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An Old Military House - Possible Haunting


My story starts almost a year ago today, when we first moved into this house with our newborn son. Our son was only 2 weeks old when we moved into this house, in Ft. Lewis, WA.

At first, I assumed the weird noises (sounds of men whispering, things creaking and groaning) were just me being a paranoid new mom in a new, unfamiliar house. But, the whispers never stopped. I would lay in bed at night next to my husband, and just listen for hours. It always sounded as if it was right outside our door, by our bathroom. Eventually I would just fall asleep listening to it. It didn't exactly 'bother' me, it was just annoying.

Then, I started seeing shadows out of the corner of my eye. I assumed that I was exhausting myself and I just needed some rest. But no amount of rest made them go away. I ALWAYS saw them. But they were only in the hallway, where our 2 bedrooms and bathrooms are. Never anywhere else in the house. Just a flicker and then it was gone.

Suddenly, out of the blue, everything stopped for no apparent reason. I was glad, because I could finally relax. And I didn't feel like I was going crazy all of the time.

And then just as suddenly, about 5 months ago, it started again. Not the whispers or flickers of shadows, but something entirely different.

My husband had just left for deployment and I had a friend and her husband staying with me while they were in-between houses. Everything was fine until one day my friend and I were talking in my bedroom and out of nowhere, we heard very loud banging on the wall in my bedroom that is connected to our bathroom. We both looked at each other and slowly walked to the bathroom... Nothing had been moved or touched and nobody was in there. Later that day, we heard the bathroom cabinet door open and close (it creaks when you open it, and thuds when it is shut). We went to look, and again, nothing appeared out of the ordinary.

This went on for days, and it happened at least 3-4 times a day. Then one day, I was sitting on the bathroom counter doing my make-up, when the loud banging occurred again, but this time, on the opposite side of the wall. The bathroom mirror shook and it literally scared me so bad I almost fell off the counter and peed my pants. I jumped up and ran into my bedroom and asked my friend if she had heard that loud noise. She hadn't heard anything. My heart was pounding and I was afraid to go back by myself, so I had her come with me, we stood in the bathroom doorway holding hands, and together, watched the bathroom cabinet door open very gently, and very slowly, by itself. Needless to say, I ran for the hills and didn't dare go back in for hours. When I finally went back in, the cabinet door was closed. This kind of stuff happened off and on for 2 months straight, every day.

Following that, came the 2 most terrifying moments of my entire life.

The first, I awoke with a startle in the middle of the night (my husband was still deployed) and sat up and for some reason, looked straight at the doorway. There was the figure of a man standing silently in the doorway. He didn't move or make a sound. I sat in my bed and stared at him (his figure more specifically) for what seemed like hours. The next thing I knew, I was waking up again and the sun was up. I don't remember falling asleep again, and I don't remember what happened after just staring at him. But I do know that I was NOT dreaming. I woke up, looked straight at the doorway just as I had the night before, and chills ran down my spine and I had goosebumps that actually hurt. My skin HURT.

The second event, and most terrifying, 2 days after my husband got home from deployment, I was sitting on our bed, playing solitaire on my laptop. It was about 9pm and I had just put our son to bed and my husband was in the computer room, playing his game. I was minding my own business, just relaxing, when again, I had the urge to just look up at our doorway. Standing there, was the same man as before. Silent, un-moving and extremely unnerving. I thought at first that it was my husband trying to play a joke on me and scare me. So I called, "Honey?" about 5 times. After no answer at all, I just sat there, staring. I called my husband's name and the figure dropped down on the floor and CRAWLED on hands and knees over to my bed and in front of it, towards the side of the bed that I was on. The figure's movements were not natural. It was human, yes. But not natural. And it was very jerky. I became terrified and jumped out of my bed and ran and turned the light on. There was NOTHING there.

I'm crying right now re-calling this last event. I have chills and goosebumps.

Anyways, I lay in bed now and constantly watch the doorway and the flickers of shadows are back. And lately, we've been hearing something at night scoot across the floor.

