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The Dark Side


You don't have to be a medium, or psychic, or whatever the hell I am to see or hear the dead. My mother who was once like me but found a loop whole in it still on occasion can sense the evil. How many times has the hair stood on the back of your neck to the very tip? Goosebumps consumed the skin on your arms? Felt eyes on the back of your neck when all alone? It is a reality that my mother couldn't escape no matter how hard she tried or what churches she attended. Some places are just no good. They can start off ok and slowly descend like the house on Claymoore Street. I'll be the first to admit that it was never home. Although my sister claims home is where your bed is.

I guess that is true, we never stayed in one house long enough to make it a home. And we never felt comfortable enough there to say that we loved it. For some weeks things had begun to get violent and though I still knew David was with me I wondered how much he could protect me against these things. David struggled to hold a solid shape but these entities were now leaving their mark. Sleep was something that was hard to come by these days. Every night a dream would spring me from my sleep and my sister as well. Before too long we were now spending more nights on the floor of my mothers room than we were in our own.

It didn't stop the dreams from coming; it was just the comfort of knowing someone was going to be there when you woke up. The dreams never went without me being harmed, and no matter how my sister and I told my mother of them she found they were nothing to worry about. My sister was broken easily. After my mother's constant denial my sister would no longer talk about them. Not even to me. It made me angry to think that for a short time I had someone who saw what I was seeing. Now either she was denying them or they truly did stop. Either was upsetting for me.

We went to bed one night my mother in her bed, my sister and I cuddled up in all the blankets and pillows we could find on either side of her bed on the floor. I tried to keep myself up as long as possible but eventually my stone lids closed and allowed the dream to begin. I was running from someone. I didn't know who, I couldn't even see their faces, just their navy blue cloaks that covered their bodies completely, aside from their feet. The scene changed from my home, to the streets, to the brush of woods I was unfamiliar with until a tree fell out in front of me.

I closed my eyes and cringed in pain, when my eyes opened I was laying on a large piece of wood. I looked above and below me; it wasn't until I looked to the sides that I realized it. What I laid on was a cross. A man walked up to me and smiled I knew what he was about to do he would take pleasure in. I screamed and sat up quickly. My mother flung on the light and looked at me with shock, as did my sister. Tears streamed down my face and blood streamed down two fresh holes in my hands. "What happened?" she asked me taking my hands and leading me to the bathroom to clean me up.

I looked at her with such anger in my eyes, I knew it. I had even hoped some that it may have scared her. "If I told you it wouldn't matter" after that. It was silence. I don't think I had ever had a greater anger or someone than I had for my mother at that very moment. Every night it was something new. A new scratch, a new bruise, a new reason to resent my mother. I had grown angry, even David seems to struggle to calm me but he was always there. Which gave me faith to a least get some sleep here and there. Until, sleep wasn't the only place he knew how to harm me. I'd sit in my room and feel a sharp pain on my sides, scratches. Four of them right down my side.

My mother believed I did it to myself. As punishment she took away my nightlight. She called me a pretender and left me in the dark. To cry and watch as the beast who had been harming me would stare from my door, leaving me no way to escape if he decided to make a move. David stayed with me. I always knew when he was there and just like before he allowed me to sleep.

One morning my mother woke me up yelling! I don't remember her exact words but I remember her accusations. When she woke that morning the cross on the kitchen wall was turned upside down. She said that I was doing it, for the attention that the dreams story wasn't giving me. It angered me so much. I swore I wasn't doing it and for the first time in years I had actually preferred to be in my room and away from the family. Now they wanted me in their sight.

My mother turned the cross back to its original right side up way and decided to spend the night watching me. Making sure I didn't go into the kitchen by myself. No TV, no music, just sitting on the chair reading bible verses. My mother stretched and decided it was time for dinner. She told my father to watch me and told me to stay where I was. She had not been in the kitchen for more than a minute when I heard her call calmly for my father. As calm as she could muster that is. It made me grin; I knew what she wanted him for. I waited for him to leave the room before I placed down the bible and followed after.

There they stood staring at the cross on the wall it was once again upside down. "But mom... Now haven't you guys been watching me all night? Weird right?" my mother turned around and looked at me. I could see it in her eyes. My bruises, my scratches, the holes, the tears, my words everything I wasn't doing it. I had finally grown tired of her not stepping up to who she was. I remember every word so clearly. I had rehearsed it in my head so many times before then, and now it was just all blurting out. "Just because you had it taken away doesn't mean it never existed. You remember what it was like growing up with this. WITH NO ONE HERE TO HELP YOU!...You don't want to help that's fine... But don't ever call me pretender" my father placed his hand on my shoulder and my mother fixed the cross. She went to bed early. The next day, they looked for a new place to live. See you next time on My Ghost Stories.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tempe_Toxic, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tempe_Toxic (10 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)

No need to thank me, I bleieve in pleasing the people who read my stories, if I took long responding, or never did at all it would not give much credability to my stories. But thank you very much. Now, As far as I remember things had been moving in my house for many years, it wasn't around until our last year in the house, like in this story, that things stared to break glasses, pictures, things like that. I didn't put it in the story since I didn't find it important. I dreamed of a cross, and suddenly the cross was upside down. But yes other things were being moved as well.

Also I forgot to add this last night. Slap me on the wrists, but I wasn't actually reading the bible verses, just pretending too. They should have told me to say them outloud, remember by this time I had already given up on God.

