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Child Hauntings


My little Cricket is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is my life and the purpose of me being on this Earth. If anything ever happened to him my heart would grieve to the point of death. My name is Selena Tyler, and I'm twenty years old. Here is my story.

The summer of my sixteenth birthday, I took a pregnancy test. It was a dare from my birthday party; to buy a pregnancy test and then take it. I did, being the adventurous kind. You can imagine my surprise when it came back positive. No, not surprise; shock. Horror. I didn't know what my parents would say. I broke the news to them the next day at breakfast. Needless to say, they were shocked, as I had been. I called my boyfriend afterwards. His initial reaction was not surprised at all. He acted almost as if he'd been expecting it, but informed me that he wouldn't be helping me raise the child or even give me child support. I was furious! I mean, it was his child too, so he could at least help me! My mother, my poor mother, told me that she had been saving money for my college fund, but I couldn't go now.

The child support would come out of that money. That was a disappointment to me, but it was necessary if I wanted to support my baby. And that was all that mattered to me at that time. Dad was pretty mad. I mean, wouldn't you be? Your daughter is unexpectedly pregnant, and the baby-daddy won't even help pay for the kid. Eventually it got to the point where we weren't speaking to each other through my whole pregnancy.

I was three months away from my seventeenth birthday when, SURPRISE!, my water broke. I checked into the hospital at three-thirty a.m. And stayed in until six days after my baby was born. Me being the only (responsible, mature) parent present, I named him. I named him Cricket. The day I'd discovered my pregnancy, a cricket had perched on the edge of the windowsill and he had trilled his little heart out. My mother loved him from the moment she saw him. My father, however, was a little less easy to please.

It took days of Mom trying to drag him to the hospital to see me until he finally let up. Once he met Cricket, he fell in love. I don't think it's physically possible for a man to hate his grandson. A man would have to be completely insane to do something like that. I only wish that Cricket's father would come around. It might not be possible to hate your son, but it sure is possible to hate his mother.

Skip ahead a couple years and now I'm eighteen and looking for a house and a job. I mean, who could raise a child without those things? Given, you could live with your parents, but mine got fed up after two years of Cricket crying in the dead of night. We lived in a quiet, peaceful town at the moment called Wiscasset, Maine. I went house-hunting with Cricket a couple of times, but he never liked any of the houses I did. He liked the small, cramped ones with low ceilings. Maybe I didn't like them because I'm tall, but whatever it was, they made me dizzy and claustrophobic. I guess Cricket liked them because he was small and big houses seemed HUGE compared to him.

We eventually settled on one in a larger town called Damariscotta. It was cute; beige clapboard house with two stories. It was in the middle of a field surrounded by trees, with a pavement walkway. It was definitely my style. The rooms were spacious and airy, but not gigantic. Cricket seemed happy with the small blue room I'd chosen for his, and I was happy with the large white and green room I'd chosen for mine. We moved in three weeks later.

Odd things started happening; one of Cricket's toys disappeared one day, my favorite mascara the next. They'd show up in the oddest places, too. Cricket's toy appeared in the dishwasher, and my mascara showed up in the refrigerator. I brushed it off as a prank from the neighborhood kids. Pretty soon, though, it got serious.

I'd be driving home from work (I'd started working as a secretary at a big business firm) and my car would swerve. Or one day while I was making a chicken casserole for dinner, I heard a thump from upstairs. I bolted up the steps into Cricket's room, where he was hanging upside-down from his bed. I screamed and gently lifted him down, shaken.

Another happening was that one night I woke up to Cricket wailing and crying in his room. I rolled my eyes and made to get up to help him, but I was physically unable to move. I started to panic at this point; if I couldn't get up, would Cricket be hurt? I lay there for a long time, just listening to my son's cries. Eventually the weight lifted and I shot out of bed and tiptoed to Cricket's room. I stood in the doorway, watching him cry, because there was an odd feeling in that room.

It was freezing cold, and a dark shape was huddled in the corner. I began to hyperventilate. Suddenly the temperature began to drop as the shape straightened and began to move across the room towards Cricket's crib. I was about to scream when a sweet-smelling warmth flooded the room and a bright light flared from the ceiling. A breeze blew through the room. It smelled like a field in late spring. You know, flowers and grass. Anyway, a tall woman was standing in the middle of the room, wearing a white dress. She crossed herself and said a few words in Latin, and the dark form writhed and vanished. Cricket smiled, curled up into a ball, and fell asleep immediately. The woman turned to me, bowed, and walked through the wall.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Smokex12, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