I already said that we live on a military base, so I'm not sure what all we're allowed to do. But my husband believes there's something in the house, as does my aunt and grandmother. I've never been one to believe in ghosts or demons, but I can't ignore it anymore. We need help. And fast.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MrsNutty, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Maddy65 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-06)
I used to live in Washington state, moved there in 1984 and had so many paranormal activities happen to me and my son who was a newborn back then. Had horrible activity when I lived at Lakewood apartment next to Mcchord, also at Ft Lewis housing and Madigan Hospital. Will write about my experiences soon. Right now we are dealing with paranormal activity were we live in Springfield, Ma.
12osages (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-17)
I read your story tonight, after much thought about what you stated in your story was very alarming, but very serious "needless to say" not very normal. I live here on post (Ft.Lewis, May 2012). I been living in my place since summer 2008, I came across a black figure almost though someone was always watching me. Then it started to physically touch me, and shut and open my 11-year old son's door. We both have very common interest, such as coming from a "Christian family". This is what I did to solve the problem called "Four Chapels" then had somoone from the church to annoint every door and window in my place. Lets remember what the "Bible states" if you ask God to protect you and your family then Satan must go in the name of Jesus", Try praying asking the Lord to drive away any dark spirits away from your home. I don't believe in ghost but do believe the devil will take on the form of humans, or the likeness of people we've known in the past, or angels. I am also a Ordained Minister" studying for my Masters Degree. I really believe if you call a Chaplain, or a Minister they can bless your home, this is the only answer to get rid of any evil spirit in your home. Best of luck and, God Bless.
soldiers_wife_lnsdq (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-22)
I think you may live where we did while stationed there. We also had some things happen while living on base. Our dogs would bark at nothing, the kids would tell me there was a man in our hallway by the bathroom, etc...

Many blessings to you and your family!
MrsNutty (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-29)
I don't know too much about the McChord history but I do know that before it was used for anything, it was just open prairie, it was then used to house thousands of soldiers in temporary housing units around WWII. The buildings were not completely demolished until the 70's I believe. The buildings were grey and made with asbestos.
I also have a friend who has had a lot of problems with her house. Worse than mine.

There are also several Indian Tribes in this area. Maybe this wad their land before we came along?
MrsNutty (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-29)
We're going to do the cleansing this weekend. My husband has been at work all week and I really want him to be there and do the cleansing with me so we're 100% on the same page.

Today, I was sitting on the couch watching my son play. Around 2pm out of nowhere, I heard a mans voice say 'Hey' clear as day and very loud.
It didn't scare me at all surprisingly. The dogged looked up and then just laid his head back down and went to sleep and my son just kept on playing. Maybe this isn't such a bad spirit after all... Maybe just a little lost and confused. Poor guy.
kuuipo (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
I am also having weird stuff happening in my house on McChord afb which is next to ft.lewis. I have talked to other people who are having similar stuff happening in their homes on base also. I would love to know what the land was used for before my housing was built...
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
The information you provided is really interesting and I have learnt a few things. With that being said, your story is really freaky. I probably would have ran out of the house the first time things started happening. You must be a really strong woman.

I have read all of the posts before posting and I take it that you have attempted to do Rook's cleansing. I strongly suggest doing Rook's cleansing again and do it a few times after that to keep the house clean. My personally opinion is to keep your son out of the house as you do the cleansing because your son is still young and the ghosts could be attached to him instead of leaving.

If you haven't done the cleansing as of yet, I would listen to Taz's advise about doing it ASAP because as an grown adult, what you experienced put a chill in you and many of us readers. If this experience could do that to you and the rest of us, just imagine what your child could go though, and he is at a point where he can't express himself.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Good luck and God Bless You!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
Mrs Nutty,

I do not believe it is possible to 'mess up' the cleansing so bad that negative things will be 'invited in' if that is what you are asking.

