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Little Boy In Backyard


Good Day... Me The story I am about to tell you happened in Welkom in the Free State. My Grandmother lives in Welkom in one of the oldest suburbs in the Free State. It's called Flamingo Park. Never have I thought that I would experience all those things that happened in my Granny's house.

It was on a Friday in the winter of 2000, when we went to my granny's house for a visit. After arriving (we drove from Rustenburg) it was already dark and there was no time to play. We had to go bath and get ready for bed. (Being already after 10pm). As I went into the bath room I thought I saw a small boy (age round about 9) running towards the kitchen. I ran my water and got inside the bath. The next thing that happened was that the small boy was standing at the edge of the bath. I screamed so hard (even louder than an opera singer) that my father came bursting through the door. I told him what I saw and he said to me that it's impossible and that my mind is playing tricks on me because of the long drive. So I let it be.

The next day being Saturday, me and my younger sister went to my Granny's back yard to go and pick some oranges, and the next thing I saw this boy again standing at the orange tree looking at me and my sister. He was about 9 years old and had hazel eyes. He was wearing a khaki t-shirt with brown shorts. My sister who also saw him ran away shortly followed by me. We went straight to my Granny and told her what happened. She confirmed what we saw and said that she also saw him a few times by the orange trees.

The day before we left for Rustenburg (we visited my Granny for a week) I saw the boy again at the lemon tree, but this time the scene was horrific. It looked like that he was dangling from the lemon tree.

Now my conclusion was that he was murdered by his father. People told us that the family that used to live there was very pleasant except for the mother, she was very abusive towards her children, and that she killed her last born son.

I told my granny what I saw and she said that we must leave them in peace and that she will deal with them on the appropriate time...

Ever since we left my granny's house I never stop thinking about that boy. Even after my Grandmother cleansed the house, the memory of that young boy still haunts my thoughts today.

Any comments?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SuperHBK, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

twisted_individual (4 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
awe poor little boy: (. I'm glad he moved on to a better place. God rest his soul
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Thanks for the update HBK. If the boy no longer appears in the house, it seems that he already moved to the light. May his soul rest in peace. Bless your granny and aunt's soul for helping the poor child move on.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Yes thanks for the update SuperHBK it is good to hear that he has moved on and found peace. I am looking forward to your next stories especially The Thokolosh I have heard about these before.😁

Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Hi SuperHBK, thanks for informing us about the latest news about that little boy. It's a very sad story but it's great to know the mystery is solved. I never saw a ghost child in my life it must have been very scary for you, waiting for your next stories. Trix 😊
SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Hey all... Thanks for your comments, I have been in touch with my granny lately and she told me that they did some research and I know you won't believe me but they have found the corpse of a child under that orange tree about a month ago.

Ever since the boy didn't appear again. I have a very strong feeling that the boy wanted us to find his body, and they did. My granny and aunt (after the police was finished with the body) buried him in Welkom's cemetery. I think and hope that he found his rest.

Thank you all for reading my stories I still have a few great stories coming like the Mango Tree Man, The Thokolosh, (its a creature that scares the crap out our black population), The snake and the eye... Until then this is HBK signing off...

blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
So sad. My heart pours for the boy. It seems that he is a lost soul looking for someone to love him.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
Hi SuperHBK, I think your story is excellent although it turns out to be so sad on the end. I really like your stories I will definitely be waiting for your next story. I enjoyed this story very much, I know it's not funny but I couldn't help to laugh when you said you screamed like an opera singer. It reminds me of myself. I also wish that little boy managed to move on. Thanks for sharing. Trix. ❤ 😉
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-20)
Yes very sad indeed, he probably does not know that he has passed over and was just looking for a bit of interaction as to what is going on. Hopefully your Grandmother has helped cross over, poor lil guy.

Thanks for sharing.

ghastlyghost02 (9 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-20)
that is really sad when someone murders there child. Did he ever try to communicate with you while you were there? The arrival of new people in his house probably gave him some hope that someone would play, or interact with him.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-20)
It is so sad when a child's life is cut short by violence or illness. 😢 He was probably just looking for some company from you and your sister. I hope your grandmother was able to help him and that he is now resting in peace.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-20)
Did your grandmother's cleansing of the house help? It's always particularly awful when a child is the victim of a violent death. It's made even more awful when the child can't cross over. I truly hope your grandmother helped this little guy make the journey.
SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-20)
Sorry People just to make a small correction, he was murdered by his mother and not his father... So sorry for the typing error.

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