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Is It Because Of Her?


My story begins decades before I was born in the 1960's. I have the suspicion that because of what my great grandmother (mother's side) did during her life, I, and my family, have a gift of the paranormal kind. What I'm about to share is 100% true.

My great grandmother practiced black magic in a small town, in Guatemala, where my mother was raised. My mother said that my Great grandmother did things to people that, if I where to hear it from some one else, I would not believe it. One thing she did, was curse an old man in the town, because he had gotten into an argument with her over money. My great grandmother cursed the man, and he was dead within the week. That could have been coincidence but the man's body was not allowed into any of the churches located in the small town. They told the family of the old man that the body was tainted. My mother said that the family of the old man was ashamed and ended up burying the man in an unmark grave.

My great grandmother also cursed a pregnant lady. I don't know many details but apparently the lady died and when she died her stomach opened and a grotesque creature came out. My mother doesn't like to talk about this for obvious reasons.

Fast-forward to the present, I am 21 years old now and I currently live in Richmond, CA. I have had my share of paranormal experiences throughout my life and I have come to believe that my great grandmother is responsible. Spirits talk to me occasionally and will even touch me to try to get my attention. Some spirits feel harmless, but there are spirits who emit evil. My siblings also have had their share of experiences. My half-brother and half-sister have seen their deceased father and other deceased members from their father's side of the family. My sister in particular had an interesting experience with her father. When she was pregnant with her son, she had a dream. In her dream her father came into the room, sat on the side of bed, and touched her stomach. She immediately woke up. What she saw spooks her to this day. She said she saw an impression where someone sat down on the side of the bed, and she still felt a hand on her belly.

I will post some of my stories that have happened to my family and I. I believe that whatever "gift" we may have, comes directly from my great grandmother. I no longer have experiences as often as before. I returned to the church I was baptized in and I gained the priesthood authority. I feel at peace now, and I'm happy to say that I've come to terms with this "gift".

Much love,


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, JCAbigbear, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-28)
aya22- I have no idea how confusion can be ignorance. But hey.

Thank you Rook & JCAbigbear & anyone else I missed who offered answers to my questions I appreciate it. Much love 😊

JCAbigbear (2 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-08)
[at] nysa:

I've thought about that they need my help, but I don't know how to help or wether I should even try. I'm just nervous about opening a door I might not be able to close later.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
After my last post I got thinking. JCAbigbear in earlier posts we wondered if your ability to see ghosts was the result of a spell your great-grandmother laid on her descendants or perhaps something handed down genetically. Have you ever considered the possibility that you have that gift so you can assist "lost souls"? Perhaps, in a way, repaying for the harm your ancestor did? Just a thought.
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
It is an interesting topic, and offers a fresh perspective from someone who has experienced "both worlds" without any better way of putting it. Maintaining an open mind, it is amazing what everyone can learn from each other and learn how to see things differently. Not everything is so inherently black or white.

To detract from this some, I'd like to apologize if I offended anyone. I was behaving eagerly in an act to defend something I hold dear. Rash actions and fast typing is a recipe for not being able to come across clearly. However what I typed was interpreted, it was not meant to be so. What lacks in this medium of communication is that different cultures, beliefs, and people get jumbled together and typed words cannot express what a person's voice would inflect, how they habitually speak, what their characteristics are like... I try to avoid being caught up in the drama that often ensues within the comments. I'm not always successful at that.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
Interesting point Rook, in a way that whole discussion was a case of splitting hairs. Prayer & spell-casting are extremely similar acts. As I see it, and like Rook I will stress it is only my opinion, the real difference is just who one believes causes the desired outcome. Putting aside spells that ask for the assistance of a deity, a spell-caster generally believes that he or she is causing the change. Whereas someone praying assumes that the deity causes the change if the deity so chooses. Both are an attempt to imposes one's will on a situation. Because of how I believe the world to work I believe a prayer works like a spell & people do in fact exert their will on a situation, which seems to them to be an answered prayer. I am curious about how those who believe in an all-powerful God believe spells work, when a caster seems to have created a desired outcome.

I hope I am adding to your interesting thread of conversation, not adding fuel to the firestorm you think could come of your post. I know it can be difficult to discuss without passions burning too hot, but it is an interesting question to consider.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)

I had to go back and review a few of the comments to see just what everyone was speaking of and I may be able to offer an explination...