If an individual is unable to focus their thoughts and is unable to complete the sheilding / cleansing all that ends up happening is that the sheild / cleansing is incomplete or is not effective. One would then have to sit down and try again.

If your son draws your attention away from things you are trying to do it may be best if you try when he is either napping or 'out of the house' as you put it. I wish you well and I am sending Positive thoughts your direction. Please keep us updated.


MrsNutty (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
I think a journal would be a great idea! The last 2 nights, our dog has been going nuts (barking at nothing, yelping, staring at corners, growling, hiding) and usually, when he does this, I get a very uneasy feeling and keep looking behind me and expecting to see someone there. I feel like a sense of dread... Like something is about to happen all the time. If anything does, I will be sure to update. Thank you Rook for all of your info and advice!
Rook- is it possible to mess up with the cleansing or have a bad outcome? Would it be best to do the cleansing with my son out of the house?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
Mrs Nutty,

Great job on the research... I think one of the most telling things you discovered may be the fact that your Home site is built where the old Hospital Grounds / Nurse Quarters used to be. If the 'events' are, as you describe themm, coming in cycles... Or just peaking every so often you may wish to consider keeping a Journal... Dated entries may help determin if these events are connected to the recently departed looking for Family... And therefore are confused spirits... Or if these events are residual in nature and occurring during things like Thunderstorms or maybe during the full or new moon cycles any kind of 'trend' that can be 'traced'.

As far as materials go rosemary / sage soaps can be bought at just about any grocery store or where ever you do yor shopping for such products. If you want more specific items... Special candels... Incense etc... You may try a metaphysical store nearby your home or there are many, many sites on line that sell the items you may be looking for. But, keep it simple at first... If desired an unsented white candle can be bought at the local drug store (CVS / Walgreens... The corner drug store)...after that all that is needed is the time and the chance to focus on what you are attempting to do.

Thanks for the update and the great research. Please keep us posted.


Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
WOW! I hadn't seen your latest comment before I posted my last one.
NOW we're getting somewhere! I am going to check out the link you have provided, this is very interesting.

Thank you,
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
I agree, you are off to a great start. The information about the battery acid dumping gives me a cold chill right off the bat. Not that it has any bearing on your personal situation, it just scares the crap out of me to know that somebody, somewhere had to come up with that as a solution for what to do with the BATTERY ACID...
Thank you for clarifying the time of low activity (as opposed to none), that does make a difference.
Rook will be on later, so I'll let him steer you to the supplies you you need.
Please, continue updating us on your progress. This is a very compelling set of circumstances, and I feel like we're just scratching the surface.

Jav 😊
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
Thank you for posting that. I will go back and read it thoroughly, having only skimmed it. I think you might have found part of your answer here.
MrsNutty (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)

So far this is the best historical site for 'Camp Lewis' and Ft. Lewis

Most of this stuff I had no clue about. There were POW camps filled with Germans and Italians on Ft. Lewis during WWII... My husband works where these camps were. And I did discover that the area where our house is, used to be covered by hospital grounds and nurses quarters. Amazing.
MrsNutty (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
The activity in the house has never fully stopped. It just seems as if big things happen, and then it goes fairly quiet for a bit. But whispers and shadows always happen.
MrsNutty (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
Oh, and no, I haven't asked my neighbors. People move on our street on a monthly basis. People unpack, and the next thong you know, they're gone.
MrsNutty (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
Before these houses were built, this area was part of the old Ft. Lewis grounds dating back to the late 1800's I believe. Back then it was just known as 'Camp Lewis.' we still have a lot oif structures from that time period still standing. After doing a little research, I found that Ft. Lewis used to have several batttery acid pits and several locations where toxic waste/chemicals were dumped and it made it's way into American Lake, where a large amount of our water supply comes from. I know that people got sick an possibly died from it. The artillery ranges could have very well been in a different location back then, possibly even where our house is. Most of the 'Camp Lewis' grounds we still have were used for training of all sorts. I have a lot more research to do but I think I'm off to a good start. Now I need to find somewhere that I can buy cleansing supplies from. I'm not paying any attention TJ what that lady, whoever she is, said. I called BS after the first few words.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
RRRRR is for ROOK!
Sorry old friend. My keyboard farted.
I just can't seem to go a day without messing up someone's name anymore.

