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Mystery Water Puddle


Me and My boyfriend just moved into a new apartment. We live on the second story of a two story building. We noticed a puddle of water that keeps reoccurring in the middle of our linoleum kitchen floor. We noticed this only happens when we are away from our apartment or as soon as we wake up. We wipe it up and clean it every day but still keeps coming back. The dishwasher, sink, refrigerator, and the ceiling, were the only things, that we thought it could coming from, or linked up to this situation but the weirdest part of all, is that none of that has any trails or signs that its connected in any way.

There are light fixtures above it that we already tore off to examine and have no signs of any leaks. At first I thought it was my boyfriend, that might have spilt a cup of water or something. But when I asked him about it, he replied, "No It's there every morning." I figured he was just being sarcastic and kidding around with me. But one morning, I had awoken a little earlier than him and went into the kitchen to get something to drink. Without realizing it I stepped in a giant puddle of water and soaked my socks. I turned on the light and looked around the whole puddle but I didn't see anything that could have caused it. I cleaned it up, and mentioned it to my boyfriend, so now we both notice it when we see it, which is every day.

Does anybody have any explanations or suggestions on how to take care of it, or what could possibly be causing this mystery puddle?

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Adam3108 (1 posts)
1 year ago (2023-04-27)
This event dates back to 23 February 2001.

We had a strange experience in our home which in spite of our best attempts still defies explanation.

My wife had booked dental appointments in Poynton, Cheshire, UK, for 10:30 that morning. We left the house at approximately 10:15, having all used the bathroom immediately prior to our departure. All appeared to be normal.

After having visited the dentist my wife and daughter went shopping. I returned home in the other car as I was due at work a couple of hours later.

We owned a three-bedroomed house and used one of the bedrooms as an office/study. This bedroom was located opposite the bathroom across a short landing area. I sat down in front of the computer in the office to 'surf the net' prior to starting work. After a few minutes I was aware of a dripping sound coming from the direction of the bathroom. You tend to get used to the sounds in your own home, but this sound was not usual. I left the computer and walked into the bathroom. I was concerned to find a pool of water (approximately 75 cm long by 30 cm wide) on the carpet, level with the top of the carpet pile. The water tank was located in the roof space close to, but not directly above, the bathroom ceiling. My first thought was that this tank had overflowed so I checked the bathroom and main bedroom ceilings for any sign of a leak - both were dry. I then went into the loft space but there was no sign of an overflow, no dripping water, and no water on the ceiling plasterboard nor between the roof trusses.

There was a radiator in the bathroom adjacent to the wetted carpet - but again no sign of a leak and no 'trail' of water between the radiator and the pool of water on the carpet. Immediately under the pool of water was an access panel to the heating pipework which ran from the airing cupboard in the bathroom to the rest of the house. I lifted the carpet - the floor was dry. The carpet had a rubberised backing, so I did not expect water to travel upwards through this membrane, however I was concerned that there was a leak somewhere in the heating system even though the water on the floor was cold. There was no leak evident in the bathroom, airing cupboard or under the floor.

By now I had to leave for work. I left a message for my wife to telephone a heating engineer to carry out a more detailed check of the plumbing and heating installation.

When I returned home in the evening the engineer confirmed that there were no leaks in the system, and he was at a loss to explain the occurrence. I should also state that in my professional capacity as a chartered surveyor with over twenty-five years' experience in the construction industry at the time I could not explain the mystery either.

The obvious answer was that our daughter, who was twelve years old at the time, had carried out a practical joke. She has always denied this. There was no real motive for her to pour out the water, nor had she the time - we all visited the bathroom prior to leaving for the dentist within seconds of each other. Also, she knew that she would have been in trouble if she had spilled the water! Although not impossible, it is highly improbable that she was the instigator of the situation. Anyway, I distinctly heard dripping when I had returned home. It was this dripping noise which drew me to the bathroom in the first place. But there could not have been any dripping as nothing was leaking.

In all my years working in the construction industry I cannot explain the situation. I obtained an independent professional opinion from the heating engineer, and he could not explain the mystery either.

A few months later I attended an interview for another job. I had to stay in a hotel overnight. I packed my suitcase and departed on the three-hour drive to the hotel. When I opened my suitcase in my hotel room, I was surprised to find that there was water in the suitcase. Strangely only my underwear and socks were wet. No other clothes in the suitcase were affected, even though next to the wet garments.

I checked the boot of my car but there was no sign of water in the car.

I must admit this could have been a practical joke, although neither my wife nor my daughter admitted to it. If you knew them, you would know that was not the kind of childish joke they would play - particularly when they knew I had an important appointment the next day and nowhere to dry my clothes.

This is the only strange, unexplained, event I have ever had in my life and now some twenty-two years later I am no closer to finding out what the cause of the water was.

However, what I do know now which I didn't know then is that I am not the only one to have had an experience like this!
bandet888 (86 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
I would try to continue to find a logical explaination. Is the part of the floor where the puddle is sagged? Maybe what ever is causing it is settling in that one part of the floor. Maybe you have a slow leak from the ceiling?
skeptycal (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-12)
CONDENSATION airpockets and so forth...
victorianhorror (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-04)
there are some people that when they die, like drowned, they become water. Did anyone drown in that house? The spirit could be harmful, if it's angry enough... Let me know if anything extreme happens... I can try to help.
Jeanine (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-22)
I just in the last month moved into a new house and am experiencing the exact same thing. My boyfriend looked at it. He said that he experienced it at his shop but they figured out it was the refrierator leaking and it would dry up aroung the puddle. But my refrigerator shows no signs of leaks. Have you fiured anything out? I HOPE and PRAY it is Jesus... He is the living water and hmmm maybe He is giving us a sign that He is with us! Woo Hoo! Praise The Lord ❤
purpleprincess (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
i read the same book as scaredy cat shes my sister you should read it. It would explain a lot in your case
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-19)
Well, that's really weird. My girlfriend had a similar experience, but it was her fridge that did it. Thing is, her fridge was working perfectly fine before. It could be paranormal, but just check your plumbing just to be sure.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-19)
I agree with pipsta, check the linoleum first under the floor since it could be a possibility. If it really bothers you, you might want to put a camera overnight and record what or who is doing it.
scaredycat123 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-18)
i read a really good book about poltergeists and it said something about water poltergeists wich in some cases causes PUDDLES like in your expirience or in worse cases floods if you can tell me what city you live in it says its more common in certain cities. The book is called unsolved mysteries ghosts and poltergeists check it out that's some weird sh** 😕
pipsta (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-18)
have you checked under the Linoleum for signs of a leak from a pipe under the floor... I'd try to discount any other possibility before writing it off as paranormal... I'm not meaning to sound skeptical, but it could be a possibility:)

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