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Death Means Nothing At All... It Does Not Count 2


This is my second story to elaborate more about my two year old daughter's experiences. It's more of a continuation of the first. For more of a detailed background, please read my first story. In short, my daughter's father passed away before she was born. His name was Chris. The sub-title for this one is Spider-Baby. You'll see why.

My daughter Novalee and I were at my sister's house this past February. My sister has five children all together. Her three girls are ages 16, 14 and 9. She also has 5 year old twin boys. All of the kids were at school that day and my sister's husband was out doing whatever so it was just my sister, Novalee and I. While we were there, Novalee started carrying around one of the twins' notebooks they had. She was completely obsessed with the notebook. On the cover was a cartoon picture of Spider-Man. That's all she pretty much played with while we were there. When she first started playing with it, she came running up to me and said "Look mommy! Diss is Pidah-Man!" I was a little surprised to hear her say that because in our house, Spider-Man did not exist. She loves The Wiggles and doesn't really watch TV (other than Wiggles DVDs) so I was kind of amused at how smart she was to just say out of the blue, Spider-Man. My sister and I were in her dining room visiting the whole time so I know that my sister is not the one who told her that was a picture of Spider-Man. I didn't put much more thought into it. I eventually pried the notebook out of Novalee's hands and we went home.

A few days later, Novalee and I were at Wal-Mart with my mother. It was my 27th birthday so my mom was asking me what I wanted for a birthday gift. I really didn't want anything for myself so I told her that it would be nice to get Novalee some coloring supplies since she loves to color. While we were in the stationary aisle, Novalee spotted a Spider-Man poster on that poster thingy that you flip through that has a bunch of different posters on it. (Sorry, I don't know what it is called. Haha) Well, she HAD to have the Spider-Man poster. My mom, being the good grammy that she is, ended up also buying Novalee a Spider-Man track suit, a Spider-Man DVD and pretty much anything else she saw that day that had Spider-Man on it. That was just the start of my daughter's Spider-Man obsession. She has a dress up Spider-Man suit that for the first few weeks, she wore constantly. She even slept in it. I mean, Spider-Man 24/7 in my house all of the sudden.

My mother in law lives in Florida but we keep in touch, mostly via texting. We play phone tag a lot so we end up just catching up during texts a lot of the time. Well, shortly after the Spider-Man phenomenon began, I get a text from my mother in law. It was her usual "How is everything?" text. So I tell her that Novalee for reasons unknown to me has discovered Spider-Man and is so obsessed with him that she eats, breathes, and sleeps Spider-Man. I told her how I started calling Novalee Spider-Baby and how she even had to get a purple and pink betta fish and name it Pidah-Man Dah Fish. I ended the text with "Isn't that funny!? I don't even know where it came from!" A few minutes later, she texts me back and says "Really? Chris loved Spider-Man! He had Spider-Man everything. He carried his Spider-Man action figure EVERYWHERE with him. He was even Spider-Man for Halloween one year. That is so cute! He would have loved to have played Spider-Man with Novalee." To that, I instantly replied "I think he already does."

The reason for posting this story was more of a question about coincidences. Is it just a really big coincidence that Novalee likes Spider-Man just as much as her dad did when he was a little boy?

I had no prior knowledge about Chris liking Spider-Man before I got the text from his mother that day.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, hippiechick83, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

hippiechick83 (5 stories) (112 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
Thank you Trenton and Argette, I believe her gift runs in the family on both sides which whould explain why she is so sensative, she got a double whammy. Lol
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-01)
I meant to say "bought," not bright. The one thing missing from this very well done web site is the ability to go back into posts and edit them when you did not catch them the first time.

But I am not complaining.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-01)
Wow, this bright tears to my eyes. Some are genetic. Or are they handed down in some other manner?
TRENTON84 (1 stories) (20 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-01)
Guess she and her dad keep up with the conversations! 😆 Very funny!
hippiechick83 (5 stories) (112 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-10)
Thanks once again Cosmogal, as she's gotten a little older, she's sort of come off the Spider-Man kick. (thank god! Haha) 😆
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-10)
Wow another great story hippiechick! I think it's great that your daughter shared the same infatuation with Spider Man like her father did when he was a child. Whether she got it from a commerical or not, that commonality between them is just too big ignore. I wouldn't doubt that he does come to play Spider Man with her. 😊 ❤
hippiechick83 (5 stories) (112 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-31)
Thank you Shamby, oh, there's more. LOL The older my daughter gets, she comes out with more and more things all the time. Thanks for reading 😁
shamby (15 stories) (100 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)

This is such a wonderful story (first and second part) it's great that Novalee's father is very much a part of her life. This in my opinion isn't a coincidence! Children are so special and can see and understand things that adults can't. I have a nephew who was very sensitive when he was living in a very paranormally active house. Please keep us updated on your daughter!
hippiechick83 (5 stories) (112 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
Darkness: Thanks. 😊 Well, like in my story, the first time my daughter said the word Spider-Man was when she was playing with her cousin's notebook. Before that, I had not seen or heard anything about Spider-Man with her. She watches very little TV. I personally don't own anything Spider-Man and we really don't get out very often so that is why it had stumped me as to where she even learned who Spider-Man was and what he looks like. It is possible that without me knowing, she saw Spidy on something beforehand and was told who he was so when she saw the twins' notebook, she already knew. It is a possibility, but a small one. Novalee has not ever left my sight since birth. She has never had a babysitter and is with me 24/7. But anything is possible. Either way, the weirdest part of the whole thing was when I found out that her dad was a Spidey fanatic as a little boy.

