'm saying now. Demons killed my mother and then my father. It's a story nobody would believe. I'm glad my second husband whom I met after 3years of divorced stayed with me in that flat for a while believes me because he shared all those bad experiences. We only stayed for the reason to help my father financially and of course we were worried about my father and mothers wellbeing there because of all the weird things that was happening there. Just a little back ground so you can know I was also there were you are now.
Enough about me, I'm worried about you and your family. You have to be very strong now and your priest does he know the demon is back. Sometimes if something manifest in your home like that it needs more than one priest or person to bind it. It might calm down or it might get angrier because you wanted to chase it. If you and your fianc

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