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My Friend's Ghost Dog


When I was 9, I slept round my friend's house. She had recently lost her dog (Ben) who had died of old age...

It was about 11:30 Pm and we were talking about spirits and ghouls. Suddenly, we heard the sound of claws pattering on the stairs. This was strange, as she did not own a dog. "It's probably just Beano, the cat" She told me. This was strange as he had been out in the garden since we went to bed. After this I fell asleep, but she told me the next day that 15 minutes after I fell asleep she had seen her dead dog, Ben. I thought she was making it up but when we went downstairs for breakfast at 6:30 (It was a school day) I saw Ben on the sofa asleep...

My friend's sister has recently seen her old dog, Ben and her new dog (Jessica) curled up on her bedroom floor. If any of you have had a similar experience please post...

Thanks for any links, ideas or experiences on this. If any of you know how to get rid of a spirit, please tell us as my friend can not sleep at night in fear of re-meeting the ghost (she still lives in the same house)...

Please go to Return of the ghost dog for more info... The dog has been seen countless more times.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, chibicoolcat, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

RHolden (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
I have an experience that has baffled me for many years. It happened when I was around 11 or 12, and my little brother was five. We were sleeping in the guest bed in a middle room of the house. It looked into the living room on one side and the kitchen on the other. The front door had two long oval windows on each side of it and street light shown in through them at night. On that night something woke me out of my sleep and I looked into the living room and saw a dog slowly walking from the light of the window toward the main bedroom. You could see through its body but you could make out its muscles eyes teeth everything. It moved like the way an animal moves when it is creeping up on its pray. I shook my little brother David hard and said "David David do you see that ", he was like in disbelief and so scared. Right about that time the dog saw us and had a almost startled look. Then it slowly walked backwards out through the window. My brother and I put the cover over our heads and stayed there until we fell back asleep. I am 44 now and he is 38. We still talk about it to this day and tell our whole family about it. We also both saw a little boy in that house, wearing black but at different times. Here is the kicker. I do not believe in ghost. I believe in demons. I think they try to get humans to believe in the immortal soul. I do not! I think when you are dead you are dead. Only God can return life to a human body. Anyway just wanted to share that with you all.
ghost_hunter101 (1 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-30)
I think I might know what to do to get rid of the spirit dog. You need to go to the room it most recently is seen or heard and sit down. Act natural because it seems from what you said, the dog comes naturally at unexpected times. Just sit quietly and call the dog's name a few times and see if you get a reaction. If you don't just wait a little and try communicating with it. If it happens to appear, try to talk to it and tell it that it needs to move on. Sometimes spirits come back because they have unfinished business. If nothing happens I am not sure how to help you. Get a physic or someone that is an expert at communicating with spirits. They might be able to help.
Milka (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-26)
It's easy to get rid of a spirit-
Sit in a quiet room it's even better if you are alone in the house or everyone is in the same quiet room and everyone needs to be silent.
Just speak into the room
Tell the spirit that they are loved but you do not want to be visited and tell them it is time to move on.
If you see the spirit after this again it means they need you to do something for them if this is correct you just ask them why they are still here. Wen they have told you and you have done whatever they wanted they should leave.
Or you could get a clairvoyant to come and talk to the spirit
Hope this helps!
😉 😆 😊
Imarealghost (2 stories) (39 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-26)
Reading other comments, part of me agreed with some who say "why would you want him gone?" etc... But after a bit of thought... I have a small dog who is not too far away from 12, I've had him since he was a puppy. I love him to bits but I know there's probably only a few more years in him. I dread the day when I lose him! However, When he does go to the big doggy kennel in the sky, I'd very much prefer him to stay there! I do NOT want to see him after he has gone because if I do, lemme tell ya, I would be out of the house like a bullet!
midnight1105 (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-24)
Hey, I would tell your friend not to worry too much. When I was younger, my parents had had a dog for many years and ever since he's passed away, sometimes I hear him snuffling around in my room like he used to when I was younger. For me, it was scary at first but now it has become a rather comforting presence. If your friend really feels uncomfortable, you could get her to talk to a psychic- hope this helps! 😊
MysteryVin (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-23)
its not so bad they just need to tell you how they died so you understand that you should'nt take blame for the death of your cherished freinds. ❤ They still love you don't wannna leave ya. Just understand that. ❤ Never want to leave okay? They are fine okay? They understand what your feeling. They probably lost somepet in their family. Go ahead get your tears out its fine. Ghost dogs are so freindly I do not know why some of you guys are afraid of em their so fun and nice they also want someone to play tug-of-war with dem. OKAY? ❤
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-23)
I have no idea why Your friend want the dog gone I mean honstely if something happen to my baby girl taffy my cat I would like have her visit me sometimes not all the time just to make sure that I'll know that she is okay even thought I lost a lot of pet in back years ago. Its nothing wrong to have a vister of your friend's dog ben just want to to make sure she know he's doing okay.
aiafaith1 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-22)
Excuse me Sandy123, but if you don't believe in such things, then why are you on this website? More or less, make an account and make comments like that? To me that is totally unnecessary, so if you don't mind, leave us all alone.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-22)
A cat... Dont know who's, jumped up on my bed and padded across it to curl up behind my legs. My cats do this every night, several times a night so I reached back to push it away (I was hot already),... Nothing there. As soon as I took a swipe at where the bulk feeling was it disappeared. It left a slight heat behind. The incident startled me but didn't scare me. I thought of my deceased cats and said "sorry"! None of my cats were on the bed. My visitor never came back as far as I know, my cats are on and off my bed so many times I never check and see if the one jumping up has a physical form!
This dog sounds like an intelligent haunt as it's curled up with the other dog. I don't know what to do for a pet, but, since they say we can communicate with live animals by forming pictures in our minds, maybe have your friend imagine the dog in a bright lighted place chasing a ball, then tell the dog in his mind to go to the light and that he will be loved very much.
Interesting its sighted so much!
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-22)
Sandy123, its your story that is not to be believed. Offending us "superstitious" is exactly what you are here to do.Again,the irony of a TROLL, who has apparently benefited from REINCARNATION, that doesn't believe in GHOSTS isn't lost on me. I hope my contempt isn't lost on you.
aiafaith1 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-22)
I totally understand if she wants her dog gone. It is her choice.

