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Three Hard Lives


As you all probably know, I've been dealing with a spirit named Josin. After a bunch of EVPs asking him how he died, I finally pieced together the answers he gave me each time. So here's what happened.

He was fighting with Cylas and Cylas got a little too angry. Later that night Cylas told Josin that if he didn't commit suicide the next day at noon, Cylas would murder Maru. Cylas promised that if Josin killed himself, Maru would live on.

Even though Maru begged Josin not to, Josin knew that he had to, so the next day at noon Josin did as Cylas had asked and commited suicde.

I know that Josin is restless and I found out why. He told me how all three of them died, himslef, Maru, and Cylas. I also know the ages they were when they died. Josin was fourteen, Maru was seventeen, Cylas was 25. Josin told me that he didn't want revenge, he just wants to know why Cylas broke his promise.

Six years after Josin's death, Cylas snuck into Maru's house and murdered her with the same knife that Josin had used to kill himself. Maru was sleeping and never felt anything.

Four years later Cylas was guilty and upset. He didn't know what to do anymore. Everyone knew what he had done and everyone hated him. He suddenly knew what he had to do. He grabbed the knife that had killed Maru and Josin. He closed his eyes and he stabbed himself through his heart. He didn't want to do this, but he felt that he had no choice.

Josin has been getting angry lately and he won't tell me why. He threw a toy at me and I got a black eye because of it. (It wasn't a stuffed toy)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mossycat101, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

wolfeyes72206 (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
otteer I agree with you 100% and I do believe that no one has the right to judge keep the stories coming and hope for the best.
mossycat101 (3 stories) (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-05)
Ahh, I see you've noticed that I deleted my account! I'm back though. I must admit that I made a few mistakes in this story. I typed it up at 2:00 am. I'll rewrite it on my new profile. I got messed up. The evps were about something else, not this story. The evps were about Josin telling me about his family. Sorry guys. Oh yeah,
Thnx man! You're awesome!
LilithGarner (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-23)
This is too detailed and strange. I don't think this is a true story. You really shouldn't do that, post fake stuff.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-23)
As I was reading this story, I was getting the impression that it was fake. Sorry, but that's just my opinion here.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-22)
Jeez guys... My son has an old mp3 player that loads from the computer but will not load ONTO the computer!
I am thinking of an evp received by the Ghost Lab Crew that was a full sentence..."I killed nine people." Another one that was..."shhhh they are coming back!' another full sentence. How about..."I don't think they like us", from "Ghost Hunters" and, the most amazing was the ghost woman in the royal suite that was answering the Ghost Hunters when they asked if they could be seen, she said "where are you?" They then asked" can you hear us?" and she replied " of course I can!"

My point is, if the op was getting evps, she has to take the names given, she has no control over them and wouldn't care what they mean. Cylas is a very old name usually spelled "silas" but people do spell it with the c occasionally. Maru is a common nickname in Spain (for Maria) and a surname in India. Jozin has the meaning of Joseph in Slav and could be shortened from Josey.

My point is, the story was submitted, approved and published. If you don't believe the story, ask questions about it and come to your own conclusions.

I have read some pretty fantasic stories here that no one would believe if they have not had their own paranormal experiences. I just don't think we have the right to be so rude to posters telling their stories and we don't have the right to judge if the stories are true or not.

I may get blasted for this but there is my 3 cents worth. ❤
PlagueRat (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
Call me crazy but "I'm not being freaking defensive[...] Jeez." sounds pretty defensive to me.
For the record, I'd just like to point out that there are a lot of mp3 players that can record on their own. I used to have one. I think the brand was sandisk? I don't really remember, but they're kind of cheap. You can get them at best buy, target, etc. However, I'm pretty sure the recordings can, in fact, be uploaded to a computer. If the author of the story didn't know how, she could've very easily gotten instructions on how to do it. No, but she was right. She LITERALLY could not upload them. It's a bit hard to upload something you don't have;)
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
There were so many holes in that story I could barely see it. I would close up my account too after blatantly lying. I don't think she could ever come back after that one.
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
Uh oh... Looks like her account is gone. LOL! Just in time too, right when we were calling her out about the mp3! 😆
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
Yeah! How else would you get music onto the MP3 player? What kind of MP3 player records out of the air? I'm sure there are some that record real life, what kind is it? Maybe you can get some technical help. Isn't the point of an MP3 player to sync it up with your computer?
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
Dont you upload your music to your MP3 player from your computer? If you plug it in the way you usually do to put on music, it should be able to be saved to your computer.
mossycat101 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
Okay, guys, they lived a really long time ago. I can't post the evps because I got them on my mp3player.
I'm not freaking being defensive, I literally CAN'T post them! Jeez.
mossycat101 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
To all of you who want to hear the evps, I can't upload them onto my computer. I got them on my MP3player, not a normal recorder. Srry
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
Wait, in her first story it was Joszin. Did it just magically change? I found the name "Maru" in New Zealand, and I guess it means "gentle" or something like that over there.