Thank you for your questions and re reading 😁

-Tempe ❤
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
Tempe_Toxic: Thank you for your quick replies, I re read your story again and just had a quick thought it may have had something to do with poltergeist activity, you being a young woman at the time has a lot to do with this, repressed emotions and hormones can bring about these type of events, was there many physical things messed about with in the home? Look forward to your reply. 😊

Tempe_Toxic (10 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
oh and moonlovedrose thank you for your input on david as well, and thank you for believing in me. I will also keep all you said in mind

-Tempe ❤
Tempe_Toxic (10 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
Woah woah woah. Lots of religious speak here. To reply to those of you who wondered as stated in my story "Great Grandfather" I had been angry with God for a long time... I gave that up when I realized that I could not be angry with God and not believe in him at the same time. I no longer have contact with my sister, and my mother and I live cities away from each other. What ever happens to me no longer has any effect on them seeing as how in january I will be twenty years old and going on year four of living on my own. I have no idea what my religion is. I don't know if I have one at all? That is part of the reason I signed up for this site was to gain some perspective on it. As far as my story may or may not being fiction, I don't like to waste my time with these things (who ever runs the site thought it was good enough to post) but I know what happened and that is all that truely matters. I respect everyones opinion having said this.

Jitow, thank you for the insite on what a christian should do, I will concider it in my quest to find a religion that fits me. It seems workable and I will keep in mind what you said about david.

Moongrim, I enjoy that you are not a mindless believer. Thank you for the compliments on my writting. I am glad you at least enjoy that.

Darkness, that is completely ok, you are allowed to believe what you wish, if anything I hope you enjoyed it anyway and maybe some day comes to some kind of use for you.

Surya, Thank you for reading, It means a lot.

The best to all of you

-Tempe ❤
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
Hmmm Moongrim actually may be onto something here, might sit on the fence with these at the moment! 😕
hotsydaddy (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
I believe that demons are after you. Some how that they have managed to get into you life. What I suggest is get yourself some holy water splash some holy water on yourself every 15 minutes everyday. Get your self a St Benedict crucifix and get it blessed from a priest wear this crucifix all day and all night. Get some holy oil also and put holy oil on the crucifix every 5 minutes this will cause the crucifix to get more powerful every 5 minutes. Pray the our father prayer every day as much as you can. Pray to Jehovah and to Jesus Christ everyday as much as you can. Repent of your sins say a repent of your sins prayer to Jesus Christ every day. Pray psalms 91 and psalms 23 every morning and everynight.
Jitow (362 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
MLR it could already be in the pipeline for you. If you are searching for something it will find you. You might need to have that cough looked at, I'll pray for you.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
I love watching your prose and your fictions, keep up the good work storytelling. You have it within you to someday to be a writer of good novels.
MoonLovedRose (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
I never had anything this extreme happen to me, but I know how bad it feels not the be believed. Even someone who read your story on this site (cough cough...Jitow...cough) had a tone of doubt.

If you feel safe with David, and if David seems to be a protector to you, don't send him away. Anything that will alleviate your fear will lessen the strength of whatever is tormenting you, and is therefore protective. I don't know and I don't care what your religion is, you do need to find as much positive as you can: positive music, happy movies, exercise... Anything that will generate positive energy in yourself. Its not easy to do, but if you can hold onto positive energy, you can project positive energy. It won't get rid of whatever this is, but it will weaken it and lessen its effects/abilities until you CAN get rid of it. Trust me on this one.

Best of luck to you.
Jitow (362 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
I feel for you too my friend but I do have some confusion from this story. You have spiritual gifts, most notabley the gift of site, you were sitting reading Bible verses which I feel is a great thing, you were also almost crucufied in your dreams. All that could confuse someone in itself but what confuses me and I see as a wildcard is this David that you mentioned twice. Now to set a frame of reference I would probably say that you are just a good creative writer and trying to see how your story sells with others, you are doing well with that. If not you are really in a mess. With strong Christian overtones you have added in this David. Whether your story is true or fiction it is very apparent that David is a "Familiar". I do not know what you would call hm, a guide or something of that sort. But, it raises a couple of questions for me about your faith. Are you a Christian or just someone who knows enough about what Christ did for all of us on that cross that you mention in your story. If your story is true, let me give you an ending scenario that is based in truth. This David is protecting you from absolutely nothing, this David you mention is not a guide or an angel, in fact he is a low level evil entity called a familiar. He has been with you for years and years just observing to learn everything about you even your nature. If this story is true, I bet you he made himself known to you in one of everal different ways. They are very good at seeting up situations to where it appears they have saved your life or have come to you in a particularly tough emotional situation and miraculously saved you from that situation. They do these thing in order to engraciate themselves to you and make you feel like you cannot go on without them, that is how they lock you up for satan. They want to cause havoc in your lifeand then give you advice on how to make it better knowing all along that all of it is part of their devious plan. If you are a Christian then you should know that God tell us to test every spirit lest we be decieved. How do you do that? Next time this David is arund flat out say "God rebuke you in the name of Jesus" and see what it does, you must test this spirit. You are not only jeopordizing yourself but your sister, mother, and any other family membersby inviting orallowing this David into your home. It is probably something your mother brought in but has attached to you and you must test it now, tonight or as soon as David is around. If it has a negative reaction to you saying God rebuke you in the name of Jesus, then simply say it agan and at the end say to the foot of Christ cross, then Jesus will put iy back where it belongs. I really hope that David is your cocker spaniel but if not and if this is true, you owe it to yourself, your family, and to God to get this thing out of your home. If not it is going to ride on your head. This thing wants to seperate you from all that you love and then talk you into offing yourself at somepoint, it is their MO. Now if this is fiction disregard my advice but be very careful with what you write. You never know what might come true.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
You poor love to be experiencing what you are and having no-one believe. I await for the next part of your story.

Take care

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