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Hands On My Windshield


I drive a 2005 Honda Civic, and usually, it isn't very clean. I'm not only an artistic type, but I'm also always rushing from place to place, so in general my spaces are semi messy. So, when I had time on a lunch break to go wash my car, it was a big deal. That whole day I drove around enjoying my freshly cleaned car. There were no marks on it anywhere and it was just really nice to see clearly out of all of my windows. (I know, I know... I need to change my messy ways!)

Later that day, I went to a rehearsal for a musical I'm currently acting in. As I got out to go inside, I once again marvelled at my lovely clean car and went inside. When I came out 3 hours later, I opened my door, got in, put in my keys and looked forward to see 2 distinct hand prints on my windshield. The hands were slightly smaller than mine and on the INSIDE of the window. They were also angled very strangely, fingers pointed in and hands almost completely horizontal. I tried mimicking it with my own hands, and not only was the positioning of the hands uncomfortable, there would be no reason for someone to put their hands there. Plus, I had been the only one in my car the entire day and just before I had gone inside, the hand prints were definitely NOT there.

I started driving home, leaving the handprints there since I meant to take a photo once I got home. Now, my voice was clear, since I had just been singing for the past 3 hours there was obviously nothing wrong with my throat. But as soon as I started driving, the entire way home I could not stop coughing and choking. It felt as though something was being stuck down my throat and it was lodged right at the back although nothing was in my mouth at all, nor had I eaten anything in the past 5 hours. The sensation of pain brought tears to my eyes and at one point, I was gagging and choking so horribly I had to pull over and step out of the car for a moment.

Finally, I made it home. My friend was there waiting for me so we could go talk about our day at the pub. She got in my car, saw my tear stained face and immediately asked what was wrong. I pointed to my window. She said "Whoa, what are those handprints doing there!?" I told her about what had just happened. She took one look at the hand prints, and rubbed them away with a paper napkin because just looking at it made her uneasy.[so sorry, no pic guys]. She coudln't shake the feeling so badly that she insisted we go in her vehicle instead of mine.

So friends, my question is, can a spirit attach itself to a car? Or could it be that one followed me into the car? The rehearsal space we practice at is fairly old and run down, so I was thinking it could have come from the area, or maybe it is my car? I'm just really confused as to what happened to me that evening. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks so much for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sarahmariacecilia, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
As far as I knew, you replied to one of the e-mails they sent you confirming your story.
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
Hey everyone long time no see:) Just a quick question - is there any way to add a photo to a story that's already been posted (this one)? I just had another experience like this one the other night and got a picture of the finger marks (different than last time... Last time they were handprints, this time is almost like finger swipes) on my windshield and I'd like to post a photo. Do I need to post a new story?
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-10)
I have a new story and I can't WAIT to post it. Some pretty strange things are happening in my apartment now. As soon as stories can be submitted again, watch for mine. If anyone wants to email me about it so I can get some advice, please do! My email is on my page!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-26)
Well thank you very much! That is very sweet of you. 😊 I hope that everything goes well and that you find out what is causing these phantom hand prints. That is pretty spooky and I know it would freak me out a little, even if it wasn't a violent action or anything. Please let us/me know how things go!
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-26)
Good point, DA! I'm definitely going to try that. 😁 Hopefully if someone is attached they can move on. If not, its alright too since they don't seem to be doing me any harm (since I'm not putting the choking on the chemicals or stress). But thanks so much for your suggestions you have been so helpful! PS, this may be strange but since I've come onto this site I have mostly followed you and a few others and I admire you and the way you think! ❤
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-26)
sarah, no one necessarily had to die for a spirit to become attached to your car. I imagine it could also have been someone who just really loved the car and didn't want to let it go! In that case, you could try saying out loud, "I know how much you like this car, but it's time to move on now..." and hopefully if there IS a spirit attached to the car, it will be on its way. If not, well, what have you really got to lose?
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-26)
Hi DA! It was pre-owned, but nothing was mentioned about any sorts of wrecks or anything and the car is in good shape. The clothing was not in the car the first time, but they were the second time... So maybe it isn't the clothes. If its me, then that makes me a bit nervous. 😐 Although nothing has been happening recently...
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-26)
Hi again Sarah and thank you for the clarification on the handprints. I think it sounds more plausible that there is an entity attached to you or your vehicle (was it pre-owned?). Since you mentioned having the costumes in your backseat, I suppose it could have been that but were they in the car when you saw the prints the second time? Have you experienced anything else since?
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-25)
You know DeviousAngel, that really could be it with the esophageal stricture. Would make sense since stress was present in my life with the show and a break up (that jerk!) but the handprints, I'm not so sure. I'm the one that cleaned my car and I didn't lean on it at all. The only thing is, is I've seen them once before about 5 months ago, but on a side window. I noticed them but didn't think much about it. This time is when I thought WOW, this is weird. Who knows, maybe I stressed myself out thinking I was in the car with a ghost ha! 😆 thanks so much for the suggestions, I'm thinking you're right on target with the stress factor.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-25)
Thanks for sharing your story. I agree with champion, your coughing/choking sounds exactly like an allergic reaction. It could also be that dust and/or spores might have gotten into your car from the costumes that you said you were carrying in the back seat.