bbsgurl1023 (11 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-16)
hardcoregeneral- Obviously you have not stopped coming on here because you left this awful comment. People like you need to accept that not everybody in the world believes the same way you do and that is okay. If you don't believe in this stuff that is your choice but do not come on here and insult those of us who do believe.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
Fergie- I can't believe I did that. Lol Thank you kindly! I sure did have a great one.:)
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
MizM, a belated Happy Birthday to You! I hope the next 36 are awesome! Don't worry, anybody can make the mistake of not looking at a date. 😉
I hope you had an absolutely fabulous day! 😊
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
Again, good grief on my part. Just had my birthday and apparently my eyesight is going, at the ripe old agoe of 36. Lol
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
It's actually a great story. I mean come one, you have someone watching over your son and that's great!:) I think you might need to do a cleansing, in the hopes that you can root out whatever doesn't belong. Good luck to you.
Cristine-Spiteful aren't we? Perhaps you have pent up anger that you need to see a therapist for? I suggest spending more time with said therapist, then trolling around here spouting your ignorance. Good day to ya
Barbie1637 (1 stories) (34 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
Kimberly _Ann...Did you not read the part where she said she had a job... Plus she never said her parents didn't help her... They were tired of being woke up... I mean really? People like you make me not want to post stories...What's the point of posting a story if someone is going to act like you... If you don't think ghost are real why are you here?!
Kimberly_Anne (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-30)
How could a teenager afford a house unless their
(supportive) family pays for it? Sorry, but I don't think this story
Is true.
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
Bless the woman in white! Sounds like she is watching over your boy! Try to find out the history of the house, and PLEASE let us know!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
Argette: Yeah, we get those sometimes 😆...All in a day's work LOL... I think the full moon draws out more than werewolves... Weretrolls maybe? 😆 😆
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
I am pleased to see the comments in bad taste were removed. Thank you, zzsgranny, they were offensive.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
hardcoreselfproclaimedgenious: See on her comment where it says "show comment"?...Place the pointy thing over that and push the button on the left of your mouse...It's like magic, ain't it?...
hardcoregeneral (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
Christene. Not been able to read your comments as some muppet has obviously deleted it. I assume you think she is lying? I stopped coming on here because most of the stuff on here is bullshiat. Cant anyone see that what this silly b1tch is saying is a load of bollocks? You must be thick as pig shiat.
ParrotPig104 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-18)
I felt angry as I read Cristine's comment. People like that join these sites, not to share their experiences and post useful and helpful comments but to purposely post malicious comments under the false idea that they are a god send and know every situation the author is going through. In my opinion Cristine should be more willing to accept the stories and pick up a dictionary once in a while.
Enjoyed your story,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-16)

You must forgive our 'rudeness' as we expected this to be 'Your Ghost Story' seeing as you started it by saying...

"My little Cricket is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is my life and the purpose of me being on this Earth. If anything ever happened to him my heart would grieve to the point of death. My name is Selena Tyler, and I'm twenty years old. Here is my story."

Please forgive us. 😲 😲


Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
Smokex12, correct me if I am wrong, but nowhere in your original story do you say the story belongs to someone other than you, i.e., your aunt.

That raises a red flag for me, one that perhaps you did not intend to raise.

Either you are backing down now, or the story is really about your aunt and her son, and you just forgot to mention that.

And yes, the pregnancy test has nothing to do with it.

This site is becoming very entertaining. Is it fallout from last week's full moon and eclipse?
lynrinth (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
Why is everyone is so concerned over a pregancy taken at party which confirmed she was pregant? That's not really the issue here. It's the haunting, her fear of it's impact on her son. But you gotta love the 'heated discussions' here. 😉 😁
Smokex12 (3 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
I'm going to point out that this was my aunt's story --- not mine. She requested that I put it up here. I don't have a son or a boyfriend, and I have had a few paranormal experiences before, but this was the extreme for my family.
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
No offense, but this is one of those stories that I am not sure I believe. No offense.
isis80 (3 stories) (51 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
Who is this Cristine person? Why are you even on this site? Go away, please.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
First of all congrats on having your little boy. Having a child at such a young age is difficult. I'm also confused at why your friends would dare you to do the test but I'm going to guess being teenagers, we all do stupid things. But I take it that you have mature fast when you had your child.

Raccoonbonapart has also made a good point about why your mother would say that you can't go to college. Yeah, I know that being a single mother and having to provide the basic needs of life for you and your child, you are going to need a job and house but that doesn't mean you can't go finish school. You mentioned that you started working a receptionist at a big firm. I hope that from there you can get go back to school and get better positions within that company.