So how did Cylas know that the knife he had was the same one Jos (z?) in used to commit suicide? If everyone knew Cylas killed Maru, why wasn't he in jail? Who was Maru to Jos (z) in that he would rather kill himself than turn Cylas in to the authorities for threatening to kill her?
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
A weevil, eh? That's interesting. What about Maru? Did you see anything about that name? 😉 This could all be cleared up if the author would stop being defensive and share those EVPs!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
"Cylas" is a breed of weevil and Josin is a surname, by the way, not really a first name. Just some info I decided to look up. I have a pretty strong feeling that this story was made up.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
First of all, what kind of names are these? I have never heard any of these names except Maru, which is a Japanese name and not a very common one. It is pretty much used only in reference to pets.

Secondly, I would like to hear the EVPs myself. I love that people say "I got all these EVPs and video and EMF readings..." and post no evidence whatsoever.

Thirdly, one does not usually die instantly when they are stabbed unless by some chance they are stabbed directly through the brain or through an artery in the heart. Actually it usually isn't until the knife is actually removed that one would bleed to death, and it wouldn't happen instantly but over the course of anywhere from a few minutes to hours depending on the location and severity of the wound. So I seriously doubt if Maru was murdered in her sleep that she never felt a thing. I can't speak for the average person but I generally don't sleep through stab wounds.
lazria (9 stories) (82 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
I have to side with Baccgirl and Pjod, something isn't meshing right about this tale. I've gone back to your other stories and feel like there is ALOT missing; both what you are writing out and things you don't have about what is going on. I'm sorry, but something doesn't seem right, complete, correct or honest. I've dealt with several EVP's, I've never gotten more than a few words at most, nothing as detailed as you have explained. I've gotten more info out of a pendulum session. Plus what the others stated about the deaths (both self inflicted and murders) should be documented by somebody, somewhere unless this occured a VERY long ago, specially if as you stated "Everyone knew what he had done and everyone hated him" then where is the others documentation? Can you post these EVP's?
I'm sorry, but something about your tale does not lead me to believe it. I don't mean to offend, it just doesn't sit right. Plus your attitude about writing out your tale is alittle harsh. I myself have writen long stories, not because I wanted, but rather because the amount of information I had to get across required extensive narration.
I hope everything stays well with you and perhaps you find out what is going on.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
Oh yeah! Good point Pjod! Why were there no legal reprocissions to this sordid tale? Someone would had to have noticed that two people were dead. How did this Cylas guy get away with all this? Was it way in the backwoods or something? Didn't these people know anyone else that may have been concerned if they were murdered? These murders seem to have take place over many years, and no authorities caught on to this?
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
I'm with Baccgirl
If you were able to get this info through evp' should teach the rest of the ghost hunting world your skills. EVP's are always limited to a few words, to maybe, if your lucky, an almost complete sentence.
Not to mention, all the blood shed in that story, unless the tale took place hundreds of years back, Josin would have immediately been taken into custody for his actions... Long before he could have taken the time to make it a double murder... Then much later, suicide. Perhaps I'm missing something here, and one could set me straight.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
If you really do have those EVPs, and they are as intricate as you make them out to be. You'll probably become famous or something. No one can get such detailed EVPs except you, it seems. I hope you can share them with us. And you will be called the best EVP recorder in history.
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
So in the EVP, Josin included that Cylas' eyes were closed when he stabbed himself in the heart? Seems to be a detail that a ghost wouldn't really have to add, but that's just my opinion. Since you have the EVP's, could you upload them? It'd be nice to hear them.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
Huh? You got all this from EVPs? Can we hear these EVPs? Have you researched the validity of any of this? Those are pretty unique names you have there, I bet you could easily find something. A murder and suicide like this, bound to have a story on it. I'm still really confused as to how you received this information. I feel like I am missing so much here. What is the relation between these spirits? How could you possibly know all this in such detail?
mossycat101 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
It's not like I had all day to type this, jeez. It takes time to write a story, and time is what I honestly don't have much of.
pratekya (29 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-21)
This sounds like a very bad and young version of a paranormal soap opera (meaning I don't buy it). I guess it would be more believable if we didn't get the condensed version but the much longer version with much more detail.
mossycat101 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-07-20)
Thanks for your advice! I do belieive that it was Josin throwing things, because Cylas hasn't bothered me in a while, he haunts Emily's house.
I'm afraid fo Cylas, he really doesn't like me, one time when I was at Emily's house he yelled at me, "Get out! You don't belong!"
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-20)
I just read your other stories but none of the comments.

How fortunant you were able to get information from these two spirits! I'm thinking that Josin may not be the one throwing toys... Possibly Cylas? You are linked together by your friendship with Emily, no coincidence, now Josin knows you know his story, he may be open to a cross over, tell him you will pray for Maru and if he crosses, she may be waiting. He may think she is trapped as he is.

Cylas, he may be impatient for help himself. Tell him to go the light and you will light a candle for him, Josin and Maru and pray for their peace. After all, it couldn't hurt. Sounds like Cylas was a very disturned individual, possibly mentally ill. The mentally ill are innocents, trapped in their own reality. Tell Josin this most likely is why Cylas broke his promise. It may be enough for him to let go. Pray for him, pray for them all and tell Cylas you forgive him. Above all, we humans need forgiveness and, they were once human!

This is just my opinion. Bless you for trying to get to the root of the story.

Good luck! ❤

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