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Succubi Visited Me, But I Can't Communicate With Her, Help?


So I'd like to start off by saying this is my first post. I'm a Christian and I believe in God, lately though things are difficult which probably why this happened. I am a 22 year old male, Name is Jon, I am from Seattle, WA.

My story starts at October 9th, 2011 during the day. For some reason I came across spirits and succubi on the internet, not even looking or wondering what they were. But as I read these stories sounded so amazing, and I agree 100%, it was everything its hyped up to me. But back to my story (sorry guys I figure its better to blabber on here too much then not say enough) I spent the whole day thinking about this succubi. Well guess what, later that night I had a visit.

It was about 9 P.M. And I felt this energy in the room. Mind you I have heard voices before (a week or 2 before this) and I freaked out. This time I wasn't going to let that happen. I remained super calm and all the sudden I felt this weight like a blanket slowly on top of my feet, slowly creeping upwards, and stopping at my waist. It got really heavy, but not to the point of no control. I could still move freely but the weight felt like someone was on top of me. Immediately trailing behind the force of pressure (thats all I can say it felt like) was an amazing feeling of pure bliss. I knew it was a succubi from all the stories and my heart was pounding like crazy. I felt like hands on my chest, (no weight on my stomach). I felt my head lifted up a little bit, kissed and she slowly opened my mouth and we kissed for about 15 seconds, 3 times.

Well after that she laid beside me, keeping me too warm to the point of sweating, just so peaceful and calm. THIS is what bugs me though... I can't hear her. I can only feel her. I have tried talking, telepathing and still nothing. When she wants me to come closer and I can feel twitching in my hands and waist, little flinches in the right way she wants me to move, which she always likes it when I'll grab myself, or lay straight out right up next to her, not curled up. I got scared the first night and I told her she should go, and she did. I felt bad and the next night I asked her to come back. She did come back but wasn't as strong.

It happened again the next night, but not as powerful. I just felt her next to me for about an hour then she left, that was it.

I travel for work, and I am in NYC right now. I felt the same feeling in our hotel last night... This time it was only on my legs, no kiss, no chest. It kind of felt like alternating pressures on my legs, back and forth slowly (No heavy even pressure like last time) I just am kind of scared, I don't want this to go on forever, but I know that for the time being I want to talk. I notice when I'm half asleep and half awake that she feels the strongest and can move me a little bit, she was way stronger this time (on how much I could feel)

Please guys, what could I do to communicate better with her? I want to communicate but dreams, innner talk, talking aloud, all come to a fail. I know she wants to talk, she is persistant and I can feel her like next to me wishing we could talk. Any suggestions, please and thank you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, fishskywalker, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Please be advised that this site is for the general public. Even though this category is about experiences of sexual nature with ghosts, no explicit content is allowed and comments that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

Nightarron (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-28)
Well that's an easy one you can't really talk to one in fact the only way to actually talk with a succubus is if they want to talk to u. You could spend hours having idle chats and only end up talking to the air, however not all succubus are alike mine doesn't speak physically just mentally and in the use of items. I talk to her regularly using a sort of coat method. Moves is yes doesn't move after 10 sec no. And another thing all these people who say there evil are true. In fact I know that my succubus plans to end our relationship in 3 years, that's when she'll drain me dry. I don't care though honestly and I'm 14:P not all do this sort of thing but most do eventually tire of you and that's fine the price of a succubus is almost always death in the end, sweet ride intell then though. One more thing on my knowledge of succubus through mine (who doesn't have, nor wants a name) they are not demons nor is there a hell. She simply denies a hell and says succubus have been here for a while (vague much?) there's my input enjoy your spirt love (I enjoy mine;D)
fishskywalker (1 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
I just want an understanding, I don't want to call it. I guess ill stop worrying about it.
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
Why do you both want to talk to it and never ask it to come back?
fishskywalker (1 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
Asagami, I'm not sure if it was her trying to trick me, but since I've done more meditiation stuff, I've seen, heard and felt crazy stuff. I've been able to tune in, but she is never as strong in her presense anymore. It's a faint grab or massage on my legs, maybe 30 seconds that's it. One night I heard stay with me baby. Because if I move on my side she disappears. Maybe if I did call her back she could hear me? Probably a risky idea?
fishskywalker (1 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
Hey guys I've been busy lately with work, sorry. I kept focusing on it to go away and it finally did. And lately I'll think about and I can feel faint strokes and pressures on my legs. I'm not afraid and negative. The more I was the worse it got. It's weird, its like what I think about, it just happens. The thing is what I don't get is I can finally hear her, but she never hears me. I just know it. And I have felt how powerful the holy spirit is before jander. I just haven't been praying as much or focusing on the good as I should be. And maybe she is messing with me, which I think it all is. I don't really want to call her back, that can be scary because it was so real... I just want to know if anyone else can talk or has?
Asagami (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-20)
Fishyskywalker...if you want, you can try calling it back

Lets talk in emaill

Darkdhen_zhen [at] yahoo.com

I have a spirit girl too

Btw...question...what makes you think it wants to trick you?
You two haven't even talked,and,according to my girl, ALOT of spirits who try to get their sweethaert are misunderstood