Jav ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
Aaaw Eook,
Don't be sad. I earned this one, I promise!
She'll be back around soon enough, she just can't get enough it seems. I do get a chuckle out of the way she attempts to come across as an academic superstar. And the psychic/medium thing was a nice touch, but she has never learned how to curb her need to be a harpy.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
Ah Jav ya's beat me to it... I never get to have any fun.

(kicks at the ground with a sad look on his face...)

Rook 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
[at] Cristina,
This is where you blew your cover. Remember this for when you return under yet another alias. Maybe you might last longer...

This statement:

"I have been studing the paranormal since the early 1980's and am a 38 year old, multiple-talented psychic/medium.I currently reside with two of them and others that stop on in. They will also attract each other in to a domain or residence, like a meeting place, they hang out and chat."

Does noy ADD UP correctly with this one:

" I have lived in WA for the last 40 years so I do have a large academic report on the history of haunted regions and locations in our rainy state."

Try to at least keep your vital statistics in line. It's almost too easy anymore.

Cristine (41 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
Hello from one Washistonian to another. I have lived in WA for the last 40 years so I do have a large academic report on the history of haunted regions and locations in our rainy state. I used to reside in Tacoma and travel on and off of McChord AFB than I ever had on Fort Lewis.

Fort Lewis is a very old and historical military base with a great deal of ghostly rumors. You are not the first resident to live on the barracks and discover some rude awakenings courtesy of the tramatic events that had taken place on that military base.
As I began to read your story, I had a vision of a man trying to escape from a fire. He was trapped and couldn't get out. He was boxed in and the smoke was thick. He has been dead for over 30 some years. I don't know if this had anything to do with him being in combat. It doesn't really matter.

In the early-- I think but I am not sure, there was a structural fire on Fort Lewis that caused severe damage to the housing units before they had been renovated and that would have been in the early to mid 1980's.
Many family occupants have reported to friends and other family members that there were ghosts living on Fort Lewis within the housing units and the auxillary building has quite a bit of nocturnal activity or so it has been said.

You talked about the pounding noises. This is very common and they do this to get attention. You can bang back on the wall and see what happens if anything or yell for it to stop. You said that your friend in the other room did not hear the noise and that too is very common of ghost activity. Haunting an area or certain areas tends to happen far more in areas where you will be alone. They seek out moments to get you alone. Your fear is not your best protector. I keep saying they because the chances of you having more than 5 seperate energies is highly probable. You stated that you thought it left for a few months? Ghosts don't go on vaction. They merely hibernate and lay low and in their doing that they watch you, your family, and they absorb energy from sources that provide energy such as a TV, computer, toaster, flashlight or any other battery source.
Deterrants can be used in peeled garlic scattered around your house, burning sage, using your cell phones as ghosts despise the cell phone because it emits an energy that is not ghost-friendly.

The Internet has a ghastly amount of ghost deterrants. You can also try having your husband speak with his CO if it is possible to leave the base and have the Army pick up half costs of living in an apartment off of base.

Most likely this male ghost is trying to make contact with you as you are unable as a telepathic/channeler.

Ask him the ghost to leave you alone. Ask him to leave your house. Set up a video camera during the day and night. They are cheap and the fact that you can get a huge discount is a pretty good investment.

You will be okay as long as you follow the protocol for dealing with ghosts. He wants to be acknowledged and for you to know that he is there and it is him.

