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Nothing Out Of The Ordinary


I have always had paranormal experiences. When I was little, I would be afraid of shadows and orbs that would float around my room. I learned to block everything out as I got older. Now I barely see or hear anything. I can, however, still sense it.

These happenings included in this story began after my grandpa died. It was about thirteen years ago when he was diagnosed with cancer. He never told anyone, didn't want them to worry. About two and a half years ago, it finally took him. Toward the end, I remember him talking to me when it was just us in the garden or outside somewhere. He told me he was in a lot of pain. He said he wished it was over already.

But to everyone else, he put on the tough guy attitude, saying that it didn't hurt at all. Grandpa and I were very close. My dad was never around, and my stepdad didn't come around until 5 years ago, when I was 18 years old. My Grandpa always did the fun 'dad' stuff with me. Hunting, fishing, baseball games, ECT. When he got sick from the cancer and we knew he didn't have much longer. He always told me, "When I die, don't cry for me."

So I didn't.

At his funeral, I was actually happy for reasons I could not explain, much to the puzzlement of the people around me. It was at the funeral that I and my mom, his daughter, thought we heard his truck outside. The truck has a very distinct sound, but since we were by a main road, we didn't think anything of it.

After a few weeks, I started looking for him everywhere. It had finally hit me, like a ton of bricks, that Grandpa was gone. We would never go fishing, never go hunting again. Ghost or not, he was still Grandpa. And even though he was gone, that didn't stop me from looking for him.

The next happenings wouldn't be until the snow came.

That winter, I was in the barn, my stepdad's barn. I was taking care of my animals that I have there. Seeing as it was cold, my horse was in the barn for the night. I had the lights on so I could see what I was doing. I had just given my horse her oats when I noticed both her and the cats were staring at a corner of the barn. Maybe it was a mouse, I thought.

Then the lights went out. I was standing in darkness. Luckily, my phone had a flashlight on it. I was thinking that maybe the wires in the lights finally gave out, but when I walked over to the light switches, it looked like someone had switched them off. Not an easy thing to do, since they require a bit of force to switch on and off.

I stared for a few seconds before quickly turning the lights back on. I looked around the barn, maybe expecting to see something. Nothing out of the ordinary, just my horse eating her oats and my cats lying around. Whatever happened seemed to have no effect on them.

I called out anyway, "Hey Grandpa, now you're a real ghost, eh? Not just when you pretend to be one on Halloween. Don't scare the heck out of me, ok?"

After that, I went back to the house and forgot about what had just happened. At least for a while, anyway.

A few days later, it was snowing out. We had our tractor parked in front of the house, ready to clear the driveway the next day. The morning of that day, I and my mom were up before dawn, as usual. All of a sudden, a bright light shown through the living room window. When we looked outside, we saw that the tractor lights were on. I remembered the barn incident and told my mom. She said she wasn't surprised, weird things were happening to her too. The odd thing was we both had questionable dreams the night before.

The final thing to happen, so far, was a dream I had two nights ago. I know it was just a dream, but it seems to tie into the story.


I and Grandpa were at his house. It was just the two of us, no one else around. He was standing in front of the family pictures that were set up by the television. Some were on a wall, some were on a stand. He was staring at them, looking at them with an odd expression. I couldn't tell if it was regret or something else.

At this point of the dream, I already knew he was dead. There was so much I wanted to tell him. I didn't know where to begin. I picked a topic we both knew quite well. Shotguns.

There was a 20 gauge shotgun that my grandpa would always let me use for small game hunting. As of late, the hammer would stick. No one had gotten it fixed yet. I told him this and he seemed surprised. It surprised me too. Grandpa would never act shocked over something like that. If I told him when he was alive, he would have shaken his head and said, "I gotta take a look at it."

After that, we stood in silence for a while. I wanted to ask him what it was like to die. I almost did too, but I caught myself. Instead, I told him that nothing was the same without him. And it never will be.