(This is going to cause a bit of a stir I bet 😲)

Definitions first...

Spell: 1) a word or series of words believed to have magical power, spoken to invoke the magic. 2) the influence that a spell has over somebody or something.

Pray: 1) to achieve something by prayer or by wishing very hard... (The villagers tried to pray the drought away).

Prayer: 1) a spoken or unspoken address to God, a deity, or a saint. It may express praise, thanksgiving, confession, or a request for something such as help or somebody's well-being.

If we can agree those are the basic definitions (and even if we can't I offer this OPINION)

One individuals 'SPELL' is another persons 'PRAYER'. A SPELL is a word or series of words meant to evoke a desired response or outcome. A Prayer or Praying is a series of words asking 'HEAVENLY FATHER, JESUS CHRIST or perhaps the SAINTS for a desired outcome.

It doesn't matter what your beliefs are... Both are 'RITUAL' ways of asking for something, giving thanks for something or requesting certain things to happen... In Wiccan/Pagen circles it is called a SPELL... In Christian Religions (and certian others Judaism readily comes to mind) they are called PRAYERS. Both are used to achieve a desired outcome.

Being a former Witch I used to use 'SPELLS', Having become a member of a Church I now 'PRAY' (Well met Brother JCAbigbear).

So...there you have it... My OPINION...


JCAbigbear (2 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
Sorry for the absence, but to answer the questions.

I am Mormon but I am not here to promote my faith. I am here to share my paranormal experiences that I've had and to read stories as well.

No, I am not an Exorcist, nor do I can claim to be a magic worker.
I have never interacted with anything that might be related to magic.

I said the things I said because it is part of my beliefs, and not to start any religious debate. I respect all religions and faiths and I am supportive of anything that drives a person to do good.

[at] Vanessanda: to act in the name of jesus is the same, for me, as praying and blessing in the name of jesus. Whenever I feel a dark presence I pray in the name of Jesus and I feel safe. I apologize, I didn't mean to confuse you.

And if you really are curious. Feel free to email me and or look up what we believe:
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
I am not sure what JCAbigbear's priesthood authority, Mormon or not, has to do with anything. But I would point out that he made it clear he does NOT "continue to do magic" nor did he say he ever did magic. The "gift" he feels he got from his great-grandmother, who reportedly did perform magic was the ability to see spirits. He clarified that.
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
PrincessLotus, what I don't understand is how someone who, obviously is in disagreement with Mormons, can speak for them. JCAbigbear seems to have left this website, at least for now. My dear, and I say this respectfully, but to echo your own words: you are acting ignorantly.

I don't intend to break the rules here, so if anyone has questions they would like to ask me my email is on my profile.

Have a Happy and safe New Year's everybody!
With respect,
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
princessLotus (

Thanks, I'll go take a look at the site but what disturbed me was the fact that he said he has "the ability to act". To me that's different to praying and blessing. I may be wrong, you are in a better position than I am to understand. In your opinion am I wrong about this difference? It's the way he worded it that confuses me.

With respect
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Vanessanda- I, too was confused about this Authority of Priesthood. So I googled it.& this is what I found.


I have been ordained in Christianity for a while now. & I know that if you are a believer of Jesus Christ you can pray & bless others & do anything, really in Jesus' name. You don't need to do the hokey pokey or any ritual first. Other than accepting Jesus as your savior. What I don't understand is how JCAbigger has this "authority" yet continues to do majic? I'm at a loss... 😕


princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
So you were baptized Mormon? If so. I can't really comment further on this post without getting in trouble for not holding my tongue. Less you & yours.

Rev. Lotus S. Dust
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-29)

This might sound like a dumb question but what exactly do you mean by:

"the priesthood authority is the ability to act in the name of jesus."

Are you a preacher or do you actually do something more in the name of Jesus? What exactly is it you do in His name? Who gave you such authority and how did you get the ability? Are you perhaps trying to say you are an exorcist?
ambercrystal (23 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
I agree with Nysa about saying that magic is neither good or bad/ black or white, it is how you use the energy and what your intentions are, and I agree with many people who says that this "Gift" is hereditary.

metanormalcom (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-25)
JCAbigbear, I think you did right returning at your church and staying there, because there's your mighty support in your life,aswell. Thanks for sharing.