Read some of my other posts. 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-25)
Welcome to YGS. After reading through your experience a couple of times, certain things came to mind.
1) What was the space your house sits on used for prior to it being part of base housing?
2) Have you spoken to any of your neighbors to see if they have noticed any strange occurrences in their homes as well? (if not, I can understand that. Just thought I'd check)
3) The one time that you mention it had gone quiet for a while, was that just the one time? Or has it happened again?
4) You made a point of mentioning the artillera range was 5 minutes away. This interests me only because you brought it forth yourself. Does that mean the bangs you heard might very well have been attributed to the artillery range had it been located much closer to your home?
To be honest, much of what you have reported sounds close to what could almost be considered as 'poltergiest' activity. You don't always need to have an adolecent living in your home to experience the effects a poltergeist is likely to throw at you. And it is a new and different set of experiences this time around. Especially when compared to what now seems like mild whispers.
The only thing left, that I can think of anyway, is it followed your friends to your house and failed to leave with them when the time came.
Either way, your best bet right now is Rooks cleansing and sheilding method. There have been nothing but good results when others have used it. (And there have been quite a few)
Please keep us updated on your progress, whether it be good or not so good. And thank you for sharing your experience with us. Many of us came here just like you have, looking for help and/or answers, and we know how frightening these things are and how difficult it is to talk to others about them.

Merry Xmas
Jav ❤
MrsNutty (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
We are going to cleanse the house. Hopefully very soon. And mostly for our son. I can't stand the thought of something touching my son. I am also going to go to the library here on post to see if I can find anything. I grew up in a southern baptist house and my dad was a pastor, so we were always taught that this kind of thing wasn't real. But this thing is VERY real. I also need to add that recently, I was laying on our bed and to me, it seemed as if it was shaking. Not really shaking but more of a very light tremor. I got out of bed and the feeling stopped. I got back on the bed and it started again. Don't know what that's about. Thank you everyone for all the great advice! I will let you all know how the cleansing goes. Hopefully this will be an easy process.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Mrs. Nutty, the best way to research a house (in my humble experience) is to look at old city directories (and fire maps but your house may be too new, I don't know) at a local historical society or library IF they provide access to such things. City directories will tell who lived there, what they did for a living, who the neighbors were, how many houses were on the block, etc. Any incidents will be well known, I should think. At any rate, yours is a scary story and I love your name!
Vox_Animae (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Been browsing the site for a while, thought it may be time to post... I would definitively recommend rooks cleansing method as well... Have you tried to adamantly explain to the spirit that he is no longer among the living and is not welcome in YOUR home? If not, and if you decide not to heed rook's cleansing method, then perhaps next time you see the spirit, tell it in a very firm voice/tone it is not welcomed in your home, and you will not tolerate anymore intrusions of this sort. This has worked for me in numerous situations... But as I said before I would definitively recommend a cleansing of some sort for this situation of yours... Best of Luck...
lynrinth (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Oh wow. Dropping onto the floor and jerkily crawling towards the bed! Sounds like from the movie 'The Grudge'. Brrr! Well, maybe for now don't be alone in the house, if you can. Maybe when your husband isn't around, go somewhere, or a friend stay with you for the time being. Rook's receipe is supposed to have pretty good results. Alot of comments here sound like good advice, Only you know what feels right for you to use. One of them is bound to work. Good luck.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
mrs nutty that is one freeky post thank you so much for adding this.
Just one bit of advice to give, do the clensing now!
If it is a good spirit then it won't cause it any harm just help it along, if its not then it does not belong in your home anyway.
You have a child to think about and obviously this is not the enviroment you would want to be bringing a child up in, he might be young but he will still know when his mummy is sad, frightened or down right scared out of her mind.
All the best and I hope things improve soon
MrsNutty (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
I know the house the we live in was built during the late 60's. We also live less than 2 minutes from the hospital and less than 5 minutes from all the gun/artillery ranges.
I would like to find out more about this house buy I'm not really sure where to look. Fort Lewis has a lot of history. Some of it, not so good. I AM going to do the cleansing. But before I do that, I want to know who this is in my house.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Well there is a LOT of history for Fort Lewis.


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