He then looked at me with another strange look. "Please just leave me alone," he said.

It was the exact moment when I woke up.

I thought about this dream throughout the next couple of days. It was strange, going over it. I wanted to believe that it was someone else pretending to be my grandpa. He would never tell me to leave him alone. Maybe he meant to stop chasing his ghost. I have stopped, though. I've moved on with life.

Maybe I'm still obsessed, though.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Brier, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Brier (2 stories) (54 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-29)
This is a rather late reply, but yes the shotgun is FINALLY fixed. It's about time, too ^_^
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-26)
[at] Brier,
I looked you up because of the comment you left on another post. I remember reading this and commenting as well. I used to be DCinAZ. I'm glad I looked this up because I always did want to ask you...
Did you get the shotgun fixed?

Thank you,
Jav 😉
luce (2 stories) (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-02)
Hi Brier. That was sad: (
I bet he's happier now that he knows although you miss him, you've accepted his death and moved on.
Succubussed (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-11)
My opinion...

Fix the shotgun.

And don't feel bad that he wants you to leave him alone. I think he just wants you to get on with life and the living, and not worry about the departed.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-02-11)
Brier: This is such a touching story... Grandparents are very special people, and sounds like your Grandpa was more than just a "grandparent"...

I experienced the same sort of dream with my daughter's Dad... After I was able to move on and so was he, the dreams of him continue but I believe it's his choice to do it that way...It's his way of looking after our girl... Once he's able to move on, he will be free to come and go in our realm, so I believe he'll be watching out for you, and you may have more experiences when you least expect them...

I agree with DC... Get the gun fixed, and let him know you've done so... Thank you for posting 😊
SmokeyKnight (3 stories) (193 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-10)
I agree with DC about the shotgun. Get it fixed.

And I'll also agree with everyone else, your holding on to the thought of him is most likely keeping him here. I know it hurts to let go, but as long as you don't forget him he's never REALLY gone. He's just waiting at the pond on the other side to go fishing with you again.

What he went through before he passed is very common, my grandfather saw some of his friends from the Navy he hadn't seen since WWII. Be happy he's not in pain any more. Go hunting and fishing just like the old times, even though it'll be different. He taught you that stuff for a reason.
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-10)
I agree with the previous posters. And I love this story, even the sad part. I do have another suggestion that may sound strange, but I believe it will help you both.
Fix the shotgun.
The last item on hjs to-do list, so he can mark it done.
❤ 😊 ❤
Brier (2 stories) (54 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-10)
He knew that this was the end. When he was in the hospital bed, he started talking to things we couldn't see.
The last time I visited him, I cried. I reminded him of all the times we went hunting and fishing, including an incident when I totally freaked out about a 'mystery fish' I caught which was actually a burbot.
I asked him, "remember how loud I screamed?"

He didn't answer, of course. He could still hear, though.

I told him it was okay to leave and that his fishing buddies were on the other side, waiting for him so they could go fishing and drink beer.

The next morning, he died. We were all expecting it, but still. I like to think he hung around for a bit then moved on.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-10)
I agree with Kim and Summit. Sometimes, unintentionally, our grief ties our loved ones here. We can't move on, and until we can, they can't either. Thank your grandfather for all the wonderful memories, tell him you love him always but will be ok now without him.
Sorry for your loss.
Summit (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-10)

I agree with you, He already spent much of his time with you when he was still alive and now he need to rest. Please help him to achieve this. If you will tie him with so much here in the living he will defenitely regreet something.

I Loved my Grandpa so much as you did... I understand what you felt...
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-10)
What a beautiful, however sad, story. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us.

In the dream you mention towards the end, regardless of it it was your grandpa or not telling you to leave him alone, it may be a way to say that he wants you to be happy and let him go to the light. He may not have moved on yet as he is worried about you. I think deep down you realize that.

God Bless!

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