Anyway...just incase you change your mind and want her back, Message My Kanzaki's me, that's the email
28jander (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-16)
its great that your a christian. But have you recieved the holy spirit? I'm assuming youve read the bible, and by the looks of things this is a demon, because any spirit that was from god would not act the way this one did. You should command it to identify itself in jesus name. If you are right, or if I am right, either way whatever this spirit is, good or bad, it will be forced to tell you if you command it in jesus name. Chances are though that you should tell it to leave and never return in the name of jesus, that is if it won't identify itself. I could be wrong but I doubt it can't communicate with you. Its likely messing with you.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
First of all I am in no way obligated to help anyone. But yes my posts are generally beneficial to all logical people who read them. I can only say generally because on occasion I post things that are slightly off topic, or incorrect. Others have found my comments useful, usually to further exploring the topics at hand. You clearly don't. I am not surprised.
fishskywalker (1 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
Nysa you have 380 post, have you ever used a post that's useful or beneficial to anyone but yourself?
fishskywalker (1 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
I'm typing this from my phone now because my computer isn't working too good right now. Since the last 2 weeks I've had 5 more visits. Just last night I was aware during my sleep and I felt whole body unable to move. I felt something above me and I asked who are you, what do you want? And it replied with a laugh. A deep evil laugh and that made me cringe. I said go away, it didn't. I said JESUS and it instantly faded off of me. Seriously what is the point of ghost bothering people? & I appreciate all the answers and replies guys, I wouldn't be still here if the story wasn't true.
fishskywalker (1 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
wow guys, sorry I've been busy. Crazy crazy stuff is happening more now.
WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-22)
Do not try to communicate with the Succubus it is not a peaceful spirit it may feel that way but it is really a demonic entity and can do more harm than good.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Well than list the sources. You said you have read some books on astral travel & levels of existence but then went on to say that your knowledge comes from "the knowing," being given it during astral travel & firsthand from a demon. Which suggested to me that though you had read a few things vaguely related to the issue, most of your knowledge was given to you by non-human or non-living beings (like the demon & things you meet during astral travel). I can in fact read quite easily what you typed. I don't see where saying that the logical perspective is to be skeptical of such sources might be construed as insulting. So once again, what are your sources? Posting those theories as you have, here & on other stories, suggests you wish to help people understand, so list for all the places we can access this information. Then everyone can make an informed decision about the viability of the theories you profess. Maybe we can learn a hell of a lot about the otherworld & maybe people dealing with these entities can learn how to go forward.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
don't mind at all Jav! I love emails. I will read it in a moment. I hope you have been well
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Nysa - if I didn't read it right, I think you were insulting me LOL

No like I said earlier if you would like to learn to read, is that I have many different sources for my information. Try reading again. Would you like me to get you some Hooked on Phonics?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
[at] red,
Hey red! I sent you an email. Hope you don't mind.

Peace Lady,
Jav ❤
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
It sounds like what it boils down to is that it comes from your own mind. You believe it came to your mind from outside sources (& experience in past lives it sounds like). Which, of course would be the only way at this time we could gain access to such specific information. If you are correct, than presumably we will all know it eventually. But the more logical explanation, based on the limited amount we know about the human brain & the less tangible aspects of our world, is that people getting that information are dreaming, having delusions, or believe their own imagination. We know that our minds make things up & we remember that as real. Contrasting eye witness reports tell us as much. As interesting as your experiences are to consider, since I have doubts about the source, the specifics would not do me much good. Sorry if I misunderstood anything, this form of communication is not ideal for clearly understanding esoteric theories.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
that's a lowercase 'R'

My email is: reedinaz [at] aol.com

I prefer to talk about these things there. I don't like the peanut gallery
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
to be honest most people don't want to realize what the truth is. Largely this is due to their up bringing. And you will notice that people's beliefs flow the same direction as any current pop-culture image. Back in the 70's when the Exorcist came out suddenly everyone was possessed. Paranormal Activity cause everyone to think and lil' old haunting is because of demons. Another road block to the truth is the religous scrolls and writings.

I came to my knowledge because I am what some Shamain called "the knowing" It appears that I have learned the stucture of some species. Mostly in worlds that get overlapped with our own and the energetic astral. I have been givin this information when I would astrally travel. And I had first hand experience from a demon. He knows what his world is. There are a lot of things out there that I know about but won't talk about in public forum, only in email. I trly believe that ALL religous books are the number one reason for ignorance and nievity. People just won't look at other's points of view.

If you want more in depth understanding you can email me. Reedinaz [at] aol.com
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Sorry I was not clearer. I meant what are the sources for the information about these species, their traits, where they are born, etc.? How have humans (a limited number obviously) come to have this information? Is it only through direct revelation?
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Ok. Sorry I don't know what happened to my post. I had a hiccup in the system and it posted my original post and then my edited version. Sorry everybody.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
I don't know what you are asking me? I've read a couple of books related to astral travel and the levels of existance. I've had my spiritualist who died and came back speak of the same things. I've had my demon friend tell me the same thing. And I've been born 7 times to this life already. Ask me any question you want.

