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Spiritual Hitch Hiker


This experience has remained my secret for nearly forty years. It didn't make any sense when it happened. And no matter where I searched, I just could not find another experience to compare it to that was in any way similar to what occurred that day. I had nearly given up trying. (Funny how things happen once you stop searching so hard for that one piece of the puzzle)

Recently, while discussing things of the paranormal nature with a dear friend of mine, I was asked "What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?". And after all this time, I let my standard reply to that question die on my lips. It took a couple of weeks, but I went ahead and revealed to him an episode from long ago.

This happened when I was still in high school. I had a babysitting gig three days a week and it paid very well. I was always on time, always on my best behaviour, and they were really great kids as well. It was also nice that they only lived about a mile from the school. I would walk over right after 6th period, get there a little early in case she needed to leave early she would be free to do so. Everything worked out perfectly for both of us.

Only this day was just a weird day all around. It was as if the whole day was a long chain of episodes of very intense deja vu. I could tell what was going to happen in each class, at break, lunch, every passing hour it just got freakier. I got to the point where I wasn't even telling anyone about it anymore. In fact, I had stopped talking to people altogether sometime before lunch and spent the rest of the school day watching things unfold. I knew what things were going to occur, just as they eventually did. It was insane! I didn't know what was going on, but it was so cool that I didn't want it to stop. By the time school was over I was starting to get used to it.

As I was leaving school to head up to my babysitting gig, I headed up the side street next to the school and crossed over to take the shortcut through a place we used to call the 'Hollow' (no special reason for the name, we just called it that). I did this all the time when there was no snow on the ground, and there wasn't any then. On the other side of the Hollow was the road that led up the hill to the front door of where I was headed. You couldn't go past that road once you stepped out of the Hollow or you'd go off the edge of a steep ravine and end up in the creek. No, there were only two ways to go, up the hill to her house or down the hill to the highway. So I head on up the hill as usual.

Half way up I started to feel like I was in the wrong place. Things weren't right, and I started to look around a little more as I walked. I began to realize that nothing looked familiar to me. NOTHING! I'd been walking that same route for months. I knew this area like I knew my own bedroom. This is a small town, you don't just get lost especially if you live there. I stopped walking and looked around for a minute. Nothing looked familiar, absolutely nothing. I was getting kind of freaked out by this time, I looked down toward the highway and it was gone. No highway. You have to understand, it would be the same as you walking out to your back yard and after 50 feet you were lost and everything was different. So I decided to turn around and go back the way I came. From there I would take the surface streets and just go on my way. Well, I went back to the other side of the Hollow and everything was as it should be nothing odd, nothing out of place. I stood there looking around in disbelief. The whole day had been so freaking strange!

It was at this point that I was beginning to worry about my mental state. I was seriously thinking that maybe I was going nuts. I mean, you don't know what goes through people's heads, really, when they start slipping into some mental disorder. And I was starting to believe that maybe I was. To prove to myself that I was sane, I decided to try the shortcut again. Just to see what would happen. I walked through the Hollow, came out on the opposite side, stepped onto the road and stopped. I looked up the road, then down the road, and everything was back to where it was supposed to be. The highway was there at the bottom of the road. All the original houses were back to where they should be. All I could do was walk up the street and step up to her front door and knock. I went in and right away she said I didn't look so good. I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn't really look like me, I looked...darker. Well, that was about all I could take. She offered to take me home and I took her up on it. I was afraid of what would happen next and I didn't want the kids to be caught up in whatever I was going through. So I went home, got something to eat, and then I just went to bed. I figured I'd be safe there, and I was. I slept through the night, felt great the next day, and never told a soul about it for years that was until two months ago.

I don't know what possessed me to let all this out after so long, but I did. And let me tell you, we went through so many scenarios and possibilities. Then my friend said something that hit home, he said he found it interesting that when I looked in the mirror, after reaching the home where I was to baby sit that day, that I said I didn't look like myself. He then noted that in my story "Sweet Little Sister", when I looked in the mirror at the gas station where we had stopped for gas, I looked like my sister. My hair had gone curly like hers, my chin, everything. To the point that even my daughter noticed I looked like Sheila. So he asks me if I can recall anyone dying or going missing from our small town at the time the episode occurred. But it was so long ago that I had no recollection whatsoever of anything like that happening. However, I have an old friend who works for the local paper and maybe he could help. After finally making contact with him, the trail again ran cold nothing.

Frustrated as hell, and at the point of once again giving up, I took a gamble. I looked up the name of one of the kids that I babysat back then in the phone book. Yes, he still lives there. And 'lo and behold' his mother is still alive, AND living with his family! I asked to speak to her and she was handed the phone. Our conversation went on for a little while, we had some catching up to do, but I finally asked her what was on my mind. Did she remember that day she took me home instead of having me baby sit?