The handprints is an entirely different story. Is it possible that they were there from someone cleaning the inside of the vehicle? Maybe someone leaned on it in two different spots and that's why it's such an awkward angle. I do not know what time of day it was, but was the lighting different at the place where you had parked the car? If so that may explain why you did not see it earlier.

Also check this out:

This is something I have a problem with myself. Stress can also cause it.
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-25)
champion, that's a great point about the irritated throat thing, it really could have added to it, if it wasn't all paranormal. I really am not sure though since it felt like a finger almost was being shoved down my throat, but yes it really could have been a chemical. And I am certain my doors were locked, so I'm going more with the spirit side of it. I'm trying to think of what I had in my car... I did have a few costumes in the back seat that were actually not made recently but were vintage clothing, so who knows what could have been attached to it! 😊 Thank you for reading and commenting
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-25)
your throat could have been irritated from singing and then when you got back in your car a chemical agent could have irritated it further. Do you know for a fact that your car was locked where nobody could get into it? If not it was probably some kid thinking how funny it would be to dirty up your freshly cleaned windshield. If it was locked it was probably a spirit that thought it would be funny to mess up your newly cleaned windshield as you seem to be sensitive to paranormal activities from your other posts/stories. I certainly hope that it wasn't a spirit causing you the problems and if so that it moves on.

sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-25)
woops, I meant to say "did happen to stop once I was out of the car and in fresh air." Its definitely still early, the coffe hasnt kicked in just yet ha 😆
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-25)
Thank you lynrinth for your input 😊 I was thinking it could have possibly attached itself to the car somehow... Really thinking about it, I'm sure the rehearsal hall has plenty of attached sprits since we have so many antique bits of furniture and old clothing for costumes, old antique items (dining sets, cash registers, etc). It would be interesting for someone that could sense a spirit being attached to an object to go into there, because I'm thinking they would find a lot!

Curiously-Scared, thank you for your comment also 😊. The choking did happen once I was out of the car and in fresh air. It could have been some kind of cleaning agent, but really I wonder why it wouldn't have affected me sooner, you know? Its just so weird! It was only that day too, the next day driving I was fine all weekend and through today, I experienced nothing driving to work...
Curiously-Scared (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-25)
Wow, what a crazy and scary experience! When you stopped the car to step outside for a break did the pain, coughing, and discomfort end abruptly? How about when you got out of your car to roll with your friend? I was just wondering if it faded away slowly or if the symptoms ceased immediately. I was thinking that perhaps you used an air freshener or glass/dash cleaner that you were possibly having an allergic reaction to, but then I remembered that you had been driving around for hours after you cleaned. Spooky! Let us know if anything else happens... Hope nothing like this happens again though!
lynrinth (guest)
14 years ago (2011-07-24)
What an odd and interesting little gem of a story! Yeah, that certainly was an odd thing. Well, yes, a spirit can attached itself to an object. It could be a spirit from the rehearsal space for a moment decided to leave an imprint of itself on your car, knowing somehow you would pick up on it. So to why... Who knows? It just wanted you to experience how it died, and maybe help it move on? *shrugs* There is a million possibilities. The most important thing is though you are alright. And hopefully won't go through that again. I hope you get some answers. Good luck on this, and your musical! Break a leg! Oops! Maybe I shouldn't say that. Sorry. 😜

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