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Real Ghost Stories

The Fleece, York


It had been sometime since the Simply Ghost night's team had visited The Golden Fleece, and on our last visit there we had been royally entertained by the spirit world, would the spirit world once again entertain us with their activity, in a nutshell yes. This was by far the most active occasion we had witnessed at The Golden fleece; such was the amount of phenomena we saw.

This only highlights the fact the more positive energy a group can create the more chance that the spirit world will interact, and entertain that group. This was emphasised when a brave group were attempting an ouija board experiment in a bedroom when they made ghostly contract with a spirit called Fred, this incident shocked Kimberley, Joy, and Susanna. Fred informed the group that he had passed over at the age of fifty in 1815, and that his wife had been called Helen and he also mentioned the ghostly presence of John and Kath that were also in the room.

In the same room the group were treated to the table tapping and banging to the whole groups amazement. In another vigil in this most haunted of buildings, a group of ghost hunters stood mouths wide opened after a packet of sweets were placed on the table, with a torch on the table too, and the group asked for the spirits to move the torch and they could in return have a 'sweetie'. After a short time the torch did indeed begin to move and the group gave the obliging spirit an around of applause.

Whilst taking part in an ouija board experiment a different group of ghost hunters unbeknown to them made contact with Fred, the spirit who had made ghostly communication with the a group earlier on the event. This coincidence amazed Jill, Mark and David the fact that a spirit could make contact on the table to different groups without either group knowing which spirit had communicated with the previous group.

A very strange thing happened when a team went to invesigate St Catherines room, They found the door to be locked so went to investiagte the next room, When they finished the said vigil and were coming downstairs the door to St Catherines room began to open by itself as though to say you can come in now, This was witnessed by everyone in the group. 2 seperate groups had the same very uneasy feeling when entering this bedroom. This room was made famous by Most Haunted for the sheer amount of activity that was happening in there but neither group knew this upon entering. Infact in either group certain guests even declared they actually wanted to leave the room.

A group of paranormal investigators were so excited when the table moved to and fro in a table tipping experiment on request, and a group were staggered when listening to the Franks box when three people in the group all clearly heard their own names called out from the Franks box itself. Could this be random names heard from the Franks box, however when you specifically call out for your own name and ask the ghostly inhabitants of the Golden Fleece to repeat them back, and then you clearly hear your own name, then all that can be added is that the Franks box is truly a transmitter to another plane that is not our own.

As we spoke at the end of the night, we all agreed that the Golden Fleece did indeed warrant another investigation by the Simply Ghost nights team.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Simplyghostnights, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
The title of this story is just SO perfect... Some perps are just dying to get caught.
imnotafraid (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
anybody want to text --> Ah... I just love the sound of silence, which is just what these 'tour' desrciptions deserve... LoL <-- copied and pasted
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
Not really Nysa, I've kind of come to think of it as a "roommate I just don't get along with". Like I say in my account, it gets worse at times, but I haven't been hurt though.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
Tarred & feathered! That gave me quite a chuckle. Interesting thoughts all.

Teneki, do you feel like you are doing anything shady or that your motives are questionable? I would say even if you went thinking you kind of hoped something would happen you are still ok. I don't think there is anything wrong with choosing to go somewhere you know might be haunted or enjoying the thrill of experiencing the unknown (when they aren't bad encounters). But we don't know if we don't ask ourselves.

I wouldn't be surprised if ghost hunting & paranormal investigation went the way of fortune telling & became illegal to charge for without the disclaimer "for entertainment purposes only."
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
Here's my take on this kids.

Living in a haunted home or owning a haunted property, and wanting it investigated to settle things down or even make them go away... Sometimes is just a matter of survival; and it needs to be left to the individual's comfort with living with ghosts, and this practice should not be frowned upon.

Going to a supposed, haunted location and carefully and respectfully trying to capture evidence for purposes of research, or in the case of private property; self-validation is also ok.

Provoking, taunting and mimicking past events to entice malevolents to impose themselves for the purpose of cleansing a property is legitimate. But the investigator better be armed with a boatload of experience and a ton of credible witness accounts of harm done to the living, before this one flies on the right side of the street.

Going to a "haunted" location for the purposes of charging admission, and provoking spirit activity in a location where the spirits have quietly and peacefully existed for countless generations, is nothing short of pure exploitation of the spirits and the living. Hokey gags and parlor tricks that represent paranormal activity for the purpose of legitimizing a charge for the services, is called fraud.

The only question with regards to the "Simply Ghost Nights Investigative Team" is, who is going to get them first. Although I would never wish a malevolent on anyone... There are a limited number of grains of sand in this hourglass for this group. In other words, it is just a matter of time before this group lures a novice ghosthunter into a situation that will detrimentally affect them. The other consequence is that they eventually get shut down when their carnie tricks piss enough people off that they get reported to the proper authorities. And the third and more likely scenario, would be the same people who were duped, taking matters into their own hands.

My word of advice, not that they would want it, would be to shut down... Before you get shut down. Otherwise, start shaving your entire body on a regular basis; the tar and feathers come off a lot less painfully that way.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)

No...I do not think so... Going to a 'known' Haunted Location and 'wondering' if you will experience something is way different than going to the cabin expecting any possible spirits to entertain you. BIG DIFFERENCE.


teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
Nope Jav, I'm in MI. In fact, I've just submitted an account of what's going on up there. Had to break my chronological order plan to do it, but I felt it only right because I'm constantly mentioning it in the comments.

