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Real Ghost Stories

The Unexplained


Me and my husband moved into a bigger home for our 3 children in the winter of "2009".We all were excited. We worked on it for a good week before moving in. At first I thought nothing of the house being haunted. A week after moving in I was home alone, getting ready for work when I heard the wall bang and shake as if someone was pushed hard into it like a basketball was thrown at the house. I thought that's what it was, so I went outside to check and NOBODY was even out of their house. I shook it off just confused and went back to getting ready. The wall has banged 4/5 times. My husband has experienced it twice.

Again shortly after this I'm getting ready for work, home alone. I was in the bathroom putting on my face when to me it sounded like a little kid jumped off my bed and to the floor. I checked in my room and there was nothing. By this time I was seeing things outta the corner of my eye where our hallway connects to the living room. It was something that looked as if it was walking to the bedrooms, but all I caught was the white t-shirt/nightgown and the shoulder and arm. As time went by I would hear banging on the kitchen cabinet doors, and the door itself. I have had friends experience the aspirations (meaning I started to see a little figure peek from the hall into the living room).

One night as I was cleaning the kitchen, everybody was asleep. As I'm cleaning the counter I thought my husband came in and went to the table. I didn't look up, just thinking it was him. I said "I thought you were sleeping?!"When he didn't answer me back I looked from what I was doing and nobody was there. I went to the back bedrooms and everybody was sound asleep. It freaked me out, it was so real.

After months of nothing, it has started back up again. This time recently a childs size shoe print of a dress shoe was in the carpet as an imprint. It looked like a 5yr olds shoe size. My baby is 9yrs old. I was vacuuming at the time I noticed it and the shoe looked like a style from back in the 40's.

Now I'm feeling touches. I was cooking dinner last week and all the kids were outside playing. I was bent down looking for a lid in the cupboard when I felt a nudge on the back of my head. It was soft. It didn't hurt, but I thought it was 1 of my kids so I was going to say "Why are you messing with me?!", but as I looked back nobody was in the kitchen. I let it go, but 2 days later I was in my room watching TV when I started feel the hairs on my arm stand up and felt a slight pressure of a finger touching me. I looked down and seen the imprint of a finger on my arm. I don't show my fear to them and I talk to them saying "Ok...I know your here". I plan on getting my cousin in here who investigates these things now that I'm being touched.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kristinarodriguez1980, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ghosthunt2012 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
pipes make the most amazing noises and our imaginations always run wild
robertar (223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-16)
From your other post I see you pray. You might just ask that no unclean spirit be let into your home. Ask every night as you put the kids to bed.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
That's a really good question, "What do they do when they're quiet?". I'd like to know the answer to that one myself. And does time pass at the same rate that it does for us?

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
Javelina - nah, not an expert. I don't think I'll ever attain that title. I'm still learning every day. Experienced I'll accept, but can't claim expert. I have so much more about them to learn. Like where have they been lately? And what are they doing when they're quiet? 😆

Thank you, though, I do know what you meant 😉 ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
What can I say? You're the expert when it comes to the children ghosties. Everyone here knows that 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
Javelina - thanks for the endorsement ❤ Although they've been pretty quiet for the last couple of weeks...hmmm. Oh well, they do go through spells. Either that or I'm distracted by other things 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
I'm with Lou here. Miracles is the best person to talk with about your situation, she's been there a long time and they are still coming to her. I hope you find help here, you will if you stick with Miracles.