Demons are a species just like an angel. They can't ever change that. We were born human and we will die human. Our souls are human and ever will be. Well some of us. Some humans are born with a non-human soul but that is a different education
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)

If you don't want this to go on forever you need to stop it now. You need to tell her to leave and don't ask her back. She can potentionally get stronger and then you may find out then you can't be rid of her. She WILL cause you to not have serious relationships with human women. They can get very jealous and she could potentionally harm you.

I am not the person to say whether or not you are doing something wrong. I don't care who you have a relationship with, whether they be physical or energetic. There are some men who have long term partnerships with their succubus. Just know that most of them do require monogamy. There are some men who years later find a woman they want to be with and the succubus can act out physically towards you or the woman. They have also been known to break up marriages because the succubus gives pleasure that a phsycial human can not. Then the husband become isolated from his wife.

It is up to you. Decide to keep her around. Or tell her to leave and not come back. DOn't feel bad for her. She will just continue on her journey to find a lover.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
From whence does this information come redphx? Besides your own experience. Are you using the term in the ancient fashion to mean any entity that has never existed as a human? Because I don't think that usage is relevant anymore, but maybe you refer to something else.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Nysa, not ALL demons are bad. The species is made up of all characters just like humans. The energy that a real demon possesses is because they were born into the lower vibrations. They can't help what happens when other people feel their energy. They truly aren't all bad. Granted some like to take their demon identity and really use their power for evil.

The demon I am friends with is not bad to me. But to other people he may be. They have the capability of love, happiness, and kindness. But they can also do bad things. They are no different than humans
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
You are quite mistaken. I have never said that not all demons are bad. The word demon has come to define a malevolent entity. I have said that my understanding of that is somewhat different than what others mean because I don't believe them to be minions of Hell. But malevolent cannot be good. I don't recall D.A.saying that, but I am not 100% sure. So try quoting people rather than wrongly attributing words to them.

I also said I don't care what this poster believes. I pointed out a contradiction. People fail. Every one of us. But you cannot hold two contradictory beliefs. Either you believe the Earth is round or you don't believe it is round. You can't say both unless you want to be considered either mentally unstable or a liar. I have said before, I always point out flaws in arguments. I have pointed out flaws to arguments on this site when I agree with the conclusion, but saw a posted line of reasoning as unsound. D.A. Articulated the contradiction very clearly here. I have pointed out a lack of knowledge & reasoning considering other spiritual beliefs elsewhere. Read carefully. Why don't you try bringing the level up a notch & point out criticisms of the arguments?
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Gee, D-A and Nysa.

Seems we had a discussion a while back where you all professed that some demons are good... And since Christianity is just a religion of blind sheep following the mystic writings of a bunch of old men... Where has the author gone wrong?

You two are about as predictable as it gets... If you are Christian and you don't follow everything to the letter you are a hypocrytical idiot; if you prescribe to the mystical religions of fantasyland; well, all discretions and inequities are allowed. The author wrote a story, regardless of its validity or truthfullness, all you saw was another fallen Christian to sink your teeth into... You know there are plenty of other forums you can spew,...and countries, for that matter... Where your limitations are embraced.

StudentDO (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)

I know it's your life and your choices, but I HAVE experience in dealing with these sorts of entities. I used to ghost hunt frequently back home in TN. I stopped due to a series of run-ins with demonic entities which followed me around. These experiences lasted for about a month. Continuing to interact or attempting to communicate with these is opening Pandora's box! Once these beings are invited into your life it's almost impossible to be truly rid of them. Demons want you to recognize them, by doing so you sort of invite them into your life. Many times demons will manipulate you into liking them. This makes oppression possible. While the beginnings of an oppression are not too ominous, they get intense and tortuous. Oppressions can end in possession. If you actively invite it into your space, you can become perfectly possessed (totally controlled by a demon without any way to get rid of it). If you choose to progress with interaction, be aware that once you want out it will not end for some time. The interactions will turn violent and will follow you. Remember demons are not restricted to land or items, they exist where they choose to.

Overall, learn the consequences of the actions you decide to undertake. Best of luck with whatever you choose to do.
mysticman1994 (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-19)

I understand your emotional attachment to the entity but you must listin to me. AS MUCH AS YOU MAY MISS HER, DO NOT INVITE HER BACK! I know what these things will try and do. They will try and gain your trust, as it seemingly has tried to do already. Then once they have a foothold who knows what it can be capeable of. I want you to do this. If you are christian you should be comfortable saying the lords prayer and three hail marrys before you go to bed for three days. One for each sign of the trinity. Please update when you can and be careful, once some doors are open they are difficult to shut.

Yours in Christ,

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-19)
I have to agree with Nysa here, and I do not think her delivery was rude. I think she brought up perfectly legitimate points. Messing around with supposed demons while claiming to be a Christian is basically saying "I love the children of Satan but I worship God". You cannot have your cake and eat it too in that respect. I do not think Nysa was judging, but she was pointing out a rather bold-faced hypocrisy.

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