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Scent Of Roses And Lilacs


There are only a few in my family that I know of that ever has this to happen to them. When I was younger, one of my aunts and her husband drove and 18 wheeler cross-country. My aunt had been having some health problems and while she had a few days off she made a doctor's appointment. After making the doctor's appointment she recieved a call from their dispatcher saying they had a job for them. It was a short run so my aunt told my uncle to take the job and she would meet up with him the next day at the shop. The next morning she headed out meet my uncle but she never made it there.

A few hours after my aunt had left my grandma started smelling roses; thinking that maybe one of us kids had gotten into her perfume she went around smelling all of us, which none us had been into her perfume. She knew it was none of her rose bushes since it was in the middle of winter and there was snow on the ground. After searching for about a hour there was a knock on the door, it was two state troopers. They said there was a real bad accident and they needed her to go with them to identify my aunts' body. On my aunts' way to meet my uncle she blacked out and swerved into the other lane and hit a pick-up head on, after my grandma indentified her the smell of roses went away.

Others that have had the same experience have been my mom, aunt, sister and myself. In 2004 my mom, sister and I were sitting around talking about old times when out of no where we started smelling roses. The place we lived at the time didn't have any rose bushes just a lot of trees with moss hanging out of them. We went all through the apartment, even went outside to see if we could still smell the roses, but never did smell it anywhere else except in the living room. Several hours later my brother called to tell us that our dad was in the hospital and wasn't expected to make it through the night. The next morning while I was getting ready for work I started smelling lilacs. Again I went searching through the house without any luck of smelling or finding anything. About 30 minutes later my brother had called to let us know our dad had passed away early that morning.

October 5th will be a year. I was sitting here in the computer room when I started smelling roses. Knowing there was no perfume or air freshner in my house I still walked through the other rooms and outside to see if I could smell it from anywhere else, but didn't smell anything other than in the computer room. I called my mom and aunt to see if they had heard if anyone in the family was sick or had passed away and told them why I was asking. They weren't sure because they hadn't talked to anyone in a while. All morning I kept smelling roses and never could figure out why.

Later that afternoon I got a phone call from my son's school saying I needed to come pick him up because he was very sick. I went and picked my son up from school and brought him home, while taking care of him and cleaning house I could still smell roses. That evening after my boyfriend got home we agreed that my son needed to go to the emergency room. So I took my son to the hospital and the doctor walked in the room took one look at him and asked if he was diabetic, I said no that he wasn't. The doctor believed that he was and ran some tests which came back positive. He spent a week in the hospital and another week at home on doctor's care. After we brought him home that night, when I or my aunt would pass by his room we could smell lilacs.

We have all gotten used to smelling the scent of roses, but still amazed at how it's our warning sign that something bad is about to happen or something bad has happened. The list of times this has happened goes on and on. These are just a few of the incidents.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cherokeekydd, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

LouisianaBelle (5 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-25)
I have had that happen to my mother and I when my godmother passed. I wrote about it in my story Was it a warning of Death. But great read. Thanks for sharing.
cherokeekydd (6 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-03)
Thanks for all the comments,
I agree geetha... I don't think that was the last time either. But hopefully it won't happen for a long time unless there's some good news to go along with it 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-03)
what an interesting story thanks for adding it.
It does sound like famil members coming back to warn you of up coming incidents and also showing they are there around the family.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-03)
It's good to see that you pay attention to the warning signs. Most folks develop an aversion to warning signs and 'shoot the messenger'.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-03)
It's nice know that you have family that will look after you, even after they have passed on. I'm glad that there is someone to help you out. Personally, I don't think it's the last time you will experience this.
cherokeekydd (6 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-02)
Thank you Jav and generalchoas
This last warning went right past me... Think that's why it lingured so long I really didn't catch on to it until the next day. I can imagine my aunt saying wake up girl before I come and wack you on the back of the head. 😆 even if I had caught on who the warning was for I don't think it would have eased the shock but just the thought was worth it. 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-02)
[at] cherokeekydd,
This experience actually brought tears to my eyes. It is so touching. I'll pray for your son and you. Thank you for sharing with us what is obviously a very frightening thing to have to go through.

Jav ❤
generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-02)
I think it's a very sweet story. I've heard stories in which a ghost was only perceived as a scent - not seen, not heard, not felt, just a scent.
Perhaps the roses indicates the presence of your aunt, and the lilacs the presence of your father? They might be with the family in a time of need...
cherokeekydd (6 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-02)
Our family used to be very close but after my aunt and grandma passed away everyone went their seperate ways... So I guess maybe it's the only way they know how to keep the family connected even though it's not good news. But they've let us know they still watch over us in postive ways 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
cherokeekydd: Well, regardless of when these scents happen, I think they are associated to your passed loved ones 😊...That's why I'm surprised it doesn't happen any other time...But, maybe they want to be sure you take the signs as a warning (?), and not just a friendly visit...

Pretty cool!... ❤
cherokeekydd (6 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
my grandma had a bottle of perfume that had a rose scent... But that's the only one I know of. I'll have to ask my mom and aunt about that
cherokeekydd (6 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
hey zzgranny
It has only happened as a warning... The smell of the lilacs just started happening after my dad passed away.
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
This story does fascinate me, I am wondering before you noticed the smell was there a family member that passed that had a perfume at all? Or anyone you have been told of that had a scent? It seems someone is watching over you and I am glad they are x ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
cherokeekydd: I'm curious to know if this happens only as a warning?...Has there been any other time (birthdays, New Year, holidays, any family gathering) when any of these scents were experienced?...
cherokeekydd (6 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
my grandma loved roses. Her yard was full of them and the only other one was my great grandmother. My aunt was on the road all the time. So the only time she got to enojoy home life was when she had to chance to stop at one of our houses
ReliquiasVeritae (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
Well isn't that something? Some families are very close-knit and have a sense, a sort of "knowing" when a family member is in danger or if they have passed on. However, I've never heard of the warning sign being in the form of a smell. Did the scent of roses or lilacs ever have anything to do with your aunt or other deceased member of the family?
cherokeekydd (6 stories) (30 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
hey stephy
He's doing pretty good now and dealing well with the situation for an 8 year old. It really hit home that I came close to loosing him after the test results came back and his blood sugar was over 1,000, he diffently had someone watching over him.

Thanks for the comment.
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-01)
I really hope your son will be ok! If I were you, I'd be really worried too. I'm hoping that since is a nice smell like flowers, that your passed family members are in a nice place. I am sorry to hear about the tragadies that have happened to your family. 😢

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