People just have to accept that.
aiafaith1 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-22)
Hey, just tell her to say a prayer aloud. This should work, she should tell the dog she loves him, but he needs to move on.

Simple as that. 😆

Best Wishes
~Aiafaith1 ❤
MysteryVin (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-22)
They just are reliving their deaths. 😐
Yes just reliving the horrible tragic moment of death.
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
Helenk1939's post still shows on recent comments. She doesn't believe, I guess. Thats a shocker for me. I mean you would think a TROLL would believe in GHOSTS (sarcasm brought to you by the letters B and S!)
shabam247 (1 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
why would you want the dog spirit to leave? Pets would come back to visit their owners and check up on them every here and then. They mean no harm and are not a threat.

You guys should try to relax and if you really don't want him there then sit down and ask him nicely.

Best of luck to ya
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
helenk1939 have to ask same thing as javilina why would you bother joining a site dedicated to ghost stories/experiances if you think they don't exist in the first place?
Putting comments like that on a site like this is pointless and extreamly strange
And then to be rude to someone who is just asking for advice from people that do think there is life after death and loved ones do get chance to come back and let others know their ok?
I have never heard anybody here call anybody an idiot let alone a moronic idiot that is just being spitful to be totaly blunt what right do you think you have to put someone down like that? If you don't think spirits are real then please just delete your profile and stay away from sites like this.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
[at] helenk1939,
If that's how you really feel, why are you even here?
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
I have to agree with taz890 on this one. The Dog would be there to visit his old friend/mistress/master. There doesn't seem to be anything to be scared about. If my pet came back to visit me, I would be happy that She wanted to be with me.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
hinata565 (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
im not sure why your friend is scared and wants him gone
Her dog isn't going to hurt her 😕
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
this is a strange one as most of the stories on here with pets poppping back are seen as happy experiances knowing that a pet is ok and still around is normaly comforting for the visited.
If the dog felt that it was frightening your friend (no name given?) it would not "visit" her at all personaly (if this is a true story) I would say tell your friend to tell the dog to stay out of her room or where ever it is seen it wil still obay commands given to him

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