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Three Stories From Daddy


Story 1. My daddy even told me this story. When my daddy's daddy, named Ralph came home that night he got out of his car and he went inside the house and was going go to bed. Until he looked out the window and saw that his car headlights was still on, So he went back outside to turn them off. He told himself that he knew that he turned them off.

This was a weird experience for him.

Story 2. Here's another story. My daddy's oldest brother (Lacy, which is deceased now) was in the graveyard by himself one night and he had been drinking. He threw an empty beer can on a tombstone and sparks flew from it. I guess it was saying, don't be drinking in the graveyard. Or even be in it at night.

Story 3. Okay, this is a whole new story that I am about to tell you. This is what my daddy and his friend experienced in the Devil's Tramping Ground. Back in my daddy's younger days he and a friend went to The Devil's Tramping Ground and stayed in the circle. They both had been drinking and my daddy was driving (which he was passed out) in the driver's seat. They were parked in the circle and his friend

Saw something white looking coming through the woods towards them. So he woke up and tapped my daddy on the shoulder and said, let's get out of here. Yes, he was stuttering. He was scared, well both of them were. So he put the car in reverse and he drove off.

Now that was freaky. He told me these stories a lot and even today you will probably experience the same thing from that place. Who knows? So if you ever want to read up on the place go to Google and type in 'The Devil's Tramping Ground' or go to the address. Well have fun experiencing my story. I hope you liked it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Marsha21, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

penawarisan (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
Stories from a dad must be 'true' enough. My dad relates to me a lot of ghost stories andsometimes it just so short. Not because he failed to decribe the surrounding, environment etc... But becos it was a ghost story telling time. In between tale and stories, some, must be told short! Some times, short stories driven better fear... So... Worried not. I enjoy reading your short stories... Anyway, people who are drunk see more...
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-19)
Look at it the google everybody I believe her I just look at it it's like the legend Pick whatever you want and its picture there too.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-19)
Thanks Marsha, I'd like to near about it too. I figure anything called the Devils Tramping Ground has got to have a good story or two behind it. And the circle too! Can't wait Marsha! Thanks 😊 ❤
Marsha21 (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
You're welcome anytime I will add another story on here telling about it. ❤ ❤ ❤
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
Thanks Marsha, I'll look forward to reading it 😊 it sounds like a spooky place! X
Marsha21 (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
Like do another story on here telling about it? 😆 😆 😆 I'll be happy and tell about it.
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
hey Marsha,

Could you explain the history of the place for me please? I am genuinely interested to know the story about The Devil's Tramping Ground, but to be honest I'm a bit scared to google it (I'm scared of everything!)

Thanks x
Marsha21 (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
First of all I know what I'm talking about. There's history on the place. I just didn't say it on here. Also am not a lil kid (snowwhite).Any ways am done. 😢
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
Hey Marsha, thanks for your story, it was really cute 😊

Maybe at the Devil's Tramping Ground (I don't know what that is hun, sorry), a spirit saw your Daddy and his friend and decided to have a little fun scaring two drunk guys... And it worked!

All the best x
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
ah...geeze, give the kid a break. We were all very young once. Diff is, no internet. I would have been on these boards, had there been... Welcome Marsha! I enjoyed reading your story, if only because you did not go out of your way to create a fake one.
snowhite (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
You must me a little kid. I am sorry I don't think the 3 stories have anything to do with ghosts. It is nothing scared at all. Sorry, sweetie, just don't drink when you grow up. 😁
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
Marsha...I'm sure your fathers attitude about drink driving has changed a lot now *right*...and being your first story... No body here wants to come down on you hard for it mate... I hope you don't take offense to our thoughts about drinking and driving... It is really such an irresponsible thing to do, please understand and let me tell you something, when I was younger I made that mistake too and I'm not proud of it... I have chosen not to tell my kids who are now p plate drivers about it... In fear that they'll think it's cool... See where I'm heading!...I'm presuming you are reasonably young and let me thank you for submitting your story... I know you meant well in sharing it... ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
Marsha: I don't want to sound mean but:

Story 1: Anyone who drives at night has made the mistake of leaving their lights on...

Story 2: Ever been behind a car that's muffler is dragging? Metal against stone or rock creates sparks...

Story 3: They WERE both drunk...

BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
Hmmm, drinking and's just a lucky thing he didn't cause an accident.
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
Sorry, let me correct the last line.

I'm not debunking your story but I'm just stating the possibilities that this could not really be paranormal. ❤
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
hi there! I read your story and 2nd and third story involves alcohol. For the 1st story, we are not sure if Ralph really turn odd the lights of the car or maybe he is so tired and wants to sleep he inadvertently left the lights of the car. For the 2nd story since it involves drinking, he might have been to drunk. He must have thrown the can really hard on a gravestone he might have tipped over and hit his head that is when he saw the sparks (you know when you hit the part of your head near the eye, you will see some spark thing, I hope I'm making my self clear). The third story also involves alcohol. They must have been drunk really hard since you mentioned that your dad passed out in the car. Their eyes and mind might just be playing tricks on them. Since those stories involve alcohol we can't really jump into conclusion that it is paranormal unless it occurs all the time. I'm not debunking your story but I'm just stating the possibilities that this could really be paranormal.

DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
I'm sorry but 2 of the stories involved drinking, the first story could be just a mistake, we're all entitled to those. In the second story he threw a beer can at a tombstone and sparks flew (that sounds about right) and in the third story there was drinking AND driving involved he saw something in white coming through the woods at them so they took off. What did they say it looked like? Does the legend about this place say something about a white spirit or demon or what? What's the legend behind the "Devils Tramping Ground"? Why is this place so scary?

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