It is right on one of the Great Lakes though.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
Are you in California? And if so, is that cabin up in Big Bear Lake? I know this is a long shot, but just humor me, OK?

Jav 😊
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
Would then, the fact I go to my parents' cabin which I believe to be haunted, in part wondering if I'll have an experience be wrong then?

I've had good, bad, and one that was just cute up there, but putting the ghost (s) aside for a moment, I also dearly love that house.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
Hahahaha love it! I am surprised sgn continues to post on YGS, must be because of the great reviews they receive from all of us! 😜 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)

I think the diference may be in terminology and what is expected when one attends something like this.

On a Ghost Tour I expect a Historic Tour of different Locations where there is a chance, if we as individuals on this TOUR are Lucky, we may capture a piece of evidence... Such as a photo or maybe an EVP.

During and 'Event' my expectations are different as I am expecting something to happen. Events are 'staged shows' where an audience pays money and expects to be 'entertained'. In the case of these 'events' that expectation is directed towards seeing/capturing paranormal activity.

At least in this case I think the line was 'drawn' at the word 'entertainment'. As stated above, when the public pays for a 'live action entertainment event' they expect something to happen... Something that makes it worth the money they have spent for that evenings 'entertainment'.

As an individual who has had personal experiences I am fairly confident when I say that 'spirit activity', even in a known Haunted Location, is never a Guarantee. Yet this particular group seems to be doing just that...wonderful, active spirits for the entertainment of the entire group. They call their Events 'investigations' but because they are done for the 'entertainment value' (with a pretty good price tag per person... About $65.00 american) any 'eveidence' is suspect... After all if there are 'no results' people will not pay top dollar to be bored... This of course is just my Humble Opinion.


Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
I have never been a fan of people going out with the exprees intent of "waking the dead". I would be highly upset if it were me they were constantly pestering. 😠

Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-30)
That begs an interesting question; when does seeking out ghosts become bad manners, exploitation & generally bad behavior?

Many of us have (or would given the opportunity) check into a hotel with a reputation for being haunted & when evening came around strolled the areas of reported events. We take ghost tours, drive down a road with a cry-baby bridge or ghostly hitchhiker. Maybe we have walked slowly past the gates of a haunted cemetery. If we are completely honest the thrill of a possible paranormal encounter is entertaining to us, even if we are legitimately academically curious. It's fun or we would not do it. So where are the "grey areas"? And what constitutes bad behavior?

There are a few easy answers. Like obviously if you are breaking & entering, trespassing on marked property, or taunting anyone (living or dead, human or not), I think it's fair to say you are behaving badly. Likewise if you are faking a paranormal experience for people you have led to believe that you are an expert & that a legitimate haunting is taking place that is immoral & worse than immoral if you have taken money from them. But what about charging people to simply tag along while you do legitimate technical research? That seems like a grey area. I would say it is exploitation of any spirits or entities that are there & I am uncomfortable with that. But is it wrong? Ghost tours I am more comfortable with as it seems more like mobile storytelling & sight-seeing. But maybe that is exploitation too. Assuming people are respectful of both property & all living & non-living beings, do you guys see any grey areas? When does enjoying become playing around & looking become expecting entertainment?

NOTE: I did not read this account but have read others of this group & I feel they are generally not respectful, serious, professional, or moral in their activities. But beyond this particular group, I am wondering about general opinions of seeking out ghosts whether as "hunters" or simply one curious about a particular local.
rath9375 (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-30)
I love a good ghost hunt from time to time but this is just rude. I would be really ticked off if people kept invading my space just to be entertained. I don't allow spirits to invade my space in this manner nor would I do that to them.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-30)
chirp, chirp, chirp...chirp, chirp, chirp...whipoorwill, whipoorwill

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-30)

I have to say more... I made the mistake of actually reading this twaddle and there is something that is said in the begining of this experience that bothers me...

(I'll quote so there is no misunderstanding...)

"the Simply Ghost night's team had visited The Golden Fleece, and on our last visit there we had been royally entertained by the spirit world, would the spirit world once again entertain us with their activity, in a nutshell yes. This was by far the most active occasion we had witnessed at The Golden fleece; such was the amount of phenomena we saw.

This only highlights the fact the more positive energy a group can create the more chance that the spirit world will interact, and entertain that group..."

In the above quote the word (s) entertain or a variation thereof is used 3 TIMES and while I enjoy entertainment as much as the next person I do not think we should use (abuse?) the spirit world in this manner.

Seaching for evidence of an 'afterlife / spirit realm / life after death' using scintific methods is one thing... Charging a 'tour group' money to be ENTERTAINED by spirits... Sorry WRONG ANSWER it's groups like this treating it like entertainment that cast a bad shadow on those who are trying to seriously study, gather evidence and using scientific methods are attempting to prove that there is something 'there'.

You Simply Ghost Nights... By taking groups of people to 'Haunted Places' so they may be ENTERTAINED set the field of Paramoral Studies back into a place it can be ridiculed and dismissed. I fail to see how anything you do can be called an 'INVESTIGATION'...


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-30)
Ah...I just love the sound of silence, which is just what these 'tour' desrciptions deserve...LoL


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