I guess there are only two people who know the answer to all of this. The first person would be Chris and the other would be Novalee... And neither one are telling. Lol 😆
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
Wow hippiechick83: Well I think I could safely say it isn't just a coincidence. What do you believe were the first signs of your daughter starting to love Spider-Man? I am thinking Chris has appeared to her and shown her about spiderman upon seeing her cousins scrapbook possibly? I believe your daughter has a wonderfull gift, these are all great positive experiences. Please keep us posted.

Thanks for sharing another great story.

hippiechick83 (5 stories) (112 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
roseinbloom: Thanks so much. 😊 Novalee had to put her Spider-Man poster on the ceiling above my bed so she can say goodnight to him every night. She says that when she grows up, she wants to be a super hero. Haha
hippiechick83 (5 stories) (112 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
Thanks to everyone who has read and/or commented. 😊 I think I have OCD or something so I have to acknowledge and reply to each comment. Sorry! Lol

Blue_raven: Thanks, I definately agree with Spider-Baby being daddy's girl. She likes him better than me, especially when she's in trouble. Lol

30stones: Thank you! I have much more, you have no idea. Haha

Aussie: I'm telling you, that text from my mother in law blew me away. I do believe in gaurdian angels and I can't tell you how many times I've called on Chris to be with me and our daughter. He was my security blanket and was very protective over me and obviously he's going to feel just as protective over Novalee.

Granny: lol That's ok. I spell loads of people's names wrong. I was in such a hurry to fill out my daughter's school admission papers that I spelled HER name wrong once. Haha But yeah, I've come to terms with the fact my daughter dresses head to toe in Spider-Man frequently... They should make girl's Spider-Man stuff!

Dalton: Agreed!

Lou: I also agree. I feel very selfish sometimes because I don't want Chris to be miserable. He had enough of that while on this earth. A medium had told me that he wanted to tell me: "I'm not as concerned about my crossing over as I am about how you are suffering in the life that you are living." I think about that a lot. As far as the Spider-Man thing, maybe one day Novalee can shed some light onto why in the world she loves Spidey so much! Lol

At the end of the day, it is what it is. We are still in a hardcore Spidy phase. She has everything BUT the underwear because, well...she's just not wearing boy's underwear. That is where I draw the line. Lol 😆
roseinbloom (4 stories) (117 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
Hippiechick, Once again a wonderful story! How special it is for you and your daughter to have this gift of undying love! No doubt, that your baby knowing about Spider Man, is a coencidence. I can hardly wait for the next sign, so please, keep us posted. God Bless you all. 😊 ❤
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
Hi, Hippiechick.

Tough one to figure out. Your daughter could see a Spiderman action figure commercial during the Wiggles or has somehow heard about the character... Way too big of a coincidence though.
God has made a place for all of us after our human existence... A place beyond our imaginations. The fact that your fiance has denied himself this gift to be with your daughter is about as special as it gets. I admire his dedication and love for you and your daughter, I do hope he moves on at some point though. There is a reason he was called, and he needs to make the journey.
I think one of the biggest desires driving spirit activity is that of the spirit never wanting to be forgotten. Chris obviously has affected you through your relationship, and guaranteed you will always hold him in your heart. He never got the chance with your daughter, and he is making up for that now... I hope he realizes when the time is right to move on.

God bless you and your daughter,
dalton1976 (1 stories) (46 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
Spider Man is everywhere, in ads of course, so it could be anything. But I think that is possible that your daughter have a contact with the other side, it could be telepathic, she may even doesn't know about it, or she see things. God bless you!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
hippiechick: I just realized I've been mis-spelling that! LOL... Any way, my oldest son is a big fan of Spiderman, too... How cute she must be in her Spideybaby outfit!...I don't see anything wrong in mixing up "gender specific" toys... And besides, she's likes him because Daddy does! 😆

Great story, thanks for posting! ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
H/chick...the fact that you had no prior knowledge of Chris and his obsession with spider man and little girls normally are playing with dolls... I lean on the side of it not being a coincident, I believe Chris is his daughters guardian, many people believe in Guardian Angels and so do I, but there is not enough to protect a growing population and my belief is that family members take up the role, normally elders or grand parents do it, but I feel Chris did a good job at making sure that he is his daughters Guardian... And on a spiritual level although your daughter conscious state of mind may eventually block out his presence a little, there relationship is binding on another level that will one day be evident for all to see. 😁
Cheers Daz.
30stones (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
What an intelligently written story! You definitely have a knack for writing, hope to read more from you.
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
Wow! Your daughter truly is a daddy's girl! Well, as to your question, it could be a coincidence OR your husband is really with you and your daughter since he didn't get the chance to be with you when you gave birth to your baby. Since that is his only child, he would love to be with her every single time before he moves to the light. I like your story. Children have the ability to communicate with our deceased love ones and your child is not an exemption. My son is on the same boat so I believe that your daughter can communicate with her dad.

God Bless.

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