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Real Ghost Stories

Four Times Of Terror


This night I was so tired, so I went to bed early. I ran up the stairs and stopped. I stood there for a moment. I heard a sharp breath coming from in front of me. I was scared and I closed my eyes. No one else was up here. It was just me, just me. Repeating that to myself only terrified me even more. I slowly walked to my room and collapsed on my bed. I was so scared that I was asleep right away

This night I had simply been sitting on my bed reading. I heard someone run up the stairs. I moment later I saw a black figure out of the corner of my eye. I shivered violently. I looked over and it dissapeared. I ran to my sister's room, thinking she had been the one coming up the stairs, but she wasn't there, she wasn't even upstairs. I nearly screamed, but I didn't want to have to explain what had just happened to someone that heard me.

This time it was the afternoon. I had been outside gardening. I was wearing sweatpants, so my dad told me to go put some shorts on. I grabbed a pair of shorts and ran upstairs. I walked into the bathroom to get a drink of water. I heard a footstep a little farther down the hall. No one had come inside with me. I looked around and saw that no one was there. I was terrified by this too.

It was one AM now. I was awake, smiply laying in my bed, my blanket up to my chin. My sister and parents were sleeping by now. I heard the front door open, then slam shut. This happened a few more times. I closed my eyes tightly and fell asleep in horror. This actually happened a few different nights.

I really need help, more things like this have happened! I don't know what to do. Can anyone out there help me? I just need some advice. I had never thought my house was haunted until now. I'm really scared.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mossycat101, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Angel1996 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
Nothing to be scared of. Sounds like a shadow person. These are a form of ghost that are unaware that they are dead and are still living in their world. You can see their shadows/outlines because they haven't crossed over properly. It will dissapear in time. They can't see you and are unaware that they are in your world. They mean no harm and will not harm you. Everyone has a guardian angel to counter evil spirits anyway. Just keep on living and don't think about it.
deejayy53 (3 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)
It kind of sounds like to me that this thing is trying to taunt you. Making itself known and not showing itself makes me think it just wants to get under your skin. My advice would be whenever it starts to scare, just demand it to go away. If it doesn't leave you alone, seek professional help. Good luck!
mossycat101 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-12)
Everyone is telling me to ignore you, but you may be right... Exept for it taking out it's fury on me. Yes, I do sometimes hear tapping or banging on the walls. I'll check the history on my house, I never met the people that used to live here...thanks! 😁
mossycat101 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-12)
It hasn't tried to hurt me, but every time I go to my tap dancing classes, I feel something kicking the back of my seat and there's no little kid or anyone behind me.
mossycat101 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-12)
All, differnt nights... Exept one happened at about 4:50PM. My sis would never believe me, I've actually told her about it. She thinks I'm joking and my parents don't listen to anything that I say.
mossycat101 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-12)
Sorry, I swear that all of this story is true, but I'm terrible at explaining things.
mossycat101 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-12)
I was afraid, and when that happens I try to shut the world away and drift into sleep where nothing can bother me anymore. Most people don't understand why I do that, and neither do I. It's just some weird instinct that I have.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-08)
I did not watch the video, but have seen it before. I agree with regards to the wording of the story. I have read a bunch of stories where the poster will say, "I woke up and this black figure with red eyes was standing over me performing a spiritual labotomy, threatening everyone I've ever loved, and tearing my flesh off with its flaming hands... (well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration)...so, I decided to ignore it and rolled over and went to sleep."
The hypnogogic state is a state of existence where spirits can actuially communicate with you, and these are actual paranormal experiences... But the reason it is so easy to fall asleep, is because you already were asleep... And not all dreams are reality.
That being said, not all poorly worded stories should automatically be considered fake.

Justsomedude (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-07)
Two things in this story set off my bull***t alarm.

1. "I was so scared that I was asleep right away."

2. "I closed my eyes tightly and fell asleep in horror."

I'm sorry, but unless you are somehow related to those goats that pass out when they're frightened...


It's completely unnatural to fall asleep when you're afraid. I have had some scary experiences, and they kept me awake all night. I can't imagine "falling asleep in horror"
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-07)
Im dead? Bugger!
Well at least it was fast and obviously painless never felt a thing!
Wow who to haunt? Hmmm guess will stay here for now and haunt this site!
Scare you?
No 😢
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-07)
I don't know why but this story turns my alarm on saying that it isn't real. But for now I guess I will ignore that warning and humor you.

