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Haunted Apartment And Possession?


This is my first submission and it is going to be really long, but I want to include everything. I have never had any paranormal experiences before this. I am a 21 year old single woman. I live in an apartment with my best friend, Dave, in Louisville, Kentucky. Dave and I graduated school together. I have the master bedroom and bath and Dave has the other two bedrooms and guest bath. We both attend college and work part-time. We found this great three bedroom apartment/duplex for rent and signed a lease.

Not long after we moved in almost 2 years ago (it was December of 2008) I started experiencing what I thought were dreams. I would be either asleep or almost asleep in bed and I would feel a hand grope my breast or my butt, depending on whether I was on my stomach or back. I would wake up immediately and not see anything. This happened about about once a month and I shrugged it off as a weird dream each time. Then it progressed. I would still be groped or pinched, but bruises would be visible the next day. Also a few times when I would wake up my nightgown would be bunched up around my waist or neck. I always sleep with my bedroom door closed. Dave never comes in my bedroom, but just to rule out the possibility I even started locking my door. Everytime I would awaken the door would still be locked. Also when I would awake my room would always be really cold. I am also a light sleeper and would certainly wake up if my door opened. This went on for several months.

About the same time that these "dreams" started happening I would also get the strangest feeling like I was being watched all of the time while in my apartment. I also noticed stuff would be moved. I would lay something down and go back to get it and it would be gone or turn up somewhere else. I discussed the feeling of being watched and things disappearing (but not the sleep groping) with Dave and he said he had been having the same problem. We are both religious and attend church. I am Baptist and he is Catholic. He suggested sprinkling Holy Water around the apartment and I agreed. Things were back to normal for nearly a month, we both thought it had worked.

Then earlier this year (January 2010) I was in bed sleeping and suddenly felt a hand around my throat. I woke up and couldn't see anything, but could distinctly feel a hand squeezing my throat. Not hard enough to choke me, but definitely enough to be very uncomfortable. I tried struggling but found that I was unable to move my arms or legs and I couldn't scream either. I then felt another hand grab my gown and pull it up. I was really panicing now but could do nothing to fight back. How do you fight back against something you can't even see? I was roughly groped again and I heard this very deep evil type laugh. I think I must have had a panic attack because I started hyperventilating (I think) and must have passed out. When I woke up the next morning my gown was bunched up around my chest and I had bruises on my neck.

I broke down and told Dave what had been happening and he said that he had been having "experiences" also. But since I hadn't said anything he thought it was just him. He said he had been waking up in the middle of the night and it felt like something was touching him and that he usually couldn't move his arms or legs. We tried the holy water again, and went around the house reading the Lord's Prayer. We had just signed another one year lease and couldn't move.

Things were quiet for several months. Then the nightmares started happening again in about May/June. We both just tried to ignore it. Then something really bad happened. About three weeks ago I woke up one night and Dave was standing beside my bed. I thought something was wrong and turned on the light and nearly screamed. His eyes looked black, like his pupils were very dilated (and no he doesn't do drugs). I called his name, he never acknowledged me. He just stood there staring into space. I got up and took him by the arms and was trying to "lead" him back to his room. I called his name and tried to wake him and he laughed this really weird laugh, looked me in the eyes, and said that Dave wasn't there. It was not his voice at all. I reached to grab a bottle of holy water in my nightstand and it suddenly felt like someone invisible had grabbed both of my arms and forced me down on the bed with my arms above my head. Dave never moved. I was laying on my back with my arms being held above my head. I started to scream and another invisible "hand" grabbed around my throat and squeezed hard enough that I started blacking out. When I came to Dave was still standing there watching me. He reached down and literally ripped my clothes off of me. I was sure then that he was possesed or something. I couldn't move and couldn't scream. The only light in the room was my bedside lamp. I don't want to get too graphic, but I was raped by him. I am rather naïve when it comes to guys. I have never had a boyfriend and was a virgin until then. I was raped at least six times and each time he came. (I didn't know that was even possible?) During this assault he kept laughing this evil laugh and saying that I was his, and that wasn't Dave's voice. This went on for what seemed like hours, eventually I was choked enough that I blacked out.

When I woke up I was sore and bruised all over. I was also bleeding (both vaginally and rectally) from being torn. Dave was laying on the floor of my bedroom. He was unconscious and also black and blue all over. His privates seemed to be really swollen, not erect, just very swollen. He had scratch marks on his body also, but they weren't from me. I tried to wake him up and was eventually able to. He didn't remember anything at all. The night before he had actually taken a sedative because he had been having trouble sleeping. When I told him what happened he freaked out. When he finally calmed down we talked it over. He eventually told me that he was sore all over and also had trouble urinating.

