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Two Men in White in the Labor Room


In August of 1992 I found out I was pregnant with my daughter Dominique, who is now 14 years old of age. I had just graduated from high school. I really can't remember but some months later, I thought something was wrong with the pregnancy and I had my mother's friend pray for me, I guess she told her church members and they all prayed for me and my baby.

My mother came to me one day and said that her friend said hello and that everything that I was worried about was going to be okay, and by the way you're having a girl. I just looked at my mother and said, "how in the world would she know that", my mother said to me that god told her friend that. I didn't take her serious at all. When the time came for me to deliver on May 15, 1993, my mother's friend was right.

As my daughter was coming out I saw two male angels standing in front of me both wearing white suits, they where standing in front of me as I laid on the table giving birth. The one angel standing the closest to me was about 5ft 9in and the other one was about 6ft 9in which he was standing behind him. No one else in the room noticed this, not even the nurses and the doctors, just me. I thought I was having an nervous breakdown, or fell asleep. I blinked my eyes and realized that I wasn't crazy or asleep. I thought this was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed and experienced. The whole delivery room was so bright and very warm, the feeling was like I was sitting in a nice warm tub of water enjoying a bath.

Instantly I thought of my mother's friend who's church prayed for me and my daughter. Ever since then I have had so many blessing throughout raising my daughter, I believe the angels came down to make sure my daughter made it on time and safely. I have only shared this story with three other people in my life.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nakia Barber, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sylviessweeties (135 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-28)
Lilikes birth was the most beautiful moment of my life, she looked so angelic and perfect at birth, I was surrounded by ambulance men in emergency who came to witness Lilikes birth, a triage nuse held my hand and gave me kind words of enocuragement as doctors delivered her quickly. The room was filled with the greatest joy, love and heavenly warmth. Those whoo witnessed her birth were people who were kind and caring blessed by God to witness the birth of the miracle that is Lilike! Ambulancemen witness the sadness of tragedy in there daily lives but to see the birth of a living miracle baby brought them joy that day. An event they will never forget!

Lilike (Lily) 0-5 Years

sylviessweeties (135 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-28)
Lilikes birth was the most beautiful moment of my life, she looked so angelic and perfect at birth, I was surrounded by ambulance men in emergency who came to witness Lilikes birth, a triage nuse held my hand and gave me kind words of enocuragement as doctors delivered her quickly. The room was filled with the greatest joy, love and heavenly warmth. Those whoo witnessed her birth were people who were kind and caring blessed by God to witness the birth of the miracle that is Lilike! Ambulancemen witness the sadness of tragedy in there daily lives but to see the birth of a living miracle baby brought them joy that day. An event they will never forget!
lydia07 (2 stories) (11 posts)
17 years ago (2007-08-11)
I think that is a wonderful story and the same sort of thing happened to me when I had my twins (Lily & Ryan) they were born 3 months early I was told that my son wouldn't make it (as he was born 10 minutes after) But to men appeared and I was told that my son and daughter had both pulled through. They are now 4 and they are getting on very well.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-12)
Dear Nakia,

Thank you so much for sharing your story. This attests to the fact that when many humans gather together and join their positive energies as one; the creation of a positive result can be the outcome. This is every human's gift and life right. We as human's already see daily what life is like when the negative energies are focused upon.

It does not matter who believes your story, it is always up to you to choose what "you" truly believe based on your own soul's truth. One should never be afraid to speak thier truth if they live in their truth.

Your daughter is your proof that comes from the creation of your own energies and that of your belief system.

May your blessings continue to multiply as your spirit continues to return to itself. Abby
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-12)
A very inspirational story. But please allow me this question of you. Even if your mothers friend had guessed the gender of your baby wrong and let's face it, it was a fifty fifty chance, and you still seen those "Angels" would it have changed anything for you? Faith is a powerful thing, it has been known to change lives, most for the better I may add. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.

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