The situation had happened at night time in 2005, she told me and my parents at the table eating, what happened to her. My daughter was four years old when this happened to her. She was awoken by some noise and she had looked into the corner of our bedroom where my bed was located by the wall.
She said she saw this man crawl down the corner over my bed and onto the floor and sit. Looking directly at her, She said "Daddy had red glowing eyes mommy" which to clarify some things for the readers. (My daughter hasn't ever seen her father before but she just said her daddy)
I and my parents went to our bedroom at the time and prayed over her bed and things in our room and over my daughter. Since that experience she has never said anything about the red eyed man again.
But the room we had stayed in has had a few different things happen while we lived in the room. From a voice you can hear coming from that room when my daughter was in there by herself and she was a toddler, shadow people around her crib, to nightmares.
We moved from that room to the upstairs part. That brought a little girl who wanted my daughter to play with her while my daughter wanted to sleep. Also, three adults (two males and one female). One of the males would yell at her and lastly he would slap her on the arm which I never noticed until the next evening when I gave her a bath and she told me about it.
Why to these things haunt children for? Can someone help me and my daughter? Things used to mess with me but since I'm older and I have a child now does that make her the new target?