This was such a long shot and once I asked it, I immediately felt like a fool. It dawned on me how odd it was for me to expect her to even remember me, much less that single day in a life of so many days... I held my breath. I almost thought the connection had gone dead, but she finally spoke. Yes, she remembered that day, it was the day her sister Betty had died (back east somewhere). And had she gone to work that night, she would have missed the call. She would never forget that day for as long as she lived. Now, why was it so important to me? So I told her what happened to me that day. We finished our call. The rest of our conversation will remain private. Except one thing she said to me "You remind me so much of Patte right now". Patte was my mother. Now, since that part always makes me cry, I'm going to let my friend, without whom I never would have revisited that crazy day, finish the rest for me.

(To protect the privacy of these two women, we won't be using their real names)

"Betty went to visit her sister that day. Even though she knew the news would eventually reach her, she wanted to see her sister happy. If she appeared to her, or entered the house as herself... It would only turn things bad, quickly. So how could she see her sister, interact to some limited degree with her sister, but not alert her sister to the bad news?

She's new to the spirit world, but her senses are no longer as they were in her body. She not only suddenly knows the answers and reasons for everything she lived through and every mystery of her life... But she also knows what is going to happen. Someone is going to see her sister. It is a teenage girl who her sister is familiar and friendly with. She immediately knows that her sister trusts this person, her sister will not be afraid of her. She decides that this person is going to help her into the house, to be close to her sister one last time.

But remember, her spirit-only existence just started a few minutes ago when she got hit by the truck (rear-ended, actually). She knows she can enter the teenage girl's body, and that body can take her where she wants to go, anonymously. The problem is she comes on too strong, too soon. A human spirit is like a pulse A...surge... That pushes in, in waves. They need to be subtle or their presence could be disclosed without them even wanting it to be. When she saw you and pushed in...Well, her approach was a bit hot. She buzzed the tower, scrambled the radar, and her vessel lost all conscious recognition of the world around it. She knew she had disabled you, and every usable part of her taxi to her sister's house was ready for the shop... And she was left standing there wondering how the hell she was going to

Get to her destination when she didn't even know where she was. She backed out, allowed you to reorient yourself, get your bearings... And she tagged along much more subtle... Like she originally intended. There is a first time for everything... Even in the spirit world."

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Javelina, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
Oops, sorry I didn't read the whole comment when I notice the few comment from took about javelin a not on here anymore which by the way how may I find her cause I would like to speak with her. Thank you I will understand if I can't again thank you.
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
Hi, javelina, long time no see, sorry I am back on and change e-mail address to get in dreamergal72 so yes I am back and want to apologizes you and sound like you some kind of I can't find the word about spirit jump in somebody's body as a borrow to see their living loved on. Anyway great story and still reading on ygs on here haven't write story lately since got my dreamergal back.
sacul (1 stories) (71 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-11)
yes- take care, jav. I know we butted heads at one point but I learned a lot from you and am grateful to have "met". I hope you're happy and stay well:)
Lunahenry (2 stories) (50 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-16)
I was wondering why I didn't see your comments anymore. I was reading an older story and was surprised to find it was by you. I thought you had disappeared forever. I even googled Javelina to see what I would come up with. I thought maybe you found a better site to comment with. I sincerely hope you are in good health and would welcome your comments with open arms if you ever decide to come back.
Kryodrache (3 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-18)
You're leaving? D: I just found this...! I'll miss you, Javelina, you were one of the posters on this site whose opinion I always valued and looked forward to seeing. I've learned a lot from your comments, and they have opened my eyes a bit to the whole nature of the paranormal as we've come to understand it thus far. Take care, wherever you go, and if you ever decide to come back at some point, then I will have a hug prepared.

Internet hugs, but hugs all the same.
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-03)
Thats strange. The reason I have been avoiding the site seems to be gone at exactly the same time! How ironic!?
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-03)
My reason for being a part of this forum has gone away. I am out too.
Gargoyle (51 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
Hi everyone
I wasn't sure where to post this as I don't have a story on here yet but decided to choose this one for obvious reasons.
I have read a lot of the arguments on a few of the stories and I can see good and bad points being raised on both sides of all of them.
I really hope and wish that everyone could just take a step back and think about preserving this community. I believe that it is important that this forum for like minds does not get trashed.
We are all here for the same reason, well, at least most of us are and it would be a real shame if it all went down the toilet.
I know that tempers can flare and people can get passionate and I understand how and why this all started, never mind the fact, that as we know the written word can be misinterpreted but I really think that a cease fire, at least for a couple of days would be really good for everyone.
...and by the way I am not a moderator or friends with anyone on this site.
I want to come to this site, read the stories and get the benefit of particularly the experienced posters wisdom.
This is just how I feel and hope that I'm not the only one.
So, everyone, I hope you have a good weekend and chill out!

MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Could you please pass on my e-mail address to her? I have many SLIder questions that I was hoping she could answer. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
Gargoyle (51 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
I am really sorry to read about you leaving the site. You are unique and will be missed by all of us who have an open mind, thirst for knowledge and a fondness for debate and plain speaking.
I am quite new to the sight and felt that I was just barely getting to know you.
Your stories are excellent and well written.
Take care and I hope you come back.


Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Jav: I've never been good at saying goodbye. I've known a lot of you older posters way before you've known me, and it's been a pleasure seeing your comments. I remember when I found out i'm your SLIder brother, haha. I also remember when I stepped in between you and Redphnx debate, and caught a lashing. I learned my lesson about stepping between women, especially two redheads.

I know some posters can only see your strong character without the heart, but I see that you also have a big heart full of love. You have my email, if you ever want to chat.

JS aka Brandon

SLIders UNITE! ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Dear friend Jav,

I am very heart-sore to hear that you are leaving us.
I have enjoyed your 'forays' into 'battle' as much as I loved your sweet, caring responses to people in need of help.

You once told me that you would be there for me, if I needed you, now, I will return that sentiment. You know where to find me, you are no 'stranger' to this site.

It is with great emotion, that I bid you 'adue', and I hope not, goodbye. ❤ ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)

Jav will not be posting anymore. It's not anything you have done and your concern has brought a tear to her eye. She has asked me to thank you for your comment and concern.


Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Hey Jav,
Why you leaving?
Please do not go...let's talk 1st?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
I have a message for anyone who's interested on my profile page.
Goodbye all you beautiful people, I am leaving for good.
Thank you,
Jav (My real name is Deane)
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
Your experience just gave me the goosebumps! Isn't it odd and amazing how these thing happen to us? With all the strange and wonderful things that go on, it's a wonder there are still folks out there that question what we have gone through. I believe everyone has a story to tell when it comes to the paranormal, but some people don't want to be thought of as crazy I guess. Me? I'm as crazy as they come and this is what keeps me sane. 😆

Thank you for taking the time out to read my experiences. It's nice to know others can relate to what I've seen in my life, and even had this occur to them.

Jav 😁
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
Hi Jav
I have been taking a peek at your profile and your stories, and thought i'd share something. Given the above experience you had, since I has 15, it has happened 3 times that someone I know, the one person was a friend of my cousin (the one I wrote about in "she didn't want us to sleep") and my cousin herself, and then, most recently, my gran last year. With the first two, they died months apart, the boy committed suicide (he is the one who my cousin claimed told her he was going to come for her) 3 months before my cousin passed away. On the day he shot himself, I woke up that morning, and the first person I thought about was him. He dominated my thoughts that entire day.

Same with my cousin, I could not stop thinking about her the entire day of 15 December 1999. In both cases when I was told that they had passed away, I was shocked, but also knew this news was coming.

Then, my other gran (my dad's mom), she was an exceptional lady. Absolutely wonderful. She was a health fanatic her entire life, never drank a sip of alcohol, never smoked, never even dyed her hair, and she died of lung cancer. It was so unfair. She passed away at 14:04 on Tuesday 17 May 2011. That morning, I was brushing my teeth, around 8:00AM and as I stood bent over the sink I heard my gran say my name. Clear as a bell, like she was standing right behind me in the bathroom. But she was over 400km's away from me.

I also frequently get the smell of the bouquet of flowers that sat on top of my cousin's white and silver casket at her funeral. The smell just envelops me for a few seconds and then disappears. I have always wondered why this happens. Tim said I am much more "in tune" with the spiritual world than I care to admit. Scary
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-29)
Dear Javelina,
It is so nice to hear that you are getting better by the day 😁
I've got a Great Aunt, who had been losing vision in one eye but did not deem it necessary to seek advise. When we came to know, I took her to the ophthalmologist, and what did he say! She's partially blind now in one eye as there is a spot in the retina which does not receive any light... A dark spot in the yellow zone. She couldn't even read the charts from the top with that eye although she did well with the other eye considering her age.😲

And you are always welcome ❤

Take Care
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-29)
Thank you for reading and commenting. And yes, the surgeries are all done now. Let me just say that when I was on the brink of losing my vision, I really did not appreciate how bad it would get. Now that I am out of the woods, so to speak, I can't believe I made it. I can see quite well now, but I had lost my ability to see colors at one point and that was really scary. After the first surgery (they only operate on one eye at a time), one of the first things I saw clearly was a pencil one of the nurses was writing with. It was such a bright and vivid shade of yellow! That's when I knew I'd be alright. No more magnifying glasses just to read the screen.
Thank you for asking,
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-29)
Dear Javelina,

After so many comments, I will only say that this tale has gone into my list of favourites now.