Since then we have had the apartment blessed and have hung crucifixes up through out. We are looking for another place to rent, but haven't found anything suitable. I know that Dave was possesed during this and it wasn't truly him. Since then it has been pretty quiet. I am still having nightmares/dreams and he says he is too, but no more possesions.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aimee77, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

believer21 (3 stories) (56 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-27)
First off I believe you, in my grandmothers house I had an entiny do this very thing. A recent vist there and I felt my breast being touched. I cannot go and vist my family because the bad memories flood back.
I was wondering if you noticed an increase in activity after bring in religious help? Some demons will actually become more agressive when religion is used to try and get rid of them. It may not have made a difference, but its something to consider.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
yes that is true. Dave should not be taking sedatives because it is easier for a spirit to take over.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
I've read up on insomnia drugs:


Apparently, the sleep driving episodes and traveler's amnesia also occurs with over the counter meds.

IF a spirit is causing things, it may also be causing severe reactions in Dave. Thus making it easier for it to take over.
ZiShu (281 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
Hello, I am sorry this has happened to you. I admit I am iffy about Dave but at the same time I trust that you believe it was not him that night. It seems that the demons are still oppressing you both through nightmares.
I can help finally rid of it completely. What those demons have done are terrible and cannot be allowed to terrorize anymore. Contact me through email and I shall help you.
Loganz_sis (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
Guys...I know we are all here to help Aimee, but can we take a less hurtful approach please?
She has been through a terrible experience and it is harder as it is to do with her best friend. Why are we all asking Aimee to stay away from Dave, just because Aimee is the one submitting the story here! What about Dave, he too has been physically violated, just because he is not on this site and not asking our help does not make him the villain! I hope at least some of you see my point of view.
Aimee needs advice, I agree may be it is a good idea for Dave and her to stay far but let us consciously avoid saying things like - 'Dave is a rapist". There is a chance this may be true but we cannot accuse someone of things like this, let us join hands and support Aimee and see if we can help. PLEASE
aimee77 (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
I know that it wasn't Dave that did this. If Dave did do it on purpose that still wouldn't explain how an invisible force held me down or how I still experienced groping and feeling a hand on my throat when I went to a hotel without Dave. The sedative Dave took was over the counter and not prescription, so I know it wasn't Ambien. Also Dave was wanting me to go to the doctor and I was the one that refused because I was scared. If there was any doubt in my mind that Dave did this on his own I would be the first to move out. Right now we are documenting everything and saying prayers, etc. Something else that has happened is that Dave was "raped" by an unseen force. He says he woke up one night and couldn't move then he felt someone entering him and heard laughing. I actually heard laughing about the same time that night in my room, but didn't experience anything else.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
I agree Ambien is a scary drug and people don't know what they are doing on it. I had a friend who took it and she would always turn off the water to the toilet. I had to start locking the bathroom doors so she couldn't get in. He may have no recollection of doing that to you. Ambien users don't remember anything the next day. I would seriously look into it.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
Only you can decide if Dave is/was a rapist. Ambien Zombies have been proven to exist.

Dilated eyes are a symptom of Ambien use.
JarMan (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
Dave is a rapist, you need to find somewhere else to stay and keep him away from you.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
I don't suppose that sedative that Dave took was Ambien, was it? Because if it was, Ambien has been implicated in quite a few sleep/walking/eating/driving episodes.