If in fact this is a ghost haunting you it doesn't sound like it's dangerous. It may just be trying to get your attention.
ILee (1 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-07)

Was that bright light not the eclipse? Because I swore I saw the eclipse last night too! And as I was watching it, the moon disappeared. Could have been a cloud, but clouds don't move that fast. Literally, within a second, it disappeared.
multinathan911 (3 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-07)
hey... This to me sounds like a residential ghost. Mabye the ghost is disturbed and restless for some reason. Ghostly activity can just appear and disappear out of nowhere. Try communicating with it and try to find out what it wants

Thanks from nathan ❤
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-07)
Ilee, Taz?

Did bacchaegrl just call us dead? I KNEW this was going to happen...I've been waiting ang waiting, and now I missed it! Crap!
I thought that bright light was an eclipse. Now I know why my teenagers have been ignoring me lately! The dog is the only one who pays me any mind, and he p-sses himself everytime I walked into the room!

This simply will not due! Hmmm... Speaking of "Simply", I've got an idea...

Funda (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-07)

These occurances are more common then you think. Fear makes these things works so try to stay calm about the situation, even if you are attacked by this being, stay as calm as you can as fear and loud noises such as screaming may cause it to become aggressive. You might need to tell your family about what has happened, even if you think they will call you crazy. It may infact be harmless, but it won't do harm to let those close to you know about it. This may also reduce your fear. However don't wait for it to attack you, if it appears to become violent CALL SOMEONE. There may be a priest or someone to help you get through this.Also, you may want to try asking it to leave in a pleasant and firm tone, don't ask this in a scared or angry voice otherwise you may provoke a negative reaction. The pleasant voice, reassures it that you don't want to harm it, and being firm allows it to know that it is an annoyance. Putting both these together says your not scared, just annoyed and you want it to stop.
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-07)
Ghost_gal... Umm what the?

I agree with everyone else besides the above mentioned, they seem harmless, and talking to someone, or even to what you think is in the house can always help.

The house I am staying in at the moment has strange little "quirks" that happen quite often and I say hello to who/whatever is around and carry on and they have never been a threat or a bother. 😊
Louise21 (3 stories) (33 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-06)
MossyCat, did this all happen in the one day or separate days.? You should definitely confide in your sister at least to see if she has noticed any of the same things.
Especially the front door being opened at night would worry me most definitely tell your parents about those incidents. I hope you find answers soon.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-06)
Yeah, Ghost_Gal123, how can you just assume something about a haunting when you really know nothing about the backstory or the actual situation? That just doesn't seem right, making up stories in other people's supposedly true stories. I'm just going to tell everyone that your ghost is a dead ballerina who died before her big production and she isn't knocking on your wall, no; she's kicking your walls because she's trying to rehearse and perform a final time before she can pass on. That's your ghost's story, Ghost_gal123, hope you like it! As for MossyCat, I wouldn't be terrified. So you may have some paranormal activity in your house. There really is no reason, as far as I can see, to be afraid. Sure, paranormal events can be scary, but there is no evidence of anything really trying to hurt you. Lou, ILee, and taz are who you want to listen to. Don't let the living scare you, they don't know anything about the dead.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-06)
hi mossy agree with louslips and Ilee does not sound like a knowing spirit but one that's just replaying what it used to do.

Talk to your family this should help ease your fright and try telling yourself its not doing this to frighten you, it more than likly does not even know your there at all.

As for ghost_gals idea I would personaly just ignore it, its garbage!
All the best
ILee (1 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-06)

I agree with Lou. From what you tell us, it doesn't sound like the spirit it violent. So I'm not sure where Ghost_gal got that idea from.

Unless the spirit is physically harming you, don't be scared. I know it's scary to hear things and not be able to see the source. (Easier said then done, I know) But just remember these spirits were once like you and me. If these are residual hauntings, they're just spirits playing out an event over and over like a broken record. Most likely, they aren't even aware that they have passed. I could be wrong on that last part though. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If these noises continue to scare you, maybe you should talk to your family about it. Sometimes just talking to someone about it helps. And if all fails, just keep the music on in your room to drown out all the noise 😁
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-06)
Unlike Ghost-gal I think you just have a residual haunting of a passing spirit or a former occupant of the home. Footsteps, shadow figures, and doors opening and closing can all be attributed to residual energy.
Ghost-gal, tell us about your murdered spirit in your home, and how did you come to this conclusion. For you to come to this conclusion about someone elses story when you know nothing about them personally or the house they live it, is more than presumptuous. Why are you interested in sending someone over the edge when there is likely nothing to worry about? You obviously have some amazing power that would lead you to these affirmations... So please share so the rest of us can learn.


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