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JCAbigbear (2 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-24)
[at] princessLotus: the priesthood authority is the ability to act in the name of jesus. I should've added that I was not baptized until I was 15 years old, but due to my rebellious teen ways, I fell away from my church. I returned to my church when I was 19 with the state of mind to do everything right and I don't have paranormal experiences as often.

As for the gift, I've had that for as long as I can remember. I don't think it came about from being baptized.
princessLotus (2 stories) (555 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-24)
What is the priesthood authority? And if you have been baptized why do you still believe you gift is from your great grandmother? Please help me understand.

JCAbigbear (2 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-24)
[at] pinkparrot6202: it wasn't my mother, it was my great grandmother. And from my understanding, yes, black magic, or magic that used to do harm, is real.
metanormalcom (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-24)
Your family has even a net.
Im surprised, congratulations to your gifted life. Although I think you know what happens in the afterlife.Don't you?
pinkparrot6202 (41 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-24)
Why did your mother curse the pregnant women? And is black magic really true? 😭 😢 😠
Elgin (5 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
I believe it's in your blood. It's both a gift and a curse. I know this since I too have it and I too have such a heritage. But don't go cursing people around because even though its not as strong its still there and it will work.

Much love and respect! Peace!
Tiffanyj (1 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
I think that strong dark presence is your great grandfather, that would explain the same occurrence to all your family members. He probably likes to keep an eye out for all of you.
JCAbigbear (2 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
[at] lavatater: I personally think that she might have done something that has attached an entity, if not herself, to the family. Every now and then, I feel a strange dark presence, although not recently. It's like a familiar feeling but still something you don't want to interact with. My mother and my siblings have felt it and we all live in different houses.
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
lavatater / Nysa

Thank you for that explanation. What you say makes perfect sense and re-affirms and further explains something that Rook is helping me with about the use of a "spiritual gift" that has been given to my family, and how it is being used or abused. It helps me to better understand our situation.

I appreciate and understand your explanation, thank you.
lavatater (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
"...would it make her descendants be more likely to be sensitive?"

I want to say no, because I think she was probably sensitive herself, and the mere fact that she was sensitive made it more likely that her decendents would be sensitive. It wasn't anything she did in life.

I'm curious, do you think she is responsible for the paranormal experiences you've had because of what she did in life, or because of what she may be doing after life?
JCAbigbear (2 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
I meant gift as the ability to feel and sense ghosts. I think to use black magic you need to be taught and I, nor any in my family, use black magic. I always thought that it might have been hereditary. I just wanted to know that by her using black magic, would it make her descendants be more likely to be sensitive?
lavatater (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
I agree with Nysa about the gift JCAbigbear wrote about. I would add that it seems to be an accepted convention to call the ability to sense spirits the "gift," or some people write Gift (with a capital G) and so I assumed JC was using that convention to refer to his ability to hear and feel spirits. I think that this ability is only a gift or a curse by how it is used. Much like strong muscles could be used to beat people up or rescue people from burning buildings. Anyway, help us out JCAbigbear. What did you mean by "gift?"

My own opinion is that the ability is hereditary. If it is hereditary, then logically the Gift could extend in the family long before the great grandmother abused the Gift. JCAbigbear's ancestors could have been doing good, bad, or nothing with the ability in each generation depending on their individual choices, whether they filled their hearts with love or hate or just floated along through life.

I think JCAbigbear and his family have the Gift as a consequence of their great grandmother having children and passing on genetic material, and not as a consequence of her using black magic.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Vandanessa & Snowhite I think the "gift" is just the ability to see those from the otherside. I assume JCAbigbear & his family have not been cursing people to see if they also got the "gift" of talent with "black magic" as well.

As for whether proficiency with black magic would be a gift, many modern American witches believe that magic is not black or white, good or bad. But that magic is neutral & the intent of the practitioner is all that can be judged, good/bad is a social concept after all, & generally can only truly be judged by those effected. Obviously different cultues & belief systems would have different opinions on that.
snowhite (203 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
You don't really need the "gift" since it is nothing good. Right now I am sure you are on the right track.

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