Aya22 is right in that you have negativity surrounding you because of the things you went though. I would suggest creating positive energy around you and your child by doing things together, having small parties and things like that. One of the things I like to do is mediate. It will ease your mind but also create positive energy. Another suggestion would be to bless your home and ask whatever God you believe to protect you and your child from any negativity energy and to only surround yourself and your child with good energy.

Smokex12, forget about Cristine. People like her have bad energy about them. True or false story, they always put people in the most rude way possible. It is just best to ignore them.

Also, I suggest you follow Moongrim's advise and get child support from the deadbeat father of your child. There is a saying that it takes two to tango. Although, he don't want to be part of the child's life, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have to back away from his duties as a father. Get him to pay child support. It will also be really useful.

"I don't think it's physically possible for a man to hate his grandson."

Let me tell you, you are lucky to have a father who finally accepted your grandson but your statement can't be further than the truth. One of my childhood friends came out of the closet and declared that he was gay. This was about four years ago. While he was in high school, him and his parents moved to Nova Scotia and he moved back to Toronto for university. At the time he came out, it was like all hell broke lose. To this day, his father won't allow him back in the house and his mother is a good woman but a weak one. She constantly sides with her husband. As for my friend's grandparents, his grandfather hates his guts. Thinks that my friend should burn in Hell and he won't let my friend see his grandmother as she is dying. There are many situation around this world and not all of them are good. Just count your blessings that you have.

People make mistakes (and that includes you) but that doesn't give you or anybody else to trash them. You told the author to go back to school and forget about this situation or something similar. Going back to school is a good thing but what do you know about the author's situation? She might be settle down now and can't go to school right now but that doesn't mean she won't at a later date. Watch what you say because one of these days it will come back and bite you the behind.
raccoonbonapart (1 stories) (21 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
I am also confused about the pregnancy test dare, and I don't understand why your mom told you that you can't go to college now. It certainly is difficult to go to college when you have a child, but not impossible. Plenty of mothers (younger and older) go to college while raising children.
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
First, I have a couple questions confusing me. Why were your friends daring you to take a pregnancy test in the first place? Was there suspicion of you being pregnant? It just seems like an odd request to me.

At any rate, NOBODY deserves being in the situation that you're in. It made me glad to read that your father, upon seeing his grandson, accepted him. What you're going through can create and attract a lot of negativity. Surround yourself with 'positives.' I can't begin to fathom what you saw, but it's good to witness and believe that something is there watching over.
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
[at] iCleopatrah;
Don't be worried about Cristine. For the most part it seems everyone has her 'debunked' and it doesn't take a psychic to figure out that she is full of baloney! 😆
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
Well I can say I know the town you are talking about! My husband and family are all from there, I know those houses, I lived there for a little while... Those houses, creepy and old! I'm glad that you do have someone there to protect you, I am sorry that your ex is a deadbeat, it's his loss though, he'll never get to know the joy of your beautiful little boy:) Good luck and keep safe:)
iCleopatrah (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-14)
Every story I come to I see a comment from Christine questioning peoples stories!

I may be young and you are much smarter than me but
Please try to respect these stories and remember the purpose of this site.

I have submitted a story and I would appreciate it, if published, you keep your criticism to yourself.
bellaregazza (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-14)

Stop telling people how wrong and uneducated they are. You should talk; your spelling is atrocious!

Just becuse you can't wrap your head around something doesn't mean it's not real to someone else.

You seem to be full of nothing but negative energy and that is NOT something that is needed in a situation where someone is asking for help.

Go find something productive to do with your time and stop pushing your bad ju-ju's on everybody else.
lynrinth (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-14)
Wow. I hope everything's okay now. Maybe you could get a roommate, or a friend to live with for awhile. Sometimes it's nice to have someone else around in case you need support.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-14)
I am a little bit thrown by how you say you found out you were pregnant. You had no inkling you might be pregnant, but spent money on a test as a birthday party dare? What's the daring part of taking a pregnancy test if you have no reason to think you are pregnant? Did your friends enjoy watching you go to the store, buy the test & pee on it? The fun of the dare is watching the person's discomfort. If you weren't pregnant there is no discomfort (just $20 down the drain) & if it came out positive it's not the fun kind of discomfort. I can't get past that very strange detail & thus can't take the rest of the story seriously.
Arc-en-Ciel (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-14)
Thanks for sharing your story.
Before posting my thoughts, a question: Are you not afraid of giving your first & last name on the internet?

Thank you.

Kuhlmad (3 stories) (57 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-14)
Argette, thank you for saying it. I was hoping someone would. Believe their story or not, you don't have to be disrespectful, or talk down to people who post on here. They come here for help.

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