Hope your surgeries/operations are over and you are feeling and seeing better. Please let us know.

Warm Regards ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-26)
I agree. It is very frightening when you are going through it. You just know that no one is going to understand what happened if you try to explain. But when everything around you that you know is supposed be one way, then you look up to find you are somewhere you shouldn't be, you freak out for a few minutes. Then you do what both of us did, you turn around and go back to where you started and let it reset itself to normal again. Then you just go on to the rest of your day. But you start watching everything a lot closer after that. You pay attention to surroundings. And when the deja vu starts up you know there's a chance it might happen again. That's was the weird part for me, the deja vu can really blow you away.

Trybal_Knyte (6 stories) (37 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-26)

I finally found someone who can relate to the episodes I have been having. Your account feels really familiar to me. I have experienced similar things. The only difference with your experience and mine is that you keep your physical form to an extent as for mine I literally look different even a different sex (I am male). But the feeling of Deja Vu and being in a different place in familiar settings. I have experienced in some extent. Like I said, very minor differences, like for example, the first episode I had was when I was in jr high. I was coming in from P.E. To shower when I found myself turning the corner of the locker room to walking straight into the parking lot of the Mall about 2 miles away. It was so weird. I walked back around the corner and collected myself. Walked back towards the locker rooms and was headed in the correct direction. It is very scary.

All my life, my 2 other male cousins have been nicknamed the cats. This is due to a funny phenomenon. Our iris's change color in different weather or heightened emotional states. It hasn't happened as much now that we are grown and in our 30's but it still does during certain events. My cousins have different gifts. One has the gift sight and one has the gift of touch. (I mean literally as in getting into physical fights with spirits.) I can do both plus talk to spirits.

I hope that all is good with you now. Truly loved this story.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-20)
I know just what you mean. It bothered me for so long that I had pretty much given up on ever finding any answers.
Just that one day, that's all it was. But in a lifetime of days, that's the one I'll never be able to shake.
It threw everything off kilter and sideways. It still freaks me out.

alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-19)
JAVELINA- Didn't know about your vision problems; I pray all went well.

I had an experience like this, which I certainly can't explain. I was walking down Broadway, back in the winter of '76, when I heard a horn blow. When I turned and looked, a blue Oldsmobile, my friend Eddie's car, was just pulling to the curb. Eddie was driving, another friend, Fernando, was riding shotgun, and in the back seat were Dave and Terry. Dave squeezed over to let me in.

We cruised around a while, passing a joint back and forth. Terry had his six-string with him, and was riding with the window open, the neck of the guitar protruding, as he played.

Finally, they dropped me off at a local fast-food place, and continued on.

The next day, I happened to run into Fernando, and I mentioned the previous evening to him. To my suprise, he said he'd been home all evening, and hadn't seen me or the others.

When I ran into Dave, Terry, and Eddie, they al said they'd been alone-Eddie was out cruising, and Dave and Terry had gone out hitching separately, but they han't been together, and certainly not with me.

Thirty-six years later, Dave, the only one I'm still in contact with, still swears to this.
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
[at] javelina - great story. As I read, I thought it was going to turn out to be a time slip scenario, where you'd slipped into the future for a bit. But in a way, I guess you did!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-08)
Thank you for that. And I do have a couple I have been thinking about posting. One is almost ready and another I am still doing research on for the historical aspect, and my own curiosity of course. My problem is getting up the nerve to send them in. Same thing every time. 😉

Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-08)
Jav: It's been a long time since i've read all of your stories, so I decided to do it again. I'm glad I did, because the stories seem even better. I guess it's because I have the pleasure to know you as my big sister now, which makes me know you better as a person. I hope you have something to post soon! 😊

JS aka Brandon ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-26)
[at] RTC,
Thank you for for reading. It's nice to know that it still gets attention. Especially since it took 40 years to figure it out. I am happy to hear you enjoyed it. 😁


~I have a feeling this one gets passed up because of the title. (I guess I could have thought that through a little more)
RTC (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-23)
Wow, this is such a powerful story! It definitely seems to me as though you have some sort of sensitivity based on this story and the one about your sister.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)
You bet! I just installed a new rack for the custom models too. We can sit around the old cauldron and tell stories all night. It will be great fun!

Jav 😆 😁

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