But since Dave is a Catholic, and quite probably a good one, which means he's probably not masturbated for some time- which results in men being able to have more than one orgasm after being 'deprived'.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
I hope I am wrong, but Bluesman87 could be right.
I don't know Dave, I don't know his feelings toward you, I do not know your relationship at all other than what you have described... But as impossible of a request as this is, try to disassociate yourself with what has been happening and try to look at these events as if they happened to someone else.
Do you and Dave drink? Who makes the drinks? Do you eat dinner together? Who prepares the food? You said after the January 2010 incident, you broke down and told Dave what happened and he said he was experiencing similar things, but kept them to himself because he thought it was just happening to him. No, that is not true... You had told him you felt like you were being watched and that things were out of place. He could have taken the opportunity to tell you then about being touched in his sleep. He did not tell you about that then, because it did not happen to him. It wasn't until he was faced with the fact that you knew you were being touched in your sleep, that he suddenly was experiencing the same.
There are experts on this subject on this site who can inform you on this subject better than me; but it is my understanding that entities that focus sexually on a person can manipulate themselves and their victim regardless of the person's body position. It seems a little strange that you only felt touched in places that were exposed, based on your sleeping position, when an entity could access any part of your body regardless of your phyical positioning.
You obviously had some suspicion that it could be Dave, or you would not have locked your door. The night of the attack... Dave was in your room. He has a key... And this was not the first time he used it.
You need to go to a doctor... Did Dave have any say or concerns on whether you sought medical attention? I bet he did. A real friend concerned for your well being would have insisted, and dealt with the consequences. Regardless, go see a doctor and make sure you are ok. Tell the doctor you and "your boyfriend" got carried away and you were a willing participant... It does not matter what you tell them, but go to the doctor, your future health is more important than whether you tell a doctor about how you sustained your injuries.

Protected (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
Aimee I'm so sorry for you. Your experiences are really disturbing. Youre in our prayers. I hope you both will talk to your family's about this. Whatever it is it's evil. Be strong and be safe've been so brave. ❤
bluesman87 (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-23)
call the cops Dave could've drugged you and raped you lady. What happened between the rapes? Blacking out could be evidence of you being drugged. Check out all possibilities before you jump to the, most far out.
Loganz_sis (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)

I know nothing I say is going to make this situation any better, but I do want you to know that I think you are very BRAVE!
I admire your strength and that fact that you have the will to fight this and what happened has not torn you or your spirit down. I know that getting the house blessed and everything is important but more importantly you have to make sure this thing leave YOU, we do not care about the house. You can move find another place or something but if it follows you then it is not acceptable!
What makes me most angry is how this has manipulated your friendship with Dave and turned such a long and strong friendship to something it need not have been. Pray... Really pray hard that this thing needs to be burned down. No one has the right to violate someone like this.
scrapmetalkitten (306 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
Oh geez I think this is one of the scariest and saddest stories I have read thus far on this site. Both of you are in some serious trouble. Try to find another place to live ASAP and both of you should get blessed again to hopefully keep whatever it is from following you once you move. Hopefully nothing like that will ever happen again.
Supernaturalover (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
I am so,so,so sorry to hear about your horrendous experience... You MUST get a exorcisim on the apartment or move its not safe, Things will only get worse there. I believe this was demon possessing Dave iv read in a lot of experiences on here that the possessed person will have pitch black eyes and have a totally different voice please do tell a priest about this you need help. This thing can even kill you easily if it wants too...
aimee77 (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
Thank you for your comments. Dave and I both spoke to his priest and told him everything. His priest recommended keeping a record of everything that happened to either of us separately. I also left the apartment for a week. During this time Dave still experienced items moving or disapearing, unexplained noises, and waking up to being groped. (I didn't mention that in the story. He was also waking up at night and feeling like someone was stroking him.) While I was away I also kept experiencing nightmares and sleep paralysis. I did not go to the dr because I was afraid they would call the police and report a suspected rape. Yes I was torn pretty badly but I am getting better. Thank God I am not pregnant. Neither of us experienced anything paranormal before moving into this apartment and when I left for a week it followed me. Right now we are sprinkling holy water and saying prayers throughout the apartment as well as keeping journals of everything that is happening.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-22)
This is one of those times where I'm going to sound really, really cruel without meaning to. It sounds like you were torn up pretty bad, did you go to a doctor? Even willing sex is painful for a virgin, and can cause tearing. Rape, especially what you describe, would cause you to need medical attention.
How sure can you really be that this was something attached to the apartment, and not something attached to Dave? Have the two of you gone to his priest and discussed it with him? You could talk to your Baptist pastor, but it seems the Catholic faith takes the paranormal more seriously. I would be more comfortable with the priest than the pastor. If yall should talk to the priest, as hard as it may be, he needs to know everything to be able to accurately assess the situation.
Finally, you may want to consider living alone, or with a different friend, for a while. I know Dave wasn't himself when this occurred, but you have to take care of yourself. As he's your friend, he would want you to be safe. Mind you, I'm not saying cut ties with him, he's your friend. I'm just saying protect yourself. If it's something attached to him personally, it could take control again.
I'm sorry to hear that you are going through something like this. You two stay strong, and talk to his priest. ❤

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