I recently discovered this site over the summer when I was off work. It has intrigued me to the point where I have spent several nights that have turned into early mornings reading people's experiences!
Two days ago I was walking my Boxer, Gigi, when a gentleman was approaching us from the other direction. The man wore a yellow and black button down shirt, untucked, with jeans. I said hello and smiled as he got closer but he stared straight ahead and didn't acknowledge me.
My dog and I were walking down a fairly busy street, and it was around 12:15pm. The next crosswalk was a ways up, and there is High School across the street. I turned around a few seconds later and the man was gone. He wasn't walking any faster than we were, so I don't think he could have made it out of my eye sight in that little amount of time.
My dog is very friendly, and approaches everyone. I didn't think of it at the time, but she didn't go near the man.
I shared this story with some others and they thought it may be a Residual Haunting due to the fact that the man didn't seem to notice me and stared straight ahead. Some had suggested I try to walk that path at the exact same time to see if I pass the man again.
I didn't feel anything strange near the person, just more confused where he could have walked to so quickly in that short amount of time. The street we were walking on was busy; I don't think he would've crossed without being at the crosswalk.
The only other thing I have experienced was something more spiritual as an eight year old, and I often hear my name said. I live alone.