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Real Ghost Stories

My Old Blue House


This story happened in August of 2006. The house my husband, son, and I where living in, the ceiling came down in the living room in July. We were staying at his mother's house when this occurred. My friend Lisa and I were at my house cleaning it out. Packing stuff so when we moved, the stuff was packed for us. We were working on packing the stuff in the kitchen and putting the boxes in the living room where the ceiling had feel.

Lisa did not like my bathroom because she has had bad experiences in it. A friend and I were playing a joke on her, one day when she used the bathroom and held the door shut went she was trying to get out and when we let go of the door, I was still being held firmly and would not move for anyone. I ended up kicking the door and I opened. So from that day on, she will not use the bathroom without the door being open and someone near the door.

When we where packing, she had to use the bathroom and she had me stand guard at the door as usual. She used the potty and went to go wash her hands when she noticed speckled blood all over the cover of my sink top. There was even finger marks in it. She called me in there to look at it and we both looked at each other like WTF. She washed her hands and we decided maybe it could have been an animal or a bird that did it, since no one was living there now. So we cleaned it up. We packed a few more boxes and we both went home.

The next day we went down there so we could pack some more. Lisa got the idea to check to see if the blood was back in the same pattern with the finger marks. Sure enough, we went back into the bathroom and there it was.

This went on for a month. I don't think an animal can do that over and over again and one day stop. That house was and still is creepy. We thought maybe the inhabitants were mad because I moved out. I still reside on the same property. I actually live right next to the house. And we are working on tearing it down. I am wondering what it is going to go when it's gone.

My friends and I are going to do a little investigation before we take the house down and I update you all on the results. I have a lot more stories of the house too.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, evilblackwidow9, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

evilblackwidow9 (6 stories) (132 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-14)
I will post another story about the resince occuring in My OLd Blue House, so any one who wanted an update will have one.

Blessed Be Ye
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-24)
Thanks for the response, Shane. I've just been "backwards" reading. 😁 Can't help it! I'm addicted. Yes, things in my little corner of the world have been...eerily...quiet! Thanks for asking. I'll keep you posted, though.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-24)
Annie, I do believe EBW9 doesn't come in much any more. I am friends through another site with her and I will see if she will come back and check on her stories. Can't make any promises. Hope all is well on your end.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-24)
So, did you ever find anything, evilblackwidow? Any evps? How did the banishing go? Fill us in!
evilblackwidow9 (6 stories) (132 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-26)
Thank you Abby. I appreciate your support. ANd it the battle to come, I hope we are strong enought to endore.
Blessd be.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-26)
Dear evilblackwidow9 and redone 1867,

I am happy you are both safe and you are working all together within your coven and with Shane's help to find a way to banish the entity. Please all stay protected and safe. It is good to see you, evilblackwidow9 on the site posting and sharing your experienced knowledge and advice. My best wishes and prayers of protection to all of you in whatever you banish and whatever you encounter in your ongoing present investigation and in all areas of your lives. Blessings, Abby
evilblackwidow9 (6 stories) (132 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-25)
I remember something a very old woman, who lived down the rode from me when I was younger, told me about. It was this sealer potion. It is used to contain stuff like a bad eninty in the reside, I tried it to see if it would work. So far so good. The banishing has been put back some since my coven and I have to get togethter on it.
evilblackwidow9 (6 stories) (132 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-23)
ALot of things have happened since that investagation. We are going to attempt to banish the hostile spirits with a good spell Shane helped me get from the website I was invited too. The banishing is going to happen, unless prevented, on Monday. I will update you all. Also, thank you Shane.
evilblackwidow9 (6 stories) (132 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-18)
Investagation 2: We went in three times, the power was moved some, going to check on it later today. There was three sites, cat man hanging on the floor trusies from upstairs into the livingroom, white faced woman(who a painted a picture of the day before and she kept moving in the picture), twisted creature from the bathroom in the kitchen. We had bruises on us and they tried to prevent us from shutting the side door. Lisa had trouble breathing and I felt like someone was wainting to charge us. Deciphering EVP, some distoried growling. Will update again.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
Would love to hear if you capture anything on tape. Please be careful, you never know what may make its presence known. Let us know what you find.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
omg, that is so cool, I Cant wait to see what happenes lol. Be safe. EBW9, we can't have you hurt by what your trying to find, now can we?
evilblackwidow9 (6 stories) (132 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
Investigation 2 will take place tonight. We will be using the methods of digital recording, a regular tape recorder with extende mic. Also using a powder method to see if communication is possible. May check interior with black light. Salt will be taken incase of hostility. Such as what happened last night.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
redone what type of recorder will you be using? If it is a tape model make sure you use an external mic to get it away from the recorder or you'll just get a bunch of noise from your recorder. But I would bet you knew that, right?
redone1867 (4 stories) (37 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
Well...It has been my experince is that cats can see things we can't and Egyptians belived them to be the guardinds of the underworld. So usually take that seriously. I would really like to do EVP.
evilblackwidow9 (6 stories) (132 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
Attempted investagtion 1: Lisa and I at 12:00 midnight attempted to go into the house. We see a couple of figures in the front windows moving, and the window upstairs by the tree had an old woman standing in the window. We had a warning sign of a strange cat that has not been seen before standing in fron of the side entrance of the house, crying in pain almost. We being who we are, know that is a bad sign. We will update you more.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-12)
LOL, sounds like Lisa didn't enjoy the joke as much as you did EBW9. Thanks for sharing your story with us though, and also for the help you have been providing others here.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
redone1867 (4 stories) (37 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-12)
Ya man that was some crazy shiat. Do me a favor, never play a trick on me again. Thank you.

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