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
Just out of curiosity, and I'm not sure if anyone else already asked this, but how did you deduce that the child's shoe print you saw was a shoe from the 1940s? The rest of the account sounds believable enough but that one detail is bothering me.
believer21 (3 stories) (56 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
I actually read your other story first and its quite possible what ever was in that house has attached to you and is following you. Its very possible that the activity halted due to changes in your life. Maybe the children didn't feel comfortable "playing" for a while. But now that your kids are growing they feel needed again. Not sure if it makes sense, just a thought.
hope4ever (4 stories) (75 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
I can sympathize with the peeking around the corner. I had a boy named Caleb in my house for brief time before he and his father moved on. My father and I discovered him one night while we were talking, and every time I'd turn and try to see him, he'd duck behind the hallway doorway. It was a game to him, annoying but fun for me too. As for being touched, I've had it happen so many times. I've lived in several houses that could easily be counted as haunted. I don't think the little girl, the spirit you keep having these interactions with, means any harm. She's just a little lost and confused, and as you are a mother to your little ones, she felt drawn to you. Call me crazy, but I have had a gift since I was little about talking to spirits. And I get the name of Sophie from the little girl. My email is on my page if you want to talk more. Wish you the best of luck when your cousin comes to your house! =3
kristinarodriguez1980 (5 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
Thank you all for helping me think I'm not crazy. Theres so much activity that goes on in here that its to much to write. I have skipped out on alot. I have heard voices 1 time of a woman then a child sounding voice that almost screamed. It was to muffled to understand words. Things ALWAYS seem to happen when I'm alone. I don't think its a demon. I have however had an oder smell 3 times of strong urine. My kids have been potty trained for years. I have smelt it in my bathroom, my kitchen, and one time out of nowhere infront of the couch while sitting on it. I have heard"Momma"called out to find out my kids didn't call me, as well as they've heard me calling them when I didnt. It happens to much, but I'm comfortable with it. 😉
I have pictures of orbs. One picture is of my and my girlfriend and a "orb" that's lower then the hips... Child size 😕.And a few of my children & friends lighting sparklers with lotsa "orbs" surrounding. 5 of them are right above their heads floating and they're very bright.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
this is a sweet story, a child ghost that is getting used to you and now is trying o get your attention by getting real close and touching you like a small child would.
And also you saying "ok I know your here" will help the spirit too most just want the living to show they understand their living with the spirit around.

Agree with lou and miracles go read her storys a few are realy touching (take tisues you might need them, I did)
Personaly I would say enjoy the fact you have a kind spirit in your home that is just as curious as you are.

Thanks for sharing
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Just chiming in to say that I'm also weary of the great demon debate. That word has been used on this site so many times, you'd think that everyone had their own little demon following them around. For you, this ghost sounds playful and in need of attention. A ghost kid is a ghost kid. That's all it seems to be. Sounds rather cute actually. I wouldn't fear it. It has not harmed you or your children it seems. Thank you for sharing your story, I found it very interesting.

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LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
So will it be a day of leisure? Fanning you and feeding you grapes from a distance.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Seriously, Lou? Comments like that and you expect me not to smile? 😆 And guess what? I'm not going to get caught today, cause I'm not working! Sorry, Kristina 😊
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
As always, I agree with Miracles... Ghost children are not always demons...I'm on the fence about the living ones, sometimes.

If I had to pick anyone on this site to assist you in what you are describing, it would be Miracles. DO read her stories, I think you will see a lot of similarities. Someone is obviously trying to get your attention. As unnerving as some of these encounters can be, I don't feel they mean any harm. Communicating with them could cause things to escalate, but it could get you info you could use to keep things at a dull roar.
For instance, I have a story to submit shortly that involves a spirit who will take an object and hide it, if I keep it put away. But if I leave the object out, sometimes it will be moved, but it never disappears... It could be something really easy would appease these kids, and you could learn to coexist more quickly than if you try to deny their presence.

Stop smiling, Miracles.;)

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Kristinarodriguez - so much of what you've shared has been part of my and my kids' lives. First thing I want to ask is this, have your kids mentioned seeing or hearing anything? It would be unusual if they haven't. Especially the youngest. If there is this much activity in your home, I'd be willing to bet you aren't the only one who sees and hears the ghost child. I won't tell you that you should tell your kids what you are experiencing, because I'll get all kinds of flack for that. At least, not yet 😉 But what I will suggest is next time you hear or see something, ask them if they've heard any noises. Don't plant the thought of ghosts in their heads. Just see what they say. Kids are willing to talk about it if they know you've seen and heard things and you won't think they're lying.

As for showing fear to them. There really isn't any reason to be afraid of them. From what you've shared with us, in my opinion you have a ghost (s) who wanted your attention... Noises against wall. Got your attention. Now the ghost (s) knows you're aware of it and that you don't appear to be afraid so it's getting more comfortable with you.

I've lived, let me think a second... Okay at least 7 ghost children. I currently have 2: a boy and a girl. They can be startling at times. I think it's just the knowledge that they're there and we can't always "see" them, but the things they do are definite proof that they are in our home too. I don't know whether or not this will help you, but just to show you I understand what you're going through, if you'd like to take a look at my profile page, I have several stories about the ghost children my kids and I have lived with.

Just so you know, you're probably going to get people telling you this ghost child is a demon in disguise. I've had people tell me that. No offense to anyone who tells you that, but I don't believe it. I've lived with my ghost children for far too long. I've also lived in 2 homes that had a definitely evil presence in them. I can tell the difference. So, for someone to say all "ghost children are demons in disguise" is... I want to cuss here 😆 Not true 😆

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