There's always been a lot. I mean, looking back on it I guess I've always been a little out there. Things have always happened to me and I never really knew why.
When I was 4, I moved from Virginia to Florida and I barely remember things from Virginia but I remember seeing this man. It was Christmas morning, not too early and I checked everyone's room to make sure that they were asleep and then I ran down the stairs. The way our house was set up when you came down the stairs the front door was immediately to your left and straight across the hall was another room. From my place on the stairs, I could see the figure of a man. Dressed like Santa, the red and white so clear and I freaked, knowing everyone else was asleep. I ran partially up the stairs and I sat there pondering what to do. A minute or so later I come down and the man is gone. Without a trace. I was young so I didn't put much thought into it.
When we moved to Florida I hated it. I never fit in because we live more in the South so I looked different because of my eyes, skin, and hair. When I was around 2nd grade I'd always hear people calling my name, but when I'd ask people would look at me like I'm crazy or they'd say that they had never even spoke at all. It happened for a long time and occasionally does now. I've also always had a lot of deja vu throughout the years.
When I was about 6, we lived with my grandmother in her house and one day I had this weird idea. I used to climb up the stairs like most kids and I'd never thought of it but one time I got the idea that I should try climbing DOWN the stairs. The way I fell is my back hit the rug at the bottom and my head smacked the tile. Through the times we moved in and out of her house, I've become less and less at ease because of seeing figures and the feeling of being watched.
One night most of the family was out and I had clearly seen a figure with a top hat walk right past my door. Footsteps and all but when I investigated there was no way he could have gone anywhere walking in the direction he went. The thing that scares me the most is I normally see him in the general vicinity of the stairs that I fell from and he always gives me a bad feeling of being uncomfortable. I don't normally get uncomfortable when I see other figures and such.
The only other main thing that happened to me was when my mum wanted to buy this house somewhere in Pembroke. She had the perfect job and was ready to buy the house. I didn't like the house, AT ALL. It was situated in a cul de sac and was right next to a lake. The whole time we went to visit the house, I could not stay alone. I'd feel like if someone was watching me or following me, even if there was no windows or doors open and I was alone. The weird thing was that it was only inside of the house, as soon as I'd step outside I would feel calm again. My mum had lost her job later that year and we could not afford the house any longer. Upon talking to my grandmother later she confessed to me that she, as well, had the same feeling I did in the house.
Now we live in an apartment that I quite like. Sometimes I feel like I'm being watched from my doorway and I can't actually be in my room at times. I do occasionally see figures walking down the hallway from my bedroom to the front door (it's one LONG hallway the stretches from our roommates room to the front door) when there is no one home. I have a friend that hates being in my room (mainly my room) alone because she feels like she's being watched.
What I wonder is if I'm being followed by a spirit or two? The one is my grandmothers house is different from the one I see at our apartment at this moment. I feel they are both men but the one at my grandmother's house wears a top hat and I feel more frightened around him than I do around the one at our apartment.
My mum told me it's because I talk out loud a lot. It's a nightly ritual for me to speak out loud to release stress. She says I may have attracted spirits with it. Is that what has happened? Is it something else? Can you help me figure this out?
I do agree with you about the negative feelings bringing him out. Fear, anger, hatred... Any negativity can bring a bad spirit. I'm not going to bs you and tell you life is great and you shouldn't have crappy feelings. It's life and sometimes it just freakin' sucks.'s how we handle it that matters. So, try the good thoughts and see if it works. I hope so, I really do. I'll be thinking about you.😊